Our waiter at Alfredo's stunk, literally.

Ugh I feel you pain. Our assistant waiter on our first Fantasy cruise literally stunk. I had to deal with it for seven nights. His service wasn't that great either which I did complain about but I didn't know how to bring up the smell issue.
I would say 'Ohana and Chef Mickey's are running neck and neck for the worst. Our last dinner at 'Ohana in 2013 was not good and breakfast at Chef Mickey's in 2014 was perhaps worse. Both a complete waste of money.
:wizard: Chefs de France - horrible service, food was cold and when brought to the waiter's attention he took it to the kitchen where the plate must have been put in the broiler and the shrimp and scallops were burned and crusty....no apology...this was a $32 dinner....will not return.
Whispering Canyon - food was awful and absolutely no interaction with the waitstaff.
50's Prime Time Cafe - bad food and not a fun waitress.
Other than those three, most of our experiences have been very positive!
Crystal Palace. We have been twice and had a great experience the first time. Went again June 2013 and we will never go back. They were 30 min late seating us, we waited probably 20 minutes even for drinks and didn't see but 2 characters for an hour. Finally DH got up and told a CM because our kids were losing their patience! 30 min after that the rest of the gang finally came but literally spent enough time for a pic then ran off. We were there for over 2 hours! Never again
Crystal Palace. We have been twice and had a great experience the first time. Went again June 2013 and we will never go back. They were 30 min late seating us, we waited probably 20 minutes even for drinks and didn't see but 2 characters for an hour. Finally DH got up and told a CM because our kids were losing their patience! 30 min after that the rest of the gang finally came but literally spent enough time for a pic then ran off. We were there for over 2 hours! Never again

I sadly have to agree that Crystal Palace has gone downhill. We have had breakfast there every trip, but last summer we found the same issues. The characters come to the table for maybe one pic and they used to have a CM that would take pics of you with the characters. Not the case anymore. The only way we got a pic of my DD and I was to snag a waitress. The food was bleh and it just isn't worth the time or money....so sad since it was our "must do" to get us in the Disney spirit!
I sadly have to agree that Crystal Palace has gone downhill. We have had breakfast there every trip, but last summer we found the same issues. The characters come to the table for maybe one pic and they used to have a CM that would take pics of you with the characters. Not the case anymore. The only way we got a pic of my DD and I was to snag a waitress. The food was bleh and it just isn't worth the time or money....so sad since it was our "must do" to get us in the Disney spirit!

I'm curious when that was. We've been going to CP for many years and I've never seen a CM around who would take pictures.
The worst dining experience we ever had at WDW was personal, and had nothing to do with the wait staff or the food. My husband and I almost got divorced in the middle of Via Napoli in September 2011. We scared the waiter and the tables around us, it was a nasty, NASTY argument. We were leaned in close to each others faces saying some very, very, very not nice things to one another. Our daughter was absolutely horrified by our behavior. Luckily, the trip got better after that or I might not still be married today.

Along the same token, (my husband that is), we had a very odd and tension filled experience at Sci Fi in March 2014. I don't really remember the exact conversation, it was the usual playful banter from the waiter, but I think my husband cracked a joke about how he was a lot better looking than me, which caused the waiter to rip my plastic menu from my hands and crack my husband in the back of the head with it, hard. As in, it made a loud enough noise that half of the restaurant turned and stared. I'm sure the waiter thought he was being funny, but our daughter and I were absolutely positive that my husband was going to jump out of his car seat and beat this man to a bloody pulp. (My husband has been on the ground in Afghanistan three times, and suffers from a touch of PTSD. The waiter had no way of knowing this, of course, but I don't think its ever a good idea to physically accost a customer, even if you think its all in fun. To his credit, my husband handled it in the best way he could. He didn't say anything at the table, but later into the meal he did slip away to the restroom and pull the waiter aside to have some choice words with him, away from the rest of the patrons.

In terms of bad experiences overall, Chef Mickey's ranks up as one of my two worst. Same complaints as the other posters here, long wait to be seated, filthy buffet area, kids running around like banshees with character handlers not doing their job, bland food. For some reason I was totally appalled that rather than Mickey they have you take a picture with that Mickey statue and charge you that ridiculous price for the photo. Don't know why that bothered me so much, but it did. Mickey never even got over to our side of the restaurant while we were there. My daughter, 7 at the time, hated it too.

We also had a horrible experience at Rose and Crown. Bad table, (right next to the fake hearth), bad service, bad food, all made worse by the fact that several members of the table behind us were three sheets to the wind, loud, obnoxious, and not paying attention to the toddlers and screaming baby at our table.

Be Our Guest dinner was also a bad experience. The tables are so close together you can pretty much share food with the people next to you. The people directly to our right had a pre-schoolish/toddler age little girl who had clearly been pushed too far, and proceeded to scream, cry, and throw food the entire meal. When our food came, I was shocked at the poor quality of my steak, and my sides were cold. We were so over it at that point, it wasn't worth it to send the food back, we just ate a few bites and asked for the check.
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You know, its been years ago, the name may have changed, but it was the place in Japan where they cooked in front of you. I read this all the time, we have better places back home, well that was the case for this place for us. Marrakesh was OK, but not on our return list.
We haven't had any horrible experiences, and just a few so-so. However we've had LOTS of great experiences due to the service.

Hoop-de-doo: We had just sat down when the table next to us complained (loudly & to the manager) that they wanted our table. We were asked very politely if we would switch and we had no problem with that, just felt bad that these people were so rude. They had to reset both of our tables and we sat down. Right after they brought the salads, my son's jar/glass broke. The bottom just fell right out and pop went all over. The server cleaned it up and they totally reset our whole table again. The manager came over and apologized and told us we wouldn't be charged for the meal.

Boma: During our short wait to be seated, our twins (almost 3) fell asleep in the stroller. (Our stroller was a front/back double) The server immediately found us a different table where there was room to park the stroller on the side of our table, out of everyone's way. The twins slept through the whole meal and when we were leaving, the server brought a box of goodies & breads & juice to take with us "in case the babies woke up hungry."
I have never heard anyone complain about the water at WDW before this. It seems perfectly fine to me. They have well water.
I thought you were joking! We are big water drinkers and rarely buy bottled water, but I can't stand the water at Disney. It isn't just me, DH and my kids all agree. When DS was 4 he asked why his water had eggs in it at dinner at Chef Mickeys. So much sulphur.
I sadly have to agree that Crystal Palace has gone downhill. We have had breakfast there every trip, but last summer we found the same issues. The characters come to the table for maybe one pic and they used to have a CM that would take pics of you with the characters. Not the case anymore. The only way we got a pic of my DD and I was to snag a waitress. The food was bleh and it just isn't worth the time or money....so sad since it was our "must do" to get us in the Disney spirit!
We ate at Crystal Palace for dinner this past May. The food was great and the character interaction was great.
Coral Reef - food & service seem to have trailed off each of the last 3 times we have been there. Our family has a 3 strike rule and Coral Reef no longer makes our list.
I always noticed this because I'm a solo traveler. The characters who came to my table always had a 'handler' with them to take a pic. I don't think I went last year though - think it would have been 2013 and previous years. :)

That is so strange! In all the years we've been there we've never seen character attendants with the characters there. I've taken pictures for people at neighboring tables and had them take some for us as well.

Maybe it varies by time of year?
Maybe it varies by time of year?

I don't know, but if they cut the handlers, that would definitely affect the experience for everyone I would think. The handlers also kept the characters moving along so everyone got an equal opportunity to meet them. :)
I don't know, but if they cut the handlers, that would definitely affect the experience for everyone I would think. The handlers also kept the characters moving along so everyone got an equal opportunity to meet them. :)

It's entirely possible I just have a bad memory! :) I don't remember ever seeing handlers with the characters at any character meals.
CM dinner was awful. I wills till go there for breakfast and I am going to try out brunch in October. Tonys was awful. I used to think DP was awful but we had a good meal there the last two times.


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