Sick people in parks.....

I don't remember why they did it (maybe one of the bird flu years), but I do remember Disney putting hand sanitizer stations ALL over the parks for a couple of years. I'm surprised they haven't put those back out.
We just returned from a 12 day trip and I have to say between the plane and the parks probably over 50% of the people were sick. Disney is starting to put out the hand sanitizer stations. The doctor on the news who works at Concentra urgent care said he has seen more people with the flu this year than he has in the last 20 years.
No, Disney security is not analyzing people as they walk through park entrances to see if the "appear" sick. What do you suggest? They pull people aside and put thermometers in their mouths or actually test for flu? If someone has the full-blown flu, the chances of them having the energy to go to a park are slim to none. If they are in the early contagion stages, they won't even know they are sick (nor will they look sick) and, yes, they very well might be there. You could also catch a cold there or a stomach virus or any other number of viruses. The very same viruses you could catch at the grocery store, the mall, your workplace, etc. People throw up at WDW on a daily basis and not from the flu. You could always get a flu shot and wash your hands frequently or hermetically seal yourself in your house, but, no Disney is not scanning crowds and detaining people or refusing entry to people who "appear" sick.
You do realize that people cough for a number of reasons, right?
Yep, I have had a cough for a few months now ( asthma) and I sound really really bad like people will walk away from me. I wish I could give some people my caugh but cant
Please believe me when I give the following advice—

If you want to avoid getting sick, don’t touch your eyes or nose with your fingers. If you really need to touch either, wrap a tissue around your finger so no skin comes in contact with them.

Wash your hands well just before and after you eat. Do not share food or drinks with other people.

Cold and flu viruses enter your body through the orifices in your head. Protect them as best you can if you don’t want to get sick. It also helps to get proper rest, nutrition and hydration.

Zinc lozenges like Cold-Ease are good to have on hand if you feel something coming on. You won’t enjoy eating for a few days, but viruses hate the zinc as much as you will. :)

And remember this—you cannot control what other people do. Folks will be in the parks who aren’t feeling 100%—that’s a fact. Do what you can to protect yourself and good luck. :)
This is a very strange year for the flu. They keep saying on the news that this is the worst in a long time, it's kind of like a fluke or something. Add to that the fact that the shot was basically useless and you have tons of sick people, more than an ordinary winter IMO.

Disney would not turn folks away as there is no way to know if someone has the flu unless they test them. They will not do that. It is not against the law to go to the parks while sneezing, sniffling or coughing, all of which could be the flu or simply a common cold.

This time of year it's important to take precautions at Disney, and at home. Washing hands and not touching your face are huge in preventing illness.
On day 3 of our 2015 trip I got a terrible stomach flu. Three days later DH got the same thing. On the worst day I had absolutely no desire to do anything but lie around in my room! I can't imagine anyone trying to do the parks with it. A cough, maybe, but not the flu. And I'm a teacher so I'm immune to a lot, so that was a bad bug.
I have to say though, I hate hand sanitizer and if I need to use it I will use my own from bath and body works, not purell.
You never know why someone might be sick, and it may not even be contagious. Two of my kids vomited in an Epcot trash can one year and it was simply due to "skipping" breakfast (we took almonds as a snack while waiting for the bus, but had plans to eat breakfast in the park that morning) with possibly a bit of dehydration. As soon as we got some food and something to drink they were back to normal. Maybe a kid has an upset stomach from eating too many Disney snacks. You never know why someone might vomit.
I understand that but if someone is showing signs of being sick (ie vomiting, fatigue, coughing, etc...) then they should be refused entry. I believe Airlines refuse passengers who are showing signs of being ill and so do cruise ships.

Now I can see if you do not show signs then there is no reason to be refused but what I am referring to is someone who is obviously sick.

Have you ever BEEN to Disney!?
Just curious if security/employees will turn away someone who is obviously very sick. With this Flu bug going around, not sure if it's a great idea to visit the parks.

I understand that but if someone is showing signs of being sick (ie vomiting, fatigue, coughing, etc...) then they should be refused entry. I believe Airlines refuse passengers who are showing signs of being ill and so do cruise ships.

Now I can see if you do not show signs then there is no reason to be refused but what I am referring to is someone who is obviously sick.
But just looking at someone doesn't mean you actually know what they have and if they are contagious.

For example I have allergies. It's common that 1 or 2 times (if it's a bad year) that I get a sinus infection or at least sinusitis (which is without an infection). sinusitis is not always contagious; it depends. And sometimes at least the symptoms occur while I've travelled. There was one year that I went to the Lake. That time of the year and that location set me off really bad on my allergies. I was sneezing, coughing, had terrible pressure, my body felt ugh, etc. Because that year was so bad with the allergens it developed into a sinus infection but no I wasn't contagious according to the doctor who gave me stuff to combat it.

Vomiting..that can occur due to motion sickness due to rides. Probably means you should take it easy so the vomiting and/or nausea goes away or lessens but doesn't automatically mean you are sick.

In the real world you've been exposed to more sick people out and about I would bet than you ever would be at WDW.
There are a ton of Purell stations but I really don't think you can screen people anymore than at a shopping mall or theater. It's Flu season so try to protect yourself the best you can. Wash your hands!! I did notice on our flight several people who looked fine put on a mask. Another way to try to be safe.
I have a hard time believing that ANYONE who legitimately has the flu will be galavanting around a Disney park. Seriously. The flu really takes a toll on your ability to function at even 50% of normal. I have to think that people with the flu wouldn't even WANT to be at a Disney park.
I can attest to this after just getting over the flu that lasted 3 days. So achy that I could hardly move off the couch let alone walk around Disney. That’s the LAST thing that you want to do.
I understand that but if someone is showing signs of being sick (ie vomiting, fatigue, coughing, etc...) then they should be refused entry. I believe Airlines refuse passengers who are showing signs of being ill and so do cruise ships.

Now I can see if you do not show signs then there is no reason to be refused but what I am referring to is someone who is obviously sick.

Pretty sure you must have to be really sick for an airline to turn you away. As in, might not make it to your destination sick. Not just being contagious with a respiratory infection. Coz really, no way to know if it is the flu by just looking at someone.

My DH got bronchitis one year on vacation. He spent 2 days sleeping with a fever & cough. Being a stubborn type , there was no way he was going to urgent care in Orlando (or for days after we got home either). Sudafed & cough medicine & he slept the whole flight home. No one questioned him at all.

I had a bad respiratory virus 2 years ago. Yes, I had a horrible cough. Had to fly home. I am an RN & did contain my cough with meds & followed good hand hygiene to try & limit exposing others. But again, no one from the airline questioned me. Really, how could they? They'd be flying with half empty planes if they tried to prevent anyone who might be sick from flying. And flying wouldn't have such a bad reputation for making people sick.
Forget just staying out of parks 'with' symptoms, you're actually contagious with flu at least 1 day BEFORE symptoms start!! :eek: How in the world does anyone know when they will be sick the NEXT day!!! The flu bug is out there constantly at this time - just breathing, without coughing, can spread the flu!! :faint:
You're lucky if the cast member helping you at will call doesn't have the flu. Half my co-workers have been sick in the last month.

I had at least a half dozen really sick CM’s at registers and attraction entrances last week. I just tried to stay as far from them as possible (which made paying for food in the food court awkward a couple times) and I managed to get home without catching anything. Many of my colleagues have been very sick as well, but so far none of them have tested positive for the flu, just colds and sinus infections.


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