What is your opinion on the United Kingdom?

My high school Band uniform. Our school colours were yellow and green. We has mustard yellow blazers and green skirts or pants. We use to joke that we looked like Moldy Bananas. Luckily my last year we got nicer green sweaters which we wore with black pants or skirts.

Our band uniforms were Kelly green and gold. Long skirt with the most uncomfortable boots.

8 years of Catholic grammar school -- grey and blue plaid, with white knee socks. I haven't owned anything plaid in blue and grey since!

My elementary uniform was green and red plaid. It was so ugly.
I was a Captain at an EMS service. HORRIFYING polyester uniforms. It was like wearing a plastic bag.
During elementary school, there was a workplace accident at the place many of our fathers worked. The kind of thing that made international news even back then, with multiple fatalities. This was at a time when you just soldiered on, so they sent the kids to school and the wives just stayed home and prayed for the best. No counselors for the kids.

As the day progressed, we would hear a knock at the door, the teacher would answer and then call for a specific student to come to the hallway. Complete silence as we held our breath and waited to hear if a friend's father was alive, injured, or dead. Most of the morning we got nothing but good news. A few injuries, but nothing

At recess, I couldn't find my best friend, who was in a different teacher's class. Another student told me that my friend's father was among those killed. I went into some sort of fog and just started walking fast along the playground perimeter. I missed it when my class went back in and once inside, the teacher noticed my absence and sent someone to look for me. I was still just walking in a big circle, zoned out. I think I would have kept walking for hours if someone hadn't taken me back inside.

He was the family rock and his death changed everything. Without going into detail, the day he died, my best friend's life trajectory changed drastically and her life was ruined. One person's presence or absence can make all the difference in the world.
The house on the left, no doubt. Both are large and have pools, but the left one is outrageously tricked out. A huge covered patio, a to die for outdoor kitchen, and a gorgeous pool. Multiple extra garages, with guest quarters. and landscaping that is just stunning. Yep, to the left.
We were all straight A students, so there were no bad grades. My parents always expected us to do our best. If a B was truly our best, that was fine. Buy if we made an A- when we could have made an A+, that was not fine. Do your best was what we heard. They were always very proud of us and that meant a lot.
I am assuming right or left as you are standing facing your house? In that case right. more land but less grass to cut
I don’t think they’re technically considered “bars”, but we go to local breweries/tap rooms/craft beer shops at least once a week.

There are even two places that I’ll sometimes go to during the day with my computer and work while having a beer. I’d much rather meet up with someone there for an afternoon meeting than Panera or Starbucks.
Us too. I guess it all depends on what you consider a "bar". If it is something like cheers then hardly ever, but if something like you describe above , we have a couple place we go to once every week. We have met some really good new friends in the last year.
Neither. We live between the local township building which they built several years ago. Thank goodness we still have a small patch of woods between us. The other side use to be a church but it was sold a few years ago and converted to a dance studio. We have a solid row of blue spruces on that side.
The only thing I see that I’d like to get rid of is a window that the seal broke and now it has a bit of mold growing between the glass panels.
Burger King 1977. Being a guy I didn't have to wear the "form fitting" top and puffy hat. The The guys got a baseball cap. BK.jpg
Phone on the left, desk light on the right. I would toss my phone out the window right now if I could. I loathe cell phones, but had to change with the times, especially now because we don't have a landline anymore.
I like this house and its layout, so neither. The houses to the left and right are more standard suburban ranchers, where I live was built by hand by my uncle's Dad from his original design and has many lovable quirks.
It goes for almost anything where there's a firefight. Rarely do automatic weapons jam, and obviously they shoot a lot more than the capacity of a particular firearm. It's really about movies, but once I saw a commentary by the director about a scene he filmed in Robocop with automatic weapons. He said it took a whole lot of takes before he could even a small segment (to splice into a larger scene) without a jam. I just saw Collateral again, and there's one scene where I count Vincent getting off 20 shots without reloading.

I agree that firefights are typically really unrealistic. However, one reason that the director saw so many jams is that blanks were being fired. Most semi or automatic weapons are tuned well for firing a given projectile. The presence of the bullet keeps back pressure (behind the bullet) which helps cycle the weapon. With blanks, as there is no heavy solid bullet, you have to adjust things to get the cycle working. It can be frustrating, even if using props that were specifically designed to fire the blanks.


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