Wk of April 20 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Hockeychic - Hi!

Christa - Stress and emotions have a TON to do with how well the workouts go IMO. You were smart to bag it at 3. Good luck this morning, I hope it goes much better for you today!!

MSDave - The legend has returned! Welcome back, good to see you on the thread again :)

TXAng - Anyway you can lump in your trip with Sean to DL in with the DL half??

Carrie - How are you doing today Carrie? (NOT gonna jinx you today!!)

Howard - Hello! Glad to see you'll be at the Minnie Weekend...I know it's for the girls, but it'll be cool to have yet another guy there as well

Susie - Good luck this weekend at the OKC Half! Don't wear yourself out too much for the Minnie events...sure to be an awesome weekend!

- 3.5 is certainly in the realms of building up a good base!

Jackie - Wow...hiking up mountains, seeing awesome waterfalls...sounds like a great afternoon! Good luck this Sunday with your 5k...hope the ankle feels good :)

- How 'ya feeling today? You are being really smart with the rest here lately, I'm proud of you!

- Goodness, I forgot all about that whole Mr. Minnie-verse deal LOL (keep that on the DL would ya?) I personally think you did a great job of building drama and suspense into your report...the effective use of the dramatic pause provided an adrenaline pump in my system much like that of a shot of espresso (even though I've never had a shot of espresso...can you believe I've never had coffee either? I digress..). BTW, core work, light weights and flexing constitues something more than resting in the official "What counts as exercise, what counts as rest" book.

- Holy Cow!! 3 of the 5 hours of meetings were actually productive??? Around here, 3 of the 5 would be planning additional meetings :rotfl:

Maura - Nice work getting massaged by the Half Marathon Winner!! Looks like you have someone who knows what they are doing :)

Z Kevin
- whooohooo!! Hope you have a safe and happy return to the states!! Those sandstorms look horrible!!

Krista - AWwww...you are the BESTEST!! I don't care what Stephen says about you. I'm all for hooking up in January...you guys need to bring the bikes and we can all do a Tour de WDW :rotfl: Hope all is well with you guys :goodvibes:

Cosi Bella
- Hello!! Without going into a lot of detail, I'd recommend hitting the bookstore and taking a glance at Bingham's plans in his Marathoning for Mortals book. He offers walk, walk/run, run/walk and run plans for Half and Full Marathons. I've followed his advice through a few halfs, a full and a Goofy Challenge. I'd work towards a base that is comfortable for you over the summer (maybe 20-25 miles per week?), something that gets you moving but doesn't push towards injury...then kick in a 20 week Half Marathon plan in late August that will guide you through to January. You'll find tons of plans (Runners World, Bingham, Galloway, etc) and should be able to customize one that works best for you :)

Amy - Yay!! THANK YOU for joining me in an additional day down in WDW :hug:!! I know the run was tough for you yesterday, make sure you are eating well and hydrating today (and every day for the next week ;) ) Hope everything else is good in your world, can't wait to see you again buddy! :hug:

Scott's World
- I pounded the pavement last night over 5 grueling, brutal miles over the rolling, taxing route through the neighborhood in the sweltering heat that could only be compared to what it must feel like during the Death Valley 10k. Ok...it was more like a nice jaunt on warm sunny day, but in taking a queue from Debra, I tried to add some dramatic flair to the report. Did the 5 miles in 45:36 (9:07) and I feel pretty good today. Tonight I hope to do the cycling/elliptical combo that has been so refreshing for me.

Oh...and I think the Wednesday night bonus night will be spent at AKL (should work well after EMH at AK :goodvibes: )

I hope everyone has a wonderful day today!!!
Krista - :guilty: That is so sad that 2nd grader is talking like that.

Cosi Bella - Manyo fus used MArathoning for Mortals by John "The Penguin" Bingham for our training. he has some good training plans in there fro teh half and full marathons that iwll ramp you up somewhat gently. Running for Mortals has a 5K plan. I do not recommend starting at more than 3 (maybe 4) days a week. SUpplement with cross trianing 1 or 2 times a week adn give yourself at least one rest day. JMO, but if you don't want injurt, it's better to play it safe.

Curious Morgan - ROTFL! Live Aid.......:thumbsup2
Thank you for the great advice! I am seriously considering investing in a tm for the days I can not run outside. I just HATE tms! I feel like a hamster running on a wheel trapped in a cage! Its terrible. BUT, if I must, I WILL!

Would it be terrible of me to register for the race through a company like Anthony Travel!?!? I feel like I would be copping out and cheating! :(

Welcome to the group! I live in Calgary, Alberta where the weather is pretty unpredictable and can get pretty nasty in the winter. (Um, hello....like the snow that keeps falling outside right now...can I get some spring already?) Anyhow....I managed to train for the Goofy throughout the winter with never having to hit the treadmill once. I just kept an eye on the forecast and for a couple of weekends where the temps were supposed to get towards -20 deg or below I moved my runs to get them in before the cold weather hit. If being in the cold doesn't bother you and you have the proper gear, it can be done! The bonus was I never needed an ice bath afterwards...;)

And no, registering for the half through Anthony Travel or Marathon Tours in not cheating or copping out at all! Don't feel guilty about it, if that is how you want to enter then I say go for it!

As for me today, I'm aiming for a 3 or 4 miler before boot camp tonight, but I'm wondering with the snow that keeps falling if boot camp is going to happen. On the bright side it looks like tomorrow is the last day for snow and cold temperatures as we are supposed to get into the high 40s, low/mid 50s Saturday and into next week. Yikes, the heat and humidity at the Minnie may just do me in. Thankfully I arrive on Wednesday and have a couple of days to aclimatize!
Scott - ROTFL on teh dramatic flair! You know I was kidding about you jinxing me, right? :goodvibes Trust me, you don't want to know what kid of day I had, not even the Cliff's notes. SOmeone brought doghnuts in, though, so things are looking up. :rotfl:

Cosi Bella - DIdn't see that you felt like you were cheating by going through AT. No way! SOmeone's gotta' get those spots, I'd rather it be a WISHer!
:donald: Duck and cover! Yikes it's been quite a week around here. I should have known it would be moving fast with [Minnie] taper, but y'all are flying!

Whoa, I blinked and just WHAT HAPPENED TODAY?

I thought we were all runners/walkers with a Disney problem? :rotfl:
::MickeyMo ::MinnieMo pluto: pooh: :tinker: :simba: :ccat: :donald: :stitch: :dumbo: :sulley: :tigger: :figment: :eeyore: :goofy: :hmghost:

Let's all get back to training, resting, eating ice cream, and baking cookies.

"Can't we all just get along?" - Rodney King
Well said! :thumbsup2 And somehow you have my limited sympathy Mr. Lives-in-paradise-but-can't-make-a-day-trip-to-Disney! (yeah that's some suffering over there! :rolleyes: (okay okay it's Disney and you do get some sympathy!)

Cam: :hug: you are such an inspiration to me!

Debra: mmmm back to food and I must say that pizza sounds yummy!

Vic: Root Beer for me please! :goodvibes

Mel: ice cream with red pepper??? hmm interesting!


I'm just trying to make it through the last few weeks of school. I've been getting in runs and xt but I can't always keep up with the flying board! (especially since I like to go post by post!) I must say I do love my team here, even if I don't always get to post.

Good runs and good rest!
ScoJo15 and wtpclc Thanks for the training advice. I'm going to go to barnes and nobels tonight after work and pick that book up right away! I can't wait to get started with this training!

Welcome to the group! I live in Calgary, Alberta where the weather is pretty unpredictable and can get pretty nasty in the winter. (Um, hello....like the snow that keeps falling outside right now...can I get some spring already?) Anyhow....I managed to train for the Goofy throughout the winter with never having to hit the treadmill once. I just kept an eye on the forecast and for a couple of weekends where the temps were supposed to get towards -20 deg or below I moved my runs to get them in before the cold weather hit. If being in the cold doesn't bother you and you have the proper gear, it can be done! The bonus was I never needed an ice bath afterwards...;)

And no, registering for the half through Anthony Travel or Marathon Tours in not cheating or copping out at all! Don't feel guilty about it, if that is how you want to enter then I say go for it!

ITS still snowing by you!?! what!? I would die, I think! I HATE the winter. I hate snow most of the time (I like it during christmas). I hate the cold weather. But I give you a LOT of credit for running no matter what the temp is. My mom is much like you, she would treck out there in 15 degree weather and jog, and drag me along with her, much to my dismay! I would rather run on a treadmill then run in the cold, and I think that is what I'll end up doing!

I'm really relieved to hear that you, and others say that going through Anthony travel is not copping out! what a relief! Andromedaslove tunned me into a charity (AT) that has a lower minimum requirement ($600), and I'm seriously considering running for them! What a great opportuinty! I'm doing some research now on that organization, and what AT is, but this is great news! Thanks everyone, for making me feel better about that!
Jeff Thanks for the Lost links. DS and I will have fun perusing. Only problem is I can't stay up til 10 to watch and no Tivo for us. Will have to catch the HD replay online (not quite as much fun as seeing it on 42" plasma)

Mousewalker Dave Good luck on the rest of your interview!

Christa Why is it when I look at your screen name I always see "gator hips" and keep wondering whether a gator has hips and what do they look like?

Morgan Onion rings---oooohhh! I still crave the ones made at this little, now closed, drive in near where I grew up. Never had much luck making them at home.

Cosi Bella Why feel guilty about using Anthony Travel--that's whay they do it. And the wise gurus on this board will tell you to ramp up slowly. Even though you have the running background, you may want to not start out running every day.

Scott Glad you get to sneak away to WDW early and to AKL. I'm staying there for the first time for the Minnie and am really looking forward to it.

Leanna If we all chant together "no more snow, no more snow" will the snow gods hear us? Weatherman today said we may get a snow shower next Monday.

Claire Hope you survive your last few weeks of school in a reasonably stress-free manner (if possible!)

Now back to work for me.

Morgan- Yes, the zoo is definitely a hard course, but it is kind of fun. Everyone looses a bit of time on the hill. I did notice someone at the Mayor’s 5K last year with a Tinkerbell tattoo, by chance is that your friend.

Dave- Good luck on the interview.

Christa- Treadmill running is just no fun. I always feel like stopping short. I think it is part mental because you can just watch the distance tick up slowly. I definitely sweat a LOT more on a treadmill too.

Cosi Bella- I used Anthony Travel last year because I decided too late to sign up for the half. I had no real problems. A couple of things to keep in mind though:

  • Groups are not entered into the Disney Sports computer until very late (Thanksgiving Wednesday last year) so don’t be surprised if you don’t show up when you try to confirm your registration online.
  • If you are using Magical Express make sure to do it through Anthony and not Disney. Disney ended up sending my ME to Anthony Travel and I didn’t get the tags on time. I was still able to use them but had to transport my bags myself (which I always do anyway)
  • Make a point of asking for your Disney Reservation Number. They will only give you the Anthony number if you don’t ask. The Dis Number makes ADR’s easier.

I did have a positive experience though and would use them again if the opportunity represented itself.

I rarely run on a treadmill and have some pretty good winter running gear. Only icy roads keep my inside. But if you don’t like running in the cold then the treadmill is better than nothing.

To answer you question about advancing miles. I have always gone by the 10% rule. If you are running 10 miles per week now, add 1 miles the next (10%). Adding too many miles too quickly can be a painful lesson in over training. Changing the miles you are doing is also a good idea. If you normally go out and just run at a comfortable pace for 3 miles do something different for the same distance. One example would be .25 or .5 mile repeats. Fartlek workouts are great and help with your lactic thresh holds and force you backwards in the Krebs cycle.
Hey there, going to try and catch up a bit

Howard: You will do great at the Minnie, it was alot of fun last year.

Jeff: Love the photo. I want to get to Hawaii one of these days it looks beautiful

MSDAve: Good luck at your interview

Krista: How is the pregnancy going? Hope you are feeling great!!!!

Scott: hi:wave2:

Leana: You have had some crazy weather over there on the west coast this last few weeks.

Gotta get back to work, hope to catch up with you all soon

Cosi Bella- I used Anthony Travel last year because I decided too late to sign up for the half. I had no real problems. A couple of things to keep in mind though:

  • Groups are not entered into the Disney Sports computer until very late (Thanksgiving Wednesday last year) so don’t be surprised if you don’t show up when you try to confirm your registration online.
  • If you are using Magical Express make sure to do it through Anthony and not Disney. Disney ended up sending my ME to Anthony Travel and I didn’t get the tags on time. I was still able to use them but had to transport my bags myself (which I always do anyway)
  • Make a point of asking for your Disney Reservation Number. They will only give you the Anthony number if you don’t ask. The Dis Number makes ADR’s easier.

I did have a positive experience though and would use them again if the opportunity represented itself.

I rarely run on a treadmill and have some pretty good winter running gear. Only icy roads keep my inside. But if you don’t like running in the cold then the treadmill is better than nothing.

To answer you question about advancing miles. I have always gone by the 10% rule. If you are running 10 miles per week now, add 1 miles the next (10%). Adding too many miles too quickly can be a painful lesson in over training. Changing the miles you are doing is also a good idea. If you normally go out and just run at a comfortable pace for 3 miles do something different for the same distance. One example would be .25 or .5 mile repeats. Fartlek workouts are great and help with your lactic thresh holds and force you backwards in the Krebs cycle.

Thanks for the tips about anthony travel, especially about how you dont show up on the web as a registered runner until late... I would definitely freak out if I hadn't known that!! I'm such a worrier! I wasn't sure how reliable they were, so I'm really glad to hear that they were a good choice for you! I feel much better about that route, if I choose not to do the charity!

Thanks for the running tips!!! I'm getting a lot of great tips and advice on this message board, I really don't think I'd be able to do this marathon without the help of everyone! I will take it slow, and smart!

OK. Step one: educate myself on how to properly train by purchasing 'Marathoning for Mortals' by John Bingham. Buy a new pair of running shoes (sweet, I love shoe shopping, even if its just sneakers!). In the meantime, tonight I will go on my first jog! I will post tomorrow how I do. I'm hopping for 3 miles, but we'll see how it goes :cool2:
Cosi Bella Why feel guilty about using Anthony Travel--that's whay they do it. And the wise gurus on this board will tell you to ramp up slowly. Even though you have the running background, you may want to not start out running every day.

You make an excellent point about AT! Its true, that's what they do and there is no shame in it! I don't think I'd be able to run everyday!! I'm going to start slow. I'm aiming for about 4 days a week for now, until I get comfortable again and in shape. Thanks for the advice!!
Cosi Bella and Firedancer I have a question about the registration you are talking about? A friend didn't get signed up in time for the Disneyworld 1/2 thorugh Disneysports, is this a way to still register?
AladdinsGirld We moved here from Washington State, and before that we were in Vail/Beaver Creek, CO. We are the traveling type, but hope to stay in place for a while. We'll see???
Tracy: Okay, you're a dirty girl! I hope your tv-watching rest program was enjoyable. It's Lost for me tonight!

DM Kim: Wow, your schedule doesn't sound very restful. With all that running around, I'd say you had a XT day.

Angie: You're such a sap! :hug: :) It's no surprise that you're so emotional: new job, the back pain, the excitement of the Minnie and its status as an anniversary of sorts for you, even just taper. That's a lot on your plate, girl, and you should be hugged for feeling things so deeply.

Jackie: You & Lance, sharing a finishing time! I think you should brag that one up, no matter the difference in distance. (I may have a bit of a crush on Lance.) It sounds like the are DD is considering is beautiful, and it's very cool that you had the opportunity to hike & see waterfalls. Your description of how WISH has challenged you, and changed you, is also cool.

Kira: :banana: for challenging yourself with both core work and with doing a trail run.

Disneyluv: :yay: for another ToT person!!! Good job with the 3.5er, no matter the pace.

Frank: Good point about the game, and we'll definitely want to see it. (Shhh. Don't tell anyone, but DOOD is a Chelsea fan.) Anyone know of any good soccer bars in Pgh? :confused3 I hope your run went well.

So we're talking about smoked pork, soft chewy cookies and hot, sweet ice cream...are we all tapering for something?
:rotfl: And see what you've started with the tattoos--now Hockeychic/Kim is thinking of one!

Aloha Jeff: What's more important--social events or Lost? *Sigh* Priorities, priorities. :rotfl2: As for the pics, the first one makes me sigh and the second makes me gasp. Good for the ole heart!

Craig: What I think you meant to say is that you're such a presence here that you're always in our peripheral vision. :thumbsup2

Howard: Great news on the Minnie! Not to mention the end of school is within reach--almost sprint distance.

Susie: Wow, what a busy event schedule. You sound like you're really looking forward to it. I've not done a Galloway clinic (or any other one, for that matter), so I'll be waiting for your report. Thank you for doing OKC (with Connie) and keeping Randy in your thoughts.

TXAng: I don't have a child, butt.... As much as I enjoyed having my ILs at the Goofy, I wish their first experience with me & Disney had been at DL for the same reason. It's smaller, I'm very familiar with it, and everything is more manageable in terms of time & distance. I know, I'm stretching it with the comparison, but I swear my DFIL is going through his second or third childhood. And your testament to WISH is true, but it's also a testament to YOURSELF. WISH just helps you tap into your dreams, your strength, and your determination.

MSDave: I'm going to keep my fingers crossed for the interview & new position. Good luck, and you're always part of this team.

Christa: Wow, that must have been a crappy DM run. I mean, you squeeze in extra runs during the day while waiting for DDs. I hope it was a passing lightheadedness.

Carrie, Krista & Scott: Y'all obviously haven't seen me strength train. Trust me, it's as close to resting as one gets. (Slow lifts, right?) And I'm taking Amy's and Craig's advice to heart--core work is okay on rest days, and I kept to lifting light weights only on my upper body. It's definitely not overtrained. Stretching, well...I have to keep up with my Chi exercises and the like. It's all about the core baby, all about the core--and I'm determined to find mine. I must say, however, that resting last night did involve TV and a little snack. popcorn::

Carrie: "First time you, first time me." :lmao: Very zen-like of you. And I say any good dinner with friends is the best rest day there is!!! (Even if made better with ice cream.)

Morgan: Paula Deen. Talk about your comfort food. So, have you signed up for your next event? ;) I admire your cutting drama-mongers (love that term) out of your life. I'm related to too many of mine, and they keep figuring out where I live.

Krista: Your anecdote about the 2nd grader & the candy made me sad. :sad2: I'm so happy we have so many parents here, encouraging a new generation of happy, healthy children through example & involvement. Carter is (will be? the verb tense is confusing me at this point) blessed to have you two as parents.

Cosi Bella: I'm a little late on the response--busy, busy thread--but I was just thinking about your 1.5 mile loop. I wouldn't be surprised if eventually you want to break out of that, but in the meantime I'll bet you could get your DF to skate/run one and maybe even interest some of your neighbors or friends. You'd be sort of a billboard for running/training, if you're into running with others. I'd say that's an advantage to a loop. :thumbsup2 The loop would also help you measure your progress if you follow Frank's suggestions!

I also second (third? fourth?) Scott's suggestion about building a base and then checking out Bingham's MfM and other plans; MfM really worked for me, and I'm following his marathon plan this year. And I'm a big proponent of getting fitted for your shoes at a running store, even if you don't have knee/foot problems or other complications. It will make a big difference in your running, your training, and your health!

Scott: Never had espresso? :confused3 Oh, my. You're a stronger person than I am; are you a no-caffeine person? No, my lame attempt at dramatic tension had none of the kick of a good espresso. I kind of like creating a mashup of your descriptions: a nice, sunny jaunt through Death Valley like the cowboy you are!

Amy: Since Scott mentioned your day...:hug: and :cheer2:

Leana: No ice baths needed. Now that's some good copy for training in Calgary! I'll hope for warmer weather for you before you leave, though, so that the shift to FL isn't such a shock.

Claire: I hope these last few weeks of school fly by, that the boring lit review is well-received, and that you've finished most of the semester's work. After all, it's almost time for summer vacation!!

Maura: Work. :scared: It needs more perks, like free massages and Lost breaks on Fridays.

As for me: Tonight and tomorrow DOOD & I are checking out some new digs we located through Craigslist--which now makes me think of Calcio. We're trying to find a place that will take our cats--and us--at a reasonable price. I don't know which couple is the harder sell. Anyone want to adopt? (Me, them, I'm not picky.)
Debra- The runs went well. Fox Soccer Channel’s web site has a pub guide that could shed light on soccer establishments in Pgh. Here is the link.

Kim- Anthony Travel has blocks of race registrations but you have to book a package with them. This has to include at least 3 nights in one of their resorts.
Their 2009 WDW Marathon page can be found here
Cosi Bella: Welcome! I second(third...fourth?) the Marathoning for Mortals book/program. I used it to train for Goofy which was my first half and full marathon. My mom commented that all through the races I always looked "refreshed" compared to a lot of the people, which I credit to a good training program and prep. Good luck on getting signed up. Also you may want to see if there is a specialty running store near you, as they usually can fit you better than a mega store. Have fun on your run! (ps.Do you have a name?)

Craig: If you aren't a full member then who on earth is??

Debra: "sprint distance" --I like it! Actually it's more of a put-your-head-down-and-plow-on but close enough eh? On a good note a finished a rough copy of the boring lit. review, and since my partner did no work on it I'm going to let her take the prof's comments and do the final draft. As for summer vacation--ha! I get less than a week off then start intersession. One class, 3 hours per day, monday through saturday, for a little over two weeks. Talk about a sprint! But then I get a couple of weeks off before summer school starts. Good luck on finding a place.

Off for more work...or maybe I'll go get a new swimsuit as the one I have is about to fall apart!
Hey folks!

How is everyone today???

Morgan...You dork! Sign up for that 5K! :rotfl:

Kim...Yay for Marathon weekend! You must be so excited!

Kevin...Safe Travels!

Allie...HI! Are you loving your Garmin??? I really enjoy mine. I just do the basic stuff. I do love it though.

Maura...How was that leg massage? How cool that your therapist won the 1/2 Marathon. Very cool!

Tracy... Hope you enjoyed your rest day yesterday!

Martha...5 hrs of meetings! Geez! Glad you survivied! Oh and the CM's applauding. That almost made me cry!

The Great White Debra of the mid-west...I was anticipating your response. Darn! I hope your new digs tours go well. You can come live above my garage. I need a training partner! :goodvibes I'm afraid you'd have to sleep on the pool table though!

Angie...Great job taking that extra rest day. Very good discpline on your part. We need you to get to the starting line healthy!

Jackie...Wow! Lots of activity in one weekend! I bet those waterfalls were pretty!

Disneyluv...WTG on the 3.5 miles!

Frank...How was your 8.25?

Howard...Yay for going to the Minnie! How exciting!

Susie...I'm right there w/ ya! Just trying to stay one step in front of the sweepers!

Dave...Hope your job interview went well!

Christa...Sorry to hear about your run. You were smart to bag it! I also had 5 scheduled but only ended up w/ 3.38 at MUCH slower pace than you.

Krista...I wish my day today was my Friday! My Friday will be extra long. ugh.

Leana...Hope you are able to get in your miles and boot camp.

Scott...As usual, your training is fantastic! How cool that you are going a day early and staying at AKL!!! I am so jealous! Not fair! :goodvibes

Amy... :hug: for your tough run. How are you feeling today?

Cosi Bella...Yep, what everyone else said about running shoe store and MfM book! Go get 'em!!!

For me... Ah, I was supposed to do 5 miles yesterday. It really didn't go that well. I bagged it after 3.38 miles. I was so tired and lathargic. I'm pretty sure hydration was my problem. I had only had 1 glass of sweet tea all day long and then at 4:30 I try to do 5 miles. It just wasn't working. I'm going make a conscious effor tomorrow to drink plenty of fluids during the day as around 4:30 or so I'll be going out for my 8 miler. It will be close to 80 degrees too. I'm trying a new route by a river and around a lake. It's close to where I work. I'm hoping the new scernery will help it go by faster.

That's all from me for now!

Happy training...or tapering!
Okay, okay.. you can all stop yelling at me. I signed up for another 5k on May 4th! And guess who wanted to sign up too? Mr. Grumpy "I hate this/my knees are too bad to run/why can't we just stay on the treadmill/I'm only doing this for the exercise" Runner himself, Jeff. Hmm... maybe we have another runner in the household afterall... :rolleyes:

Stacie, sweet tea!! My weakness. I drink it so fast at Chick-Fil-A that I get a bellyache. You'll do better tomorrow for sure!!
Cosi Bella and Firedancer I have a question about the registration you are talking about? A friend didn't get signed up in time for the Disneyworld 1/2 thorugh Disneysports, is this a way to still register?
AladdinsGirld We moved here from Washington State, and before that we were in Vail/Beaver Creek, CO. We are the traveling type, but hope to stay in place for a while. We'll see???

There is a way to still register, as others have already beat me to answering your questions. Here is the link though, to the page that lists all the charities and companies that you can register through. With anthony travel, you book your hotel with them for a min. of 3 nights and you can add on a race entry. This works well for me because I will be in the area for a few days, but this could be a draw back to other people who weren't planning on staying that long. They have a list of hotels to choose from though, so its not like you have to stay at the most expensive one. Unfortunately Disney's registration got filled up so quickly that this is really the only other way to get in!


Hope this helps! Good luck to your friend, I hope they get to run!
Cosi Bella: I'm a little late on the response--busy, busy thread--but I was just thinking about your 1.5 mile loop. I wouldn't be surprised if eventually you want to break out of that, but in the meantime I'll bet you could get your DF to skate/run one and maybe even interest some of your neighbors or friends. You'd be sort of a billboard for running/training, if you're into running with others. I'd say that's an advantage to a loop. :thumbsup2 The loop would also help you measure your progress if you follow Frank's suggestions!

I also second (third? fourth?) Scott's suggestion about building a base and then checking out Bingham's MfM and other plans; MfM really worked for me, and I'm following his marathon plan this year. And I'm a big proponent of getting fitted for your shoes at a running store, even if you don't have knee/foot problems or other complications. It will make a big difference in your running, your training, and your health!

Cosi Bella: Welcome! I second(third...fourth?) the Marathoning for Mortals book/program. I used it to train for Goofy which was my first half and full marathon. My mom commented that all through the races I always looked "refreshed" compared to a lot of the people, which I credit to a good training program and prep. Good luck on getting signed up. Also you may want to see if there is a specialty running store near you, as they usually can fit you better than a mega store. Have fun on your run! (ps.Do you have a name?)

Cosi Bella...Yep, what everyone else said about running shoe store and MfM book! Go get 'em!!!

Thanks guys for the great advice! I've never been "fitted" for running shoes, but I really think this occasion warrants it! I'll keep everyone posted on how that goes! For now, i'll break out the dusty nike's and start from there.

OH! my name! I completely forgot to introduce myself in that respect!

Michelle :cool2:

until tomorrow! (I really need to get some work done!)
OK, 19 pages of posts... and I think I've got caught up... now no one post anything for a couple minutes....

dsnyfan21-- Howdy neighbor! How did you like the A1A Half?? I'm thinking about adding it to my races for next year....

Vic-- Love the tattoo!! Now that's commitment....

Cosi Bella- :welcome:

Kim-- :welcome:

Mel-- Not crazy, fun remember?? We're on the FUN side of the state! :thumbsup2

Carol-- Cool earrings Joe Rhode?? I'm totally jealous!

Carrie-- Apologize?? Pish..... And yes, the pool is much much much deeper around these parts....

Scott-- I'm offically stealing "Tour de Neighborhood." It sounds so much cooler than "3 miler." :teeth:

NEPatsFan-- Well, if you're handing out money......... :cool2:

Kevin Z-- Glad to hear you are well and headed home soon!! You must be so thrilled!!!

Craig and Frank-- I know the Italian league is all flash and sizzle, but give me the French Ligues any day. Very very entertaining from a fan perspective, even if the coverage is kind of hard to find stateside. (And since the Caps can't win a Game 7... I can start wearing my Marsielle jersey around the house again...)

Krista-- That's so cool about the baby moving.... but... thank goodness I'm a guy! I would have FREAKED OUT!! :scared1: Aliens indeed..... ;)

Jackie-- Everyone I know thinks of me watching B&S anymore... I wonder why..... Maybe I need to lay of preaching the Brothers and Sisters gospel for a while....

AmyBeth-- Your activity level exhausts me just reading it... it's like virtual cardio....

Howard-- VERY COOL about Minnie. You can get talked in to anything, huh??

Speaking of Minnie....

Howard! We all are so excited you will be joining us for Minnie Weekend! We needed more eye candy. ;)

Well FINE!! Guess this studmuffin just isn't enough of for the Ladies of WISH anymore..... Stomps over to Huffy bike.... rides off......

So I did manage to run again yesterday. Tuesday I did 5K in 28:50 and yesterdays was 5K in 28:37. Consistant, but I'm not breaking any land speed records. It was however 85 degrees out... definately need to start shifting my runs to the AM.

Unfortunately, my quads are very very sore this morning... something that has never happened during short runs before. I'm hoping that I'm just incredibly out of shape at the moment and it isn't my nice new shoes.... I'll see how I feel after MMA class tonight-- maybe I'll go for another 5K to test the legs out....

Whew...made it....
Kevin :earsboy:


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