"You and me, we're in a club now!" - a DFTW/Disneymoon/Vacay August 2017 PTR

Ok, I just read through your December TR and now I've caught up on your PTR!

First off - belated congratulations on your engagement!!! And how freaking amazing you are having a Disney wedding!! That is just too awesome!

I loved reading through your plans for the wedding. That stinks that you've had stress with your families but I think (unfortunately) that's pretty par for the course - especially with weddings. That seems to bring out the cray cray in people! My sister is getting married in a couple of weeks and there's definitely been some drama along the way :headache:

So exciting about your whirlwind trip to WDW! Can't wait to read all about it! Hopefully that trip will help with some of the depression you've been dealing with :hug:
Ok, I just read through your December TR and now I've caught up on your PTR!

First off - belated congratulations on your engagement!!! And how freaking amazing you are having a Disney wedding!! That is just too awesome!

I loved reading through your plans for the wedding. That stinks that you've had stress with your families but I think (unfortunately) that's pretty par for the course - especially with weddings. That seems to bring out the cray cray in people! My sister is getting married in a couple of weeks and there's definitely been some drama along the way :headache:

So exciting about your whirlwind trip to WDW! Can't wait to read all about it! Hopefully that trip will help with some of the depression you've been dealing with :hug:

Thanks so much for checking out my threads! (And also for the well wishes and congrats!)

We're pretty thrilled with all the Disney wedding excitement. <3 Weddings do truly seem to bring out all the extremes in people, the best and the worst! We're both just happy that doing a Disney wedding has forced us to keep things small and likely limit a little of the stress and drama. But there's always something.

We're so excited for this little mini trip! I've never done something like that before. It hit me how very close it is today when I ordered a little Finding Dory backpack online and it said the estimated delivery date was May 15-17, which means it may not even arrive on time before we start driving! It's so close now :)
We're so excited for this little mini trip! I've never done something like that before. It hit me how very close it is today when I ordered a little Finding Dory backpack online and it said the estimated delivery date was May 15-17, which means it may not even arrive on time before we start driving! It's so close now :)

Make sure you take lots of pictures to share! If you don't do a TR then you've at least got to do a mini report here in your PTR so we can re-live all the WDW fun with you :goodvibes
(I realize that comes across as very demanding but I promise I mean it in a nice way :rotfl2:)
Make sure you take lots of pictures to share! If you don't do a TR then you've at least got to do a mini report here in your PTR so we can re-live all the WDW fun with you :goodvibes
(I realize that comes across as very demanding but I promise I mean it in a nice way :rotfl2:)

Ahahah ok, if you insist! :P I haven't decided whether to do a separate report or just to tack it on here, but I'm pretty sure I'll report on it at least a little in some way. I'm just too excited about it not to share (whether anyone actually wants to hear about it or not)!! :lovestruc

First, Congrats on the wonderful engagement!!!! I am all caught up on your last TR and now this PTR. I am sure you are getting psyched for your quick trip only a few more days!!!!

I love the homemade Bride and Groom hats. They are too cute:)

I am sorry to hear about all of the family related issues for your wedding, but it is great that now most of your close family will be coming! I really hope the 8 yr old loves it!

I can't wait to read more and I hope you have an amazing time escaping for a bit!
So in terms of wedding news, it's time to report more "stylin'" attire! Most importantly, I've now booked my appointment for alterations to my wedding dress for the end of this month. So hopefully I'll be close to the weight/measurements by then that I'll be at for the wedding. And fortunately the dress is forgiving in that it laces up the back if I gain/lose after that. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself.
LUCKY! Having that lace up back is definitely going to be more forgiving either way when the day comes. I was so stressed out in the two weeks coming up to my wedding I ended up dropping almost 8 lbs so I was CONSTANTLY having to pull my dress up :mad: It was obnoxious.

Perhaps even more exciting though, is that all my Etsy ears have all come in now! I bought some cheap matching ears for me and my bridesmaids from PhantomManorBoutique. I'm definitely not thrilled with them, but they're cute, and I guess you get what you pay for. (They do seem to stay on my fat glasses-wearing head the best of the three pairs though...) I love my rose gold ears from MarisaAnneDesigns (even if they're a little overstuffed for my liking), and my AMAZING purple castle ears from BeEarGuest. <3
SO cute! Etsy is my go-to for Minnie ears too!

Our second (and final) full park day will begin with a good old fashioned Magic Kingdom rope drop...except not exactly, because it'll be our first MK rope drop since they've changed the welcome show and procedures. I'm staying openminded about the new changes and am aware of the potential benefits. But I will definitely miss the old welcome show.
I really think the only people this REALLY effects is those who try to get PPO ADR's for people-free castle pics. I think you will still love the show :)

This is one of those places I've always been meaning to try since it opened (two trips ago for us,) but somehow it never seemed to work out. It didn't fit with our plans, or there was always somewhere else we wanted to go back to.
SAME HERE!! I can't wait to hear what you think about it.

N loves rollercoasters
A man after my own heart.

I'm 95% convinced we'll use it to hop back to MK for some more rides (it's open latest till 11pm)...and to check out the brand new Happily Ever After show!

Originally I had thought that it might be nice to save Happily Ever After as a surprise for our honeymoon trip, but if I'm being honest I don't think I'll be satisfied waiting that long if I'm gonna' be right there
I would never be able to wait on something like that. I'm a very impatient person by nature so there's no way I would be able to intentionally miss it!

Today I ran 22 minutes straight. I wanted you all to know. :)
That's really impressive. Keep up the good work!!

Also wanted to share a few pictures that have come out of our Princess Tea for Children’s Wish. We don’t have our company’s official pictures yet, but some of the ones that have been shared on social media have been super cute! (I don’t know any of these kids personally, but since other organizations have already posted them publically on FB and the like, I think sharing them is now officially fair game.)
So cute!

Disneymoon = 99 days!
May Whirlwind = 9 days!

N suggested if we were doing this anyway, why not spend the extra and go to Boma. Man, does that boy ever love his Boma!
Who doesn't love Boma!?

He offered to pay for it himself, and I decided that since he didn't know I was paying for the Caring for Giants tour myself (which works out to almost the exact same value,) that that plan actually works really nicely. We'll both be treating each other to one special little $50ish-event. Works for me! ...and I get my waffles.
That works out well! YAY MICKEY WAFFLES!!:rotfl:
This is Halloween! (...kinda.)

So one week from today we'll be flying to Orlando for the weekend. That seems pretty cool to me. I'm not a spontaneous person, folks. Pinch me, I'm dreaming. Packing update will be on its way shortly, because packing is exciting.

Speaking of exciting! An exciting development for our Disneymoon: tickets for MNSSHP went on sale yesterday and I got our tickets to the Aug. 25 party!


Is it weird and early to celebrate Halloween in August? Maybe. You can take that one up with the money-makers at Disney. I'll be too busy trick or treating to worry too much about it.

Now the only thing to think about is costumes! We've been back and forth on a few ideas, but we're thinking that since I'm cutting my hair off on the trip that we'll go as a dumbed-down/summer-clothes version of Peter Pan and his shadow. Time to get crafty! I'm gonna have to be generous buying the felt for the hats. For some reason, N has an abnormally large head. Because of his abnormally large brain? Perhaps. But I prefer to go with the scrump theory...


I'm terrible. I swear, I really do love him very much.

Up next will probably be packing for May, and last-minute scramblings and ramblings!
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First, Congrats on the wonderful engagement!!!! I am all caught up on your last TR and now this PTR. I am sure you are getting psyched for your quick trip only a few more days!!!!

MamaCoop, :welcome:!!! Glad to have you here! Thanks for braving my ramblings! :)

I am sorry to hear about all of the family related issues for your wedding, but it is great that now most of your close family will be coming! I really hope the 8 yr old loves it!

I hope he loves it, too! He's such a funny mischievous kid, but inside he's actually very tenderhearted, so I think he would have been very hurt to miss it! Fortunately it seems that situation is getting mostly sorted out now. :)
LUCKY! Having that lace up back is definitely going to be more forgiving either way when the day comes. I was so stressed out in the two weeks coming up to my wedding I ended up dropping almost 8 lbs so I was CONSTANTLY having to pull my dress up :mad: It was obnoxious.

Oh no!! That would be soo frustrating! My worry is the opposite — that I'll have all kinds of extra water weight from eating salty junk food road trip snacks the two days before! :P

I really think the only people this REALLY effects is those who try to get PPO ADR's for people-free castle pics. I think you will still love the show :)

I hope you're right! I think that'll definitely be the biggest change, and that won't affect us at all. I'm really looking forward to the new show! But there's something nostalgic about that train pulling into the station.

That's really impressive. Keep up the good work!!

Thank you! It's been slow-going, but progress is progress. :yay:
:wave2:Hi. I came over from your Christmas report (congratulations on your engagement) and now I've read all the way through this one. All of your plans sound great and like so much fun.
:wave2:Hi. I came over from your Christmas report (congratulations on your engagement) and now I've read all the way through this one. All of your plans sound great and like so much fun.

Hello and :welcome:!! Thanks so much for reading (and for the congrats!) We're getting pretty excited, I have to say. :)

Finally all caught up...I'll try to stay that way!

Sorry, I apparently went a little post-crazy while you were away! :o Glad to have you back! :flower:
Plans Change...and That's Okay
::yes:: That's like the motto of all Disers.

I took it to N and we discussed... we decided we had time and money to do 2 of these three options: MNSSHP, Busch, or Daytona. We were leaning toward cutting the beach but were having a hard time pulling the trigger...until I figured it out...and suggested cutting our pit stop in NYC on the drive home...and adding ANOTHER night at Disney! As much as we wanted to do New York, we live closer to NYC than Florida and it's easier to visit on a long weekend some other time. It would also be more ideal to see NYC (since N's never been) at a time when we'd be less rushed and could do more. We were even going to be there on awkward days when we wouldn't be able to fit in more than one Broadway show. We could do better. We both agreed.
Totally makes sense... Good idea.

I've been wanting to stay at WL for quite some time now (@xlsm's preference for it has been very persuasive!) and now I'm psyched that I'll have one night there to get a little taste of it and decide whether we should try to stay there again on another full trip someday.
I really love WL... It is currently my favorite resort and we'll just have to see if AKL can knock it off its perch.

so, just in case you didn't know...I'm crazy. o_O We're crazy. There are still a few details to be ironed out before I can explain why...but stay tuned. The crazy is coming...soon.
Crazy? Surely not!

I don't want to start this chapter off with a bummer or anything, but I'm gonna be honest here, because mental health transparency is important. Lately, I've been sad. And not just sad, but depressed, anxious, and overall not feeling like my best self.
Sorry to hear this... I hope things are looking better now... a few weeks later with a Disney trip on the horizon.

It's an office job in all its glory. If you've ever seen the movie Office Space, it's like it was written about my job. (And if you haven't, watch it if you've ever worked in an office, and don't if you haven't because it won't be as funny to you.)
That movie is awesome... whether you work in an office or not. I used to work as someone out in the field for an office in Kansas City. I worked there 4 years and basically visited the office once a year for a week or 2 at a time. I'd always make Office Space jokes because the floor I worked on was nothing but cubicles and a conference room. Looked like it came straight out of the movie. I could never stand to be in that situation full time. Now my current day job is in an office, but it is a small office, no cubicles and I'm not necessarily always tied to my desk so it isn't really the same.

I go to work, spend my day mentally exhausted and frustrated, and come home, do the menial life tasks I need to in the evenings, go to bed, and then do it all again the next day.
Yeah... we've all been there. I'll be honest, it's worse with kids. I'll go home some evenings after work and do things with the kids, eat and go to bed. It's literally like, where the hell did the day go?

But we wouldn't save enough. I was crushed. I tried to let it go. I had the money from the tax rebate, but I couldn't justify spending so much of it. My mom kept telling me how I might need that money for the wedding, or once September rolled around and my student loan didn't give me enough, etc... and I knew she was right.
Being a responsible adult sucks.

Turns out, not only did she have a flight voucher that was about to expire and she'd never be able to use (which would almost cover the cost of one of our flights) which she was willing to gift us for FREE...she also had 3 free nights at her timeshare which were going to expire...that she would also gift us...for FREE.

So all of a sudden...we're going to Disney!!...AGAIN!...in, like, 22 days!!
:cool1::cool1::cool1: And it's even less now because I'm a slacker.

May Trip $$
  • 0.8 flights (voucher) and hotel 3 nights (timeshare): Free
  • 1.2 flights and rental car (bundle from Allegiant Air): $482
Not bad at all...

Also exciting? Today I got a new part-time job. I don't really have the time or energy for another job, but it's a cool one, so I couldn't resist. It's singing two nights a week in a 50s diner. The shifts are only 3 hours and the pay is good. I'm hoping I'll be able to keep it when I go back to school if the scheduling works out!
Hey, it's hard to turn down something that gives you an opportunity to earn money doing something you enjoy. Good luck!

I'm also gearing up for our Princess Tea on Sunday to raise money for the Children's Wish Foundation. Anna's gonna be there all day long, and she's gonna be excited! She's even practicing her signature so it looks as authentic to the one you'd get at WDW as possible.
But did she stuff some chocolate in her face? That's the important part.

Well just in the last couple of days they've decided that they are tentatively ALL planning to go. And they must be pretty sure about it because they've told their son and they wouldn't want to disappoint him. The 8 year old is pretty psyched.
That's great news!

That meant that we quite literally got 3 nights for the price of two on our old reservation. And our old reservation was a passholder deal, so it was already significantly lower than rack rate. Like, woah.
:eek: :eek: :eek: So this is some top secret deal, huh?

But the lady said she breaks out if the wind blows in her direction and she can wear this sunscreen, so I'm crossing my fingers. It better be made with liquid gold and unicorn tears.
Well, I hope it is worth every cent and works well for you.

This seems like such a packed day, and I'm already anticipating we'll have trouble doing everything, especially our first day after so much travelling...but I'm hopeful! Our second (and final :sad2:) Disney Day is coming up in the next post at some point this coming week...
That is a lot, but I think it looks like a nice opportunity to enjoy a park and then take care of some wedding business. I'm sure it will help your sanity to have been able to taste and decide on a cake and meet with your officiant ahead of time.

My patience was probably also a little shorter today since today was my first 5:45 wake up! In order to get to the diner on time, I need to push my work hours at my braille job earlier, so now I have to start work at 6:55am. I've always believed that any time the alarm goes off that's before 6am is an ungodly hour.
Ok, true, but at least it isn't long before 6...

N loves rollercoasters, but he's never been on RnR because he always sticks with me. This time I'm graciously forcing him into it. :P (He's also never done ToT!) And I know we don't really need a FP for Indy, or any show for that matter...but there's really not that much that interests me on the FP list at HS. I had almost picked TSMM for our tier 1 FP together, but I can't guarantee I won't have too much of a headache in my aforementioned #brainprobs state to handle it, so GMR is a safer bet.
That is nice of you to make sure he gets to enjoy some awesome rides. As for tier 1, RnRC is actually a tier 1 so you can't do it and TSMM on FP... that's always the problem I run into.

Originally I had thought that it might be nice to save Happily Ever After as a surprise for our honeymoon trip, but if I'm being honest I don't think I'll be satisfied waiting that long if I'm gonna' be right there... And since the park is open till 11pm, we'll still have time to get in a couple rides with shorter waits once the park hopefully clears out after the fireworks. ...that is, if we haven't collapsed from exhaustion by that point.
It's a 2 day trip... exhaustion can wait for the plane ride home.

Wow, how did we already get to traveling home!? ...oh, right. This is just a weekend trip. Hmmm. It feels weird.
At least you'll have a trip coming up in just a few months after this short one!

I pitched getting resort quick service on our return travel day, and N suggested if we were doing this anyway, why not spend the extra and go to Boma. Man, does that boy ever love his Boma! And I don't blame him one bit. He offered to pay for it himself, and I decided that since he didn't know I was paying for the Caring for Giants tour myself (which works out to almost the exact same value,) that that plan actually works really nicely. We'll both be treating each other to one special little $50ish-event. Works for me! ...and I get my waffles.
Great idea! Looks like a win/win.

Is it weird and early to celebrate Halloween in August? Maybe. You can take that one up with the money-makers at Disney. I'll be too busy trick or treating to worry too much about it.
Yes. It's too early to celebrate Halloween. However, I'm glad that it worked out for you to be able to see MNSSHP on your Disneymoon.

I'm terrible. I swear, I really do love him very much.
Well, you have an odd way of showing it. Then again, you've gone through so much effort to plan this wedding, so apparently it is genuine. :rotfl2:
It's raining here today, but it's not snow, so for that I'm grateful.

OMG I don't know about you but here this May weather has really been the pits. Like November weather.

As long as I've been old enough to the involved in the planning of a Disney trip, I've never planned one less than 180 days out.

I find this funny because I have never gotten the chance to plan one MORE than 180 days out...even this trip in August booked at 4 months out was more time than I usually get to plan. ONE day I will so I can get a coveted pre-park-opening breakfast lol

Good sport-type-shoes are SO expensive, especially in Canada

OMG tell me about it. And we don't have the selection either.

I booked the Caring for Giants tour from 10:00-11:00 as a surprise for N.

OOoooh I might have to look into this...you have me intrigued...

Then I thought Behind the Seeds, but the greenhouses can get really hot

Oh no...I was going to do this in August...but never even considered that aspect about it...

Today I ran 22 minutes straight. I wanted you all to know.

Hey way to go!! That's awesome!! I can run long distances but always do run 10 minutes, walk 1 minute...continuous 22 is really great!!

Princess Tea for Children’s Wish.

Those pics are amazing!!

I'm not a spontaneous person, folks. Pinch me, I'm dreaming.

OMG me neither. I have a really hard time rolling with the punches when things don't go according to plan!!

I'm so excited for your upcoming whirlwind trip. And it's so great that even though it's short, you won't have to be depressed after because you are gonna be back there so soon!
That movie is awesome... whether you work in an office or not. I used to work as someone out in the field for an office in Kansas City. I worked there 4 years and basically visited the office once a year for a week or 2 at a time. I'd always make Office Space jokes because the floor I worked on was nothing but cubicles and a conference room. Looked like it came straight out of the movie. I could never stand to be in that situation full time. Now my current day job is in an office, but it is a small office, no cubicles and I'm not necessarily always tied to my desk so it isn't really the same.

It's a great movie. Though I'll admit when I first watched it was years ago. N had just come out of working at a call center for a couple of years, so he related to it on a seriously intense level, but I was just in school and had never had a full time job that wasn't outdoorsy and active, so I didn't really "get it." Now I SO get it. Glad your current job is a better fit for you! That's what I'm expecting for myself with the new field I'm heading into.

Being a responsible adult sucks.


Hey, it's hard to turn down something that gives you an opportunity to earn money doing something you enjoy. Good luck!

Absolutely! I've only been there two nights so far, but so far it's a lot of fun.

:eek: :eek: :eek: So this is some top secret deal, huh?

Yeah! There's a secret society with passwords and codenames and all kinds of stuff!!

But really, no. Haha. I can't mention it directly on the Dis. I don't think they even allow the name of competing agencies to be posted. But it's often called a "Magical deal" that comes out from a certain travel agency for every year around Labor Day. It's easy to find: first hit on google when you search those things. It worked super well for us so far!

That is nice of you to make sure he gets to enjoy some awesome rides. As for tier 1, RnRC is actually a tier 1 so you can't do it and TSMM on FP... that's always the problem I run into.

Yes, you're right. If I'd gone for TSMM I probably would have just planned for N to take the single rider line at RnR, but since we're there in the afternoon it's hard to say what that wait time would be, so I think this'll work out for the best. We'll get our midway fun in on our August trip. :)

At least you'll have a trip coming up in just a few months after this short one!

Yeah, that's wild! I've never been in this situation before, so I think it'll revolutionize the post-Disney depression issue! :) If only I had a money tree in my backyard, I'd never NOT be planning another trip!
OMG I don't know about you but here this May weather has really been the pits. Like November weather.

Absolutely! We haven't had much of the white stuff here in a while, but it's been cold and rainy and just miserable. Today was the first day in over a week where we got a little sunshine as the day went on, and it felt marvellous!

Oh no...I was going to do this in August...but never even considered that aspect about it...

Yeah, I'd considered it for August, too. I'm sure it doesn't bother most people, and it's a fairy short tour so you wouldn't be melting for too long. But I've read some reviews where people found it pretty toasty, and without much opportunity to sit down or rest in the heat. I'm thinking I might try it someday at a milder time of year. Hopefully.

I'm so excited for your upcoming whirlwind trip. And it's so great that even though it's short, you won't have to be depressed after because you are gonna be back there so soon!

Yeah, I've never been planning more than one trip at once before, let alone three! It'll feel great not to come home quite so sad.

Less than a week, how exciting!

Yay for getting MNSSHP tickets! You're gonna love it, and I like the idea for your costumes!

So excited! I think you're right, and we're really looking forward to it!


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