Future runDisney Events

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I am torn. Do I care about myself, or my fellow man? Can I do both in a pandemic when I want to race again, but I know that it could kill people? By summer every adult who wishes to be vaccinated will have been (in America). I have had my first Pfizer dose and am 2 weeks away from my 2nd. I love running and miss racing. But there are tens of millions of Americans who are not going to get vaccinated for political reasons, and many of them also love racing. They will bring Covid with them to these races, and some will die just because we decided to have large gatherings like this again.

It all makes me sad. I so much want to race again, but people just can't be trusted.
I think with Disney stating masks will be required at least thru the end of 2021 it makes it difficult for W&D to go off as it typically does. The 5k and 10k would finish before parks open but how do they enforce park guests being strictly masked but not half runners going thru/exiting the park? Could they push Epcot to open later? Or end the race at WWoS? I think making runners wear masks during the race is unlikely based on what other local races have done. Hopeful to be racing at Disney in late 2021/early 2022, but we shall see...
Only if proof of vaccination was required until we reach herd immunity. If I participate then I condone.

What if we don’t reach herd immunity through vaccination? Are we supposed to discontinue all activities and be essentially held hostage by the vaccine-hesitant? I’m not referring to those with medical reasons that they can’t or shouldn’t vaccinate, to be clear. At some point responsibility for taking the risk falls on their shoulders and it becomes incumbent on the unvaccinated or otherwise at-risk individuals to refrain from engaging in higher risk activities. I don’t think the remainder of society has a duty to refrain from voluntary activities to protect people who choose not to protect themselves.
I think with Disney stating masks will be required at least thru the end of 2021 it makes it difficult for W&D to go off as it typically does. The 5k and 10k would finish before parks open but how do they enforce park guests being strictly masked but not half runners going thru/exiting the park? Could they push Epcot to open later? Or end the race at WWoS? I think making runners wear masks during the race is unlikely based on what other local races have done. Hopeful to be racing at Disney in late 2021/early 2022, but we shall see...

I don’t think mask requirements in the parks are relevant to the racing situation. People seem to forget that both proximity and time are required for transmission. The rough standard that has been established is within 6’ for 10-15 minutes. That’s very relevant to park guests standing in ride or shopping queues. It’s not relevant to a runner following a roped off, dedicated path through a park during a race where the likelihood of being within 6’ of a park guest is low to begin with and the time within that 6’ distance is transient, probably no more than a few seconds. Masks for runners going through the parks would serve no useful purpose for transmission prevention.
i understand people who are on the fence about races when not everyone has been vaccinated.

However, once people have been offered the vaccination, if they choose not to accept it and still wish to participate in mass gatherings then they must accept the risk of catching the infection.

We cannot stop mass gatherings forever (Disney races just one example) because of the few percentage that choose for whatever reason not to have it.

Us that have had the vaccination (Still waiting for my appointment in the UK but i will have it the day im invited for it) will just have to trust in the science and be willing to accept that no vaccination is 100% and be willing to accept the risk ourselves.

We have had the flu vaccine for years, im not eligible for it here in the UK, it too kills thousands a year, but we still had mass gatherings..... it the risk level and what your prepared to accept i guess.

At some point everything will open up as "Normal" again. there will be a small percentage not vaccinated...... wont worry me in the slightest how close i am to people as i will be vaccinated and have hope that will be enough for me
What if we don’t reach herd immunity through vaccination? Are we supposed to discontinue all activities and be essentially held hostage by the vaccine-hesitant? I’m not referring to those with medical reasons that they can’t or shouldn’t vaccinate, to be clear. At some point responsibility for taking the risk falls on their shoulders and it becomes incumbent on the unvaccinated or otherwise at-risk individuals to refrain from engaging in higher risk activities. I don’t think the remainder of society has a duty to refrain from voluntary activities to protect people who choose not to protect themselves.
That was what I would do. I am not telling anyone else what they should do. Heck, we have tens of millions of people who would rather watch hundreds of thousands die than wear a mask or get a vaccine. Telling them what to do wouldn't help, anyway.
I don’t think mask requirements in the parks are relevant to the racing situation. People seem to forget that both proximity and time are required for transmission. The rough standard that has been established is within 6’ for 10-15 minutes. That’s very relevant to park guests standing in ride or shopping queues. It’s not relevant to a runner following a roped off, dedicated path through a park during a race where the likelihood of being within 6’ of a park guest is low to begin with and the time within that 6’ distance is transient, probably no more than a few seconds. Masks for runners going through the parks would serve no useful purpose for transmission prevention.
This is not true where people are performing vigorous physical activity. Running produces deeper breathes and stronger exhalations. Running behind someone who is also running for even a few exhalations could be enough.
This is not true where people are performing vigorous physical activity. Running produces deeper breathes and stronger exhalations. Running behind someone who is also running for even a few exhalations could be enough.

I don’t think I’ve seen any studies showing that being the case. If it were true, races would not be feasible in any form unless runners were prohibited from passing one another on course. Out and back courses would have to be prohibited, as well.

The original premise, though, was not discussing runner to runner transmission. It was “how can you have mask-less runners in a park with masked guests?”
I have a somewhat unique perspective as someone who is at high risk for complications from flu and also cannot get the flu vaccine thanks to previous adverse reactions. Flu season sucks for me, but I deal with it by keeping my distance from others, washing my hands, etc. I would love for others to help protect people like me by staying home when they're sick and wearing masks when they have to go out, but they don't - so the onus is on me to protect myself. I view COVID at a time when every person who wants to and can be vaccinated the same way: things will return to some normalcy and those not vaccinated will have to take their own precautions, and/or take their chances. Otherwise there won't ever again be in-person races.
The original premise, though, was not discussing runner to runner transmission. It was “how can you have mask-less runners in a park with masked guests?”

I don't think you can. I don't expect races to return until masks are no longer required and we're back at what passes for "normal" post-COVID.

As for the dilemma of getting into a crowded pre-race corral, I'm not going to be doing that until I've been vaccinated, both for my own protection and to protect my fellow runners from me possibly infecting them. Once I get vaccinated and big events return, I'm definitely racing again. If someone else can't or won't get vaccinated, that's not in my control, and it would not prevent me from participating in big races again. I'm sure we all want to do all we can to protect each other, but everyone has to decide for themselves their acceptable level of risk.
@BikeFan i am with you. @camaker with you too. I can't control what others do from a vaccination perspective or showing up sick. I can get vaccinated. I am ok racing if i have been fully vaccinated. At least it protects me. Now until I am vaccinated i am not sure i can race. The pics i have seen of in person races (atlanta half) did not make me feel so good about spacing.

My concern is vaccination is not going nearly as fast as i would like. I know i have said it other posts, but i still can't get my parents a vaccine appointment. They are 79 and 83. Yet in GA they are allowing more people to get the vaccine. In fact i am starting to think i will get the vaccine before my folks as i won't turn it down if offered to me. i am just sad i can't get my elderly parents a vaccine first.
@BikeFan i am with you. @camaker with you too. I can't control what others do from a vaccination perspective or showing up sick. I can get vaccinated. I am ok racing if i have been fully vaccinated. At least it protects me. Now until I am vaccinated i am not sure i can race. The pics i have seen of in person races (atlanta half) did not make me feel so good about spacing.

My concern is vaccination is not going nearly as fast as i would like. I know i have said it other posts, but i still can't get my parents a vaccine appointment. They are 79 and 83. Yet in GA they are allowing more people to get the vaccine. In fact i am starting to think i will get the vaccine before my folks as i won't turn it down if offered to me. i am just sad i can't get my elderly parents a vaccine first.

I‘m fortunate enough to have been completely vaccinated by early February, but I understand the current frustrations with getting appointments and shots right now, as my wife is a teacher who’s just been sent back into a high school classroom without full vaccination. Current projections are that the vaccination supply pipeline will be full by the end of summer, enough so that anyone that wants a vaccine can get one, so hopefully you and your parents will be able to get vaccinated soon, @garneska.

I would be quite content to provide proof of vaccination to participate in races, but given the state of our society it’s hard to see this actually happening. There would almost certainly be cries of discrimination, along with the problem of how to address participation for those who can’t get vaccinated for medical reasons. It’s not hard to see a near future in which “PoV“ cheating becomes the next “PoT“ cheating.

Regardless, assuming widespread vaccination availability and no emerging variants that compromise vaccine efficacy significantly, it’s not hard for me to see a return to racing at Disney by Marathon Weekend, especially if Boston, NYC and Chicago run as planned this fall. I still maintain that the return of racing need not be tied to the removal of masks in the parks, as runners are segregated from park guests both physically through roped off running routes and temporally through either running while parks are closed or the fact that even park guests lining the ropes (which might not be allowed if spectators are prohibited) are limited to very few seconds of contact times with individual runners as they pass.
What about capacity limits? I am not sure if Disney is still sticking with 35%, if so and if that does not change i doubt they will have a race. I know a lot of runners don't go into the parks but I think if Disney is still limiting capacity they will not have the races. They want people in the parks. It is Florida so honestly I am expecting capacity limits to be lifted by fall 2021. I also expect the government (state or federal) will stand by businesses. Meaning even if you can prove that a person got COVID at Disney, i suspect it will be go at your own risk and you can't sue us.

I will be watching the capacity limits. I think that is the sign if the races will go off. I have my campsite for marathon weekend and i will sign up for the marathon, but if i am not vaccinated, I probably won't attend (i would still go to disney) the marathon. However I am hopeful that by end of summer the supply of vaccines will make it possible. If i am vaccinated i have no problem running the event.
What about capacity limits? I am not sure if Disney is still sticking with 35%, if so and if that does not change i doubt they will have a race. I know a lot of runners don't go into the parks but I think if Disney is still limiting capacity they will not have the races. They want people in the parks. It is Florida so honestly I am expecting capacity limits to be lifted by fall 2021. I also expect the government (state or federal) will stand by businesses. Meaning even if you can prove that a person got COVID at Disney, i suspect it will be go at your own risk and you can't sue us.

I will be watching the capacity limits. I think that is the sign if the races will go off. I have my campsite for marathon weekend and i will sign up for the marathon, but if i am not vaccinated, I probably won't attend (i would still go to disney) the marathon. However I am hopeful that by end of summer the supply of vaccines will make it possible. If i am vaccinated i have no problem running the event.

Capacity limits could certainly throw a wrench into the works. If I remember correctly, they started around 25% and moved up to 35% pretty quickly. I think we‘ll see them increase to 50% pretty soon if the current virus trending holds and then return to 100% when there is unrestricted access to vaccination (I agree with you, probably this fall). I’m sure you and DH won’t have any issues getting the vaccine by this fall. Fingers crossed for you, though!
L.A. also is planning to host the Marathon in November. I know Disney can’t wait to see if these large fall events go off to make a call, but it shows that maybe they can start thinking about it.
I concur that capacity will be close to 100% by Fall 2021, assuming the vaccine is widely available on an on-demand basis. Case numbers are already trending down, which I expect will continue as more people get vaccinated. I suspect Disney expects the same, based on the fact they're waiting to open the new Ratatouille ride until Oct. 1.
Being old enough to be a card carrying member of AARP finally paid off for me. I will get my first shot tomorrow, for which I am very grateful! Being vaccinated I feel comfortable attending MW and very much hope it happens.

I also hope all your turns for the vaccine come sooner than later.
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