The Port Report: Frumpin Around the World with the Bathrobe Princesses :) COMPLETE

Another great update!!!

The food at Pizzafari looks good! I've only eaten there once and it was the bread sticks...pretty sad considering I worked there for 8 months but oh well!

The Brazilian tour groups...they actually speak Portuguese, not Spanish. When I worked at AK our coordinators tried to teach us some Portuguese so that we could interact with them better at the Kids Clubs but it didn't work. It's close to Spanish but in other cases, it's totally off! I love how they pretend like they don't know what you're saying but they really do :sad2:
I hear they are super awful at the water parks too. My roommate worked at both BB and TL and said they would always jump the lines and be rude to the other guests when in lines and on the beach...They must not be that bad though since they are always coming back!!

I love all the character pics too!!! It looks like Jan is a great time to go see characters..minus the Brazilians I guess :rotfl:
I would quote it to make life easier...but that would be like a HUGE mess since Jess just quoted like EVERYONE...but as far as the cute boy hunt goes...when Jess is in Disney, and really anywhere, and I mean this in the most loving way possible princess :hippie:...she walks like she's running from a fire. :rotfl2: I am not kidding that girl like focuses dead ahead and kinda is just in her own little world and it's so funny because she totally missed half the boys that Vickie and I saw :laughing: She would be like "What? Where?!" And it was just precious. :lovestruc Haha we love the little frump and we always filled her in. :goodvibes Because me and Vick Vick were always on the lookout. :rotfl: But really the crowds were pretty light and we have very high standards :snooty: HAHAHA so yes we only saw 5 on that first day...not including Mickey..he's a real hottie. :lmao:

BAHAHA yeah it's sort of true... I just like to concentrate on my own thing. And hey, if they boy is worth it he'll stick out to me. I don't look for the boys, the boys look for me! :rotfl: hahaha just kidding. and it's funny how vick's always on the lookout when she has a boyfriend.... LOL oh well she was on vacation. :laughing: Dan assumed his prince charming role when she got home.

Another great update!!!

The food at Pizzafari looks good! I've only eaten there once and it was the bread sticks...pretty sad considering I worked there for 8 months but oh well!

The Brazilian tour groups...they actually speak Portuguese, not Spanish. When I worked at AK our coordinators tried to teach us some Portuguese so that we could interact with them better at the Kids Clubs but it didn't work. It's close to Spanish but in other cases, it's totally off! I love how they pretend like they don't know what you're saying but they really do :sad2:
I hear they are super awful at the water parks too. My roommate worked at both BB and TL and said they would always jump the lines and be rude to the other guests when in lines and on the beach...They must not be that bad though since they are always coming back!!

I love all the character pics too!!! It looks like Jan is a great time to go see characters..minus the Brazilians I guess :rotfl:

I love Pizzafari... you should eat there again!

And oh I will change that in my report! I don't want to be incorrect about that sort of thing haha. And oh boy... yeah I feel like they're trouble. But oh well. They come and then they leave so it's all good.

And yes! This was a great time to get everything accomplished! :) it was wonderful.
Great updates! Brazilian Tour Groups....I feel your pain! We ran into so many last Feb when we were there it was unreal! One evening my DD18 and her boyfriend went to DTD on their own and when they got back to the room they said it was a good thing I didn't go because the bus was full and they were screaming and respect for the other families on the bus! That's what made me the craziest...I would die to think what I would do if my daughter behaved that way on a trip without me...

I have put that straberry shortcake on my looks like:cloud9:
Great updates! Brazilian Tour Groups....I feel your pain! We ran into so many last Feb when we were there it was unreal! One evening my DD18 and her boyfriend went to DTD on their own and when they got back to the room they said it was a good thing I didn't go because the bus was full and they were screaming and respect for the other families on the bus! That's what made me the craziest...I would die to think what I would do if my daughter behaved that way on a trip without me...

I have put that straberry shortcake on my looks like:cloud9:

Oh my Gosh... that's a much worse situation than what we experienced. I would be a little scared to be on a bus full of them! It's like a riot lol. I would never act like that if I was on a trip without my parents... that's nuts.

And YES please do. It was so delicious :lovestruc We saw pictures on disboards beforehand and it definitely tasted as good as it looks :cloud9:
We ate at Pizzafari in May, the chocolate mousse is definitely the way to go.:thumbsup2 Festival of the Lion King is so much fun. I love the tumble monkeys.

Brazilian tour groups... :headache: In December, I was sitting outside of Buzz Lightyear with a sleeping baby and a huge group in yellow shirts came by yelling some chant and startled Landon. I suppose that technically they have a right to chant loudly if they want, but it was still really aggravating.
We ate at Pizzafari in May, the chocolate mousse is definitely the way to go.:thumbsup2 Festival of the Lion King is so much fun. I love the tumble monkeys.

Brazilian tour groups... :headache: In December, I was sitting outside of Buzz Lightyear with a sleeping baby and a huge group in yellow shirts came by yelling some chant and startled Landon. I suppose that technically they have a right to chant loudly if they want, but it was still really aggravating.

I completely agree with everything :) haha. And ugh that is soo frustrating! Like it's not necessary, and it's such a disruption. I'm sorry that happened.
Chapter 9 - "Please Remain Seated While You Exit. BYE BYE!"
January 15th, 2011

After that delicious lunch we headed out again! All the way to Africa!

We used our Kilimanjaro Safari's fastpasses that my Mom grabbed us. We got to move past a surprisingly long line! So that was definitely a good thing!

Our safari was absolutely fantastic! It was one of the best ones I have ever been on! So many animals were out in very ideal viewing locations for all of us, so it was really enjoyable!

We saw Hippos


Thompson's Gazelles

Giraffes (which basically came right up to our Safari Vehicle!)




These guys... (I don't know their name haha)


After Kilimanjaro we needed to get over to the next Finding Nemo - The Musical. It was really close to showtime but we went over to DinoLand. We knew we also wanted to get on Dinosaur that day, and to have enough time we needed to get Fastpasses. So Mom and Vick went to get in line for Nemo (which was loading very soon) and Kristen and I RAN to Dinosaur.

Now, for all of your information, Kristen and I don't run. Ever. However, in this desperate time in Disney, we sprinted like little athletic stars.

And we got from Nemo, to Dinosaur, and back in 4 MINUTES.

And literally when we ran up to Vick and Mother they were closing the gates. Talk about timing.

We watched Finding Nemo's 2 o'clock show. That musical is adorable. It makes my Mom cry every time. It just holds a special place in her heart and she absolutely loves it.

Kristen and I know all of the words to all of the songs. (see, how many teenagers can say that about themselves? we're DEFINITELY meant to be friends.)

Next was DINOSAUR!

Vick and Mother were scared, but Kristen and I love that ride. It's so fun!

And here's our ride picture... notice the direction Kristen and I are looking. HAHA our friend Ali gave us this brilliant idea. So funnyy.


Then we hopped in line for Primeval Whirl. The wait time said 30 minutes but it only took about 15. That ride is fun... but it is a little painful! It jerks you around quite a bit. Nevertheless I still ride it every time.

But did you ever notice that at the end of the ride, the little announcer says "Please stand up before you exit. BYE BYE!" And we were like.... huh? How much more obvious can you get! So then I was like "Please remain seated while you exit. BYE BYE!" haha because that makes a lot of sense too. We thought it was funnyy.

Then we went over and rode Expedition Everest again! We used our Fastpasses from that morning.

Then we met up with Mother at the Royal Andapur Tea Company again, and we caught a little bit of Mickey's Jammin Jungle Parade! Which was really cute. I love the music for that parade... especially the end.

Then we looked in all of the shops: Beastly Bazaar, Disney Outfitters, and Island Mercantile. I love the disney stores :-)

If you remember the 2005 Disney Planning DVD (The Happiest Celebration on Earth one) with the 4 hosts (Erin, Luke, Stacy, and Dave) this is the "Dave" shirt... Mr. Relaxation.

This is my gangster shirt.

And we wanted to get this shirt for Dan... but we knew he wouldn't wear it. But it's especially perfect because Vickie's look-a-like princess is Sleeping Beauty :P


And we took a few pictures around Animal Kingdom before we had to leave.



And then it was time for DINNER!!

Continued in Next Post
Wow your safari pics are awesome, you guys sure lucked out with how many animals were out and about.

Can't wait to hear where you were off to next:goodvibes
Great Safari pics!! I can't believe all of the animals that you saw!! When I was there in Oct, it was a waste of our time because we hardly saw anything, no giraffes, no elephants, it was like a dead safari! Glad to see all the animals were out for you! I'll thank my friend for having the elephants out..she's an elephant keeper at AK!! :)

I wonder where you'll have dinner?
Yayyy for another update!!! :banana: I LOVED our Animal Kingdom day it was soo fun!! :) Can't wait till the dinner update! ;) And also the first picture in this update PROVES that I really was a Conservation Hero!!! :yay: I lost the pin, but I really did donate and get one! :hippie: And hooray for our Safari!!!! That was the BEST Kilimanjaro Safari that I have ever been on! It was amazing! :worship: And Nemo was of course great as always :thumbsup2 I think I sang "Just Keep Swimming" at least 800 times on the course of that trip. :rotfl: And OHHHH my goodness that Dinosaur picture was the most brilliant idea EVER. :woohoo: We are too funnyy. :dance3: And can I just say I love the Disney shops?? I really do. Island Mercantile is the all-time fave (gotta love the Disney snuggies :lovestruc) but Chester and Hester's was really fun too! I love the Dave shirt..."you gots to chill" :laughing: maybe I'll get that for him in July....??? For anyone that isn't Jess, my Dad's name is Dave, and I really want to get him that shirt that reminds us of Dave from the 2005 planning DVD. My Dad is kinda like him, loves to relax and all, but not as extreme. :rolleyes: Yay for the updates! :goodvibes Can't wait for some more...especially that night's!!!! OH THE SUSPENSE!!!!!popcorn::

P.S. Queenofallthings: I notice from our tickers that we will be in Disney World at the same time! Yay for August trippers!! :yay: We were thinking about staying at AKL again, as we LOVE it there :cloud9: but decided to go mod at CSR so we could go a few days early. :thumbsup2
Another great update! :thumbsup2 The deer face pic sure is funny, it looks like a half smile and half you caught me doing something bad grin. With all the Disney trips you two have planned it looks like we'll be having a lot of TR's to read. Yayy! :banana:
Quote: And I don't know if you ever saw, but in my PTR I made one of those little photo album planners that you posted in your PTR that I read a while ago... so I just wanted to thank you for that idea! I made one for myself and gave Kristen one as her Christmas present. They were so cute and such a good idea... so thank you! :Quote

I did not see your PTR. And, I can't find the link to it. Can you post it for me, I'd love to see it!

It looks like y'all are having such a great day in AK so far! The tour groups rudeness would definitely get on my nerves.
I LOVE Thumper & Miss Bunny!!!! I wish we had seen them.
The disney snuggie picture made me crack up when I saw that.

Your TR is the only one Lexi has been interested in looking at. She just likes looking at the pictures & talking about how much she likes of your girls hair & poses in the pictures!
Another great update! :thumbsup2 The deer face pic sure is funny, it looks like a half smile and half you caught me doing something bad grin. With all the Disney trips you two have planned it looks like we'll be having a lot of TR's to read. Yayy! :banana:

:rotfl2: The deer face...I have no idea how I thought that up! And yes I know I'm planning on doing a TR for both my July trip and my August one as well! :thumbsup2 And I'm sure Jess will do one for both of hers! :)
Quote: And I don't know if you ever saw, but in my PTR I made one of those little photo album planners that you posted in your PTR that I read a while ago... so I just wanted to thank you for that idea! I made one for myself and gave Kristen one as her Christmas present. They were so cute and such a good idea... so thank you! :Quote

I did not see your PTR. And, I can't find the link to it. Can you post it for me, I'd love to see it!

It looks like y'all are having such a great day in AK so far! The tour groups rudeness would definitely get on my nerves.
I LOVE Thumper & Miss Bunny!!!! I wish we had seen them.
The disney snuggie picture made me crack up when I saw that.

Your TR is the only one Lexi has been interested in looking at. She just likes looking at the pictures & talking about how much she likes of your girls hair & poses in the pictures!

Yes I loved my photo album planner! :goodvibes So cute! This computer at school is being weird and won't let me post the link...I think the mouse is broken or hasn't really been cooperating at all. :confused3 But the PTR is called "Off to the World with the Frumpy Princesses" if you want to look for it under the seperate forums. Or I'm sure one of us will post it later. :) The tour groups were definitely annoying though. They usually don't bother me, but that day they were always in the way. :laughing: I had never met Thumper or Miss Bunny before this trip so I was very excited! And I gotta remind myself to actually buy one of those Disney snuggies next time I'm down there. Tell Lexi thanks so much for following along! I love her hair too it's beautiful! She's so adorable I absolutely love your TR! Her outfits are so cute and I love that pic with the frog! Such a cute idea! Her and Levi are absolutely precious and I hope that one day I will have kids as adorable as them! Thanks for following along! :thumbsup2
Hi, joining in popcorn:: and loving your report so far!:yay:

So cool that you got to go away with your two best friends to Disney, the only major holiday I've had with my best pals was to Ibiza and although it was amazing, I think Disney is much superior!...

Loving all your photo's, all 3 of you are so photogenic...and your hair is totally the opposite of frumpy...whatever that word sister's are 16 and 18 and they would say your hair is 'pure leath' (as in lethal=deadly=very good!:upsidedow)

I had a bad experience with tour groups on our trip too, a lady kind of sneaked in front of me to check in for her ADR next thing 70 green t shirts start to troop in before our eyes! :lmao:

I forgot how beautiful Mrs Thumper is! And I think my very favourite part of your report has been the summary including the Gryffindor scarf and cute boy count, :yay:

Looking forward to reading more of this most cheerful trip report!:cheer2:
Your day at AK looks like so much fun! Very funny that you guys don't run ever and made good time to get Fastpasses.:rotfl:

Love the Safari pictures. Looks like the animals were putting on a good show! :thumbsup2
I'm so subscribing! Looks like you girls had a fun trip so far! :goodvibes

Aww thanks for being here :) We had an amazing time... and there's lots more to come!

Wow your safari pics are awesome, you guys sure lucked out with how many animals were out and about.

Can't wait to hear where you were off to next:goodvibes

Thank you so much! Yeah it was the best safari ever! And hopefully I will be able to update soon... school is just incredibly busy right now. :headache:

Great Safari pics!! I can't believe all of the animals that you saw!! When I was there in Oct, it was a waste of our time because we hardly saw anything, no giraffes, no elephants, it was like a dead safari! Glad to see all the animals were out for you! I'll thank my friend for having the elephants out..she's an elephant keeper at AK!! :)

I wonder where you'll have dinner?

Thank you! I know it was fantastic! And oh that stinks so much! I hope you didn't wait in line for a very long time for that! And aww that's so cool that you know people who work there and stuff! Very awesome. And ahh you will have to wait and see!

Great safari pictures! You girls look like you're having such a great time!!

Thank you! :)

Another great update! :thumbsup2 The deer face pic sure is funny, it looks like a half smile and half you caught me doing something bad grin. With all the Disney trips you two have planned it looks like we'll be having a lot of TR's to read. Yayy! :banana:

hahaha thank you!! we love our deer face. And oh yes, Kristen and I are both planning to do trip reports for each of our trips... so you'll have 4 to read over the course of the next year! Yayy!

Quote: And I don't know if you ever saw, but in my PTR I made one of those little photo album planners that you posted in your PTR that I read a while ago... so I just wanted to thank you for that idea! I made one for myself and gave Kristen one as her Christmas present. They were so cute and such a good idea... so thank you! :Quote

I did not see your PTR. And, I can't find the link to it. Can you post it for me, I'd love to see it!

It looks like y'all are having such a great day in AK so far! The tour groups rudeness would definitely get on my nerves.
I LOVE Thumper & Miss Bunny!!!! I wish we had seen them.
The disney snuggie picture made me crack up when I saw that.

Your TR is the only one Lexi has been interested in looking at. She just likes looking at the pictures & talking about how much she likes of your girls hair & poses in the pictures!

Here's the link to the PTR:
And here's the specific post with the photo albums: (haha I even credited you in my post. how precious of me :laughing:)

Aww I'm glad you're liking our day at AK! You will definitely have to meet thumper and miss bunny next time you're' there. They are both ADORABLE! I think Camp Minnie Mickey is the only place to meet them. And haha i love Snuggies :love: except I do not own one.. haha

And oh she's so cute! Tell her thanks so much for reading along :) We're so glad she likes it!

Enjoying your report! popcorn:: Yall are very cute and the fun you guys are having shows! :goodvibes

Aww thank you! I'm glad you're here!

Hi, joining in popcorn:: and loving your report so far!:yay:

So cool that you got to go away with your two best friends to Disney, the only major holiday I've had with my best pals was to Ibiza and although it was amazing, I think Disney is much superior!...

Loving all your photo's, all 3 of you are so photogenic...and your hair is totally the opposite of frumpy...whatever that word sister's are 16 and 18 and they would say your hair is 'pure leath' (as in lethal=deadly=very good!:upsidedow)

I had a bad experience with tour groups on our trip too, a lady kind of sneaked in front of me to check in for her ADR next thing 70 green t shirts start to troop in before our eyes! :lmao:

I forgot how beautiful Mrs Thumper is! And I think my very favourite part of your report has been the summary including the Gryffindor scarf and cute boy count, :yay:

Looking forward to reading more of this most cheerful trip report!:cheer2:

Thank you for being here! Oh going on a trip with them was like a dream come true! We had an amazing time! I hope you get to go to Disney with your friends some day!

And oh thank you! That's so sweet of you :hug: And yayy I learned a new way to describe my hair! that's a cool term lol

Oh my goodness that's a tour group nightmare! I'm so sorry that happened!

And yeah those bunnies are SO cute :) And haha I will try and keep up with the counts at the end for sure! By the end though the scarves faded out because it got warmer! But that's okay. Nice weather is better than Griffindor scarves to me :laughing:

And yay thank you for reading along! I'm glad you found us!

Your day at AK looks like so much fun! Very funny that you guys don't run ever and made good time to get Fastpasses.:rotfl:

Love the Safari pictures. Looks like the animals were putting on a good show! :thumbsup2

Hahaha I know we were so impressed with ourselves. Only in Disney... :rotfl:

And thank you so much! Yeah those animals were awesome!! Such a good safari.​


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