You think of a wonderful thought ... TR

Finally had a chance to catch up :)
We love the paddock area too, this is where we stayed last May and it was perfect. Will be requesting it again for Sept.

Elsie looks so cute in her costumes. I must take a look on Etsy lol!
What a great photo of Cinderella sitting there in Epcot and Elsie looking on.:goodvibes Love the card from Ohana too - :wizard: - so sweet - another great day.

I really liked Congress Park SSR- very quiet and relaxing (especially the pool) plus I was in the building closest to DTD so that was convenient.:cloud9:
Tinks :yay::yay::yay::yay: youve been and youre back........

Glad you had a great time

gosh how time flies Looking forward to reading all this my OH has just agreed to return September 2014 :banana::banana::banana::banana: so your trip report will get me even more excitied:dance3::dance3::dance3::dance3:
Finally had a chance to catch up :)
We love the paddock area too, this is where we stayed last May and it was perfect. Will be requesting it again for Sept.

Elsie looks so cute in her costumes. I must take a look on Etsy lol!

You should they are great some amazing ideas over there :D

What a great photo of Cinderella sitting there in Epcot and Elsie looking on.:goodvibes Love the card from Ohana too - :wizard: - so sweet - another great day.

I really liked Congress Park SSR- very quiet and relaxing (especially the pool) plus I was in the building closest to DTD so that was convenient.:cloud9:

Yeah we were really shocked to see her just there with no one taking photos etc (Apparently it is when the character is in training) We are so used to DLP where they are being mobbed.

Tinks :yay::yay::yay::yay: youve been and youre back........

Glad you had a great time

gosh how time flies Looking forward to reading all this my OH has just agreed to return September 2014 :banana::banana::banana::banana: so your trip report will get me even more excitied:dance3::dance3::dance3::dance3:

I know it is all over with already :(

YAY how exciting! Hope you are already doing lots of planning ;)

Aww love the Lilo dress :)

Thank you :D
Usual routine even though we did sleep till 7am this morning which was nice. Out the door and on the Hollywood Studios bus for 7.45am. We then walked to Beach club for a breakfast reservation at Cape May Cafe. We were quiet often early to our reservations and most of them squeezed us in earlier.

We met Minnie




and Goofy


We didn't really think much of the interaction here the tables are so close that you can't really get a great picture either with out some one else being in the way or in the background.

The food was good though I think Dave and I saw more bacon on this holiday then we had our entire lives. I got quiet attached to some of the pastries at WDW and they were really good here. Oh how I miss them especially being home on Weight Watchers.

After our breakfast we walked back to Hollywood Studios. The walk is lovely and it is really nice that few people do it. Elsie loves seeing the ducks, fish and terrapins in the water we always saw a lot here. Oh and of course waving at the boats.

We got in to Hollywood Studios about 9.15 so we didn't do too bad.

Straight for Buzz and Woody as I had read that they get quiet popular.
Loved it inside the meet and greet all the different photo opportunities kept Elsie nice and busy.

Elsie in her Buzz dress was obviously getting quiet a lot of fuss and was lapping it up lol!

She loves Buzz and Woody and is having a Toy Story themed birthday party next Saturday. (Can't believe she is 2 on Sunday)



Any way the interaction was great and Elsie loved seeing them.

Perfect timing as we walked out the Green Army Man was just at the Exit with only one other family waiting for him so we got in line.


Elsie had been doing her salute but got a bit star struck when it was her turn for a photo lol.

After a cuddle with him we moved on for a cuddle with a big blue fluffy monster


and a small green one.


Elsie loved Sulley we call her boo and calls Sulley Kitty like boo does in the film so she meowed at him when we met him and had every one in aw. They offered to look after her for the day whilst Dave and I did some rides. Tempting but Dave doesn't like the rides at Hollywood Studios. Chicken!


This is character overload day so next stop Phinease and Ferb




You can see in that photo she is dancing along to the music she wouldn't leave her we had to carry her away bless her.



Lightning McQueen and Mater were next not much to say about them as nothing happens when you see them.


Bless Elsie with Ralph she likes to kiss all the characters but Ralph can't bend so she was a bit cross about that lol! The little girl after us was terrified of Ralph he is HUGE!

The line for Mickey was huge so we decided to wait for Mr Incredible and Frozone who weren't there yet. Elsie shouted "Oh no" and cried I don't know why as soon as they come she stopped and was really excited. We had watched the Incredible's the day before we left so may be that is why she is so excited lol!

They were amazing with her the interaction was incredible.




We were there for ages.

After our huge character crawl we decided to go and share a counter service our first and got a hotdog with Mac and Cheese on it. I didn't like the Mac and Cheese it had a truffle oil on it had a strange scent. YUCK!

Elsie enjoyed her Mickey biscuits though.

We left after having something to eat to go and have a swim then a little rest and nap for some of us ;)


You can see our bedroom window from this picture :)

Tonight was the Super Bowl and on easyWDW said it would be a good time to go to any park after 4 as a lot of people would be leaving to watch the game. About 5.30 we made our way to Magic Kingdom.

We went straight to Mickey Mouse as w hadn't seen him all day lol!

We knocked on the door and Mickey answered and took Elsie's hand and walked off together in to the room where you have your pictures taken. Elsie loves her Mickey and loved being there with him.


Again great character interaction with Mickey. He liked that Elsie looked like she had his Mickey Mouse club house out fit on.

The park didnt look quiet but I don't know if it was just a lot of peopling leaving as the rides all had little wait.

We headed for new fantasyland. Enchanted tales with belle had a 40 minute wait so we joined the end of the line. We only waited 20-25 minutes was great. The detail in this place is just amazing

Elsie wasn't involved in the story but got to meet and cuddle belle. She was also given a book mark.


Belle asked if she could keep Elsie that mrs Potts would have plenty of room for in the cupboard with chip. 4am the next morning we wish we took her up on this offer lol!

When we got out it was really quiet we walked on down to The Little Mermaid ride.


The ride is lovely but a lot wasn't working which was disappointing. The ride wasn't always open and was kind of frustrating because we didnt get another go on here.

We headed to cosmic rays for a hot dog and watched the magic memories and me but left before the fireworks and the crazy wait for the bus.

Back in the hotel Elsie fell asleep on the bus and didnt even wake when we got her changed for bed. I can't stress enough how this never ever happens. She was all character end out for the day atleast.
I love all the character interaction photos - especially Frozone, and Sulley and Mike! :) Can't wait to hear more!
OMG Elsies Buzz dress is SO cool!!!! can I get these for my DS lol ;)
That was a brilliant character crawl, well done Elsie!! Love the report, its ALMOST like being there with you guys :goodvibes
Sorry don' t know what happened to my reply above and can't work out how to edit on my IPad! Was going to say that your DD looks so adorable meeting all those characters and I love her Buzz dress. Is that from Etsy too? I really should crack on and finish the outfits I said I would make for my two.
I love how much Elsie enjoys meeting the characters and she looks adorable in her Buzz dress. I can't wait to see the rest of her costumes. Can't believe how many characters you saw in such a short space of time xx
Tinkerbell1989 said:
I love all the character interaction photos - especially Frozone, and Sulley and Mike! :) Can't wait to hear more!

I love the photo of her all snuggled in with sulley.

Wills Mom said:
OMG Elsies Buzz dress is SO cool!!!! can I get these for my DS lol ;)
That was a brilliant character crawl, well done Elsie!! Love the report, its ALMOST like being there with you guys :goodvibes

Aw I'm sure you could find one for your DS some where.

Aw I wish we were still there would be even better missing it so much this tomorrow a month ago we were going to Hollywood studios and a year tomorrow we were leaving for DLP so major downer. Lol

pascalstongue said:
Sorry don' t know what happened to my reply above and can't work out how to edit on my IPad! Was going to say that your DD looks so adorable meeting all those characters and I love her Buzz dress. Is that from Etsy too? I really should crack on and finish the outfits I said I would make for my two.

Lol that's ok we will ignore that one lol.

Yeah another etsy find from made for mermaids she is very good she also has a company called sewn for soldiers little boys so cute little prince costumes.

I have just started making dresses the first ever dress I made is Mary poppins.


It's not finished yet though. I asked Dave who is she meant to be? He said Merida!?!? Stupid boy

tigger17 said:
Elsie looks so cute in her buzz dress can't wait for more xx

Thank you she is wearing it for her birthday party on Saturday :)

tinkerbells mum said:
I love how much Elsie enjoys meeting the characters and she looks adorable in her Buzz dress. I can't wait to see the rest of her costumes. Can't believe how many characters you saw in such a short space of time xx

I do as well so glad she isn't scared. Yeah it was quiet a character filled day lol. 18 in total.

She looks sooooooo cute in her buzz dress:lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc

I love the picture of her walking holding Mickey's handprincess:
Wow, it's brilliant that Elsie got to meet so many characters

She looks so tiny next to Wreck It Ralph!!

Her outfits are just wonderful :)

She looks sooooooo cute in her buzz dress:lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc

I love the picture of her walking holding Mickey's handprincess:

I know what's the matter with them.

Me too but I love so many of them x

24 days till we see you xxxx

Wow, it's brilliant that Elsie got to meet so many characters

She looks so tiny next to Wreck It Ralph!!

Her outfits are just wonderful :)

I'm so gutted that Ralph is retiring I'd love to see him again

Aw thank you I have been making another one :)
What's the matter with us I thought we were settling in to the time difference oh no we are up at 3am :( Elsie and watch Stacey on loop whilst dave has a bath. We laze around and get ready. We are on the bus and at Epcot for opening. Bit of a disappointed with Epcot opening nothing really happened we were just aloud in.

Goofy and daisy were just stood around every one else seemed to be rushing off I guess towards sorin or test track but we stopped for Daisy.


It was pretty cool this morning as you can see Elsie has her thick coat on.

Oh yes I forgot to mention.. When getting ready I couldn't find the photo pass plus card any where. I asked dave as he was in charge of it and said he doesn't remember taking it off last night. It was lost I turned that place upside down and found the neck strap for it but no card. Thank god we took a picture of the code so we wouldn't lose our pictures. Make sure you do this too any one buying it. It's a life saver. The neck strap isn't great so we bought a lanyard and clear packet for it when we replaced the card.

We then made our way to the nemo ride. Gosh the walk way is long to that ride.

We watched the fish for ages Elsie loved them.


Turtle talk with crush was just starting so we went in. Elsie loved sitting on the floor with the other children. I have to say though I really wasn't bothered by this and don't think we would bother going back. I don't know if we were just unlucky as it was quiet.

We had a look round mouse gear and got Elsie a few more cheesy Mickey biscuit and watched the ducks. They are crazy in WDW and fearless.

We had a late breakfast at Akershus at 11 bang on 10 Elsie fell asleep so dave and I just walked around slowly and sat in a nice sunny spot. It was really warming up and it was lovely. We checked in for Akershus at 10.45 Elsie was still asleep even though we had got her out her push chair and took her coat off.

Elsie loves belle and every review I had read every one met belle here for a photo. Well we saw aurora.


Bad photo will update with photopass later

Which was fine but we had already met her and still hadn't seen belle :(

Elsie was excited to see Cinderella when she come over to take her for the parade around the restaurant.


I love Cinderellas new dress.

The food her was really good we chose breakfast because lunch and dinner menu didn't appeal to us. I loved the buffet and then they bring you out hot items. Yummy again my pastry love was fulfilled here.


Ariel was great with Elsie. She talked to Elsie about fish the bubbles they made fish impressions together lol.


Snow White talked to Elsie about her woodland creature friends and the dwarves. Elsie just sat an listened she looked very happy just listening though.


We thought it was kind of strange to see Mary Poppins here as we thought it was princesses. She was good though she was actually English which was a surprise as I have heard/seen on YouTube some of the Mary Poppins aren't and have silly put on accents.

After breakfast we made our way round the world. It was lovely and hot now. Elsie walked all the way around the world quiet an accomplishment how many two year olds can say they have walked around the world.. He he.

I had one of the Dr Doofenshmirtz beaker drinks yum was so tasty. We stopped in England so Elsie could see pooh and tigger and do some colouring at kid cot.

I don't have any pictures so will add them when I'm on the lap top and can access the photopass photos

After a bounce with tigger we made our way to France as Belle was back from seeing the beast.

I teared up so much I don't have many photos. Again photopass photos are amazing I will add them later.

Elsie was so happy to see her it was amazing.

We told belle that Elsie loved the beast and belle told Elsie all about the beast and sat and cuddled for ages.


Elsie was pretty tired by now it was 1 and she had been up since 3 with only a little nap. So we made our way back.

She slept till 6 so we decided to head to DTD again. I really wanted to try T Rex so we went to see if they could squeeze us in. No problem and we were seated straight away.

I had a cottontini


As well as BBQ pork roll was very good. I liked it here but dave wasn't bothered about going back.

We had another look round World of Disney as it was a lot quieter and treated Elsie to few more bits and pieces.

As we were walking back there was a police helicopter circling down town disney and saratoga springs we got caught in the search light a few times and wow it was bright.

Back in the room and Elsie was in bed about 8.30 dave and I watched a documentary on Pixar was really interesting unfortunately we fell asleep before it finished. I woke up in the night and went to bed but dave stayed on the sofa. Was a great night sleep lol!
All the photos are just so cute! All the outfits are so special and must add to her expereince.


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