Not Getting COVID Vaccine

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I am for the vaccine but I believe if you have had it then you maybe do not have to. My dad had it, my brother, my SIL, they all got the vaccine also but I was wondering if it was necessary. I wish we could get straight answers. Just like this poster even tho she says she had and that is why she isn't, I have seen her endlessly posting about Covid and seems she is against no matter what. Anyway I do believe if you have had Covid you may not have to get vaccine and if I had had it I may not have. But I wish we could get clearer info on it.
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For all us vaccinated people: imho, we don't need to steal this thread and turn it into a "why you should get vaccinated" thread.
The OP just asked the above question.
I'd enjoy just hearing various people's answers to the OP's question in their own words, rather than a should/shouldn't/will/won't discussion.

DId you read the Have you gotten the Covid vaccine (or something like that)? Why was that one closed? 🤔
WOW, that is nuts! Some of these teachers need to be told to sit down and do their job. There are so many fantastic teachers that get a bad rap from these few that are horrible. I hope you told that teacher off and reported her to the principal & school board. There is medical privacy and she had no right to ask & demand the reasons why. I'm so sorry for your son!!

I did let the principal know...after I had calmed down. He decided to address the issue school wide with a reminder to avoid such discussions.

So the teacher then assigned a "Why the Covid Vaccine is the best scientific choice" type My kid got a D; but luckily still has an A in the class. Sigh. One more day of school....
DId you read the Have you gotten the Covid vaccine (or something like that)? Why was that one closed? 🤔

I haven't seen it on Page one but I haven't really been looking lately. Hopefully it's still going....very very helpful and informative read for a long time. 👍
I have a relative who said they he didn’t need the vaccine because he already had it and supposedly had tested positive for antibodies over winter. Then he got it again in April and ended up in the ER, so... curious to see what he’ll do now.

Anecdotally, I know more people who have had covid twice (6) than people who got it after getting the vaccine (1). But to be fair, the vaccine is newer.
I am for the vaccine but I believe if you have had it then you maybe do not have to. My dad had it, my brother, my SIL, they all got the vaccine also but I was wondering if it was necessary. I wish we could get straight answers. Just like this poster even tho she says she had and that is why she isn't, I have seen her endlessly posting about Covid and seems she is against no matter what. Anyway I do believe if you have had Covid you may not have to get vaccine and if I had had it I may not have. But I wish we could get clearer info on it.

Since the current news is that this virus is now possibly not naturally occurring, the scientific community is gonna struggle much more with getting any certainty, b/c nothing about previous naturally formed viruses can be 100% presumed to continue for man-made ones...

So, as has been the default since the beginning, the scientific community is in a "better safe than sorry" stance...vaccines have so little risk, that it's safer for everyone to get them than to try to spend the money, time, and energy going through each person's previously infected Covid case to see what level of immunity they might have against which variants...I mean, vaccines are VERY cheap and effective care, especially when given by the millions...and with millions of previously infected getting vaccines, they've shown there's no higher risk for those folks than unvaccinated ones in getting the shots...
I got the vaccine months ago, but I can answer for my relatives: because it's all a "hoax". Covid was started to kill off the old wait, the vaccine is supposed to kill the old, that's not right either. I think they've finally settled on it contains a microchip and turns you into a Communist now.

Natural immunity may or may not protect against the variants. I worry that with the amount of people refusing, we'll be in a worse place a year or two from now because of mutations in the virus. I try not to worry about it, because I figure at least myself and my immediate family have done our parts. It's up to everyone else to do their part as well.
I have a family member won’t get the shot because she was already sick and did the hospital thing last fall. We care about her and trying to reason with her but stubborn as they come no matter the subject. She thinks her genes are good enough because she survived the first time. How can she know for sure she won’t get sick a second time? It’s happening to other people. It could be never.. or 9 months or 3 years. And the variants. Getting vaccinated is how we contribute to fighting against, but also could be a nasty variant that evades natural first wave immunity. Then do they get vaccinated or roll the dice again? Just easier and more helpful to get a shot sooner than later. Don’t end up a statistic in the hospitalized/dead column of the unvaccinated. The contrast will sharpen.
I haven't seen it on Page one but I haven't really been looking lately. Hopefully it's still going....very very helpful and informative read for a long time. 👍

It was closed. Too much nonsense spouting.
You need to inform yourself with trusted resources like your doctor. Do not base your decisions or take the word of a stranger off of a discussion on a message board.
Not basing my decision on a stranger. I actually spoke to a doctor and my dd did go and get the vaccine 2 months ago.
There are valid medical reasons for a small percentage of people to not get the vaccine. These people need to be protected by the vast majority getting the vaccine.

That has nothing to do with anything. Off topic of the post.

Well guess what. When you start a thread, you don't get to direct the way it evolves.

We are not getting it at this time because I am uncomfortable with the amount of time that it has been tested. We really don't know what the long term effects of it are, and won't for some time. I am also uncomfortable with the information on the virus and how to combat it changing sometimes daily and we are told that it is a virus and we should accept these changes and not question them. However, with the vaccine we are to just take it and believe that it is safe. This coming from the same people who don't have a handle on the virus itself.

In the end, I try and keep my vaccination status to myself as it seems like those who are choosing to wait (or not get it at all) are being asked to justify their reasons and then others will tell them if their reasons are valid or not. Most seem to think there is NO valid reason to not get it, so why bother getting into it with those people? They don't actually want to hear your opinion, they just want to bully you into getting one. Just look at this thread. The question was asked why people are not getting the vaccine and there are more people here telling others that they don't have valid reasons or bullying.

Did you know that there has NEVER been a vaccine with long term effects? I was worried about this too, until I did more research and learned that beyond a couple months (which would have shown up by now), vaccines have not had long term effects.
Couldn't agree more. A friend shared with me how she is responding to people when they ask her what her vaccination status is: "Sorry, I believe that personal medical information is private and I am not sharing it with others." And I don't know if she is vaccinated or not, she TRULY isn't sharing that information with anyone, 😄 I would also never dream of asking her, nor anyone else for that matter, but I know that I have certainly been asked numerous times by others, so far only people who have had a shot.

I will say too that "No" and "Yes" are also sufficient answers. Why we feel we need to explain our medical choices really confuses me.

Vaccines have NEVER been private medical information. You need them to go to school and to go to certain countries. That is not in good faith. Knowing someone's vaccine status is not a new phenomenon.
So if you happen to get Covid again, will you refuse any treatment?
Why should she refuse treatment? I don't see any logic in assuming that an unvaccinated person should decline or be denied treatment for an illness. As the OP said, there are different reasons for declining vaccination. None of them make you unworthy of medical care.

I'm vaccinated, btw. Just don't like the mob mentality about this.
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Did you know that there has NEVER been a vaccine with long term effects? I was worried about this too, until I did more research and learned that beyond a couple months (which would have shown up by now), vaccines have not had long term effects.
The 1976 swine flu vaccine is documented to have increased rates of Guillain Barre Syndrome, which has long term effects for some sufferers.
Vaccines have NEVER been private medical information. You need them to go to school and to go to certain countries. That is not in good faith. Knowing someone's vaccine status is not a new phenomenon.
Yes, it absolutely is private information. I'm a teacher and I could never share a student's vaccine status with other parents (or even discuss it with other school personnel without a valid reason). It's private information. Schools & customs are privy to a lot of private information, sure. But it's still private and the government professionals who view it as part of their jobs are not at liberty to broadly disclose it.
The side effects of that vaccine showed up within 8 weeks of vaccination. We are far past the point now where any of those effects would be showing up with the millions of doses administered.
You said there had "NEVER been a vaccine with long-term ill effects". The swine flu vaccine of '76 is an example of one that did.
US is doing pretty good and cases are crashing but not as good as Israel where 80% are vaxxed and cases are approaching zero. On the other hand Japan is a total mess and they are way behind in vaccines.

Never seen so many people against something that is working so well.
I posted on another thread about the teacher who went around the room in a class and asked each kid point blank if they were vaccinated, and if NOT, why not. My kid was the youngest (15) in his class with a bunch of older kids. He is embarrassed about his health issues, and being called out for medical explanations in front of his peers? OMG. Just not appropriate.
I did let the principal know...after I had calmed down. He decided to address the issue school wide with a reminder to avoid such discussions.

So the teacher then assigned a "Why the Covid Vaccine is the best scientific choice" type My kid got a D; but luckily still has an A in the class. Sigh. One more day of school....
Yuck. As a parent and teacher, I would have been outraged and would not have let my child write the paper at all- it's none of that teacher's business & not his/her place to force beliefs on a child.

What that teacher did by demanding sensitive medical information from children in an open classroom discussion was actually in violation of FERPA, a well-known phrase to educators that stands for The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. I wouldn't be satisfied with the principal taking care of this in-house, frankly. I'd report and deal with it on a district level. The principal is probably sweeping it under the rug. That teacher's conduct is outrageous, and it was in violation of federal law. The principal didn't mention this to you, I suppose?

And no way would I accept that D after all of this, either. That teacher's behavior is beyond the pale and his/her insistence on a paper indicates that he/she hasn't figured out how inappropriate the behavior was. In my district, that teacher would be lucky just to have a job after something like that happened. The teacher needs to become aware of the law before it happens to another child next year.
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