~ The Man Report ~~~~~~~~~ Bonus Material Included ~~~~~~

I love Big Fork! I have a distribution facility in Kalispell but I don't get up there too often. I only go to the trouble spots and that area is booming!! :thumbsup2

Hello from yet another Montanan! We live just northeast of Kalispell! :)
LOVED your trip report! When Buzz went down the waterslide to fast and had the wardrobe malfunction, I snorted coffee out my nose! :lmao:

Can't wait to read your trippie after your October trip. popcorn::
Ok I'm not posting any more trip reports, at least not any with pictures.

:rotfl2: I wouldn't do such a thing without your permission .... well maybe I would but wouldn't tell ya where I posted it :rotfl:

J/k of course.

Goofster said:
Great Job Blue,
but this just adds evidence as to what I think your real job is.


Don't make me come after you!!! :teeth:

jas_mom1 said:
Blue, love the video!! Thanks for the laughs!

Thanks :flower3:

Disneyolic said:
Great video Blue. I really just clicked on the link thinking, "Whatever, a photo collage. Probably stupid but I'll watch anyway." (Real nice of me, huh? ) Then I broke out laughing. So, thank you and sorry for the "first thoughts".

:laughing: What's that old saying? Never judge a ....

Glad you enjoyed it :)
MDF and Linnie, I have thoroughly enjoyed this and am already looking forward to October's. I assume there may be a pre-trip starting before then? Blue, that was really a neat slide-show. That's what DIS friends are for - immortalizing the "special" moments!
Linnie, you'd probably have less digestive problems if you chewed your food!
Or is he lying about this too?
You would love a WDW waterpark--go to one in October.
Watching Buzz going down a big slide and getting a wedgy would be priceless.
Looking forward to October's report.
1). Watching my handicapped son smile from “ear to ear”, kick his legs and squeal with glee while riding Soarin’. :hug: What could POSSIBLY be better?

Priceless!!!!!!!!! :goodvibes

MDF said:
2). Dancing with my wife at 8-Trax in Pleasure Island, acting goofy, taking pictures, and guzzling beer. We let our hair down in a big way and it felt GREAT! party:


MDF said:
c). Watching that duck attack my wife, the bird hater. Then watching her scamper out of the pool like a spry ninja. I’ve never seen her so nimble. What a hoot! :lmao:


MDF said:
4). Putting that smiley face on my big toe just cracked me up. Nobody but me could have that much fun with something so stupid. I could barely hold the camera still to take the shot. I kill me. :rotfl2:


MDF said:
5). Pooh-head joining me at the pool after our night of debauchery and saying she felt all better then 3 minutes later running back to the room to “lose her cookies”. Yeah, she’s ALL BETTER now! :love2:

:rolleyes: Poor poor Linnie :cutie:
MDF said:
6). On my date with Loud Girl at TGI Fridays I ordered a glass of wine from the waiter then asked Loud Girl, “you want a glass of wine baby”? She responds, “uhm, no. I think I’ll just have a Sprite”. The waiter just stared at us. :confused3

:banana: Daddy's Little Girl for sure!
MDF said:
7). When Pooh spilt half her glass of wine on herself on our way down (at the Red Carpet Club in Denver) she bellowed “Oh, Crap”! I damn near spit wine through my nose. :rotfl:

MDF said:
8). Moan Boy standing by the edge of the pool and saying “It’s go time”, then jumping in. He gets more normal every day. :cloud9:

MDF said:
9). Watching the cute little baby brown monkey at Animal Kingdom while we waited for Kali River Rapids to open. He was so little and his parents were so protective. Meanwhile, big brother showed off by making a bunch of noise and swinging around the trees like a… well, monkey! :)

aha! I knew there was a nature lover in you somewheres :thumbsup2
MDF said:
10). Seeing that “Welcome to Billings” sign as we drove into town after are ordeal of trying to get home. :goodvibes

Nothing like home :upsidedow
MDF said:
Thanks guys. It’s been 10 weeks since I started and I’m glad to be done with this report. I’ll start my next one in October when we get back (or maybe go live like last years).

I appreciate the comments and getting to know a lot of you. It’s like a big family here at the DIS boards. I promise to keep reading and making fun of all of you. Even if you don’t know I’m joking (ZZUB).

Lin will post her final thoughts here soon.

With that, I say…

Adios Amigos! :smokin:

MDF ~~~~> :banana:

What more can I say? You and Linnie are #1 in my book :thumbsup2

An awesome report!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can't wait for the next trip :yay:
I have a little something for you that I put together today as a keepsake and memory of your trip:

Short Video


Comments on your last post to follow later - I'm heading off to work!!

Enjoy ;)

That was just great!!!! :joker:

MDF & LTP: Thanks for all the Ha, Ha's!! Can't wait for your next adventure! Excuse me now while I go get a life!!!
Great trip report as always....

I laughed :rotfl2:
I cried :lmao:
I even got a little hung over...:sick:

Can't wait for the next one....
Really, really, enjoyed reading along.

I've actually been to Billings (for work). The only things I can remember is the airport elevated way above the city, there was a sugar factory very near our hotel.
This has been so much fun! Thanks for sharing your trip with us. I haven't laughed so much while reading a TR in a long time! Very funny stuff.
My husband and I will be in WDW in December from the 5th to the 15th. I noticed in your signature you are going back in December, what days? Linnie, I have had several times at WDW when I got sick from food I'd eaten there. Usually at least once each trip, but in December 2005 it was nearly everyday. The night of MVMCP was horrible. I thought I was finally ok, then we got on the bus to go back to SSR and OMG! I went to the bus driver and asked if he could let us off first and told him I wasn't feeling well. That was the quickest ride from MK to Paddock I've ever experienced. I was so grateful. I think the driver was afraid he might have to clean up a mess. :)

Thanks again for the report, I can't wait for October!
~ The Man Report ~~~~~~~ 2007 ~~~~~~~ Bonus Material Included ~~~

V). My wife eats like a duck. No chewing. Just head held skyward gulping food until it’s down. It’s an odd sight. :duck:

Is Linnie going to just let that one lay there?!

Great trip report, Buzz! Looking forward to the next one!
Thanks Buzz!! That was excellent. I had a lot of fun reading your report! Can't wait for the next one.
OUTSTANDING trip report! I've been reading on and off for the past week and I finally finished. :thumbsup2 You guys are really great! :grouphug: You need to hook me up with your other TRs, because I think I've missed out on some good stuff. Thanks so much for sharing your latest WDW adventure with us! I can't wait to read about your October Food & Wine trip! :goodvibes
Thanks again!
I have a little something for you that I put together today as a keepsake and memory of your trip:

Short Video


Comments on your last post to follow later - I'm heading off to work!!

Enjoy ;)

OMG Blue! You rock! That video was so funny. :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Does your family appreciate your talents?
This has been a great trip report, just sorry to see it end! Your kids are adorable and the whole family sound like so much fun. Looking forward to the October trip! Have a great summer.
Wow, another great tr has come to an end!:sad2: Thanks for sharing all the good times and bad with us! Love hearing about your kids! :goodvibes Can't wait until October. Oh and a great big thank you for helping me keep my family scurvy free! :teeth:
Buzz and Linnie,

I'm feeling a bit :sad1: that your report is done; a new installment was always a fun little highlight of my DIS time! But, I know that you are already planning your next trip, so I will content myself with the fact that there will be more MDF family hijinks in the near future!

All the best to your family!

Until next time,

:grouphug: Kathy
Is Linnie going to just let that one lay there?!

Great trip report, Buzz! Looking forward to the next one!

Well, he's actually right in a way. :blush: I don't hold my head skyward, but I do eat pretty fast. There've been more than several times I've gotten stuff stuck in my throat from eating so fast. I've devised a way to dislodge large chunks of food in my throat without needing assistance from another person-kind of like a solo Heimlich maneuver. I had to-out of necessity. I should patent it.

I wanted to write something really profound and amazing to end this TR, but I hurt my back and sitting is tough right now. So I'll have to keep it short.

My favorite moments were:

1. Loud Girl sleeping with her princess hat on. :cloud9:

2. Trey doing the Triple Whammy and riding Space Mountain TWICE!! :woohoo:

3. Buzz dancing. :love: I couldn't ask for a better mate-we were so made for each other.

Thanks Blue for that awesome video show! What fun that was-I was laughing so hard Loud Girl told me to quiet down. :headache: That must've taken you a lot of time and I appreciate it so much-it was really great!

I can't wait to go back to WDW already. In a few months, we'll be starting our next TR! This one has been a lot of fun- reading what Buzz writes and people's comments! :lmao:

And thanks to everyone who read this TR and laughed at our antics and goofiness. Yes, it's ok to laugh at us. We deserve it! And being sick and twisted-we like it! The best feeling in the world for me is laughing and when I can make someone laugh, it is priceless to me.

I hope everyone enjoys their summer and we'll see you again on the TR board soon!

In loving memory of my dad "The Chief" 9/17/34-8/10/06 Miss you forever.
I wanted to write something really profound and amazing to end this TR, but I hurt my back and sitting is tough right now.

Sorry to hear about your back, hope you are felling better...

Next time tell Buzz to pay to have your Mother's Day present installed.


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