People are so done with Covid!

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This is the only type of wedding I would attend right now, even though we'll be fully vaccinated soon. We had two coming up this summer/fall. Both "kids of cousins" on DH side. One was just postponed again to next summer (was supposed to take place last summer). I think the other one is later this was also supposed to be last summer. We won't attend that one if it's indoors because too many people on DH's side will likely not be vaccinated. They think it's overblown....some still call it a hoax. So, hard pass on being indoors with that crew.
We are at the wedding now. It feels VERY strange. So far everything has been outside. Ceremony and cocktail hour but I think dinner moves INSIDE the big barn. DH is getting antsy.
We are at the wedding now. It feels VERY strange. So far everything has been outside. Ceremony and cocktail hour but I think dinner moves INSIDE the big barn. DH is getting antsy.

Hang in there. Hopefully most of the people are vaccinated....including you and your DH! long as there are no horses in the barn....keep the door open! ;).
We are at the wedding now. It feels VERY strange. So far everything has been outside. Ceremony and cocktail hour but I think dinner moves INSIDE the big barn. DH is getting antsy.

Aren't you both all vaccinated? Just curious on what makes you feel uncomfortable and I truly feel bad you feel that uncomfortable. My niece had a big outdoor wedding in the middle of last summer and I didn't even attend. Over a 100 were there and no one got Covid but in hindsight I still would have not gone.
We are at the wedding now. It feels VERY strange. So far everything has been outside. Ceremony and cocktail hour but I think dinner moves INSIDE the big barn. DH is getting antsy.

Hang in there. Depending on what vaccination you received, you have a small chance of getting COVID. I'd wear a mask and socially distance as much as possible inside.
Hang in there. Hopefully most of the people are vaccinated....including you and your DH! long as there are no horses in the barn....keep the door open! ;).
If you feel uncomfortable, you can always leave. The ceremony is the most important part anyway.
Aren't you both all vaccinated? Just curious on what makes you feel uncomfortable and I truly feel bad you feel that uncomfortable. My niece had a big outdoor wedding in the middle of last summer and I didn't even attend. Over a 100 were there and no one got Covid but in hindsight I still would have not gone.
Hang in there. Depending on what vaccination you received, you have a small chance of getting COVID. I'd wear a mask and socially distance as much as possible inside.
We left. DH and I are both fully Pfizered BUT my pregnant sister is coming to visit in 2 weeks and she isn't vaccinated so I don't want to risk picking it up and passing it to her. Plus DH couldn't quite get comfortable with the seating arrangement inside the barn. We made sure to say hello and congratulate the couple and drop off our card at the gift table. If this were our family I woild have felt a little better knowing who was amd wasn't vaccinated but it was a friend ans we didn't know anyone but him, his new wife, his dad and hia sister.
I'm glad your family is able to navigate this time without it breaking the family apart. In my family the ones who are really bothering me the most are the ones who have been so vocal about Covid not being a big deal, then about losing their freedom, and now....after all the noise, being vocal about not getting the vaccine. And they're still going on about their freedom. It's become their "thing". I'm not on social media at all, other than reading twitter for news...etc. But I hear about it from my sisters, who are on social media with the people on my side who are acting this way.

I just don't understand why we can't be like Israel, where the vaccine opens doors to things like concerts, restaurant reservations...etc. I'm sure it's not perfect there either and that people are whining about things, but I'd be 1000% more likely to attend indoor concert, if I knew everyone in that building had been vaccinated. I'd pay more for that experience. Same for flights...etc.

This is slippery slope. There are legitimate reasons not to want the vaccine at this time. Past adverse reactions to vaccines, the fact that there are no long-term studies, the fact that they are being used under emergency authorization to name a few.

I agree with that too. In case its not obvious from my posts lol, we own a restaurant, well a few of them. Or at least we did before all this. Our employees who are trying to make a living here, have been with us for quite a while, and make $15 hr or more depending. Which is pretty good for a cook/dishwasher at a casual restaurant where the total per person cost is about $15-16. Our min wage here is $9.25. Our managers make about 60/year plus bonuses. We are in a low cost of living area, so thats pretty good. To compare, I am a state employee, have been for 21 years, and I make less than 30 a year. only 2 out of the 5 restaurants we had will reopen. 1 has been open since October. Due to restrictions, and other factors, our sales are still less than 1/2 what they were in 2019. The overhead factors are still the same, if not more. We've been lucky that the banks have deferred some things and we've been able to remain open. But we have put every bit of $ we had into trying to keep that one afloat. We have not and will not turn a profit for probably a year or more. And we do not take a pay check at all. Back to my pint, which was we pay relatively well for our area, and having quality help is still an issue. There are thousands more out there who are in the same position, struggling to survive. And hearing the argument over and over about how everyone should be paying XX amount an hour, and CEO's are raking in the $$, and bosses are greedy, well it's just not true. I know I won't change anyones mind on things by posting. I only hope to open peoples eyes to the fact that there are lots of little guys out there just hoping to be able to make it to the other side to attempt to rebuild. We aren't all out here trying to screw over employees by paying low wages and treating them like crap. We aren't all raking in the $ while every one else suffers.

Thats amazing that you pay your dishwashers $15 and hour, while you work for the state for 21 years and make less than 30 a year!!! WOW!!!
Without singling any one poster out, for those who said they are still uncomfortable at gatherings indoors, eating in restaurants, etc. even after having both vaccinations, when do you think you will feel safe, if ever?

I think many people should feel "safe" once the majority of the US if not the World has minimized the virus. As long as the virus exists, it will continue to mutate and become stronger/smarter. The right thing, is to get vaccinated and maintain the suggestions of Health Leaders/Scientists. You can feel "safe" but still feel you're doing the wrong thing. I'm not walking into a crowded bar or wedding like I might have 18-months ago, it's not smart for anyone. At this point, there will be a 3rd booster towards the end of the year in large part because people fear the vaccine. Having seen people suffering from Covid and it's long-term effects and getting the vaccine myself ...the risk of long-term issues from covid are much worse than someone sticking a messenger mRNA into my body. I wonder why people ever feel safe about getting news and medical advice from Facebook....
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Without singling any one poster out, for those who said they are still uncomfortable at gatherings indoors, eating in restaurants, etc. even after having both vaccinations, when do you think you will feel safe, if ever?

I will be honest and say I do not know, I am not sure I will ever feel 100% comfortable doing these things unmasked. I am hoping to feel comfortable with outdoor dining after I am vaccinated.
Without singling any one poster out, for those who said they are still uncomfortable at gatherings indoors, eating in restaurants, etc. even after having both vaccinations, when do you think you will feel safe, if ever?
I’ll feel better when community spread drops and stays down and when more people are fully vaccinated. I’m not ready to eat indoors yet. My son graduates from college next month. It will be an outdoor ceremony with masks/social distancing and everyone needs to either submit a negative Covid test, show proof of vaccination, or show proof that they’ve completely recovered from Covid in the past 90 days. I will be comfortable there.
Without singling any one poster out, for those who said they are still uncomfortable at gatherings indoors, eating in restaurants, etc. even after having both vaccinations, when do you think you will feel safe, if ever?

Not sure. It isn't now. I am hopeful by the time our December trip to WDW rolls around we will feel more comfortable.
I think many people should feel "safe" once the majority of the US if not the World has minimized the virus. As long as the virus exists, it will continue to mutate and become stronger/smarter. The right thing, is to get vaccinated and maintain the suggestions of Health Leaders/Scientists. You can feel "safe" but still feel you're doing the wrong thing. I'm not walking into a crowded bar or wedding like I might have 18-months ago, it's not smart for anyone. At this point, there will be a 3rd booster towards the end of the year in large part because people fear the vaccine. Having seen people suffering from Covid and it's long-term effects and getting the vaccine myself ...the risk of long-term issues from covid are much worse than someone sticking a messenger mRNA into my body. I wonder why people ever feel safe about getting news and medical advice from Facebook....

First off Viruses don't mutate typically to become more severe , they don't want to kill their host. They aren't living organisms like bacteria. They rely on a host to survive if they keep killing hosts they will end up not surviving. Mutations always occur because they are un stable most mutations are meaningless and a very few will make it easier for it to survive which also tends to lead to causing less severe illness.

Covid is not going away no matter what we do.

Everyone is going to make their own determination of what is safe and not to them and their family. Right now there are already thousands that are comfortable going to inside gatherings with no masks and such. Right now there are ones that are still barely living their house even after being vaccinated. The next couple months are going to be the turning point for businesses because by then their staff will have had the opportunity to vaccinate or not taking a lot of the risk away from the employer and more restrictions will drop. After that it will be on the guest if they choose to take on the risk or not.
First off Viruses don't mutate typically to become more severe , they don't want to kill their host. They aren't living organisms like bacteria. They rely on a host to survive if they keep killing hosts they will end up not surviving. Mutations always occur because they are un stable most mutations are meaningless and a very few will make it easier for it to survive which also tends to lead to causing less severe illness.

Covid is not going away no matter what we do.

Everyone is going to make their own determination of what is safe and not to them and their family. Right now there are already thousands that are comfortable going to inside gatherings with no masks and such. Right now there are ones that are still barely living their house even after being vaccinated. The next couple months are going to be the turning point for businesses because by then their staff will have had the opportunity to vaccinate or not taking a lot of the risk away from the employer and more restrictions will drop. After that it will be on the guest if they choose to take on the risk or not.

Without singling any one poster out, for those who said they are still uncomfortable at gatherings indoors, eating in restaurants, etc. even after having both vaccinations, when do you think you will feel safe, if ever?
We went about life as normally as possible prior to the vaccine. Masks and socially distanced. We continued to live life, work, vacation, go out to eat, etc. Statistically, we knew we would have a bigger chance of getting in a car accident than dying from Covid.

Now that we are fully vaccinated? Bring. It. On. Absolutely no fear. We still wear our masks where required. I really don't mind a mask.

But to see vaccinated people still living in crippling fear is troubling to me.
Without singling any one poster out, for those who said they are still uncomfortable at gatherings indoors, eating in restaurants, etc. even after having both vaccinations, when do you think you will feel safe, if ever?
I will feel better when countries are no longer going into lockdowns in an effort to reduce infections. Since I live in an area that typically receives a lot of international guests, the chance of all sorts of variants coming to spread here is high. Since we don’t know if the current vaccines cover all the variants, there is still a chance of infection. I would feel better if they come up with a booster that covers the variants we currently have and get enough people vaccinated to prevent more mutations.

Don’t get me wrong. I feel much better after getting vaccinated, but there are still a few too many what ifs out there for me to feel I can just go back to normal, especially after losing two members of the family this year to Covid. I may go more places, but for now I will still be masked and keeping my distance.
Without singling any one poster out, for those who said they are still uncomfortable at gatherings indoors, eating in restaurants, etc. even after having both vaccinations, when do you think you will feel safe, if ever?
I'm waiting for my two weeks post pfizer and then I'm traveling!
I'm glad your family is able to navigate this time without it breaking the family apart. In my family the ones who are really bothering me the most are the ones who have been so vocal about Covid not being a big deal, then about losing their freedom, and now....after all the noise, being vocal about not getting the vaccine. And they're still going on about their freedom. It's become their "thing". I'm not on social media at all, other than reading twitter for news...etc. But I hear about it from my sisters, who are on social media with the people on my side who are acting this way.

I just don't understand why we can't be like Israel, where the vaccine opens doors to things like concerts, restaurant reservations...etc. I'm sure it's not perfect there either and that people are whining about things, but I'd be 1000% more likely to attend indoor concert, if I knew everyone in that building had been vaccinated. I'd pay more for that experience. Same for flights...etc.
Some people just think it's their God given right to be irresponsible and potentially infect everyone they come into contact with.


Here's one that got arrested and then as a condition of her release before trial was told by the judge she had to wear a mask. This is her openly defying that order wearing some little mesh thing that obviously isn't going to work. The thing is, these people always think they're so smart cute and funny. HAHAHA LOOK AT ME, I'M PUTTING ONE OVER ON THAT STUPID JUDGE!!!! Let's put it on social media!!!! It's not about freedom. It's about thumbing their nose at people and being a donkey. Well she got caught. And now she has 10 days to write to the court and explain why her pre trial release shouldn't be revoked. HAHA. Looks like the joke is on her.

As for the irresponsible ones in your family bothering you, You can't worry about whether they're going to break the family apart or not. If they do it's on them. And really, all you can do is what you know to be right and let the chips fall where they may.

Well, not to get technical....but we all have "bills", utilities, property taxes etc.....even if we don't have debt.
If you were truly wanting to be perfectly debt free like us, you'd have them caught up to the second at all times. ;)
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Without singling any one poster out, for those who said they are still uncomfortable at gatherings indoors, eating in restaurants, etc. even after having both vaccinations, when do you think you will feel safe, if ever?

I'm glad you mentioned this because I quoted a couple of early posts in the thread but lost them. - I expect to feel safe, but I think it will just be very gradual for me.

I realized during all of this just how much of an introvert I really am. In a way, I think I actually found it easier to adjust to the initial shutdown than I am to opening back up - as that was going from "normal" to clear rules, and this is a lot fuzzier transition.

I am one vaccine in and almost to my second. I have felt better about small steps (eating out, visiting with a few people at a time) but big gatherings still make me nervous.
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