Something About Nothing............ #14

Ah yes, I would happily come over to Schumi’s for tea. My mum was always a tea drinker, and when I took her to England, we both enjoyed tea over there. Little one, though, not a tea drinker. Guess it did not continue down the line. LoL. But yes, I too am enjoying a tea, my morning favorite beverage. While I do enjoy coffee too, I much prefer a good cup of tea. And most of my coffee drinking includes ice in it. Winter time, I will sometimes have hot coffee after dinner.

The sunrise was beautiful and so bright (and hot) as the AC blew cool air most of the night says it was a warm overnight. 80 out now, and 93 will be the high temp this later afternoon. Weather guy said absolutely sunny day, and those with breathing issues, stay inside, the humidity will be rising through the day. With 93 the high, I am so most likely almost as warm as Mac.

With the 5 am forecast saying sunny day, now on my 3rd load of wash. Just hung up the second load, and yay, first hung load has some dry, so really hoping to find more dry before hanging the third. Nice to hang out wash.

And a happy hello to Jump. Glad you too enjoy Schumi’s trip reports. Stay around, great food and all kinds of weather are news here. Hope you are doing well.

Robo, I hope you are feeling less itchy and swollen with that poison ivy. Sending well wishes, and hope your HHN mug has good coffee in it this morning.

Real, I hope the weather holds for tending the garden. While long ago now, my mum and I enjoyed traveling all over England, and we very much enjoyed the Wedgewood area. To this day. I have some jewelry and pieces we bought at the Wedgewood Pottery shop. That was the first, and only, time I had been to England, as I took my mum on a long trip, sightseeing in England, Scotland and Wales. We had a great time, and was the first time I bought English tea in a tin. Now a days, I can happily find English tin tea in most stores.

Ah, Schumi also had me at lazy day. I deserve it after the absolutely muggy day, yesterday. Was so nice to jump in the pool after that sale time. The rest went to a church, that sells things, and takes donations their church store. Got there just as they were closing. No way was I bringing anything back home. Done with, means done with. And what I made, paid for our take out dinner from the place that does home style food. For the same price as a fast food place, we got cooked carrots, fried applies, mac and cheese, mashed and gravy, chicken fingers, chicken with bacon and maple syrup, and chicken dumplings. We were all so hungry, older one finished off my large serving of chicken. Nothing left. Watch the screen for some time, but could not leave the light on, as promptly went to bed at 11, drifting to sleep hearing older one chatting with his friends, playing his online games. Little one had headphones on, as I past by her room, so I have no idea what was on her screen. When they went to bed, have no idea. But both are sleeping, and I don’t expect to see them up before the breakfast hours expired. Which I think is a secret way, little one does not have to order breakfast foods. I did buy bagels on the way home last night, so I assume she will get one of those, when she arises. We too, hope to have a lazy day. Wash to be finished soon enough, then relaxing before the kids get up, as our Sunday routine is to stock up grocery for a few days, and take the trash out, as pick up is tomorrow, trucks arrive around 7am. While DH and I will be up more than. 2 hours before that, I much rather get ready for work, than putting out the trash. We both have been known to add a little more when we get up though, once in a great while.

So homies, have that wonderful Sunday, the day to rest, and relax. Sending well wishes to Keisha. Hope your vision is much better today. And hope those that were in that hurricane hit to Texas, are safe, and not flooded out, or have damage from the wind. That hurricane hope includes Buckeev and his family.

Never got the taste for iced coffee....but not the biggest coffee drinker over here anyway, and limited in America now anyway......I only drink tea maybe twice a day.....not a whole lot.

Glad you did well yesterday, I`m sure the church would have been glad of your donations. None of our churches here are accepting anything yet, and some charity stores haven`t opened yet. We have some items building up in the garage for when they do.

Hope today is a peaceful one for you.......

Having a great morning without the heat!

only 85 right now and will go to 90 in the afternoon
This weather I like!
Sitting in my sun porch and having a nice breeze

Rest of the predictions for the week will be hot and won’t be able to sit outside when that happens.

Not complaining as we do not get snow and cold like some of the homies do.

Hope you all are chilling and having a great weekend!
Read a few minutes ago walking dead finale will be October 4

yes, I still follow that show...

Now that sounds lovely!!!! Too hot isn`t fun when you want to go out anywhere.....sounds lovely and relaxing sitting on your sun porch.......oh gosh yes, anything rather than snow.

We gave up on the WD long ago.....glad you`re going to get the finale though, I know you still enjoy that show.

Another steamy day here. The pooch appears to have gone feral, swear his hair grew 4 inches in last two weeks. Going to bribe the mr to hold him while i do some quick ‘pruning’ :)

Little comes back here today, missed her last week but glad for the quite time. The mr outdid himself picking up the slack while he was off work.

Lots of testing here, one DS was positive & cleared to go back to work tomorrow. The 2nd was clear and out of the still resulting self quarantine coming mid-week. My mom’s nursing home is in process of being tested, they are repeating their 1st positive in her area of the complex. Sigh

HHN is still stinging, sharply. Changed trip around, now @ HRH coming in on 26th, then onto Swan, will be thrilled to see it through in whatever format.

Donate it to charity, nice tax write off :)

Be there or be square

I always have various chips on hand, will toss them in my bag & start pumping Dave full of Pepsi

My fav fancy type are the old bay flavored ones, just grabbed pickle flavored (ew) for GD. Worse than they sound BTW.

I’m always down for a good time

Good for her!

To quote my dear old Dad: “If you stop moving, might as well have them start digging the hole in the ground.”

There’s always the tide pen lol

Oh noooos that sounds miserable indeed

going back to 400 BC, pandemics have shaped our existence. this sort of thing moves at lightening speed now due to our global mobility & was long-overdue. what’s truly sad, aside from the loss of life/misery, is that we were so sadly unprepared/unrealistic handling it.

Especially, considering how you have been affected, I applaud your positivity :). IMO, winning is a subjective term in this instance. I’m resigned to settle for survival until we can bank on vaccination/herd immunity, sooner vs later would be swell!

Even then,we all live & learn going forward & be prepared to taking precautions to prepare/mitigate the next round of whatever inevitably will come our way.

I read that first paragraph as your lovely misters hair had grown 4 inches in last two weeks!!!! Thought....what are you feeding him...:rotfl:

You`ll be so glad to see GD again tonight.....and yes, your mister has done a grand job in looking after you.

We have a crisp that`s a pickled onion flavour.....used to be a favourite as a, not so much. Love a good old chip and dip of our favourite snacks watching a movie....and I forgot your DH was a pepsi man.....yep, no coke for me....although I prefer real coke but like diet pepsi......actually I think we`ve had this conversation

And again, good news on the two sons, but worrying with your mum :hug:

Yes, we`re very lucky with my as a fiddle and still chats like a budgie on the phone!

That Tide pen has been a fabulous addition to our laundry cabinets! We don`t leave home without one either......and my goodness when we do get back I need to buy a whole load more as friends love them too!!! They`ll be getting their order in as I gave them only each......they last a while though......

Hot here today.... going on 86 but very humid.

Not a lot going on really, just household chores and painting the front door. I need to get into the garden because we're overloaded with cukes and they have to be picked. I tried a new recipe, cucumber kimchi, and it smells really good so far. I love regular kimchi so I thought I would try it. Cucumber and zucchini just explode in the summer and we're always looking for new things to do with them.

I missed this yesterday! I'm sorry to hear that. I'm very allergic too, and sometimes get it. No fun. I have a product called Tecnu that's a scrub you wash with after gardening or exposure to clean off the oils. It helps a lot so you don't get it, and also if you do get it, it helps dry it up quicker. I got it at Walmart.

A chihuahua and a pomeranian mix. Two littles.

Sorry to hear that. Is DS ok now?
My family member who works in the nursing home is getting tested every other week now. They test residents also. Our county cases are going up from only about 6-7 a few days ago to 27 yesterday.

LOL! I like the dill pickle ones... but I also like Salt and Vinegar too.

Finished the Mandrake and made two book covers too. He looks more grey toned on my pictures, but he is a warmer brown. He does have a whole body inside the pot too, not just the torso. I might add more leaves at the top, not sure yet..... I'm not the best at sculpting faces, but I just kept thinking "ugly-potato-baby-looking-thing with roots... lol!
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mrose...they are fabulous!!!

You are so talented.....they really could be from the movies.....JK Rowling would be proud!!! Book covers too look lovely.

Just enjoyed our steak pie......

I was on the phone earlier to my aunt in LI who has been in New York since the 1950`s......and it`s the one dish she misses from home is a home made Scottish steak pie......beautiful.

Not too warm today, but feels very pleasant......I`m sure we`ll still be much cooler than mac`s slightly cooler temps.......

Lazy night ahead.......but it`s been a very lazy day all round........chatted to friends and family and sent off a couple of emails.......always good to catch up.....

Tom just made a pot of tea......I have some mini blueberry muffins left over from this morning, will have a couple of those with tea.

Watching Live and Let Die right now........has it`s funny moments!

Good afternoon. I am stuffed from lunch and trying not to fall asleep. If i nap I won't sleep tonight.
Dh turned on a baseball game and promptly fell asleep. It's nice to see live sports again. He has been watching previously played football games, or, as i like to call them, used football.

I think tonight’s light is operated by batteries ...
I have a few electricity draining ones to bring out.

I’m attending our online Church service at 11 - it’s nice to “see” everyone and I haven’t had chance the last couple of weeks. I like the fact we are all muted for the singing so I can sing out loud and nobody can hear!
We finally got the go ahead to go back in person. It's nice seeing real people again.

Good luck with your flights........hope you get something that suits you.
ThankS. We are looking for fast and cheap. I learned we can save about $150 per person if we fly out of the airport that's an hour away from where we live.

Lots of testing here, one DS was positive & cleared to go back to work tomorrow. The 2nd was clear and out of the still resulting self quarantine coming mid-week. My mom’s nursing home is in process of being tested, they are repeating their 1st positive in her area of the complex. Sigh
Glad to hear you son is doing well. Hoping for good news from the nursing home.

To quote my dear old Dad: “If you stop moving, might as well have them start digging the hole in the ground.”
This was my MIL. She started spending more and more time just sitting in her recliner and watching TV. She eventually had to go into full time nursing care. Sadly, I think she just gave up.

A chihuahua and a pomeranian mix. Two littles.

Finished the Mandrake and made two book covers too.
Looks great!

We started another puzzle last night, so I think I will go and sort pieces. This one shouldn't be nearly as difficult as the last one.
How is your mum doing now Charade?
She is doing pretty well all things considered. My aunt had a ramp built so she can get in and out of the house without too much difficulty. The thing that is driving her crazy is having to have help with basic tasks. My mom hates being physically dependent on someone else. She has a doctor appointment later this week about her leg. She is hoping they will remove the external fixator.
@mckennarose wow those are amazing pieces of work. So creative. Yes pics of dogs when available!

@schumigirl wish I’d made my pie - did not enjoy the sausages - have to be just right for me.

@keishashadow hope all are clear and well very soon.

@Charade67 glad your church is open. Soccer is back on tv here but no crowds. They add the noise of them but that seems a little strange. I’m not a big fan.

My best friend has just invited us up to Yorkshire for a couple of nights. We had a day visit a couple of weeks ago in the garden but it will be nice to stop over.

Have recorded The Birds to watch this evening. Many years since we’ve seen it!
Soccer is back on tv here but no crowds. They add the noise of them but that seems a little strange. I’m not a big fan.
No crowds for baseball either. Some of the games I have seen have left sized cardboard people in parts of the stands. Some are adding sound and digital crowds. The digital crowds look creepy to me.

Have recorded The Birds to watch this evening. Many years since we’ve seen it!
I saw a little bit of that movie when I was a kid and it scared me so much that I couldn't watch the whole movie until I was well into my adult years.
Charade, I just book when flights just open, then keep checking. I have a nice amount of points retuned. Flights this September are almost half what I had to use last year. Good luck getting a great rate. I always fly out of the City airport I live about an hour or less train or car ride.

DisneyLife, thanks for the head’s up about hotel rates. While I have a better RPR rate than now showing, saved a nice amount off my SF rate, as got even lower AP rate than had. Score!

And woot! Hope to say hello to Keisha this September. Haha, growing hair. My older one is being begged to get his hair cut. With his quite long beard and hair, I told him no mountain man allowed here. Sigh. In 2 weeks, will be legally blonde again.

Did the grocery shopping. All stocked and ready. Tried to go to a smaller grocery place, but since line was out the door and around the building, I will return later, to see if no line. Then it’s that Sunday routine of just relaxing. Fashion show by little one, yep, more to give away. Good. A good closet cleaning is always needed. Plus, mall visit earlier yielded new clothes. So, out with other, that too old, not fitting, not going to wear anymore. Worn and not going to wear shoes were dropped off at another church store on our way to the mall.

Awesome craft result McK.

Tea drinking and ooh learning about sharks. Yeah, certainly will be warmer than Mac tomorrow. 97 the high. Yeah, with steamy humidity raising the temp to a nice sweaty 101.
She is doing pretty well all things considered. My aunt had a ramp built so she can get in and out of the house without too much difficulty. The thing that is driving her crazy is having to have help with basic tasks. My mom hates being physically dependent on someone else. She has a doctor appointment later this week about her leg. She is hoping they will remove the external fixator.

Glad to hear she is not too bad now. Yes, being dependent on anyone is something no one wants....hope she gets a good result from her doctors.

No crowds for baseball either. Some of the games I have seen have left sized cardboard people in parts of the stands. Some are adding sound and digital crowds. The digital crowds look creepy to me.

I saw a little bit of that movie when I was a kid and it scared me so much that I couldn't watch the whole movie until I was well into my adult years.

I remember actively avoiding watching The Exorcist for years as I had been told how scary/terrifying/horrific it was....

Finally watched it as an adult......what a huge disappointment. Wasn`t the least bit scary and downright boring. I was so annoyed I`d wasted an evening on it.

The Exorcist HHN house from a couple of years ago was so much better!!!

Not a fan of The Birds either......Dial M for Murder, Strangers on a Train and Marnie are some of my favourites from Hitch.

Getting darker as I type tonight......autumn will be here before we know it.......
I really need to clothes shop but too many peeps with no masks in the stores here.
So I don’t shop.
I’m not an online shopper as need to try clothes on before I make a purchase.

I do have clothes in different sizes but always like to have some new items for a trip.
It’s a female thing...

My only option now is to stick with my diet and lose weight.
Tonight is pizza night so diet won’t start until pizza is gone.

I do have my priorities....hahahahaha

charade figure in parking at the airport charges and see if it still is cheaper to fly from the airport an hour from your house.

For me it is cheaper to use car service than airport parking fees.

Who is watching baseball tonight?
I’m glad it is back on tv.
Thought I’d heard they were making a movie with Rick Grimes.

Not sure where I seen that, do you know anything on that?
On Talking Dead tv show it was stated they were in productions but the movie will be released for theaters and won’t be on tv.
My guess due to delays due to covid, at least a year from now if that soon they will get back to filming schedule.
Everything stopped on that project in March.
I really need to clothes shop but too many peeps with no masks in the stores here.
So I don’t shop.
I’m not an online shopper as need to try clothes on before I make a purchase.

I do have clothes in different sizes but always like to have some new items for a trip.
It’s a female thing...

My only option now is to stick with my diet and lose weight.
Tonight is pizza night so diet won’t start until pizza is gone.

I do have my priorities....hahahahaha

charade figure in parking at the airport charges and see if it still is cheaper to fly from the airport an hour from your house.

For me it is cheaper to use car service than airport parking fees.

Who is watching baseball tonight?
I’m glad it is back on tv.

lol....enjoy that pizza.....diets always start tomorrow...... ::yes::

I don`t mind online shopping for clothes......I can order two sizes on each item and see which works return the others. I call the number and they come pick it back up so I don`t even have to go to the post office.....very convenient. Yes, new clothes are essential for a trip.......

We remembered to cancel our airport car service during the week. She had been expecting it as she has had so many cancellations. Feel bad as they are a lovely couple trying to make the best of a bad situation. Airport transports are their life blood.

Still fairly warm tonight......nice breeze though which will help.

Can`t believe we are almost at the end of July.....this month has flown past, actually the whole year has surprisingly flown past quickly.

Almost bed time here........
I read that first paragraph as your lovely misters hair had grown 4 inches in last two weeks!!!! Thought....what are you feeding him...:rotfl:
Haha lots of protein but not quite that much
Watching Live and Let Die right now........has it`s funny moments!
All the roger Moore versions are a lovely, guilty pleasure
He has been watching previously played football games, or, as i like to call them, used football.
Haha good one. We call that breaking down plays here...all those x’s & o’s & arrows to infinity & beyond.
Some are adding sound and digital crowds. The digital crowds look creepy to me.
Absolutely, on both counts. I’d just as soon have them skip it entirely, same as all pro sports.
And woot! Hope to say hello to Keisha this September.
I’m planning on having a mini-HHN while there.

Going to hide in dar corners & jump out at people shouting: boo! Pretty much how I roll in RL as it is:rolleyes1
Tea drinking and ooh learning about sharks.
I was told that I have a ‘shark problem’ lol. Watched one of the NG programs leading up to shark week & accidently taped all of them playing last week. That’s my story & i’m Sticking to it
I remember actively avoiding watching The Exorcist for years as I had been told how scary/terrifying/horrific it was....
I still remember seeing it on a date back in high school lol. It broke A lot of barriers when it came out. IMO one of those movies that gets better the more you watch it as to pacing & bonus flinchable moments if you are/were Catholic lol
Not a fan of The Birds either.
o_O Not sure which part is creepier but the build up to the jungle gym sequence raises the hair on my arms every time I watch it.
Who is watching baseball tonight?
Nope, but batter’s up to all who have been eagerly awaiting it’s return. What team(s) do you root for now?
Aww Fighting Phils are mine. They decided to order cardboard cut outs of fans, since most not allowed in. Silly, I thought, waste of money. But hey, I watched on the screen English football, and the stupid station added fan noise, even though no fans in attendance.

Eh, not a huge baseball fan, though have been to games in the past years. My aunt, bless her soul, was a lifelong avid fan. You could never visit or call during game time. She and my uncle watched every game on their TV, but never went to the ballpark.

No pizza dinner here. Bought ground sirloin and made meatballs and added lots of fresh vegetables, and dinner served. Older one and I added cheese. All gone. Stir fry chicken is tomorrow’s dinner. Or chicken on the grill, if I can get DH to light the grill, then will rethink sides. Ooh, have some taters hanging around, maybe mashed. Eh, most of the time, dinner is last minute decision. Was to be chicken tonight, but all not feeling it. Instead of burgers, meatballs, and too hot to have pasta and red sauce, so just added fresh vegetables once the meat was mostly cooked.

Alarm set, trash out at the curb, wash all dry and put away, screen time. Tea sipping too.

All have that most peaceful night.
Early light turning on. Still light out here for another almost hour.
Good evening. Wonderfully lazy day today. I really didn't do much of anything. Dinner was a quick breakfast meal of bacon, eggs, and biscuits.

B was washing dishes tonight and dropped a glass. I don't know why, but she tends to over react when there is an accident. She started to panic and was saying "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" over and over. I went into safety mode and told her to carefully leave the kitchen since she didn't have any shoes on. Dh and I quickly got the glass cleaned up and she had calmed down by then.

After dinner dh and I watched A League of Their Own. One day I hope to visit the baseball hall of fame.

Charade, I just book when flights just open, then keep checking. I have a nice amount of points retuned. Flights this September are almost half what I had to use last year. Good luck getting a great rate. I always fly out of the City airport I live about an hour or less train or car ride.
We always book the economy flights. I'm not sure if we can change flights if the rates change.

I remember actively avoiding watching The Exorcist for years as I had been told how scary/terrifying/horrific it was....
I have never seen that movie. I still haven't seen Psycho all the way through.

charade figure in parking at the airport charges and see if it still is cheaper to fly from the airport an hour from your house.

For me it is cheaper to use car service than airport parking fees.

Who is watching baseball tonight?
I’m glad it is back on tv.
I hadn't thought about using a car service. We always pay to park no matter where we fly from.
No baseball for me tonight, but when I do watch it's the Braves,

Early light turning on. Still light out here for another almost hour.
Beautiful lights.

Well, since Lynne left the lights on I will save mine for another time.
Charade you are in charge of tonight’s lights for the thread

yea it is more like Monday now and just about to go to bed
Cats get up in 4.5-5 hours from now to be feed
Morning all - see @macraven was still up as I woke today. Windy and rainy this morning which is a shame as littles home at 9am will be looking forward to the garden toys and trampoline. Hopefully brighten later.

@schumigirl many years since The Birds I’d forgotten the rotten ending!

The Bond movies are one of the series our grandson studies and remembers everything of. Can name them in order - which actor, which villain and actor, year etc. He’s the same with Disney and Pixar, Spider-Man now onto Batman - we watch them a lot of times and likes to discuss them and we have to admit we don’t have the knowledge! Hoping high school can use that memory to give him the passion on a subject he can enjoy. He has been keen on the planets during lockdown.

More gardening was planned but not possible so
more coffee while we contemplate! I have mine strong with cream.
Haha lots of protein but not quite that much

All the roger Moore versions are a lovely, guilty pleasure

Haha good one. We call that breaking down plays here...all those x’s & o’s & arrows to infinity & beyond.

Absolutely, on both counts. I’d just as soon have them skip it entirely, same as all pro sports.

I’m planning on having a mini-HHN while there.

Going to hide in dar corners & jump out at people shouting: boo! Pretty much how I roll in RL as it is:rolleyes1

I was told that I have a ‘shark problem’ lol. Watched one of the NG programs leading up to shark week & accidently taped all of them playing last week. That’s my story & i’m Sticking to it

I still remember seeing it on a date back in high school lol. It broke A lot of barriers when it came out. IMO one of those movies that gets better the more you watch it as to pacing & bonus flinchable moments if you are/were Catholic lol

o_O Not sure which part is creepier but the build up to the jungle gym sequence raises the hair on my arms every time I watch it.

Nope, but batter’s up to all who have been eagerly awaiting it’s return. What team(s) do you root for now?

I knew I had to read it twice as I know your mister is always so well turned out.....couldn`t imagine him with longer hair!

Oh yes, the Roger Moore Bonds are so much fun! I don`t watch them anymore as they just aren`t fun.....most of the humour is gone.

I`m howling as I really can picture you pouncing out on folks like that!!! I love it.....yes, make your own mini HHN. Yes, maybe some would be affected with that side of The Exorcist.....I was just so was very much a "Is that it" kind of movie for me......I much preferred the spoof type movies of it....they were better and funnier!! I do love a good scary movie though. Have you seen The Conjuring? I really, really liked that movie. There`s one scene in it in particular that really freaked me out.....quite an innocent thing, but Tom does it often now as it always makes me glower at

Good evening. Wonderfully lazy day today. I really didn't do much of anything. Dinner was a quick breakfast meal of bacon, eggs, and biscuits.

B was washing dishes tonight and dropped a glass. I don't know why, but she tends to over react when there is an accident. She started to panic and was saying "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" over and over. I went into safety mode and told her to carefully leave the kitchen since she didn't have any shoes on. Dh and I quickly got the glass cleaned up and she had calmed down by then.

After dinner dh and I watched A League of Their Own. One day I hope to visit the baseball hall of fame.

We always book the economy flights. I'm not sure if we can change flights if the rates change.

I have never seen that movie. I still haven't seen Psycho all the way through.

I hadn't thought about using a car service. We always pay to park no matter where we fly from.
No baseball for me tonight, but when I do watch it's the Braves,

Beautiful lights.

Well, since Lynne left the lights on I will save mine for another time.

Dinner sounds good. I quite miss biscuits from over there......

Psycho is a good you can watch over and just enjoy it.

Charade you are in charge of tonight’s lights for the thread

yea it is more like Monday now and just about to go to bed
Cats get up in 4.5-5 hours from now to be feed

Think I just missed you this morning.......I was up earlier, but didn`t log on as you were heading to the time I get back in today you`ll be up I`m sure with those kitties!

We have rain this morning......lots of rain. And it`s forecast all day, so no barbecue tonight. I`ve been asked to do sausages and mashed potato tonight, so that`s dinner sorted. Honey bbq sausages from our local butcher, they are delicious.

Need to pop out this morning and then no plans to do anything the rest of the day....although famous last words.......

Last of the blueberry muffins for breakfast this morning.





Ah, Monday. Back to routine I go. But thinking highly of making it a long weekend to end the month of July, and take Friday off. Short week will be nice.

I must have been in a good enough sleep, I was like what was that man saying. Oops, oh yeah, alarm went off. But quick to awake, as still dark enough, I still generally arise before the sun does. And unlike Real and Schumi, a gloriously streamy 97 is the high. So I may be just a bit warmer than Mac. With that full ☀️, and humid air, feel like temps are in the triple digits. And was a warm night. AC was happily cooking the house. Never went lower than 78 or 79.

Ah, news guy said sunrise soon, so will watch a nice bright sky, with sunlight streaminginto my window. All that, while reading a screen, and sipping tea from a cup. Ah routines. 😊

Aww, Charade, glad to hear B calmed down. At least she did not get hurt, and just an accident I think we all have done. Common to accidentally break glasses and dishes in the kitchen.

So all,



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