January WISH, Journey into January with hope and joy!

Thankful I only gained 3 pounds since October. Between the stress around my dad passing and the holidays I was expecting way worse. Thankful all my blood work looked good.

Thankful DS7 is feeling better and for his teacher who is working hard to meet his IEP goals.

Thankful for the progress DD is making with her speech device. She hits buttons to try to "sing" with some of her cartoons its so cute.

Thankful all the precipitation in our area has been rain instead of snow.
Yah, it's Friday! The car is packed for Goodwill: what I thought was going to be two loads all fit in to one, so I'm going to do my run to the mall today and pick up moving boxes.

I really need to see progress in the form of space opening up, so I'm going to focus on finishing clearing out the basement, then move on to the kitchen. There is so much to do, but I think (hope) I'll be in good shape by the end of the weekend.
I have lost 4 lbs. in 3 days!!!!! Imagine if that were how it would work throughout the entire process! I could be at goal in 2 months lol!

I’m feeling so chill right now…woke up at 7:15…unheard of…the spa was quiet…lovely conversation with aesthetician…relaxing pedicure.


Nobody’s home. I just baked healthy Bob’s Red Mill chocolate chip cookies. Yum.
Well today was weigh in day for weight watchers-I have not weighed in since 12/18 out of fear!

Shockingly I am only up 2.5 lbs from 12/18 and also in a “normal” range for me…I was absolutely shocked but also that shows what just 4 days of clean eating, water and exercise can do. I am certain the scale would have been much higher on NYD!

I spent the day babysitting my youngest niece. She’s simply so precious. I can’t believe she’s going to be 10 months old next week!!!!!!

I hope everyone has a great Friday!!!
I have been let down by many friends over the years and truly have only had a couple that I could truly trust and rely on. It seems as if some people were in my life for a specific purpose, and when that season in our lives had passed, we drifted apart. I have many friends now who are more like acquaintances...maybe because I have been hurt before and have chosen to keep people at arms length. I have lifelong friends who I don't see often, but thanks to social media, we still can connect. I'm very excited that I have an upcoming reunion in June with a childhood friend who I played with on the beach every summer. We haven't seen each other in 40 years. We reconnected on social media. It turns out that we each have one daughter the same age, and we are both early childhood educators. I can't wait to see her after all this time!

My Ride or Die is my grade partner. She is loyal, trustworthy, and will stand up for me no matter what. She knows that I have her back as well. We share philosophies of life and education. We help each other, keep each other's secrets, cry together, and laugh with one another until it hurts. When she had a family emergency and was out of work for two months, I missed her presence at school terribly, but we talked nearly every day. I was discreet about what she was going through and only shared info with our colleagues that she wanted shared. I supported her students and reassured them while she was gone. I know that she would do the same for me.

I thank God for her every day.💕
I don't have a ride-or-die but would like one or two. It's one of the things on my 'things-that-are-going-to-change-when-I-move-to-Port-Townsend list. To meet people I'm going to start going to the sip-and-knit nights at the yarn shop. There's an art group at the fort that does classes, so I'll be looking for a water color painting class. And I really want to find some walking buddies. After that a bird watching group and a cold swimming group... altho I don't swim so it'll be a cold bobbing around in the water group. Somewhere along the journey I want to find a couple real close friends.

Got a lot done yesterday. Emotionally I started out high then crashed midday and got super tired. I thought I was probably dehydrated so took an early evening break and then rallied after drinking a lot of water. I think I'll have another GW drop off together today and plan on dropping off at the dump tomorrow. It feels good to get all of this stuff out of the house but is a real reckoning on how I spend my money.
I certainly had my fair share of terrible friendships growing up. I can’t think of one friendship growing up that was happy, healthy or consistent.

However as a adult I have been beyond blessed with friendships. About 18 years ago I started working with a group of ladies (we were all young at the time) and while we have continued to work together we have also had kids all around the same time and our kids have grown up together. There are 6 of us and we are ride or dies. Words can’t express how blessed I feel to have all of them in my life.
Such a loaded question for me. I have had people I thought would be but turned out not so much.
I have friends from college that I rarely see or even talk to but we step in when someone in the group needs support.
Then I have a couple good friends I met working with way back in the day. We don't see eachother much but again are there when anyone needs support we are right there. One of this crew I am closer too than the rest.
There are two other friends that were like sisters growing up. We loved and fought like sisters. Fell out of touch but came back together when my dad passed and am hoping we can get back to that space as adults.
Funny, one of DH's goals this year is to connect more with two people from work. We joke that he has absolutely zero friends while I have tons and always have. He claims it's because I need to talk and talk and talk! We laugh because we are both super introverts and rarely talk to anyone! We are close to the gang (my gang--he doesn't keep in touch with his fraternity brothers) from college and I know that any of them would be there for me in a minute. When we moved to this town forever ago I joined a neighborhood babysitting co-op. They were and are my lifesavers. We've laughed and cried together and done laundry for each other when machines go kerplunk. They held me up when DS2 had his mental health issues, and I've held some of them up for the same reasons. They are a super strong group of women that I am so blessed to be a part of.

The scale was down a bit this morning. That's a good sign that the holiday eating is over!!!
Self-care today will be finding the right balance between getting things done and having quiet still time, with the emphasis on quiet still time.

It is 9:30am and I've already done the drop off at the dump. My other have-to-dos for today are to finish the office closet and to clean out the 'fridge. My bonus extra is to make a small drop off at GW of breakable things.

I'm happy with what I've accomplished so far and with the way I'm managing myself... feeling all the feelings, making adjustments when I hit an overwhelm wall, stopping to rest when I need to. I want to have the Got Junk people come next Friday, so that means next week I need to go thru the garage and the outdoors stuff to collect what I want them to take. Most of it will go, so it is just a matter of stacking it together.

I've decided that I would like it to snow again,
after I am moved in. Port Townsend has a extensive network of public right-of-way trails and there's one at the end of my new street that goes thru a small meadow where there is a barn. I really want to see that in the snow and I want Feb to be a time of quiet and stillness and snow would add to that so beautifully.
Self-care today will be finding the right balance between getting things done and having quiet still time, with the emphasis on quiet still time.

It is 9:30am and I've already done the drop off at the dump. My other have-to-dos for today are to finish the office closet and to clean out the 'fridge. My bonus extra is to make a small drop off at GW of breakable things.

I'm happy with what I've accomplished so far and with the way I'm managing myself... feeling all the feelings, making adjustments when I hit an overwhelm wall, stopping to rest when I need to. I want to have the Got Junk people come next Friday, so that means next week I need to go thru the garage and the outdoors stuff to collect what I want them to take. Most of it will go, so it is just a matter of stacking it together.

I've decided that I would like it to snow again,
after I am moved in. Port Townsend has a extensive network of public right-of-way trails and there's one at the end of my new street that goes thru a small meadow where there is a barn. I really want to see that in the snow and I want Feb to be a time of quiet and stillness and snow would add to that so beautifully.
I'm so excited for your new adventure. Thanks so much for bringing us along with you on your journey.


What loving small things are you motivated to do for yourself this week?
Good morning! Weekend was crazy (in a busy way) and while I did something that made DS10 very happy (brought him to a scout event on Saturday) it made my back very unhappy.
So my motivation is to try to reduce pain. Hoping putting some extra effort into my back and core excersizes will help with this.
I made some skinny buckeye bars this weekend so hopefully those will take care of my sweet cravings at night while still being somewhat healthy.


What loving small things are you motivated to do for yourself this week?
One of my favorite quotes!

I'm going to give myself grace in getting all the Christmas stuff down, because a bunch of other stuff I need to do for family members has come up, and nobody is really hurt by a little extra Christmas anyway. 😎
Good morning! Weekend was crazy (in a busy way) and while I did something that made DS10 very happy (brought him to a scout event on Saturday) it made my back very unhappy.
So my motivation is to try to reduce pain. Hoping putting some extra effort into my back and core excersizes will help with this.
I made some skinny buckeye bars this weekend so hopefully those will take care of my sweet cravings at night while still being somewhat healthy.
Freedom in movement is so important... hope you find relief soon.
One of my favorite quotes!

I'm going to give myself grace in getting all the Christmas stuff down, because a bunch of other stuff I need to do for family members has come up, and nobody is really hurt by a little extra Christmas anyway. 😎
I read a survey where in England most leave their décor up thru the 12th day of Christmas, which was really just a few days ago... so are you even late in taking it down?
My small loving things for this week... to get back on the scale, which I did this morning. I'm down four pounds from the last time I weighed, end of December, and is my weight loss goal for the month. And again I'm surprised by that, I've definitely been burning the calories but haven't been eating nutritionally. Which is my other small loving thing for the week... feeding myself nutritious foods.


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