12 Months of Medals: My 2015 (And Beyond!) Running Challenge

5k-10k-13.1-26.2-50k-48.6 :)

You can go ahead and scratch 50k off that list because I guarantee you that will never happen. You may have talked me in to Dopey, but there is zero chance I will do a 50k.

The only 50ks around these parts are trail races, which I am morally opposed to. Because ole Keels doesn't camp. Or go into the woods.
You sound like my wife. If there's no flushing toilet or hot water, she's not going.
You sound like my wife. If there's no flushing toilet or hot water, she's not going.

She's a smart lady!

The crew here tried to get me to do a 10-mile trail run with them last weekend. No dice. If it makes me high maintenance to sleep in a bed with a door that bears and other animals can't get through and to have a real bathroom, well, then I'm high maintenance.
Just a preview of a few items I'll be reviewing in the next couple of weeks!

Yeah, I'm a RawThreads fan too and I think your mystery pack results may result in another order on my end. I also have to say I'm a fan of the Watermelon Gu Chomps and hope you like them when you try them.
Mmmmmm, Mountain Berry Clif Bloks. One of my go-to fuels, along with their Chocolate gel.
Mmmmmm, Mountain Berry Clif Bloks. One of my go-to fuels, along with their Chocolate gel.

I liked the Margarita and the Cherry ones, so I'm excited to try these others this week or so. I still can't get myself to like Gel, though ... it seems so ... weird?
I liked the Margarita and the Cherry ones, so I'm excited to try these others this week or so. I still can't get myself to like Gel, though ... it seems so ... weird?

Is your problem with Gel the taste or texture?
I've been thinking about trying the Clif Gels (I can't have the Bloks), but I'm nervous about the texture ... I'm wondering if you have a similar issue.
Is your problem with Gel the taste or texture?
I've been thinking about trying the Clif Gels (I can't have the Bloks), but I'm nervous about the texture ... I'm wondering if you have a similar issue.

I tried one Gu and it was gross, so I can't really say if it was the taste, the texture or a combination of both.

I've gotta go by the bike store today, so I'll grab a couple of other gels to try I guess. At least that way I can see if it's the taste or the texture that I don't like.
I liked the Margarita and the Cherry ones, so I'm excited to try these others this week or so. I still can't get myself to like Gel, though ... it seems so ... weird?

It takes some getting used to. I like the Clif chocolate because it's thicker than most gels. Reminds me of heavy frosting or thick pudding. I like the Razz too but it's much more viscous.
:offtopic: Wanderlust: MLB Ballpark Edition

My husband travels quite a bit for work, and sometimes I'm lucky enough to get to tag along with him. One of my life "bucket list" goals is to visit every MLB ballpark, and this year - I'm scratching three of those off the list!

Two are in cities I've never been to, and one I haven't been to in a long, long, long while.

I'll generally be on my own to explore and what not, and will usually have one night to have a nice meal with the ole ball and chain when he's not working (he works in Sports, so he works nights covering games and things).

So, before I start bugging people on TripAdvisor, I figured I'd crowd-source any suggestions any of you may have about the following cities!

Cleveland (Staying at the Marriott Key Center). Wednesday through Saturday trip, with a Thursday day game between the Indians and Mariners. Really looking for a good sports bar within walking distance to either the ballpark or the hotel to watch the NBA Finals game that night (unless I can find a super cheap ticket to go to said game).

Cincinnati (Staying at the Millennium Cincinnati). Saturday through Wednesday trip, with Monday and Tuesday spent going to the Home Run Derby and MLB All-Star Game. Looking for Saturday and Sunday brunch suggestions - I'm kinda sensing brunch isn't as big of a thing in Ohio as it is in Texas? :confused3

Also - MLB is hosting an All-Star Weekend "Color Run". Gotta admit, the thought of running while people throw things at my face is not appealing. But should I put this past me and enjoy this potentially once-in-a-lifetime experience?

Boston (Staying at the Renaissance Waterfront). Wednesday through Saturday trip (leaving Saturday morning for a wedding in New Hampshire). Red Sox - Orioles day baseball game. Looking for bar suggestions around the ballpark for postgame beverages.
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Cleveland (Staying at the Marriott Key Center). Wednesday through Saturday trip, with a Thursday day game between the Indians and Mariners. Really looking for a good sports bar within walking distance to either the ballpark or the hotel to watch the NBA Finals game that night (unless I can find a super cheap ticket to go to said game).
Winking Lizard (Gateway District Location): http://www.winkinglizard.com/locations/gateway ...around the corner from Progressive Field.

I was also going to suggest The Corner Bar that is INSIDE Progressive Field, but then I re-read your post that it's a day game...duh.
Winking Lizard (Gateway District Location): http://www.winkinglizard.com/locations/gateway ...around the corner from Progressive Field.

I was also going to suggest The Corner Bar that is INSIDE Progressive Field, but then I re-read your post that it's a day game...duh.

Oooooh ... Winking Lizard will work just perfectly! I love drinking beers he can't get in Texas and sending him pictures while he's working. :drinking1
Oooooh ... Winking Lizard will work just perfectly! I love drinking beers he can't get in Texas and sending him pictures while he's working. :drinking1
They definitely have a good selection there! :) And it's sort of a local chain, so not something you'll find everywhere.

Between that and the grilled cheese place inside Progressive Field, I'm going to need to run about 100 miles to make up for this short weekend trip!
Inspiration or Motivation?

I think if there's one thing I've been brutally honest about, it's my mental state when it comes to this mission of running.

I cried and barely slept the night before my first 10K - it was mostly nerves and fear of the unknown.

I cried two days before and barely slept the night before my first half marathon - once again, it was nerves ... but this time, it was the fear that I couldn't do it. I had nightmares all week leading up to the race that everyone was gone except the people at the finish line, just waiting for me to finally finish, way after everyone else.

But I went out and did it. I finished. I was never last (though, I came close in that first half marathon), but each race I learned something. I checked more boxes. I put more notches in my "race post". And then, I became slightly apathetic about the whole running thing.

When I started this challenge for myself, the goal was my first half marathon in September. Peer pressure (not on this board, but from some of the most important people in my daily life) made that point moot when I ran my first half in March.

If I could go from barely running to half-marathon finisher in a little over eight weeks, then with all the time in the world - I could totally be ready for Dopey. Albeit, @FFigawi provided the needed peer-pressure push there, but it was another challenge I needed.

So, I jumped feet first into the Higdon program (WEEKS early, BTW, but a challenge will do that to you) and I finished my second half marathon the Sunday after Dopey registration.

And then, much like the rain that has plagued my poor state, apathy struck again.

It has rained for much of May. My neighborhood is a water-logged, fallen tree-filled disaster. My normal trail run course is still flooded - or the dry parts are so mosquito-infested that I only just ordered a mosquito run setup so at least I can get off the Dreadmill and get some runs in outdoors, in the sun, with the wind. So I can learn to deal with the heat and figure out my hydration better, and my fueling, and what run attire and clothing works best for me.

But during these "tough" times, I've again learned another lesson about myself - but I've also faced a big question. What makes it happen for me? Is it motivation? Or is it inspiration?

When I first started lurking on the race threads here on DIS back in November/December '14, @Belle Ella was my total hero. She really inspired me because she got to run all these races. @bumbershoot was involved in that, too!

When I decided to run Disneyland, my friend M became my motivation - because this was her one-and-done (still is!) for a half marathon. And she is a lot like me, and jumped in feet first for the training.

When it came to Wine & Dine - finishing my first 10K and knowing that I could do it was the motivation. No inspiration there.

And then there's Dopey. Everyone in my real life thinks Dopey is too much - and they could be right. Doctor S and Doctor K are seriously worried about me getting injured, not during training but on the actual race weekend and seriously hampering my life quality. The husband, while supportive, doesn't really agree with any distance longer than a half marathon (and certainly not all the mileage during the same weekend).

Except for my parents.

I was born with a severe clubfoot deformity of my left foot. I spent the first three years of my life in "castings" to try and correct the deformity. And it helped, but it wouldn't be enough. Over the course of my first 19 years, I had four experimental surgeries - including a fusing of three joints of my midfoot, and double extension of my Achilles tendon, and a heel construction using cadaver bone. And that's just my foot! I've had other surgeries on my knees and hips to help make up for the (roughly 3/4-inch) difference in my legs.

My parents? My parents are my motivation for Dopey. Up until my running mission, my Mom always felt responsible for my deformity and if she could have done something different (OMG. She was pregnant in 1980 - that's basically like olden days compared to now, if you think about it). They flew all the way to New Orleans to see me run my first 10K. My Mom has been out for both of my half marathons. My Dad is encouraging me to run halfs in more cities across the country. And they can't wait for me to run Dopey in January, so close to their house.

So that's my motivation. And that should be enough, right?

Yeah, no.

I've been inspired by (and a little bit jealous of!) @Ariel484 and @mbwhitti on the heels of their Dopey pursuits. I want pictures with all those medals!

After all of that, I've got lists of both things that Motivate or Inspire me on this journey. Things that I think about when the runs on the Dreadmill get long. Pictures I imagine in my brain when the mosquitos are getting to me. Dreams I have to remind myself of when I really just want to stay in bed.

So. I ask.

What's your Motivation? What's your Inspiration? Can you have both? Or just one?

This Week's Motivation/Inspiration:
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney
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Between that and the grilled cheese place inside Progressive Field, I'm going to need to run about 100 miles to make up for this short weekend trip!
Melt. Oh yes. :teeth: Also make sure to try a Great Lakes Beer in the stadium!
Melt. Oh yes. :teeth: Also make sure to try a Great Lakes Beer in the stadium!

That's DEFINITELY on the list! Frankly, I think Great Lakes beer is the reason the husband picked Cleveland over California for this road trip.


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