do you cry at Disney?

ditto Wishes

I am so thankful that I was able to get my terminally ill (it's slow) mom and Dad to Disney a few years ago. They rented scooters os they could keep up. They had a blast even though it was exhausting for my mom. The kids were young enough to find Disney magical and she got to see it through their eyes. I got to take her on Soarin', which was a job and a half to convince her. She loved it and cried. She didn't do much, it's just that she was there. She has a lot of pain, I have a picture of her lying on a bench sound asleep. I love that picture because it reminds me how much she loves us that she even tried to come. She saw Buzz Lightyear and went up to him and shook his hand and Woody's for making my kids' childhood so special. I cried all through that trip!
Yes! I cry at Disney now that we take DD3. First trip I cried when she met Mickey for the first time. She ran up and threw her arms around him. They pal'd around for probably ten minutes. Then she cried when we left. Last trip we did the electric parade a MK. She was dressed as Cinderella. Every single character in the parade made a huge deal over her- waving, telling her they loved her dress, calling her Cinderella, blowing her kisses, and Mickey bowed to her. She was just in awe. I've seen that parade 15 times and have never loved it so much. It was truly magical. Same trip- I cried on the boat back to WL. She fell asleep in my lap as Wishes started after the perfect evening at MK. So I'm holding my daughter, with the fireworks exploding, and it's our last night. It was so special. We booked our return trip the next morning. LOL

Oh and last trip I cried because of the stupid A&E lines. There was no way we could wait 4 hours. So if we're able to meet them in December, I'll definitely cry out of happiness when she finally meets Elsa.
Every trip. I cry when we drive through the main gate, the first time I see the castle while on the ferry every trip, and when my children get excited meeting their favorite characters.

I just enjoy the feeling that disney brings. It's a place to let go and not stress about the day to day and enjoy family.

I love being able to take my 5 children to Disney and seeing their excitement. My first trip I was 18.
ditto Wishes I am so thankful that I was able to get my terminally ill (it's slow) mom and Dad to Disney a few years ago. They rented scooters os they could keep up. They had a blast even though it was exhausting for my mom. The kids were young enough to find Disney magical and she got to see it through their eyes. I got to take her on Soarin', which was a job and a half to convince her. She loved it and cried. She didn't do much, it's just that she was there. She has a lot of pain, I have a picture of her lying on a bench sound asleep. I love that picture because it reminds me how much she loves us that she even tried to come. She saw Buzz Lightyear and went up to him and shook his hand and Woody's for making my kids' childhood so special. I cried all through that trip!

I just cried reading this. God bless your mom.
I cry on the magical express back to the airport. The goodbye video makes me cry---really bad----like ugly face crying!!!!!
Especially when they sing....

"M-I-C (see you real soon)
K-E-Y (Why? because we love you?) <----at this point the ugly cry starts

Look people, I have a lot of work to do today, so y'all need to stop OK. Can't be sitting at my desk a weepy puddle on a random July Tuesday, lol.
So, when my husband and I were there with his parents after only a couple years of marriage, I saw a dad walking down Main Street with a little blonde headed girl holding her hand. She had on tiny mouse ears and I was looking at them from behind thinking that could be my husband and future daughter one day....I had a tear running down my face and my husband looked at me and said, "Give me a couple years..." I held him to that and started our family a couple years later with the birth of my daughter...and then another daughter. Every trip to Disney, I take a picture of him walking holding the girls hands from behind...just for me. Its the little moments in Disney that hit you the hardest....

And I just cried reading this! OMG! I have to stop reading this thread! Hahaha
I used to not be one to cry at Disney, but on our last trip in 2012, I found myself crying a lot. I cried when my daughter (who WORSHIPS Snow White) saw her in a parade, she was dressed as Snow White, and when Snow White saw her, she pointed at her, waved, and blew her a kiss. My daughter was SO excited!!!
Then I cried riding It's a Small World, because I couldn't help but think that it might be the last time I ride it with my parents. We've travelled to Disney countless times since I was 5 years old. It's a special place for them, and for me, and sharing it with my kids as well, it was emotional. I will probably cry this next trip in October because it will be the first trip to Disney World where my Mom and Dad don't go with us. I really want them to, but DH wants just a "our family" vacation. My parents are 66 years old...last trip was slow going because Mom needed a wheel chair to get around due to some pain issues she has....but I'm really hoping for at least ONE more trip with them. DH will just have to accept it. :)
And I do cry when we're leaving. We usually visit MK last, and I hate standing on the ferry watching the castle and SM get smaller and smaller.
DH is not at all emotional like me, he thinks I'm crazy!
Every. Single. Trip.

Me too!

I will usually tear up the first time we hit Main street, at the end of the MK opening show and always during Wishes. I will also tear up when the characters interact with my daughter... like the over the top special ones: like when Snow white left a parade to hug my daughter dressed as snow with her BBB sash and hair and screaming "SNOW WHITE" at the top of her lungs!
I'm a closet crier. I have too many moments to mention! My family has never seen me cry, as far as I know. I'll walk ahead when the urge hits and wipe my tears away, then back to normal. We were on a Disney cruise and all these little girls ran towards a princess. They were all wearing their best princess dresses, and making so much noise. I stood there practically bawling. Being the mother of two boys, ( 14 & 19 ) I never had a princess moment. It was so adorable.
I cry. My kids think I'm nuts for getting all weepy when I look down Main Street the first time each trip, I stop, take it in and well up. I don't mind them seeing that side of me, it's good for them to know it's ok to cry and show emotion - as long as it's not baseball ;)
Oh, yes! I cry! I cry walking into MK. I cry hearing "The Circle of Life". I cry leaving MK. I cried seeing the Osbourne Lights (a MUST DO if you've never seen it). I cry when my boys are being a bit bratty and taking a bit of the "Magic" away. I cry seeing other people making their memories. And of course I cry on the ME headed back toward the airport.
When Sorcerer Mickey appears at the top of the mountain in Fantasmic! Same effect in Disneyland when he appeared on top of the cabin. I wasn't sure if it would be the same since the grandeur was not there but nope...Mickey appeared and I lost it. Mom and DH were both asking if everything was ok and all I could do was nod.

The One Man's Dream movie always gets me too. I think part of it is Julie Andrews doing the voice.

Driving past the Welcome signs is always a kicker.

The worst time though was when we got to go inside Walt's apartment in Disneyland after the Walk in Walt's footsteps tour. I had already started the tears when the guide was discussing the end of Walt's life and how it was up to others to complete his dreams...and then we went in the apt. I was hugging mom, dad, DH and bawling like a baby. The CMs commented that they'd seen some emotions but nothing like that lol. I think what got that one was I know I'll never get to do that again as CA was a huge trip for us being on the East Coast of Canada so the impact hit hard.
Yup every time! I went once before kids and I didn't cry. I loved it and enjoyed every minute. But once I had kids...that was it!!

Seeing my 20 month old son meet his gf Minnie Mouse for the first time...standing in line blowing kisses whispering "I love you minnie!"

Having my son make a wish during wishes for his nana to be in Disney world (me knowing she was flying down that night) and having him wake up and we all go down to CBR food court and while he is in the gift shop scoping out pins, have his nana walk up and rap him on the shoulder and to have him tell we by cast member he sees that Mickey and Disney made his wish ce true!

There are a million things and memeories I think of and cry at with Disney and I wouldn't have it any other way!
Yup every time! I went once before kids and I didn't cry. I loved it and enjoyed every minute. But once I had kids...that was it!!

Seeing my 20 month old son meet his gf Minnie Mouse for the first time...standing in line blowing kisses whispering "I love you minnie!"

Having my son make a wish during wishes for his nana to be in Disney world (me knowing she was flying down that night) and having him wake up and we all go down to CBR food court and while he is in the gift shop scoping out pins, have his nana walk up and rap him on the shoulder and to have him tell we by cast member he sees that Mickey and Disney made his wish ce true!

To seeing my daughter, 13 months at yhe time meet cinderella and aurora for the first time!

There are a million things and memeories I think of and cry at with Disney and I wouldn't have it any other way!
I'm far too much of a manly man to shed a tear over something so trivial as Disney.

However, they really need to do something about the dust that gets kicked up under the train station as you enter Main Street. That darn dust gets my eyes every time!
I cry every time I open a wine list at a TS restaurant and see a $20 grocery store wine going for $90.
I can cry at Disney, on a cruise, on a land vacation. It was my heart's dream to travel as a child, and I seldom got that chance. My parents drove cross country to go to Disneyland with my two older sisters when I was 6, and they left me and my 4 year old sis at an aunt's. (Can't imagine why they didn't want us rugrats with!) :rotfl2:

Then we had a big family vacation to Florida when I was 10... and Disneyworld opened a month later. Fast forward to when I'm grown. The first vacation I planned for my kids was WDW. (As a single mom, I took them on alternating trips.) Seeing a place I had wanted to go to over 30 years prior, made me cry from joy many times.

I was on a trip to New Orleans once (we took the City of New Orleans train in a sleeper car to get there!) and as I was sitting in Pat O'Brien's drinking a hurricane, dressed in a pretty dress that I had made myself out of vintage fabric gifted me by my BF's mother, and I burst out crying. I realized I was completely and utterly happy.

Since then I've made it my life's ambition to travel anywhere and everywhere I could, and have been to over 2 dozen countries and on dozens of cruises and land vacations, and yes, Disney too. I've bawled sitting in a courtyard in Venice, drinking a cappuccino; looking over the rail at the beautiful sea on a cruise; while touring a monastery in Spain; watching the Eiffel Tower sparkle; walking the city walls of Croatia; while cave tubing in Belize and at the Bronte Parsonage in Yorkshire. And while meeting Mickey!

I realize how lucky I am to be there, to be living my life's dream, to have experiences and see sights that many can only wish for. I'm in the moment, and that makes me cry hot tears of joy.


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