This is Us- Season six

This has always bugged me. There were a few episodes centered around this, I think, then it sorta just went away with no further discussion or exploration. Kind of a huge plot point that was just left unfinished.

I think he was more a functioning alcoholic, rather than a drunk at noon falling down alcoholic.

I don't think it had reached the point where the kids would have realized what was going on. Rebecca did, gave him an ultimatum, and he cleaned himself up. I think there wasn't more to the story because he was one of the lucky ones who succeed at that.
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So on Twitter last night I saw two things:

1) It was the last day yesterday of filming to Deja, Tess and Annie all together. They could possibly have a couple of scenes left individually, but together-yesterday was it

2) They released the final episode titles (minus the series finale tho it could just be called series finale). They are (starting next week):

Ep614: The Night Before The Wedding(we all know where the is is headed)

Ep615: Miguel (our sad theories are right arent they….prepping my tissues for that one)

Ep616: Family Meeting (my guess is this is the one where they move Rebecca back to the cabin. It also could potentially be the last big storyline for Milo if it has a comparison story in the past)

Ep617: The Train (guess this is the connection to Rebecca with the red caboose)

Ep618: Series Finale (again I don’t know if this is the title or not).
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I'm going to guess it will end with Rebecca dying smiling as she sees Jack sitting beside her, of course it won't be Jack, but that is who she will see.
Just thinking about the end of this show gives me a lump in my throat. Has been such a rollar coaster, sad to see it end.
As soon as the box set is available, I will be buying it.
I really want the box set, and usually something like that would be my big ticket want item that I’d get for Xmas…but both this is us and walking dead ending the same year will have me deciding which one I purchase….most likely will be this is us
I got shivers just reading about the titles of the last few episodes. I'll miss these characters. I am actually shocked I made it through the last two episodes without too many tears (considering I am going through a separation) but I do not hold out any hope for the last few episodes.


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