Meg & Co. Take Over WDW! UD 7/25: We Leave TOMORROW!

A Night of Honor...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010.

It was THE night. The night we lucky students of PHS were going to be inducted into National Honor Society and/or Foreign Language Honor Society.

Well, first, let me take you back to Tuesday, April 13 for a moment.

We had Foreign Language Honor Society (from here on out referred to as FLHS) rehearsal first period of the day. All is going well. They call Spanish Honor Society kids to the stage to practice taking our oath and standing in order on the risers.

And I trip. And I fall on my knee. Hard. In Converse sneakers, no less. There's a killer bruise on my left knee to prove it! Ahh, the battle wounds of being smart :rolleyes: .

But I digress. Back to Wednesday night.

We were to arrive no later than 6:30. I was there at 6:00.

No, I was not nervous.

My parents wanted to go out to eat beforehand :rotfl:

So I check in at the cafeteria and wait for everyone else to trickle in. We get our flowers pinned to our shirts/dresses, and hang around waiting for when they'd line us up. To my surprise, they actually started the ceremony on time--7:00. And yet, they can't start a school musical on time? :scratchin

We walked in just fine, said the Pledge of Alligence, and sat down (in the way that we'd rehearsed, mind you!). The Emcee welcomed everyone, and started the introductions. NHS induction was first. We went row by row, alphabetically, to the stage. All 30 of us. 5 of which were boys. Hmmm...:rolleyes1 . We waited nervously on the risers, as the President, VP, Secretary, and Treasurer of the current NHS (currently Seniors) talked about the history of the society and the values and responsibilites that it upholds. The Deputy took the mic next, and we repeated our oath after him, line by line. They called our names, and we accepted our certificates and pins from our principal. We then exited the stage and lined up against the side wall. I (and probably all the other girls in heels!) were praying that we wouldn't trip and fall! But thankfully, no one did, and we went back to our seats.

Well, we did. Sort of. There were 7 of us in the third row, and we were to be led back to our seats by Annie. Now, I love Annie. She's so nice and smart and is such a good kid.

However, she was right in her stating that she shouldn't have been the line leader.

Instead of bypassing the FLHS members sitting in our row, them standing up for us as we squeezed on by, Annie led us around all the seats. To the other side where we had left from. So we were in reverse alphabetical order, and had to stand there awkwardly to the side, laughing (or trying not to!), as we filed in one by one. As everyone else stood there staring at us, trying not to laugh at our blooper.

Needless to say, it was not how we'd rehearsed it! :rotfl:

But our parents applauded, and we could sit down again, and escape our mishap.

The Italian Honor Society students went up next, the first of the FLHS students. All 5 of them, bless them. Their oath was read, and they passed the Italian flag among them, repeating their vow (in Italian), "knowledge is power". They got their certificates, and returned to their seats.

The French Honor Society students were next. All FOUR of them. Needless to say, French is not a popular language to take at our school. Still, they did well, and they repeated their vow in French. Something about knowledge. Did I know what they were saying? Of course not. My French is about as good as my singing :music: .

Then, it was our turn. Spanish Honor Society. There were a lot of us, probably about 40-45 altogether. Like with NHS, we repeated our oath line by line, but of course, in Spanish. It was unfortunate that we could hardly hear the girl who was giving us our oath, but we did just fine anyway. We again got our certificates and lined up on that side wall. Again, nobody fell, which was lovely.

They presented the Junior Book Awards next. For those who don't know, Book Awards are scholorship awards presented to Juniors from different colleges in the area (for us, New England/New York). These awards are usually for leadership, and some are for outstanding performance over the past 2.5 years of high school in certain academic areas, such as math, English, and science.

Nobody knew who would win what, how many awards were going to be passed out, for what, anything. That was the most nerve-wracking thing ever.

21 people recieved awards out of 30.

I was not one of them.

Again, I digress.

After we proceeded out, we congregated in the cafeteria for "refreshments" (cookies, brownies, and punch). Emotions were high, and the cameras were flashing.

Do I have pictures? Yes. Are they on my laptop or PC? No. Will they be soon? I hope so!

All in all, although I didn't win a Book Award, and although I missed a night of dance (that apparently included getting our tap costumes, darn!), it was still ultimately worth it. I'm so happy to be a member of these two amazing societies.

Our first meeting is the Tuesday, April 27, after spring break (which is next week for us). We're going to be discussing nominations for officers for next year! :chat:

**And, attention! Attention! Today marks 100 days to go before WDW!**

I'll update next week or the week after :thumbsup2

Love, Meg

Eep! Suddenly, my NHS adventures seem so dull... Don't worry about not getting a book award-it's one of those stupid things that seems everything and all when you're at NHS, but two years later the only time it'll come up is if you got one and meet people at the college of your choosing through it. I didn't get a book award nor was I in a language honor society, but I ended up at Smith with a minor in Spanish. That's all I'm saying.
Congratulations again, Meg!

I hope your knee Boo-Boo feels better!

Yay! Tomorrow you'll be in SINGLE DIGITS!!! :dance3:

Eep! Suddenly, my NHS adventures seem so dull... Don't worry about not getting a book award-it's one of those stupid things that seems everything and all when you're at NHS, but two years later the only time it'll come up is if you got one and meet people at the college of your choosing through it. I didn't get a book award nor was I in a language honor society, but I ended up at Smith with a minor in Spanish. That's all I'm saying.

I know. It was just a bit nerve-wracking. We didn't even know what Book Awards were until that day, when someone asked my Spanish teacher waht they were :rotfl:

I'm looking at CC next week, and I can minor in linguistics there, so we'll see :goodvibes

Congratulations again, Meg!

I hope your knee Boo-Boo feels better!

Yay! Tomorrow you'll be in SINGLE DIGITS!!! :dance3:


The boo-boo is rather large, but doesn't hurt anymore. Ah, well. So it goes.

Thanks! And don'tcha mean Double Digits? I may not be good at math, but I do know that 99 is two numbers :p
Joining in, since I'll be there at the same time... and, I'm a HS history/social sciences teacher (but I didn't major in history - my BA is in political science).
Congrats on the inductions!! That's so great!

:laughing: isn't it great when things do go the way you rehearsed them! At least no parents noticed (hopefully!)

So happy you didn't trip when it mattered most! That was ALWAYS my biggest fear with those types of events.. just wait til your Senior Graduation and College Graduation!! Those steps seem to be the most daunting! ;)

Your trip is soon!! YAY!!!! Can't wait to read more!
Joining in, since I'll be there at the same time... and, I'm a HS history/social sciences teacher (but I didn't major in history - my BA is in political science).

Hello! :wave:

Ooh...what sort of history do you teach? World? American? European? My main interest is European studies :goodvibes

Congrats on the inductions!! That's so great!

:laughing: isn't it great when things do go the way you rehearsed them! At least no parents noticed (hopefully!)

So happy you didn't trip when it mattered most! That was ALWAYS my biggest fear with those types of events.. just wait til your Senior Graduation and College Graduation!! Those steps seem to be the most daunting! ;)

Your trip is soon!! YAY!!!! Can't wait to read more!

We're officially in double digits! :woohoo:

Haha, they noticed, all right! It was dead silent, everyone watching us, waiting for us to figure it out. Oh, well. We may be honors kids, but we're not perfect! :angel:

Thanks, and congrats to you, too! I noticed in your sig that you were recently married! :bride:
Hello! :wave:

Ooh...what sort of history do you teach? World? American? European? My main interest is European studies :goodvibes

AP World History & AP Human Geography. I'd :love: to teach AP Euro, but here in TX, it wouldn't count towards the required history credits for graduation, and the school I work in is too small to offer it as an elective.
AP World History & AP Human Geography. I'd :love: to teach AP Euro, but here in TX, it wouldn't count towards the required history credits for graduation, and the school I work in is too small to offer it as an elective.
Oooh...I'm taking Human Geo. AP next year! I'm so excited. I had the Human Geo. AP teacher for US History last year, and I really enjoyed having her, so that's good. I'm also taking Contemporary Issues and American Legal, both of which count as History-based electives.

Oh, and Intro Psych!

But mostly, I'm super-interested in European History.
Oooh...I'm taking Human Geo. AP next year! I'm so excited. I had the Human Geo. AP teacher for US History last year, and I really enjoyed having her, so that's good. I'm also taking Contemporary Issues and American Legal, both of which count as History-based electives.

Oh, and Intro Psych!

But mostly, I'm super-interested in European History.
I will be updating sometime next week, probably, all.

And lurkers, please de-lurk!
Definately wishful thinking!

Speaking of wishful thinking, I have SATs on Saturday for the first time...:scared:


So, I went to Boston on Friday with my Humanities class. Well, 13 of us went, anyway.

So here's a mini-TR!

Background: Humanities (also known as AT or H/AT or AT/H or HAT) is a 2-year program at my school that combines English and Social Studies. Basically, whatever we learn about in History, we read about in English. It's co-taught, so the teachers will arrange our classes to match. For example, this year, we read A Tale of Two Cities in English while we were learning about the French Revolution in Western Civ. Last year, there were 25 of us, and the classes were English II H (American Lit) and U.S. History H. This year, we were knocked down to 18 of us, and the classes were English III H (Brit Lit) and Western Civ. H. We lost some members because they either moved on to AP classes (thus dropping the program), or had to drop due to not maintaining the required average to stay in the program. It's a fun class. In addition to the classes being co-taught (in a way), you also have the same people in both classes. The classes are back-to-back, giving us extra time if we need it in whichever class.

We had been promised a field trip to either New York or Boston last year.

Did this happen? No.

Did we go on ANY field trips last year? No.

This year, we were highly anticipating a field trip. We went to see Cabaret at a local theater, which was a lot of fun. We also went to see a movie about the Holocaust.

And finally would come the Big Trip.


AT/H 2009-2010.

April 30, 2010.

Here we go.

The Cast:

Me. Katelyn. Joia. Catie. Lindsay H. Lindsey L. Andrew. Chelsea. Annie. Alicia. Jess. Steph. Mrs. Place. Mrs. Wallace.

Here in Spirit:

Brandon & Zack (baseball game. They claimed that they'd be kicked off the team if they missed this game. I'm so sure.)
Jamie (she had work, and couldn't find someone to cover her shift.)
Kayla N. (had been absent recently and needed to make up work.)
Kayla Q. & David (on a band/chorale competition trip to Toronto.)

The Stowaway:

Shane! Shane was in our class last year, but due to grades, had to drop the program. He sweet-talked his way into this trip (and succeeded!) ;)

The Day:

We were planning on leaving at 7:35 from the Providence train station.

What time did we actually leave? 7:12.

Let me back up. We had planned on meeting around 7, and then catching the 7:35 train. Well, we were all there by 7:05, so we were like "oh, now we have to wait another half-hour."

Or do we?


Look! The 7:12 train to Boston is here! On Track 1!

Let's goooooooooo!

We (barely) make it onto the train, and (in Lindsey L's words), "go exploring".

Of course, we were following Lindsey, and we ended up in the most crowded part of the train. :rolleyes:

Oh, well. We still found seats together.

Well, except for me. No one sat next to me. I was the ONLY ONE who sat by themself.




Love you, too, guys.

Anyway, I text mom to let her know that we'd left early, and kicked back to watch the familiar scenery pass by my lovely window seat.

We pulled into the South Station in Boston about half an hour ahead of time. Woot! :woohoo:

We went downstairs, and got our subway tickets.

Which proved to be an adventure.

I'll spare you the details :rotfl:

We boarded the first subway of the day (foreshadowwwinnng), and as soon as the train lurched forward...

...we all fell on top of each other :lmao:

But we made it off the subway in one piece, and walked on down the street to our 9:30 tour at Emerson College.

Of course, we were early, so they started our tour early. Which was nice.

Until we almost "died" in the elevator.

But I digress.

Oh, you're wondering about the elevator of doom? Ah, I see your curious faces!

So we're in the elevator going up to look at the fitness center, right? And we see a sign in said elevator that says "Maximum Occupancy 16 persons".

Hmmm. 15 of us, plus 1 tour guide. 16, I believe you will find.

Well, that elevator was small. :crowded:

Half of us get in, and the elevator starts...bouncing?!

Chelsea: What is this, Tower of Terror?

:scared: I hope not!

So we're all fine in the end. Squished, but fine.

And then we get to the floor that the fitness center is on.

And as *I* step out of the elevator, it bounces.

WHILE I'm stepping out of it.

Starting to freak me out a bit...

It KEPT BOUNCING! The whole time we were using it! Bouncing!

Lindsey L: Watch us die in this thing. Of course, that WOULD happen to US.

:p Ooh, Lindsey, Lindsey, Lindsey.

So we ended our Emerson College tour early and unscathed. None of us wanted to go there after. Not because of the elevator, but rather, because they did not offer what we want to go into. It was nice, though...

So, what now? We're an hour :-)eek:) ahead of our plan!

Well, we can always go to Faneuil Hall/Quincy Market early :dance3:

We got almost all the way there, and then our teachers said the magic words:

"We're letting you go on your own".

What's that, you say? On our owns? For over 2 hours?


Well, what are we waiting for, gang? Let's GO GO GO!

We were there at 10:20, and we had until 12:40.

What to do, what to do.

We ended up splitting into two groups. Group 1 went shopping first, and consisted of Annie, Alicia, Lindsey L, Lindsay H, Steph, Catie, and Joia. Group 2 went into Quincy Market first, and consisted of me, Shane, Andrew, Katelyn, Jess, and Chelsea.

If anyone's ever been to Quincy Market, they know that it's all about FOOD! It's a massive food court, with anything and everything you can think of. Italian, Asian, Mexican, American, candy/desserts, everything.

Yes, it was 10:30 in the morning.

And yes, we were actually hungry.


I got this AMAZING baked ziti, Jess got chicken fingers, Andrew got...well, I think it was a panini :rotfl:, Katelyn got a salad, and Shane and Chelsea got pizza.

Again, that baked ziti was YUMMY. My gosh, it was good. And fresh. And hot. Mmmm...

We finished eating around 11, and went off to shop. There's not really anything to say about that. Shane and Katelyn (who sort of have this on again/off again thing...sort of. It's complicated :rotfl: ) went off on their own, and I went with Jess, Chelsea, and Andrew. We poked around a bit, not really going into any stores or buying anything. Eventually, we did meet up with Catie, Joia, and Lindsay H. And, unfortunately for Andrew, they ended up dragging him into Victoria's Secret. The poor thing. But he was a good sport about it. :)

If you've been keeping track, we have not run into Alicia, Steph, Lindsey L, or Annie at all in this adventure.

Where they were, we never really found out.


We met up at our scheduled time, 12:40. From there, we climbed a MASSIVE staircase back up to the subway station.

Me: Walking is good for the soul!

After we got our subway tickets (again, I will spare you the gory details of that!), we hopped on another subway to the Museum of Fine Arts stop. It was a fairly nice ride, much longer than the last one, and without the falling on each other ;)

Our next stop was the Isabella Stewart Gardiner Museum. We took the "Power Tour", looking at paintings that represent power. Our "Essential Question" in AT/H this year regards power and responsibilty or something like that...

The museum was lovely, and by the end, a lot of us were beginning to drag.

Walking is still good for the soul?


We walked (walked? What a concept!) to yet another subway station.

And I'll spare you those details.

Because they involved breaking the rules.

And I don't want Boston Transit Police members reading this and coming to arrest us.

Again, I digress.

Jess, Steph, and I went to a convience store to get snacks for the train. I got a People magazine and a 3 Musketeers bar. Mmm. Chocolate.

We boarded our 3rd (!) subway of the day to Back Bay station, where we awaited our 3:50 train back to Providence. We re-energized with coffee, doughnuts, and other such snacks.

We went down to the track, and waited for the train to fly into the station. And so it did.

And we boarded.

And wouldn't you know, we couldn't find a train that wasn't totally full?

Nope. We couldn't. Mostly all full. An empty seat here or there, but definately not 15 together.

We ended up walking from the back ALL THE WAY to the front of the train. Nope. Nothing.

So we ended up being scattered about that first car of the train. I sat with a nice man who didn't say much, but did allow me to sit next to him. After a while, the train car did empty, and we all moved together.

We chugged into the Providence station around 4:50 or so, and we went out into the big world to find our rides.

And thus ends my tale.

So, basically, we learned...

*Don't take that elevator at Emerson College
*Don't follow Lindsey on trains
*Actually, don't follow Lindsey at all, because she comes up with illegalish ideas :laughing:

And most of all...

...we learned that we truly are a family :grouphug:

**I will put pictures up, perhaps. I didn't take any, but Lindsey did, with her nice, fancy camera (she's our aspiring photographer). If she posts them to Facebook, I'll save them to Photobucket and gladly share them with you!**

**Junior Prom is on FRIDAY! FRIDAY! FRIDAY! Update about that to come!**

Love, Meg
Sounds like fun... erm... except for the elevator bouncing! :eek:

And of course you were hungry at 10:30 in the morning... you're teenagers!

Glad you were finally able to get your promised trip. Looking forward to the Junior Prom post!

Ooh, prom season!
Glad your trip went well-I was (ironically) at Quincy Market that evening.
Sounds like fun... erm... except for the elevator bouncing! :eek:

And of course you were hungry at 10:30 in the morning... you're teenagers!

Glad you were finally able to get your promised trip. Looking forward to the Junior Prom post!


If you're looking for a cheap Tower of Terror, go in the elevator at Emerson College :p

Oh, us wacky teenagers. Well, that, and our group had two boys. And we didn't want to wait til the lunch crowd (and crowd, there was!).

I can't wait, either!

Ooh, prom season!
Glad your trip went well-I was (ironically) at Quincy Market that evening.

Whoa! Too cool. An almost-DIS meet in Boston :goodvibes

I hope you enjoy taking AP Human Geo. as much as I enjoy teaching it! :)

And, have fun at prom!

It sounds like a lot of fun, and one of my close friends is taking it with me, only adding to it!

Thanks! I'm sure I will :)


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