The ABCs of a New 'Ohana Adventure-G is for: Greetings From Teppan, Good-Byes, and Good News!!! - COMPLETED 1/7

What do you mean?
Well, I jumped to the scenarios of the parks re-opening and started to wonder how or if they'll attempt social distancing and other precautions like maybe masks. If they require masks (can you even imagine a mask in the Florida heat?!?!) will people eat less? Will they even want to go? Will they comply? Etc....
What is wrong with you?!?!?


I suppose there are people at both extremes.
Those too afraid to ever leave and those who think 5G is responsible for the virus.

Both positions are... not sane.

Well, I jumped to the scenarios of the parks re-opening and started to wonder how or if they'll attempt social distancing and other precautions like maybe masks. If they require masks (can you even imagine a mask in the Florida heat?!?!) will people eat less? Will they even want to go? Will they comply? Etc....
Ohhhh… Okay.
I don't know what the future holds, but... Disney with masks? That's... a weird thought!
But it is really fun and a must-do if you have the “park hopper” option. If you don’t, however, it’s my humble, albeit correct, opinion that to add the option of 2 parks in a day for the extra $100 isn’t worth it. Fun and unique? Sure! Worth the cost of an entire meal at a mid-range restaurant? No.
I would (and did) do Hogwarts Express once, especially if you are a Potter fan. But I wouldn’t pay extra for it again.
Whenever I go to Uni again I don’t think I have much reason to get the hopper pass.

The first thing that MUST be done in Hogsmeade is a rope drop dash to Hagrid’s Motorbike Adventure which rivals the best theme park attraction anywhere in Orlando.
It looks very good. Enough for me to consider going to Universal again after skipping it last time.
My problem is that outside of Potter there’s not much else that draws me there.

The queues and pre-shows for the Uni Potter rides are equal, if not superior to, many of the Disney queues.
Agreed, and dare I say for the Potter rides, the pre-shows are superior.

enjoy some split pea soup and salad:
I like a bowl of pea soup on a cold winter’s day. Not sure if I would have it in the Florida heat though.

If you can read that, thank the Wikicians.
What is YOUR opinion on this shift? Really there are no wrong answers here and no one is going to flame you either way!! (This ain't FB!) Would you rather see Disney stick to the tradition of making a world away from the world inside its resort rooms, or do you prefer the cleaner, sleeker look of the new trend?
I know I'm late to the party. Already admitted that.

I don't like it. In my mind, if you want to keep charging the premium (and they do), then make it a premium product. I was VERY upset when they started charging for parking. In my mind, you're already making a fortune, quit gouging us even more under the auspice of "getting in line with other resorts and hotels". To quote Sherman Potter...Horse Pucky!!!!

I think the theming was what made it special for little ones (and big ones). Taking that away dumbs down and lessens the Disney experience in my opinion.
So... tell me how you are all doing!!! Working? Resting? Watching TV? Cleaning? Stress eating? (I am) Crafts? Projects?
For work, what I do is considered essential, soooo...not a big difference initially...was still going into work and just being very careful with hand washing, sanitizing, social distancing. Then they decided it was too difficult to social distance, so allowed many of us to work from home. Not everyone can, but those that can, have been.

Also in the process of buying a new house, so all the paperwork associated with that as well as packing. Also watching TV (sometimes binge watching) or playing a game on my phone/tablet.

And now, trying to catch up on Friend's TRs. ;)
And flee I must. The day is already almost over and I have other things I need to get done. Meanwhile, stay safe, Friends.
I must confess...I haven't read the HP books nor seen the movies (except snippets when my daughter was watching one). 99% of that chapter was jibberish to me.

Sorry, not sorry.
If you could have one spell to use at your disposal what would that be? Tell me about a scenario you might find yourself in and use that trick up your sleeve and at the tip of your wand!
Oh, that's one's easy for me.


Teleport to work. Teleport to Disney. Teleport to the beach. Teleport to my mom/brother's house. Teleport to friends in Canada, Portland, Deleware, NJ, CA, Chicago, etc. Not sure I can catch everyone, but just some of the places I thought of quickly.

Teleporting would mean I don't have to deal with idio...errm...Orlando traffic. No more waiting at airports for security. No more being on a plane with a screaming infant behind me. Don't get me wrong, I love kids, but NOT when they're screaming in my ear and/or kicking the back of my seat. In a situation you don't want to be in...poof.
Let’s take a break from all things Harry Potter

and saunter our way around
Best form of locomotion despite what a certain neighbor to the north tries to say. :lmao:

depends greatly on how connected you are and, more importantly, familiar with the source material in general.
Maybe that's why HP has no appeal at all to me.

While not a land per se, I did ride the Minions, a fun, but not mind-blowing simulator ride based on the Despicable Me Movie. I LOVE the movie and have watched it several times.
Yeah. Fun movie as are the sequels. Love the minions.

Fever and trying on my some ridonculous headwear.


I’m a sucker for a nice ‘vette any day of the week.

Knew that.

My car of choice is a ferrari, but would not say no if someone offered me a vette.

Even though I sucked at this one just like I do on Buzz and TSMM and every other shooting ride. But the animatronics are REALLY well done, the soundtrack is a good one, and who doesn’t love to shoot stuff- even if you suck?
When Disney opens back up and next time you're in town, plan on giving me a day. I'll get you to be galactic hero on BLY and show you all the tricks on TSMM.

Bonus points for anyone who can tell what this train is and why it’s in the middle of the parks? I have no clue and really don’t have the time right now to research it.

Looked it up real quick and it appears as the train from back to the future (2?)

If you've been to Uni, what is your 1) Favorite area? and 2) Favorite ride?


If you've NOT been to Uni,what is your 1) Favorite WDW park? 2) Area? and 3) Ride
Dual answer.

I have been to Uni, but it was so many years ago, I don't recall much. I think it was a private event in the evening and was sufficiently packed, nothing stands out as WOW.

So, I'll answer with part 2.
Favorite WDW park. MK. Favorite ride is BLY. Love doing BLY, riding WEDway, lather, rinse, repeat. Favorite area is Pandora at night. Favorite show is FOTLK. Favorite night time show: Fantasmic.
Come to think of it, I think I did see Doc that day as part of a group that came out to the street at some point.
No, I wasn't there.

I guess I'm the only one on the planet who hasn't seen it! LOL!! I'll put it on the list to see someday.
What?? What is wrong with you? We can no longer be friends. (Just teasing)

It blows my mind what now constitutes an "elective" procedure. The woman with a lump might have to wait months for answers? The child with tooth pain that can't eat has to go until it absesses to get care? The lady who is bleeding has to be told to wait until her H&H are too low? It breaks my heart.
In one sense, I can understand it...don't want to risk someone to exposure and possible death for something that isn't life threatening, but on the other hand that stinks.
Enjoyed your Hagrid's and Hogwarts update. More reasons for me to make it there someday. So happy you lucked out on getting in line for Hagrid's motorbike ride, sounds like a ride I would really enjoy. Did it effect your neck at all? I know this was before your surgery.

I saw the update about work. I'm happy things will get moving again but hopefully they don't tire you out too bad. Stay safe!
My Friends,

Just enjoying my day off after a LONG string of crazy night shifts mixed in with a ton of Call Days and Nights. This precious day off is sandwiched between an upcoming LONG string of Call Days, Call nights, and the FIRST DAY BACK on the road to normalcy starting Friday. Normalcy in routine that is. "Normalcy" in other areas remains to be seen. I'm tired. Here's the deal. Despite what might be happening in some pockets and the hardest hit areas, most of the country including Oregon is very, VERY quiet in hosipitals and clinics. The entire staff at my small 60-bed hospital which normally runs around 80% capacity, and which normally does 15-20 surgeries a day, is practically empty. Last week, our census was 8 patients. My friends and co-workers are being furloughed and struggling to find shifts and are having to pick up shifts screening everyone walking thorugh the door or irradiating our N95 masks. There was some very real talk of impending layoffs if things didn't change very soon which would leave a HUGE hole in the healthcare of this county in Oregon. There's my perspective; it's the reality of what I am seeing day after day in the healthcare sector where I live. I've talked to countless physicians and other healthcare providers who are becoming very worried that something needs to change or we will begin (and some believe we already are) seeing problems of much greater scope than the virus ever was.

What does that have to do with me? I am trying to make a living finding shifts wherever I can that are often hard to fill- CNA work in the Psych Unit, midnight shifts at the front table, all the call shifts I can get, etc.. At the time I requested all of those shifts, I literally didn't know if there'd be any work at all from week to week so worked as much as possible. Just today I received emails from both managers of the two places I work and we will be starting to do elective cases again and my crazy schedule will hopefully start to even out. While I finish out at the hospital fulfilling my obligatations to the shifts I picked up, I'll be starting some of my regular day shifts at the Surgical Center as well. So, I imagine, as we make this transition, the next couple of weeks will be interesting with learning the newest protocols and safety measures, new procedures and policies, and keeping drama and discussion out of the workplace. The bottom line is, I'm thrilled to be part of the first wave of folks beginning to return to work and am ecstatic about getting back to the work I love best. I didn't go to school and work so hard to be sitting at a desk to screen 4 or 5 patients from midnight to 4:00AM. On the downside, I feel like with the horrible hours of going back and forth between days and nights with not usually more than 1-2 days off at a time, I'm starting off what could be LOADS of hours as we catch up, exhausted with no vacation in sight until September. They both told us that time off will not be approved for the foreseeable future and even time off that is in the books will be re-evalutated. I missed my window for a short get-away, and yet there was not a good time for me to go as I didn't want to use my PTO for that. Just too much uncertainty in available hours and shifts.

So, what have I been doing the last 4 days straight as I sat at the front desk or in the OR Lounge area waiting for work? I have spent COUNTLESS hours planning my trip to Italy this September. I mean, they literally have paid me hundreds of dollars to sit and plan an Italian vacation. Am I thrilled? No, I'd rather be working by far. But, when you're on-call, you're on-call. You're kind of a captive to being close by and finding a way to pass the time. So I did. :)

I have a basic itinerary now and am slowly starting to fill in the holes with places to stay, driving routes with villages I need to stop in and see, figuring out trains vs. planes vs. automobiles, looking at best backpacks. I briefly contemplated starting a PTR for it, but sanity kicked in and I held myself in check. However.... I will share that I did find one little Disney tie-in that might be a kitchy little stop along the way in Collodi. And therein lies your homework... Let me know what you think. :)

I will know by mid-June, when the final payment is due, if I'll even be going on this trip. I am very hopeful. I contacted 2 proprietors, one in Venice and one in Puglia, of places I will likely stay at and both, said that they are pretty sure they will start hosting again "late summer". Until then, I plan and assume I will be basking under the Tuscan sun, drinking bold red wines on balconies, and eating all the pizza I can find in late September.

I see from my Subscribed List that I have a lot of catching up to be done so will give it my all for the next bit. If I DON'T get called in tomorrow or Thurday night, I will have plenty of time to do that AND reply to comments, and even perhaps write another update which will wrap up the Uni portion of this TR. I definitely have more to add on the Disney Wanderings so stay tuned as we keep on trudgin' on.

Enjoy these days of Spring!
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Wow! You sure have been working some insane hours. I've done my share of those, so know how rough that can be.
Glad that you're going to be getting back to more normal/sane hours soon.
Happy to hear that you're still planning your Italy trip; I think most people (myself included) are not planning trips right now, so it's refreshing to see.
Wow, that is a lot. Long hours, weird hours...I understand how that can wear you down.

It's encouraging to hear that the hospitals are not overwhelmed in your area. I really hope we can get back to normal life sometime soon. Our state has seen its worst days yet this week, so it's probably not happening for a while here.

Jealous of the Italy planning! Hopefully they will be back to normal too. It's always nice to have something to look forward to.
You poor woman with all those hours!! I'm glad you've been able to keep yourself busy when work seemed scarce, and more than happy to hear that you are starting to see some normalcy in the distance!

I will share that I did find one little Disney tie-in that might be a kitchy little stop along the way in Collodi. And therein lies your homework... Let me know what you think. :)
I googled...
Glad to hear you are getting back to work. It is a bit surreal to hear about what is going on in areas that aren't that hard hit, since the Chicago area has been hit pretty hard. My immediate area (by zip code/town name) is actually doing pretty well as far as both overall and new cases go, but my office is in a zip code with one of the worst concentrations in the state, and growing numbers.
The bottom line is, I'm thrilled to be part of the first wave of folks beginning to return to work and am ecstatic about getting back to the work I love best.
So glad you get to go back to work! Being in NY......well, no word yet on most going back to work. I'm not in the city but we're near enough and we don't know yet if our state will reopen as a whole ( I HOPE NOT) or in sections, but since Cuomo has been extending the stay at home every 2 weeks I expect word on whether it'll go past the current 5/15 this Friday. My fingers are crossed!
The first thing that MUST be done in Hogsmeade is a rope drop dash to Hagrid’s Motorbike Adventure which rivals the best theme park attraction anywhere in Orlando.

We got to ride Hagrid's in December, and it is truly incredible! And it was honestly, the best ride I'd ever been on…but then I rode ROTR later in the same trip and that is equally incredible with a better story and more more incredible components. But still, I'd love to take my kids back to UO if ONLY to ride Hagrid's!

Okay, I’m going to go out on a limb here and come close to Disney-blasphemy risking a good flaming: The queues and pre-shows for the Uni Potter rides are equal, if not superior to, many of the Disney queues. However, I’ll add the caveat that Disney has recently stepped up their game with adding interactive elements like those at PP and 7DMT. Regardless, even if I were to compare say POTC or Splash to anything in either Potter Area, the Disney queues suck in comparison.

Really? I didn't find his to be true, but to each his own. I just don't get the same feeling in my gut while at UO that I do at Disney, so I'd always rather be in one of WDW's queues.

I just happened to be passing the end of the VERY quickly forming new line of the ride, stopped to ask if it was open, and hopped into it!! WOOT!!!

Nice timing! Glad you didn't miss this one!

My friends and co-workers are being furloughed and struggling to find shifts

We are in the same boat. I work for a children's hospital and so many people have been furloughed or laid off. We are also not doing elective surgeries…so much so that our NICU took over the pre-op area so we could add 10 more beds. We are now taking babies from NICUs near NYC because those hospitals are overrun with CV and need all their vents for the adults.

Just today I received emails from both managers of the two places I work and we will be starting to do elective cases again and my crazy schedule will hopefully start to even out.

Nice! Good luck getting back and stay safe :lovestruc
I’m glad you get to return to “normal work”, haha, it won’t be normal for quite some time!
Our hospital also has a very low census, next week the hospital is doing voluntary lay offs of the nurses. My department is very busy, we could use some of the furloughed nurses. I would hope they let them work with us. Our documentation and software is different than the hospital so that may make it difficult.
The Infectious Disease Doctors keep saying we are going to see a surge, we have not, thank goodness! I hope we don’t.
We are unionized nurses at our hospital so the voluntary furlough will go by seniority and a bunch of other complicated rules. Some days I wouldn’t mind the furlough haha!
I heard the island Sicily is offering to pay a portion of hotel costs and airfare for travelers. Check that out! I don’t know if you are going to that area, maybe worth finding out more about this!
I had this week off since I would have been at WDW and it has been so nice! I literally have not been in my car since last week!
I have been baking, cooking, and binge watching programs.
It will be back to the real world on Monday
Stay safe my friend! It was one year ago we met and I enjoyed it so much! I hope to see you soon! I hope we can travel together again in the future.
A Disney cruise maybe??


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