No Masks Outdoors 5/15/21

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European and UK countries, also Japan and S Korea, tend to have a much different mentality than the US. There's a little bit more of a big picture view on how things affect the country as a whole than in the US. In the US, we tend to be more self-focused. I am not saying that's always true or necessarily bad, but having traveled and known people from countries all over the world, I can see how this is different amongst them.

Self focused....freedom oriented. Tomàto...tomato

Look at those countries speech laws and compare them to the 1st amendment, it's a good idea of the mindset difference.
Well that is considered an attraction.

Maybe, but you don’t have to wear them on the animal walking trails or in the aviaries. Some lines you have to wear them the whole time and some lines you can wait until you reach the building or attraction. Part of it may be that they made the change without notifying the cast members beforehand (according to the few I’ve spoken to), but who knows.

It’s just a little inconsistent right now, but I’m sure they’ll figure it out. I’m just reporting it as I’m experiencing it. Overall, it’s been a major improvement.
This will keep people not willing to wear masks outdoors out of 60 minute plus queues for tot, slinky, etc in the summer heat. Works for me.
My understanding is they aren't being required in the overflow queues. Don't think it will reduce wait times especially since capacity is being increased....alllegedly.
Maybe, but you don’t have to wear them on the animal walking trails or in the aviaries. Some lines you have to wear them the whole time and some lines you can wait until you reach the building or attraction. Part of it may be that they made the change without notifying the cast members beforehand (according to the few I’ve spoken to), but who knows.

It’s just a little inconsistent right now, but I’m sure they’ll figure it out. I’m just reporting it as I’m experiencing it. Overall, it’s been a major improvement.
Yes, I have read first hand accounts on other threads where cast members said you did not have to wear masks while in extended queues outside, only when you entered the actual queue of the attraction. I hope this turns out to be true, as with increased capacity, there could certainly be longer extended queues in the broiling hot sun. Especially since during the extended queues you are more socially distanced than just walking around outside.
I posted this in the TP&A forum, but I HIGHLY recommend anyone visiting now purchase some mask lanyards for their party. We have been using ours for many many months and LOVE them. If you are going to be taking your mask on and off a lot like at WDW now, they are a marvel. We bought ours on Amazon. A pack of 10 in multiple colors for like $8.95 but I have seen them at Walmart.
I posted this in the TP&A forum, but I HIGHLY recommend anyone visiting now purchase some mask lanyards for their party. We have been using ours for many many months and LOVE them. If you are going to be taking your mask on and off a lot like at WDW now, they are a marvel. We bought ours on Amazon. A pack of 10 in multiple colors for like $8.95 but I have seen them at Walmart.
I'll be at Pop Century in 13 hrs! so I didn't have time to order them-however, I did today find a 3 pack at Walmart (after looking to no avail at Hobby Lobby yesterday and CVS) in the ladies accessories section (no where near the masks, oddly) on the very bottom shelf, marked $6.97 and rang up on clearance for a dollar!!!

So if your trip is soon, this might help.
I'll be at Pop Century in 13 hrs! so I didn't have time to order them-however, I did today find a 3 pack at Walmart (after looking to no avail at Hobby Lobby yesterday and CVS) in the ladies accessories section (no where near the masks, oddly) on the very bottom shelf, marked $6.97 and rang up on clearance for a dollar!!!

So if your trip is soon, this might help.
Usallyy there or by the glasses.
By July 4th was always the “obvious” target for that, no?
Yes, I think July 4th is when we see Disney lift masks to a recommendation only. Orange County will hit the rolling 5% by Memorial Day.

(That is significant, as phase 3 is triggered by a 70% vaccination rate or 5% test positivity rate. It’s highly likely–if not certain–that the test positivity threshold will be reached far sooner than the vaccination goal. As a reminder, phase 3 is the end of all health mandates. Rules, mandates, and guidance in Orange County would go back to normal, pre-March of last year.)

- that gives Disney the option at that point to make them a recommendation. And we see Fireworks too!
Same...LOL. I was only wrong in I expected closer to end of summer, vs May...LOL
I think this was coming - accelerated by the announcement by Orange County. I also think we will start to see Disney ramp up things rather quickly. With the staff (college program) being back up to 80% by June, things will start coming back sooner than later. By this I mean, fireworks at least at Epcot and more restaurants opening, mask being Optional and Typhoon Lagoon opening. Disney is stilling on the "Green Light" - the CDC has given it's approval and Orange County will hit the 5% by Memorial day - look for Disney to open the flood gates soon.
Someone and I cant remember who (so sorry!) predicted this last week and even said that disney would not announce a date but would just put it into place.

I, for one, am very happy about this new announcement. We are going in late July/early August. Now lets get the character meet and greets up and running and the boats to disney springs!
Of course, then I would care, but are there really adults out there making fun of children wearing masks?
Of course, but the poster said this change was going to be a problem. Even if ppl don’t comply, if you’re vaccinated, it shouldn’t matter to you per the CDC recs. You should still be safe.
I have been in an area with pretty much 100% mask compliance so have not noticed any mask-shaming. I guess my point is ppl should have minded their business then as they should now. Who cares what someone else is doing. Worry about yourself!

I'm just catching up on this thread...I completely agree, people should worry about themselves (although on some level IMO we should all be mindful of public health) and not judge, but just like the impact of covid has varied by region, experience of public health measures, etc. have too. I'm from an area that had close to 100% mask compliance and is one of the highest states for vaccination rates, however I also live 2 blocks from our governor and it was the epicenter of mask protests for a year. And yes, adults made fun of both children and adults wearing masks...often with bullhorns, lol. One day, my 14YO daughter was walking home from the park and adult male protesters started to follow her to insult her, swear at her, insult her parents...bananas...Anyway, while I would hope nothing like that would every happen at Disney, my point was more that people have had a wide ranges of experiences regarding all of this over the past year, and it might factor into concerns with any policy changes, etc. Personally, I'm looking forward to the change, we'll all be fully vaccinated so it will definitely make things easier, but I have empathy with people trying to figure things out as the changes roll out...
Yes, I think July 4th is when we see Disney lift masks to a recommendation only. Orange County will hit the rolling 5% by Memorial Day.

(That is significant, as phase 3 is triggered by a 70% vaccination rate or 5% test positivity rate. It’s highly likely–if not certain–that the test positivity threshold will be reached far sooner than the vaccination goal. As a reminder, phase 3 is the end of all health mandates. Rules, mandates, and guidance in Orange County would go back to normal, pre-March of last year.)

- that gives Disney the option at that point to make them a recommendation. And we see Fireworks too!

Orange County's mask "rules" are just basically voided recommendations. They are unenforceable after the Governor's actions a few weeks ago. Even places like Tampa with a Democratic Mayor who has butted heads with Desantis a lot says they can no longer has mask mandates.
This is fantastic news. I went to the store yesterday and didn't wear a mask for the first time since March 2020. Felt great! My wife and I laughed and smiled the whole time. Hardly anyone wore a mask and it was great to see everyone's smiling faces. So glad to see all of this phasing out. By the time we visit in November, it should be close to normal again. I just wish capacity would not go over 70% lol
Orange County's mask "rules" are just basically voided recommendations. They are unenforceable after the Governor's actions a few weeks ago. Even places like Tampa with a Democratic Mayor who has butted heads with Desantis a lot says they can no longer has mask mandates.

I have mentioned this a few times and it goes ignored. Demings is pretending he still has control over it, but many people are still following him like he can actually have power over it.
This is fantastic news. I went to the store yesterday and didn't wear a mask for the first time since March 2020. Felt great! My wife and I laughed and smiled the whole time. Hardly anyone wore a mask and it was great to see everyone's smiling faces. So glad to see all of this phasing out. By the time we visit in November, it should be close to normal again. I just wish capacity would not go over 70% lol

70% capacity is still too many people. Days most people think are crazy crowded with shoulder to shoulder in MK are only around 60%.
You are only responsible for you. If you choose to wear a mask, more power to you. If you choose not to, same. You do you and don't worry about other people. This is a good first step to returning the parks to normal and now the company can focus on reopening resorts, restaurants, a fp system, an ap system, when to return to nighttime shows etc
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