do you cry at Disney?


DIS Veteran
Apr 25, 2010
have you every cried with joy at Disney?
I cried when my 7 yr old son hugged Buzz lighter. When DD4 ran into Winnie's waiting arms. When it was a down pour and my family would not go out in it to hear Arlo Guthrie play :"this Land Is Your Land" bawled like a baby, the whole crowd singing. I didn't expect Disney to do a folk star I love. I always cry my last time on Soarin'

the weird thing is I am not by nature a crier. My family is surprised by it.
have you every cried with joy at Disney?
I cried when my 7 yr old son hugged Buzz lighter. When DD4 ran into Winnie's waiting arms. When it was a down pour and my family would not go out in it to hear Arlo Guthrie play :"this Land Is Your Land" bawled like a baby, the whole crowd singing. I didn't expect Disney to do a folk star I love. I always cry my last time on Soarin'

the weird thing is I am not by nature a crier. My family is surprised by it.

Yes. :rolleyes:

I cried when I last saw the rope drop at MK. I was so excited!
Also, when I was watching Illuminations at EPCOT. It was amazing. I listen to the soundtrack on my MP3 player while walking my dog because I love the music. But adding the visual to go with it was fantastic.

I also lose it when first walking into the MK on a visit. The music and smells and excitement really get me.

(I get a little teary on the monorail, too. Love it!!)

I'm getting teary eyed just reading everyone else's emotional moments. I'm not usually a very emotional person either but just thinking about my 2.5 year old son's first trip this Sept has made me a wreck. I've been crying through the entire planning process. Something about the magic that is Disney just gets to me.
Just wait until you hear about the crazy lady the ment Mickey. I cry just thinking about it. I'm not normally a cryer, I packing tissues to the parks.
I always cry over something. Illuminations and Wishes get me every time. Any parade. Seeing Mickey up close and personal. The list could go on and on.
I cry when they sing "Circle of Life"during the Festival of the Lion King. I really cried when my kids had their first walk down Main Street of DL, since that was "my park" growing up.
I get teary in patriotic places at Disney...Listening to the fife and drums and Voices of Liberty, American Adventure, Hall of Presidents and the retiring the flag ceremony.
Btw, had to call Disney today and the hold music was Soarin. I started crying. Instantly brought me back to Epcot. I swear I could smell it!
every trip !!:sad1: Some happy tears, some sad !!
New adventures, and first times with my son bring happy tears !!
Remembering being there with my grandparents, and my son with my dad,tears of sorrow.
Disney sends me off on an up and down emotional ride, much like Tower of Terror. That's why I love it so much. You never forget...and you are thrilled to make new memories !!;)
Yes. Every time, this will be my DS first trip and when he hugs Mickey I know I will start to cry.
every time.
when I walk in MK, when I see Mickey, when I see my boys wearing their ears, basically any chance.. i'm a sop...

And this next trip is going to be even harder. I was supposed to go to Disney with my mom October 2013 but had to cancel when my mom passed away from cancer in May of 2013. Now I am going October of this year with my aunt... and I know I am going to be crying at a lot. So much at Disney reminds me of my mom and our previous trips that I am going to have to pack a lot of Kleenex. Just thinking about it right now I am tearing up...
So, when my husband and I were there with his parents after only a couple years of marriage, I saw a dad walking down Main Street with a little blonde headed girl holding her hand. She had on tiny mouse ears and I was looking at them from behind thinking that could be my husband and future daughter one day....I had a tear running down my face and my husband looked at me and said, "Give me a couple years..." I held him to that and started our family a couple years later with the birth of my daughter...and then another daughter. Every trip to Disney, I take a picture of him walking holding the girls hands from behind...just for me.

Its the little moments in Disney that hit you the hardest....
Oh definitely I am a cryer:lmao::lmao: Seeing the castle for the first time on Main Street USA is a definite chocker for me. Also just landing in MCO sets me off.:dance3::dance3:

And this next trip is going to be even harder. I was supposed to go to Disney with my mom October 2013 but had to cancel when my mom passed away from cancer in May of 2013. Now I am going October of this year with my aunt... and I know I am going to be crying at a lot. So much at Disney reminds me of my mom and our previous trips that I am going to have to pack a lot of Kleenex. Just thinking about it right now I am tearing up...

I hope you have a wonderful trip, you deserve it:thumbsup2
I'm watching all my tearjerker moments, especially the MK rope drop show and Wishes, over and over on YouTube in hopes of building up some immunity before we finally get to see them again. I'm known as the tough, unemotional one in our family and my teenaged DDs would never let me hear the end of it if they knew the truth.


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