Marathon Weekend 2024


Well......I spend my work days in a 96-100 degree room, so it's usually colder outside than what I stand around in all day. I won't lie though, the first couple of weeks of heat were hard at work, but I feel like I'm adapted at this point (although it still absolutely sucks, and I find reasons to stand in the freezer for 15sec a few times on days where it's ALSO 90+ outside.) I drink a ton of water. And a liquid IV on the really hot days. On runs, I slow down, stash a water bottle on the side of the road at one of the sections I double-back on so I don't have to carry it as far, and run later in the day. Early morning runs just don't work with out schedule, and I'm not willing to get up at 4 or 5am to make it work. I'd much rather run at 8pm.

Things I have also done that help: braiding my hair and then dunking my head in cold water, visor, cooling towel, less clothes, and trying to find a route with more shade.
SAFD: I live in GA and so the heat and humidity are a big challenge in the summer! Like most of you, I just get up early and get it done. I don't have access to a TM so it's either suck it up or don't run at all!
Also - I pretty much always have a handheld water bottle with me when I run, even just a few miles, and I make sure to stay hydrated on a daily basis.
For long runs, I usually plan a pit stop at the car to refill my bottle, and I bring a cooler with some ice cold water in it - that really hits the spot!
SAFD: Treadmill

We are currently headed home after a staycation at Fort Wilderness. I ran three times while I was there and cut two of my runs short. It was absolutely disgusting outside even before the sun was up 👎 My shoes were wet and it was not from stepping in puddles! I opted to do today’s long run on my treadmill in the AC when I get home.
Even though it was disgusting, I was still super jealous when I saw your runs on my Strava feed!
SAFD: Split my time most weeks between Georgia and Texas, so alternate between oppressively hot and obscenely hot, although Georgia has been a bit better than Texas this year so far (low bar as far as temps are concerned). I get out early (usually by 5) and always carry water (either handheld or pack depending on how far I'm going). I freeze a bottle the night before so it stays cooler during the first part of my run. When I remember to do it, I also throw a cooling towel on my neck. I do have access to a treadmill in both locations, but would still rather battle the heat/humidity than jump on the treadmill, especially for anything over 3-4 miles. However, if I miss the morning running window, it is nice to have the treadmill available.
SAFD I get hot and sweat
I’ve worked outside in winter and summer my entire life so I just got used to sweating and doing what I set out to do. Above 150 T&D i’ll bring water with me on short runs but that’s usually just a long run thing. I actually prefer the heat over the cold.
SAFD: The heat and humidity are real for me this summer. My 10K on the Fourth of July hit me like a truck with how suffocating the air was, I was basically crawling over the finish line. I try to avoid the heat by running indoors on the treadmill, or running on a local track when the sun has dipped. I also take into consideration shady routes vs. direct sun. A cooling towel is also my best friend.
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SAFD: I hate the heat. This summer has been pretty bad, with really hot days, followed by cool days. The cool days are great for running, but it also means I'm never getting acclimatized to the heat.
I wish I was a morning person and could get myself to wake up at 4:30 to do my runs before going to work, but I'm just not. So I end up running in the evenings.
SAFD: heat tolerance level = EXPERT. ish. I’ve lived and run in FL for 30 years - doesn’t make the heat feel any less hot, but it does mean I’m as acclimated as it’s possible to be, I guess. I run outdoors in the very early mornings - our overnight lows this time of year are in the low 80s with high humidity, but at least the sun isn’t adding to the heat. I drink chilled Nuun (Which is body temp within 1/2 a mile, but feels good initially, at least!). Wear the least amount of thin clothing possible. Move to the pool or treadmill if I can’t get my run done early enough. Run regularly in a nature preserve, where the combo of dense vegetation and wetlands drops the temp by easily 5*. Slow way the heck down - longer walk intervals than run intervals. Go by time instead of distance (45 minutes instead of 4 miles, for instance.) It’s all still hot and sweaty, but I survive.

My cold tolerance is something else entirely… I’m currently in an office chilled to 70* and I’m wearing wool socks, leg warmers, a thick sweater, and gloves. I’m in misery! :rotfl:

Good Morning runDIsney All-Stars! It is time for Sunday’s Are For DIsney and here is today’s question: With it being summer time how do you deal with running in the heat?

I'm a heat wimp so I just don't run in the heat. I belong to a gym with an indoor track and I spend a lot of time on it (probably more than I should, considering I want to race outside) in the summer. I try to take advantage of nice weather when I can find it to get outdoors, but I default to the track quite a bit because I am also not a morning person.
SAFD: Living in Houston, you pretty much are reserved to the fact that if you are going to run outside during the summer, you are going to be running in some hot temps and high humidity. I usually run on my lunch break at work. For the past couple of weeks, I have been running in near 100 degree temps, with feel like 110 degrees with the humidity. Running gear is really light singlets and really light shorts. I do bring a towel with me on my runs and have it tucked into the back of my shorts. That is usually to wipe down after the run and before going back into the building. There are several drinking fountains along my running route. I will usually stop at each one to grab some water and also splash water on my head, face, and arms. I normally hate carrying anything in my hands while running, but I have been trying out running with a running water bottle.
During the week, I typically run pre-dawn with one day running after work, and long runs starting about 7am. The last week and a half have actually been a little cooler than normal, and it hasn’t been too bad. This morning was 63 with 80% humidity and actually felt a little cool! We’re supposed to back to highs in the mid-90s to 100 by Wednesday with lows in the mid-70s.
My training plan/watch app adjusts a little for temp and humidity. The plans are mainly effort based and by time. I always carry water. I take salt caps on my long runs, and I also try and remember on shorter runs if it is going to be excessively hot/humid.
SAFD: I live in Dallas and it's been a struggle so far this summer. I am absolutely NOT a morning runner, but I have had to adjust to get myself up to run at 6:00 AM before work because it's still in the upper 90s when I get home from work and I just cannot do it. So, I choose 80+ degrees with super high humidity before the sun gets too high in the sky. I also have to make a super concerted effort to slow down to keep my heart rate down. I have also been doing run/walk this month per my running coach's advice to help ramp up my mileage and endurance. I have always been purely run during training and races (except for water stops or when I just need a break), so it's been interesting to try it. I see the appeal although I'm not sure I will keep it up after this month.

Over the weekend I was in Austin for a wedding and I was staying outside the city at a friend's house. I got out about 8:30 for my run and I literally almost died. It was 82 degrees and 96% humidity and the only place to run was a two-lane highway with no shoulder. Full sun, buzzards literally flying around, cars whooshing past. Orlando in January at 5:00 AM sounds like a dream right now. 🤣
SAFD: I live in Dallas and it's been a struggle so far this summer. I am absolutely NOT a morning runner, but I have had to adjust to get myself up to run at 6:00 AM before work because it's still in the upper 90s when I get home from work and I just cannot do it. So, I choose 80+ degrees with super high humidity before the sun gets too high in the sky. I also have to make a super concerted effort to slow down to keep my heart rate down. I have also been doing run/walk this month per my running coach's advice to help ramp up my mileage and endurance. I have always been purely run during training and races (except for water stops or when I just need a break), so it's been interesting to try it. I see the appeal although I'm not sure I will keep it up after this month.

Over the weekend I was in Austin for a wedding and I was staying outside the city at a friend's house. I got out about 8:30 for my run and I literally almost died. It was 82 degrees and 96% humidity and the only place to run was a two-lane highway with no shoulder. Full sun, buzzards literally flying around, cars whooshing past. Orlando in January at 5:00 AM sounds like a dream right now. 🤣
I used to live in Dallas and I never saw the point of getting up super early since it seemed even more stuffy before the sun came up. It was still plenty warm in the gym but at least I wasn't being pounded by the sun. Colorado is still warm in the sun, but there is a difference at 6am, so I set my alarm on Sundays :headache:


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