2013 Destash- this is the year!

Yeah to everyone making good progress!!! Winter is coming and it'll be nice to have a cozy, organized place!

I have fallen way off the wagon since my job started up. DH helped in the garage a few weeks ago and I worked out there on Sunday. I really need to finish it before it gets too cold! I tossed a bunch of stuff and went through many of my papers from my last teaching job. I saved stuff I can still use & recycled the rest.

I also finally(!) took the laundry basket full of DD's old clothes & 2 more bags to the OUAC consignment store. $105 and almost everything is gone! The few pieces left are perfect for donating to my school for those kiddos and they are in the wash to be fresh to take in tomorrow. I also have two bags of stuff in my trunk to drop off to Goodwill sometime this week.

I need to re-sweep through the main level before it's time to decorate for the holidays! Our basement is still torn up due to ripping out ruined carpet from flooding. That is my winter project so that when we replace the flooring, there won't be so much to move around.
I started on the kids clothes but didn't finish! That is my goal this week, to get it done! Got one garbage bag full but hope to get another filled when it's all said and done.
My goal for tonight was to upload 10 pieces of dd's clothes . I complete the goal and uploaded 15 pieces of clothing:cool1:

Hopefully tomorrow I can complete another goal of uploading another 10 pieces.

As I upolad clothing items I am organizing it all in boxes by sizes, so even if I dont sell I will still be organized!

Its been raining so I didnt have dh get the glider, tree and swing out

Where do you list your clothes? I try Craigslist, sometimes it works, other times it feels like I list things but can't get rid of anything!
Where do you list your clothes? I try Craigslist, sometimes it works, other times it feels like I list things but can't get rid of anything!

I post on Craigs list. Its been super slow this year. Hopefully I can post some more tomorrow since I will be home passing out candy , if we get any trick or treaters. Our neighborhood doesnt get a lot. Last year I think we had 5 kids, the year before none. My dd has been the only kids on the block and she doesnt like Halloween-lol! Some kids down the street moved in a couple of month ago so hopefully the stop by. Actually our house on the street is the only house decorated. The new college neighbors nextdoor have orange light up on their gate.

I'm hoping with the first of the month approaching I can sell some stuff.

My goal for Thursday or Friday

1. upload 10 more pieces of clothing
2. upload some of dd's shoes

This weekend
1. upload 5 pairs of my jeans
2. upload 5 of my tops
New month. How many are off to a good start?? Today I've uploaded 13 more items onto craigs list. Hopefully tonight I can upload many more
New month. How many are off to a good start?? Today I've uploaded 13 more items onto craigs list. Hopefully tonight I can upload many more

I'm doing pretty good. I got a few more things listed on ebay and sold 5 things.

I need to list up more nib toys since people will start Christmas shopping very soon.
alright jumping back into destashing...

since the beginning of June I have completed about 55 listings on ebay and made over $500! I also sold a car that we haven't needed for over 2 years this summer. Also started listing stuff on Craigslist (things that are too big or not enough value to sell on ebay) so far only sold 2 things on there plus the car, but I'm hopeful to get rid of more! Just took pictures and uploaded some more listings on there while the baby was napping.

This week we dropped off a garbage bag full of coats for a drive at the ymca. I also just packed up 4 garbage bags full of donations to drop off at Goodwill this week.

I also managed to organize and pack away all of the baby's 12 month clothes to store in the basement. He's been in 18-24 month for a while, don't know why it took me so long to do it but it's done!

Our basement is going to look so good when I get rid of all my sell/ebay/get rid of piles. Can't wait!
alright jumping back into destashing...

since the beginning of June I have completed about 55 listings on ebay and made over $500! I also sold a car that we haven't needed for over 2 years this summer. Also started listing stuff on Craigslist (things that are too big or not enough value to sell on ebay) so far only sold 2 things on there plus the car, but I'm hopeful to get rid of more! Just took pictures and uploaded some more listings on there while the baby was napping.

This week we dropped off a garbage bag full of coats for a drive at the ymca. I also just packed up 4 garbage bags full of donations to drop off at Goodwill this week.

I also managed to organize and pack away all of the baby's 12 month clothes to store in the basement. He's been in 18-24 month for a while, don't know why it took me so long to do it but it's done!

Our basement is going to look so good when I get rid of all my sell/ebay/get rid of piles. Can't wait!
Oh I remember those days! :hug:
My boys are now almost 17 &13.5 but it seemed like I was always organizing clothes & saving for #2. Finally at 13 he says he can't stand hand me downs. (They have very different taste & style.) I can't blame him & I'm grateful it lasted this long. I gave ds16's old clothes to Purple Heart, like 10 hefty bags.

I'm in! :thumbsup2
Over the summer I cleaned out 2 kitchen cabins that collect junk & a 3rd full of refillable mugs from various theme parks that we'll likely never return to.

I also cleaned out & organized our hall linen closet with sheets, blankets, beach towels, spare light bulbs & gift bags. Wow, we had a ton of gift bags. People would think I'm a hoarder. :headache::lmao: I saved around 10-15 of them since the kids don't go to many birthday parties anymore. Maybe I'll give those to my niece & her ds6.
Our garage needs cleaning and today would have been a great day (weather wise) to get it done. I don't want to be out there in the cold so hopefully we can get to it tomorrow.

I have found Purple Heart & Vietnam Veterans of America to be wonderful.:cheer2: Probably every 2-3 months I schedule a pick up then start going around finding things to put in there.
I used to drop things off at Goodwill but then I procrastinate driving there & ride around with bags of crap in my car for a week. I love being able to put it all on the porch & they come to me. :thumbsup2 :goodvibes
I posted another 15 items of dd's clothes on CL.

I cleaned out some of my drawers and I tossed 6 tops and put another 9 tops into the pile to post onto Cl. I think the 9 will be listed as a LOT sale.

My next goal is to post some more of dd's clothes and go through the rest of my drawers. I plan on weeding out my old funky pj's and just stick to nice ones-lol!

I still havent hit he garage yet. I dont know if I will get to it this year. If I could just get through my drawers and dd's clothes list and organized I'd be happy!!!! Hopefully dh will join the bandwagon.

We had a friend come over today and he told us they are fed up with all their junk and plan on down sizing from their 4-5 bedroom 2 story rental to a 2-3 bedroom single home. They dedcided to have a yardsale and get rid of as much as they could. they onlky had 2 large items that totaled about $300 and the rest totaled $600 on smaller stuff total $900. I thought that was awesome and was so happy for them.

I told dh maybe we should have a yardsale and whatever he sells of his items can go toward his man cave. I doubt he will join in just yet-lol!

DD'd bday is next month and she always ends up with a lot of bday money and giftcards. I told her if her room isnt organized and clean I might not have a party for her. This kid has way to much stuff and she doesnt need to spend any more money on clothes!!!!!:rolleyes1. And dont get me started thinking about xmas:eek:
I posted another 15 items of dd's clothes on CL.

I cleaned out some of my drawers and I tossed 6 tops and put another 9 tops into the pile to post onto Cl. I think the 9 will be listed as a LOT sale.

My next goal is to post some more of dd's clothes and go through the rest of my drawers. I plan on weeding out my old funky pj's and just stick to nice ones-lol!

I still havent hit he garage yet. I dont know if I will get to it this year. If I could just get through my drawers and dd's clothes list and organized I'd be happy!!!! Hopefully dh will join the bandwagon.

We had a friend come over today and he told us they are fed up with all their junk and plan on down sizing from their 4-5 bedroom 2 story rental to a 2-3 bedroom single home. They dedcided to have a yardsale and get rid of as much as they could. they onlky had 2 large items that totaled about $300 and the rest totaled $600 on smaller stuff total $900. I thought that was awesome and was so happy for them.

I told dh maybe we should have a yardsale and whatever he sells of his items can go toward his man cave. I doubt he will join in just yet-lol!

DD'd bday is next month and she always ends up with a lot of bday money and giftcards. I told her if her room isnt organized and clean I might not have a party for her. This kid has way to much stuff and she doesnt need to spend any more money on clothes!!!!!:rolleyes1. And dont get me started thinking about xmas:eek:

Wow, people actually buy old clothes from Craig's List? :confused3
Is this special designer name stuff? Our stuff is regular run of the mill from Kohls. I can't imagine who'd want it by the time they're done with it.
I guess different strokes and all that...

One good thing for us is our house is small 3BR, prob around 1700 sf. and no basement so we've never been able to accumulate huge amounts of stuff.
Sometimes the more space you have, the more crap you hang onto.
I never try to resell clothes or have yard sales. I honestly just don't have the time or energy to put into it.

This weekend, I did 10 loads of laundry, organized the girls' drawers, and packed away most of the spring clothes. Filled another bag of stuff to give away. I have a few more things to go through and then I am done with theirs. Next will be my son's clothes. After that, I am going through my stuff again.

I have some friends who I sometimes pass clothes down to. If they aren't needed then I donate.

Hubs got the garage cleaned and organized.
Scheduled bulk pick up for trash for tomorrow. Getting rid of bunch of items no longer need. Doing good job just need to continue to throw away items no longer use/need. The garage I think is the last spot to tackle in the house.
I just had a little destash session.
Threw out potting soil from the vegies I grew this year in pots. Trimmed the mini palm trees... gardeny things..
Donated all my Braille items. Been several years now since I worked with it, it was time for it to go.
To a thrift store went a Christmas Ornament, a vase and a plate/platter. Given away was a bowl and scrapbooking supplies.

:thumbsup2 Yea me! ::yes::
Just went through dd's pile. I'm using printing paper boxes that hold 10 reams of paper. I live these boxes because it comes with a lid.
1 filled up 1 box with shoes

1 box with purses ( 2 new purses without tags she got as bday gifts , 3 wallet clutches she bought new with tags) :/
- I'm wondering if I should try posh mark for the new items because cl won't pay much. She also had 2 pairs if vans in very good condition almost new, 2 in ok condition and 3-4 pairs in not great condition all vans brand. Clothes, shoes and purses are from earlier this year and last 2-3 years . I hv no idea what to price the almost new vans going rate for new ones are $50 so what's going rate for used if you hv sold before ?

I also filled a smaller box with thinks I need to post on CL, a bag if misc toys, bag if misc stuff.

Anyone know the going rate for old littlest pets figures?

I also through out
1 bag of junk papers and misc mail
1 empty box

I feel like I got a lot done tonight :)
Just went through dd's pile. I'm using printing paper boxes that hold 10 reams of paper. I live these boxes because it comes with a lid.
1 filled up 1 box with shoes

1 box with purses ( 2 new purses without tags she got as bday gifts , 3 wallet clutches she bought new with tags) :/
- I'm wondering if I should try posh mark for the new items because cl won't pay much. She also had 2 pairs if vans in very good condition almost new, 2 in ok condition and 3-4 pairs in not great condition all vans brand. Clothes, shoes and purses are from earlier this year and last 2-3 years . I hv no idea what to price the almost new vans going rate for new ones are $50 so what's going rate for used if you hv sold before ?

I also filled a smaller box with thinks I need to post on CL, a bag if misc toys, bag if misc stuff.

Anyone know the going rate for old littlest pets figures?

I also through out
1 bag of junk papers and misc mail
1 empty box

I feel like I got a lot done tonight :)

That's great you are getting a lot done, I'm jealous! I just don't know where to start sometimes, kids clothes, toys, papers! Where to begin??
For those of you who list things on Craigslist, what do you do when items don't sell? Keep lowering price? Donate after a certain period of time?
For those of you who list things on Craigslist, what do you do when items don't sell? Keep lowering price? Donate after a certain period of time?

Just last night dh passed a store that said, "We'll buy anything"
He had been trying to sell some items that he had dumpster picked at his work & some recessed lights that he bought at a yard sale but turned out they didn't fit the holes that our current lights occupy.

So being off today he rode by to see if he could get anything. $350 total for boxes of crap taking up space in our garage. (It was "new, in box" crap.) He's a happy camper today. :cool1: :cheer2:

If you're remotely near SJ, PM me for details.
Just last night dh passed a store that said, "We'll buy anything"
He had been trying to sell some items that he had dumpster picked at his work & some recessed lights that he bought at a yard sale but turned out they didn't fit the holes that our current lights occupy.

So being off today he rode by to see if he could get anything. $350 total for boxes of crap taking up space in our garage. (It was "new, in box" crap.) He's a happy camper today. :cool1: :cheer2:

If you're remotely near SJ, PM me for details.

Wow that's amazing! Congratulations! I'm in Maryland, so not close enough but thanks!
I never try to resell clothes or have yard sales. I honestly just don't have the time or energy to put into it.

This weekend, I did 10 loads of laundry, organized the girls' drawers, and packed away most of the spring clothes. Filled another bag of stuff to give away. I have a few more things to go through and then I am done with theirs. Next will be my son's clothes. After that, I am going through my stuff again.

I have some friends who I sometimes pass clothes down to. If they aren't needed then I donate.

Hubs got the garage cleaned and organized.
I use to feel the same way about reselling clothes and yardsales. I still dont like yardsales-lol! I am using CL now. I dont work during the summer and ddont qualify for unemployement since i'm only a 10 month employee. I would charge up my cards to survive the summer. I decided to sell dd's clothes and when I made a couple hundred of dollars having a yardsale, I realized dd's clothes was extra money.

I just had a little destash session.
Threw out potting soil from the vegies I grew this year in pots. Trimmed the mini palm trees... gardeny things..
Donated all my Braille items. Been several years now since I worked with it, it was time for it to go.
To a thrift store went a Christmas Ornament, a vase and a plate/platter. Given away was a bowl and scrapbooking supplies.

:thumbsup2 Yea me! ::yes::
Good Job !keep up the great work!!!!

For those of you who list things on Craigslist, what do you do when items don't sell? Keep lowering price? Donate after a certain period of time?

I have some clothes that I list on CL since last year and if it doesnt sale then next year I will donate it when dd's school group has a donate day and that school club get money for their group. In the past whatever didnt sell would go to goodwill.


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