James and Jeffrey PJ - 05/10/11 - SBP/Attic/UK DP/Wedding Day 2 Arrival

Groom Mickey

Jul 5, 2010
This is not a typical planning journal. As you can clearly see we are a non-traditional couple getting married at Disney World. This blog will also be non traditional in the fact that there will be no wedding dresses or hair (since I have little... neither does Jeff).However, There will be plenty of posts on invitations, rings, cake, floral (love roses), bridesmaids dresses, photography, planning session and everything else that goes along with a wedding. This is where I am going to need all the help from the brides on the board.

Quick Summary of Us
Jeff (DF)is 47, a lawyer and great Dad. I am 37 and a stay at home Dad.
My DF and I have been together for 8 years (who says bar pick ups dont last), have a house, three boys (6,5,4), two dogs and two cats. We really are just your typical everyday family. We are also Foster Parents and just recently had three foster children ( 5, 2, 16 months) in our home (yes I had six boys and they kept me busy). They just recently moved to their "Forever Home", and it was one of the hardest things I had to do ( I knew we were not the perfect forever home, but still miss them). I am so glad for the wedding planning because it helps me wind down from my day. Who knew wedding planning would help someone relax.

The Engagement

After two years of dropping hint after hint after hint I began to think Jeff was NEVER going to ask me. I wanted to get engaged in Walt Disney World since I found out they will do our wedding (Disney calls them commitment ceremonies but since we will be married legally in Vermont and I feel like it is a marriage I will be calling it a wedding throughout). It was a visit in April of 2009, that really sealed the deal. I had not been to Disney in over 15 years and that visit reawakend my passion for all things Disney. I caught the fever so bad that when we got back from that trip Jeff and I purchased our DVC membership (best thing ever). As part of the promotion to entice us to purchase we got bonus points, which we used to visit again in Jan. 2010. Now I had been dropping hints all along about wanting to get engaged at WDW and I was hoping this was going to the trip. On the first night there I even made a wish for a proposal at Snow White's wishing well in the MK. It was not to be. After we purchased our DVC membership my sister decided finally to get hers so she invited me to go on her trip in May ( Jeff stay home while I had a vacation without any kids!!!!) It was a glut of Disney trips and I was in my glory. I kept dropping the hints.... recording Disney Dream weddings, sending the Fairy Tale wedding website and showing him WDW engagements on YouTube(hint, hint). I hoped Jeff was going to come through ( now he is not romantic, but one can hope). I knew he was not going to propose on this trip. It would have meant he would have had to find a sitter for the boys fly down and prepare. That is just not his MO. I could still dream. :love:

Now on top of everything my sister had gotten us dinner in Cinderella castle ( could this finally be it...could my sister be in on it?). It added fuel to the fire. We got to the castle I kept thinking will he do it? No he would never fly down here, but, I did make that wish at Cinderella's wishing well by the castle during our January trip. I even threw in a quarter just to give it some extra oomp. It had to happen this place was magical and Disney couldn't let me down. So we got our picture taken with Cinderalla and head up to get seated (please ,please please by a window... everyone knows that is where you are seated for a proposal) We get seated in the back by the railing, not even close to a window (heart crushed... oh well I knew it was not going to happen). I did bring one son with me so at least we were going to have a good time meeting the princesses. We start to looking at the menu ( and dodging the play sword they had given him) and not even two minutes later to our left (next to the window) a woman is getting proposed to (lucky her, are you kidding me!) I then realized that when I wished for a Disney proposal at the well I forgot to wish for it to be MY proposal LOL. Disney gave me exactly what I had wished for "A Disney Proposal".

I do not know what I had done to anger Tinker Bell but come on throw me some pixie dust. At the rate I was going some dust from the Haunted Mansion would have been something. Jeff and I have been together eight years and three kids and I was wondering why I was still not married? On the way back to the bus I started to text Jeff. I knew it was not going to happen but what more did I have to do? Why could he not have stepped it up once and surprise me? I knew it was my fault for having such high expectations and I had built this up in my head so it was not his fault. So we get on the "Mickey Bus" (that is what the kids call it) and head back to the Saratoga resort ( which looks nothing like Saratoga as we only live 15 mins away) and start sending the texts about the nights event and start joking with him that it was supposed to have happend to me. That is when it happens IN TEXT " I know it is not romantic Marry Me?" I looked at the text shocked (that was not supposed to happen). I showed the text to my sister and looked at her and asked "is he serious?". I wasn't certain how to take it, but it did stop me from texting him (was that his plan ? was he tired of my texting?) I sent no response to his text. We still had a couple of days at Disney left and whenever I called I did not mention the text and niether did he. I figured it was a joke... but I did keep that text. The night we got home from the trip,and the kids went to bed, I pulled out the phone showed him the text and asked are you serious? He told me yes but was afraid to say anything because I did not text him back. I of course told him the answer was YES and that I have been waiting years for that question (who knew it was coming in the form of a text).:rotfl:

My dream came true! I got proposed to at WDW! Who knew it was going to be on a Mickey Bus, somewhere between Cinderella Castle and The Saratoga Resort through a text. It is not how I planned it but somehow it is even better. I truly do believe there is Magic in the Magic Kingdom, however, if you make a wish at Cinderella's wishing well watch out it is tricky. We are now getting married at SBP on May 10, 2011 and I can't wait!
I have done some Disney planning (just a little). I do have a contract coming sometime this week. Pam has been great For the past two weeks I have done nothing but try to figure out STD's. Does anyone know how HARD it is to find gender neutral Disney related STD :laughing:. I just want a nice Mickey. Don't get me wrong the STD that Disney is sending are nice but the pumpkin coach and cinderella just do not work for us. I have had the card stock, gluegun and glitter out for the past two weeks and still have come up with nothing solid. If I could get the boys to stand still long enough I would have glittered them by now ( I have a major glitter addiction). After I stole my sister cricut from her closet today I spent the rest of the night trying to get a Mickey Icon centered (2hrs). Everything I have done looks so homemade. Let me tell you the Disney Brides on here are good. The stuff rocks. I am amazed at the creativity everyone has. It is putting my stuff to shame. I do have a call into Shelley at Impressions. I am hoping she can pull something out for me. If she doesnt the invitations will have to go out and I will still be working on these darn STD. I would post pictures ( I know they are popular) but I let my 4yr old take pictures with the camera and now there is not auto focus. In hindsight it was probably not the best choice. Oh well at least he was quiet for a couple of minutes and I did get some great pictures of the floor.
Your wedding is 6 days after my VR and I will still be at WDW so I may just have to stalk!!!!
Good luck with all the planning!!

Have you tried looking on Etsy for some ideas or inexpensive save the dates. They have fabulous sellers that can really help you. I'm the least creative person in the universe, and if it weren't for etsy I would have a tragic wedding.

Good Luck!


Have you tried looking on Etsy for some ideas or inexpensive save the dates. They have fabulous sellers that can really help you. I'm the least creative person in the universe, and if it weren't for etsy I would have a tragic wedding.

Good Luck!

After all the cutting, glitter and burns from hot glue I admit defeat. Everything I did looked just so home made (not in a good way). I took your advice and contacted a seller on etsy and Impressions is also working on something for us. We shall see what we get . At least it will not look like my pre-school child made it... keep watching for a decision to be made.
Congrats!! I can't wait to hear your planning. I am in the same boat as you trying to make STDs but they all look home made. I have not given in to defeat but it is near. Good luck can't wait to see what you come up with!!
Hi James!


My husband and I are DVC members too - I'm so hooked on DVC it's scary! Like you, I made a similar wish at Disney years ago. Now, I well up when I hear the "when you wish upon a star" song...because it's true. For me, it took a little while but the Disney magic happened when I least expected it. pixiedust:

I'm along for ride on your pj and I look forward to your updates and hearing about your special day!

Take care,
I love your engagement story!!! I was like you had dreamed of getting proposed to in Disney and of course played it up in my head and when it didn't happen that way it was ok!!! It was better because it was individual to us. I love that it was a text message!!
Count me as another follower - we will be getting married just over a month before your event!
I have been reading several different post the past few weeks and I have noticed a disturbing trend of crafty brides on here. Now I can handle myself around a glueglun, I worship Martha Stewart (cliche... but true) and can glitter almost anything in 10 seconds or less. Wedding crafts are a whole new ball game. Looking at them they seem so simple a little glue, good printer and a lot of imagination and poof instant greatness! Everytime I read a PJ it seems as if they are creating something. The brides stuff on here is amazing... gift bags, bouqets, jewelry... If they can do I can too! :lmao: I mean how easy to save some money on the wedding.

Tonight I tried my hand at Mickey cake pops (trial run) as welcome favors http://www.disneyweddingblog.com/search/label/DIY Favors .
They are so cute and perfects and all it takes is some box mix ,frosting ,a lollipop stick, candy melts and voila you have instant Mickey on a stick. EASY. Everything started fine until the dipping in choclate. I started dipping them, held them upside down for the choclate to drip and nothing. Turn that darn head right side up and choclate pours off it in a globs. Fine... we will add vegetable oil and thin... same thing... maybe warm it ... same thing. By this time I have 30 Mickey cake heads waiting for choclate and they have warmed up, the next one I dip falls off the stick into the choclate. Now I go to put them in the fridge and what happens the tray they are on is to big! I go to adjust and half the heads come tumbling off into the fridge and rolli across the kitchen floor. It looks like a bad accident in ToonTown. I have heads here and there, some split in half with sticks piercing through. Half of the heads had only one ear , some with none and there are mickey ears everywhere (candy melts). It was total carnage :rotfl2:

To those crafty Disney brides I tip my gluegun to you. I do not think there will be any DIY projects on this PJ because I am afraid I may have to rip what is left of my remaing hair out. Does not mean I will not stop trying, however, once you factor in all my failed DIY projects it may have ended up being cheaper to have just purchased from Disney to start with.
Congrats!! I can't wait to hear your planning. I am in the same boat as you trying to make STDs but they all look home made. I have not given in to defeat but it is near. Good luck can't wait to see what you come up with!!

May Pixie Dust rain upon your projects and good luck with finishing them.
Congrats!! I can't wait to hear your planning. I am in the same boat as you trying to make STDs but they all look home made. I have not given in to defeat but it is near. Good luck can't wait to see what you come up with!!

Hi James!


My husband and I are DVC members too - I'm so hooked on DVC it's scary! Like you, I made a similar wish at Disney years ago. Now, I well up when I hear the "when you wish upon a star" song...because it's true. For me, it took a little while but the Disney magic happened when I least expected it. pixiedust:

I'm along for ride on your pj and I look forward to your updates and hearing about your special day!

Take care,

I am so happy to hear that the Disney magic found you also. I love hearing these stories. You just never know when it is going to happen. I agree it just makes WDW that much better.
We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE our DVC membership. We always get a two bedroom and they feel so opulent compared to the traditional rooms. Having DVC is also making room commmitments so much easier. Between mine, sister, and fathers rooms we just need one night to meet the contract ( I am hoping we get at least one more persont to come to our wedding ). I was so relieved when I found out our DVC rooms met the needs of our contract.
Hello! I followed you over to the Weddings board from your post on my thread on the GLBT board.

Congrats! It's nice to see another gay couple getting married at WDW!

Can't wait to hear more!

Have a blast, and enjoy every minute! It's so worth it!

Oh, and we're DVC owners too, despite living 8 miles from the Magic Kingdom! We love it!
We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE our DVC membership. We always get a two bedroom and they feel so opulent compared to the traditional rooms. Having DVC is also making room commmitments so much easier. Between mine, sister, and fathers rooms we just need one night to meet the contract ( I am hoping we get at least one more persont to come to our wedding ). I was so relieved when I found out our DVC rooms met the needs of our contract.

I know what you mean about the room requirements. I was thrilled to hear that DVC rooms count towards the contract totals. Whew! I'm hoping that with ours and my brother's DVC ressies, we can fill up a nice amount towards what's needed. My only problem with DVC has been that I always feel like I need more points. We have a small contract and I'm always on the look out for a good resale.

p.s. - I'm envious of those crafty, creative folks on here... I usually ruin my projects and end up with two of my fingers glued together... I'm leaving some of the crafty/design of that stuff up to Disney. It's safer and cheaper for me...lol.
Make sure you don't happen to buy a Cricut machine :p - I think it makes all those DIY crafts much easier. I just bid on one on ebay. Now I can create my own tags, etc!


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