this is such a sad sick world

Yes, we need to bring all the food posts back in. This was entertaining. I'm hungry now.

I agree, I love watching people who can not look at statistics and see what is happening and always giving excuses for their or other people's bad behaviors!!!
I see the crime rate going up because some of the NYPD is now sitting on their butts, pouting because the Mayor shuffled $1 billion of their to other services. Some were also frustratedly feeling their hands were tied, that if they used force in rightful situations, they might be dinged for that. Like the looters, many criminals are exploiting this time period for their own purposes.

(BTW, The Gov. doesn't agree with how the Mayor realocated funds, but that is another story. They have a long history together. )

I'm glad you agree. It appeared that you were lumping the two groups together and couldn't see PAST the looting and violence to the positive outcomes that the peaceful protests are about.

OMG, so you see the NYPD sitting on their butts not working??? Wow, just wow and how do you know this??? Any proof?
That is in fact the School I found. They're replacing the Indians mascot at another school too.

The corporation that owns the logo and brand has made the determination to take her off the bottle and eventually rename the brand. It is not irrational for them to make such a change so as not to lose customers over a logo that is demeaning. Hardly irrational.

A logo of an African American woman is demeaning??? Wow, just wow. I believe her nephew came out and was very disappointed with this irrational move, or maybe that was Uncle Ben?
I can't even go here. Your privilege is showing.

We are supposed to be having buffalo wings with blue cheese dressing for dinner tonight. I've already started on the sangria...
That’s not privilege - more like underprivileged in the truest sense of the term.
I suspect someone will wake up this evening with a massive hangover and order takeout.. on the bright side the constant usage of pronouns means the poster now feels freer for the future; hard to keep all that hate bottled up inside.

I figured because I only found one (and if there were others, they'd certainly show up in my search) that it was in fact the school the poster was referring to. And I didn't want to reveal location. But now I know the poster themselves revealed the location in her profile, I could have.
The story was in the local news by me but no one said if the counter protestors were not wearing face masks as a form of civil disobedience.
Ho hum.
Still waiting for answers on why crime wave has gone way up in NYC? Anything to do with the radical mayor? Mayors before him made NYC great, now it's going downhill, sadly. Should we blame COVID?
What's the difference what school is paying $100K to change the name of "Cowboy" and passing it on to taxpayers (typical)? Many Parents are asking shouldn't the school administration be worried about school re-opening with the pandemic, NOT imagining that a cowboy is racist/sexist:D Demented thinking!
Still waiting for answers on why crime wave has gone way up in NYC? Anything to do with the radical mayor? Mayors before him made NYC great, now it's going downhill, sadly. Should we blame COVID?
In 2000 there were 673 murders, in 2010 there were 532, last year there were 319, There have been less than 400 murders every year since he took office

I'm not a fan of his, but stick to facts. Which crime stats are you referring to?
Still waiting for answers on why crime wave has gone way up in NYC? Anything to do with the radical mayor? Mayors before him made NYC great, now it's going downhill, sadly. Should we blame COVID?
Was the mayor elected a month ago? How has crime been over their entire term? NYC is generally a very low crime city so even a small uptick might just be noise.

Crime has so many influencing factors that I would severely caution anyone to reading too much into small (less than 1 year) data sets. For example, Chicago always sees a spike in shootings the first warm weekend of the year. If that weekend happens to be earlier than the year before, you might see a spike in year over year data due to that.
A logo of an African American woman is demeaning??? Wow, just wow. I believe her nephew came out and was very disappointed with this irrational move, or maybe that was Uncle Ben?

Her nephew? You do realize Aunt Jemima is a fictional character do you not? A racist and demeaning caricature of the black mammy. If not the most well known, one of them. What you mean is the nephew of one of the many former live demonstrators that played her. There is no real Aunt Jemima. And if you can't understand how that black mammy symbol, is demeaning, you need to do some research. Further, it is a completely rational decision for the firm that owns her logo and makes the brand to drop the logo and change the name.
That’s not privilege - more like underprivileged in the truest sense of the term.
I suspect someone will wake up this evening with a massive hangover and order takeout.. on the bright side the constant usage of pronouns means the poster now feels freer for the future; hard to keep all that hate bottled up inside.

The story was in the local news by me but no one said if the counter protestors were not wearing face masks as a form of civil disobedience.
Ho hum.

Nothing to hide! It's my God given right to express my opinion, just like everyone else on here. And sorry, but I am not hateful, never have been but that's what people like you do when someone has a difference of opinion, start with the insults. It's OK, believe what you want to make yourself feel better. Pray for NYC, it needs it!
In 2000 there were 673 murders, in 2010 there were 532, last year there were 319, There have been less than 400 murders every year since he took office

I'm not a fan of his, but stick to facts. Which crime stats are you referring to?

Are murders the ONLY crimes that can be committed?? Look at the NYPD article that has been posted a few times!
Adding more punctuation doesn't make your point more valid. Mostly it just makes you look like you are always shouting.

No, not shouting at all. I always put extra punctuation in. I appreciate other people's opinions. Sadly, some on here just want to insult but it's OK, I understand when it's not their agenda, that is what they do. All good!
A logo of an African American woman is demeaning??? Wow, just wow. I believe her nephew came out and was very disappointed with this irrational move, or maybe that was Uncle Ben?

For someone who was screaming about not erasing history, you sure seem hell bent on ignoring it when it doesn't fit your narrative.

A family member speak out against change means nothing. We are not a monolithic people. We have always had vary ideas on how to address our issues.

Martin vs Malcom
Booker T. Washington vs W.E.B. Dubois
Langston Hughes vs. Countee Cullen vs W.E.B. Dubois vs Zora Neale Hurston...


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