Ideas to keep a 20 month old busy on an airplane

That's OK; part of my reply was for other readers of the thread who were interested in the topic; there are always a lot of lurking folks who are interested in threads like these.

I mentioned the Play-Doh because another poster said that she had used it many times on long flights. It has been a while since I've seen it recommended here for entertaining kids on flights, and I wanted to get the word back out as to why it really isn't a good choice on a plane.
I appreciate any insight.
It will be a challenge, but we will survive.....have before.
With so many people we just each have to entertain him for an hour or so....on the plane. Hopefully there will be a nap in there too.
We've taken our grandchildren to WDW when they were very young and my strategy was to comb the dollar store for lots of stuff they could play with on the plane. I packed it all in a small soft cheap backpack (also from the dollar store) for each child. When a child got bored with one item, there were plenty of other toys to play with where that came from.
That's OK; part of my reply was for other readers of the thread who were interested in the topic; there are always a lot of lurking folks who are interested in threads like these.

I mentioned the Play-Doh because another poster said that she had used it many times on long flights. It has been a while since I've seen it recommended here for entertaining kids on flights, and I wanted to get the word back out as to why it really isn't a good choice on a plane.
I was glad you said something abut the PlayDough as I had the same thoughts and would never take it on a plane. Model Magic came out when DS was a toddler and we did take that a few times---it works well in flight
Also, I know it's too late for your flight, but for others reading the thread: 15-24 mos is PRIME squirm time for toddlers, the phase at which holding them on a lap for a long flight is pure hell on the traveling adult. If at all possible, buy a seat and put the child's carseat in it; it will keep him safely contained so that adults can get some rest.

Yes! And ALL ages need an aircraft seat + car seat for safety.

To address an earlier response that the child was kicking the seat back in front of them; rear-facing will prevent that. Virtually all 17 mo olds can RF in a convertible seat on a plane.

For the benefit of others reading:

That aside, I like Wiki Sticks or Bendaroos on the plane for youngers kids. They're sticky so they don't roll away, but they don't leave any detritus behind.
Let's not get into a debate about car seat or not......We are not using one, have in the past.

I did see Wikki sticks and they look cool.....think the 5 year old might want them.
Respectfully, that may not be the choice that you have made, however others are free to comment on the subject.

True, but that is not what this thread is about.

I fly a lot and very, very rarely see a car seat of any kind, never the big upright forward facing ones.
True, but that is not what this thread is about.

I fly a lot and very, very rarely see a car seat of any kind, never the big upright forward facing ones.

It's a lot of work to bring those along, particularly when departing in the middle of January during an extremely cold spell and need to keep your two and a half year old seriously bundled up for the elements on either departure or landing leg of each flight. It's even more fun when your return flight is delayed several hours and you land back in Michigan to below zero temps with a brisk wind to chisel the ice off your car at 1 a.m. BTDT, needed much more than a t-shirt not to get frostbite.
Solution: seat one member of your party in the seat directly in front of the carseat.

No car seat, he does not have a seat. Seats are picked, no more open ones in our category remain.
We did the seat with DGD. It was a pain to haul and then it sat in the closet for 2 weeks.
I've flown with my kids dince they were 15 m/o. 20 months is TOUGH as they like to run around rather than sit quietly so go easy on yourself. Prepare for a tough flight and remeber why you're doing it.

A few tips based on personal experience:
1. Board at the last possible minute and allow for as much running around as possible at the airport.

2. Get lollipops for takeoff and landing (or a pacifier or breastfeed if still relevant).

3. Before boarding change diapers and make sure you go to the WC yourself. Also have food and drinks avliable for both yourself and the kid. Include first aid beloved snacks, flights are no time for healthy rules :crazy:

4. A tablet or laptop with favorite movies or shows or songs. Also games. Screens are god sent. See snacks.

5. Plane activities

- Coloring books and stickers. Lots of stickers and paper. Also print Disney stuff incl. masks etc to get him into the spirit.

- Cars, airplanes etc and / or dolls if relevant.

- Magnetic games for example dress up people or any other magnetic age appropriate game.

- 2-3 books

- Get toy foods and dishes and play flight attendant or pilot hat and fly the plane.

- stacking cups and shape sorting were favorites here and are easy to carry around and easy to improvise with.

Good luck and have fun. Our travels with the kids are the best memories we have. Im already looking forward to our upcoming Greece trip in Sept.
No car seat, he does not have a seat. Seats are picked, no more open ones in our category remain.
We did the seat with DGD. It was a pain to haul and then it sat in the closet for 2 weeks.
Yes, I get that. You were very clear that a car seat does not enter into the equation on this flight. You were equally as clear that you are not seeking car seat solutions.

It's still a (general) solution to the overall issue of car seat kickers. As is the child's own seat without a car seat. If the seat belt is felt to be insufficient, the CARES Harness is available to purchase on Amazon or rent on ebay.
I've flown with my kids dince they were 15 m/o. 20 months is TOUGH as they like to run around rather than sit quietly so go easy on yourself. Prepare for a tough flight and remeber why you're doing it.

A few tips based on personal experience:
1. Board at the last possible minute and allow for as much running around as possible at the airport.

2. Get lollipops for takeoff and landing (or a pacifier or breastfeed if still relevant).

3. Before boarding change diapers and make sure you go to the WC yourself. Also have food and drinks avliable for both yourself and the kid. Include first aid beloved snacks, flights are no time for healthy rules :crazy:

4. A tablet or laptop with favorite movies or shows or songs. Also games. Screens are god sent. See snacks.

5. Plane activities

- Coloring books and stickers. Lots of stickers and paper. Also print Disney stuff incl. masks etc to get him into the spirit.

- Cars, airplanes etc and / or dolls if relevant.

- Magnetic games for example dress up people or any other magnetic age appropriate game.

- 2-3 books

- Get toy foods and dishes and play flight attendant or pilot hat and fly the plane.

- stacking cups and shape sorting were favorites here and are easy to carry around and easy to improvise with.

Good luck and have fun. Our travels with the kids are the best memories we have. Im already looking forward to our upcoming Greece trip in Sept.

Compiling a list. We are lucky to have 5 adults going and 4 coming back.
He has ear tubes, so hopefully that will take care of landing and take off.
I don't think he has ever had a lollipop.
We need to practice watching movies or BabyBum.....and wearing the head phones.
Luckily he is, in general, a very easy kid.....but right now he has learned to throw tantrums with the stomping feet and all. Hope that phase is over by then.
Benedryl (kidding) ;)
Benadryl (not kidding).

Note that Benadryl backfired on a friend of mine. Apparently her dd was one of the few that it made hyper instead of sleepy. She had a hyper 2yo on a cross country flight and it wasn't pretty!
Yes, test beforehand.

He can walk around.
Every flight I've been on in the past 10 years has had everyone in their seats with their seatbelts on. Also, there have been plenty of stories in the news about families pulled out of planes because they refused to get their child into a seat. Your flight attendants may not even consider letting a toddler walk around, even right in front of you in the bulkhead (slightest bit of turbulence and the kid smacks his head into a very hard wall... or faceplants into a metal seat divider).

I wouldn't count on the kid being able to walk around at all. And I think it would be reckless to do so anyway.
Good luck with traveling!

You have gotten some good advice which has worked with mine when they were young including post-it notes, and food that they can play with (string and fruit loops, etc.).

Another couple of tips -- this might not be possible since you said there are no more seats available, but I do NOT think the bulkhead is the best choice. You get a little more space, but there is no underseat storage in the bulkhead. So you can't have your carry-on within easy reach (with snacks, toys, and clean-up supplies, if needed.) We had the bulkhead on our first flight and thought it was great, till we realized about the carry-on issue. After that, we'd choose a regular row (although the bulkhead does at least guarantee that nobody's going to recline their seat onto you. With a baby on a lap, you'd think people would be courteous, but...)

Also, since you mentioned that your little one likes to throw things, we found that those baby toys that linked together like a chain were great for planes. They can link them together, or sort them, but they are also good for "chaining" another toy to the tray table so that it's easy to retrieve if it gets dropped (and prevents it from being thrown).
True, but that is not what this thread is about.

I fly a lot and very, very rarely see a car seat of any kind, never the big upright forward facing ones.

Up until my daughter was 4 she would sit in her big bulky car seat on the plane- same rules on the plane as in a car for us- you get on and buckle up and do not unbuckle until the plane stops, just like a car. Couldn't imagine doing anything else safety wise- nor would I let them walk up and down the aisle just for amusement, there are enough people getting up and down to use the bathroom without having others just strolling around the aisles-plus is it not safe!!
Get him some quiet things he can sit and do, books, watch a movie etc.


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