15 days & 600+ pix. The trip report you've been waiting a year to read....

Wow thats alot of snow. I am so glad we haven't gotten that much this year...knock on wood it stays away~!
Hey Barb, hows the snow now:laughing: reckon you should give up on the shovelling :confused3 as i have just saw it on the news here in the Ireland
We are about as shoveled as we're gonna get around here. I wanted to shovel more after work (at work) today, but by 3:30, I was too tired and blew it off...meh..gonna get more Monday night again anyway :headache:

...AND possibly next weekend.

Problem is, it's piled so high, ya can't see around corners to pull out into traffic :mad: Let's just say some 2 lane roads are now 1 lane :sad2:
I reckon a Glass of wine, put your feet up- and just do some Dissing:thumbsup2

I'm trying to get pix loaded into the next day....but 'stuff' keeps gettin in the way..... Heck, it's 4:10pm & this is the first I've been on the computer all day!
looking forward to the rest of your trip report:banana::banana:,
Is your dates for July the 13th , and are you back at PBH, we are staying back at RPR as it was just to quiet at the pools last year at PBH, arriving 7th July for 10 days, and Lawerence was saying he is going back this year, but cannot remember his exact dates , but its around the same time as we are there.
C YA Soon, hope Randy and Bubba is doing good.
looking forward to the rest of your trip report:banana::banana:,
Is your dates for July the 13th , and are you back at PBH, we are staying back at RPR as it was just to quiet at the pools last year at PBH, arriving 7th July for 10 days, and Lawerence was saying he is going back this year, but cannot remember his exact dates , but its around the same time as we are there.
C YA Soon, hope Randy and Bubba is doing good.

Yes...we arrive Tuesday afternoon (before dinner) July 13th...and we leave Sunday night July 18th to fly home. I don't think our flight is until almost 9pm...so, a bit longer in the park that day for us :woohoo:

I think Lawrence is there July 4-11th or 12th...I just miss him this year.
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day 14

Woke to a nice day again today....around the usual time. Since BIL had to leave by lunchtime, we decided to skip the parks this morning and just head to the pool instead. We had our usual breakfast in our room and headed down to the pool by around 10am-ish. It wasn't too crowded yet, but to find many chairs together near the slide end of the pool, wasn't easy. So, we settled for chairs just inside the entrance at the shallow end of the pool. We plopped our towels and stuff and headed toward the pool. I decided to lay on the chaise lounge for a bit before getting in the pool and realized the towels we got were all wet! What the heck?! So, I gathered them all back up and took them back and asked for some dry towels...which, was not a problem. Still? What'd they do? Leave them out in the rain? Guess I was glad not to be far from the entrance after all

We did some swimming, chatting, relaxing in the water and of course...sliding!! Bubba even got a little artistic. It was a beautiful day and the water was the perfect temperature. Here are some various pool pictures: Bubba, Bubba 2, our niece, our nephew and our other niece. Why is it no matter how many times you tell your kid to NOT do this, they do anyway? Here's niece sliding, our other niece sliding, our SIL slidin', my DH striking his pose, our nephew, and I think this is my BIL?

We hung out in the pool for about an hour and a half before the kids wanted some lunch. So, we grabbed a couple of tables outside the entrance to the pool at Splendido Pizza and ordered some lunch. Wings for appetizers and pizza for the kids. By the way, the pizza was pretty good. Nothing spectacular, but pretty good. Would order it again. DH & BIL split a panni sandwich...he said it was awesome. The food there was very good!!

We were there about an hour and BIL decided they were past their time to leave. So, we packed up and headed back upstairs to help them gather their things to checkout.

We said our goodbyes and saw them off. After they left, I took the opportunity (while still in the room) to call down to Mama Della's and get a reservation for dinner. To my surprise, there was no problem getting the 5:00 time we wanted. We took it and plotted our next move.

We decided to leave our swim/wet duds on (in case of rain) and head to IOA....sans camera. ;) We spent a couple hours this afternoon at IOA doing what we always do. To be honest, this stinking trip report has taken me so long to do, I can't remember what we did
Note to self: take better notes this year ;)

I do remember we hopped in line for Hulk...and it seemed to be a long express line.
I don't know if it was just that crowded or they weren't checking passes....but the wait seemed awful long. SO long, in fact, that by the time we actually loaded on to the ride and got going, it was RAINING!!! Now...not pouring rain, but enough rain to give us our first experience on a rollercoaster in the rain! OUCHIES!!! I covered my face with my hands because it was a lot of 'stingin' rain'. A great coaster but not so much fun in the rain. And, as I pointed out to the boys, it was a good thing we stayed in our swimsuits...I just knew it was going to rain on us!
Right again :rolleyes2

Since it was raining and getting close to our dinnertime, we started to walk back to the hotel. We were going to use our LF Platinum food & beverage credit at Mama Della's tonight for dinner. So, back to shower and get ready for dinner we went!

By the time we were ready for dinner, the light rain had stopped and we arrived in plenty of time for our reservation. Matter of fact when we arrived, the place was really empty to my surprise! Maybe because it was early? I don't know, but there were only 2 other tables sitting. We were seated right away and given a menu. 1, 2, 3 and 4. And, there is a children's menu...of course. 1 and 2.

The entertainment was nice, but not necessary. I'm more of a "leave me alone" type at dinner. I knew they'd be there, thought we'd give it a try anyway. The food was pretty good...nothing exciting, but the portions were huge...to match their price. :scared: We got some nice (weird/fancy) breadsticks and oil and bread. Bubba had wanted mozzarella sticks for an appetizer, but they didn't have 'mozzarella', they had some other cheese that I didn't know if he'd like or not. So, we told the server to nevermind. When she brought our breadsticks and such, she did bring mozzarella sticks that she had gotten from 'next door'? ...From Sal's I'm guessing? I don't know remember where she said, but for her to go out of her way was really nice. I'm guessing if they were busy, that may have not happened...but, it was nice it did. We also got a http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v283/barbpics/2009 Vacation/vacation 2009/DSCI0061.jpgbowl of salad for the table....which, was okay (I'm kinda picky) :rolleyes1

Bubba ordered his usual, favorite Italian dish...ravioli, while DH had the Cioppino di Pesci, while I had the Vitello de Parmigiana...which, let me tell you, was enough for 3 people to eat!! :eek: I remember DH "helped" and tried some. All very good...again, expensive, but very good. Worth the price, but not a return trip for us. We didn't order dessert..we were too full. So, what to do next? Walk all those calories off at CityWalk! So...that's where we all headed!

BUT, I thought maybe we could get in a couple rides at the Studios before it closed...so, we detoured there first. :idea: I can't remember if we actually did any rides, but I did take this picture in front of Shrek. Then we realized the summer 360 show on the lagoon was about to start. We all saw it the first year Universal had it, and I saw it in 2008 again, so we all decided to stop and watch. We were in no hurry and no plans to go anywhere...so, why not? :3dglasses After the show, we headed out to City Walk...and it was there I took a pic of HRRR at night....cool.....

Our last night at the Walk.... It's really pretty lit up at night. I think I like it better at night. Tonite, we decided to take the "high" road for a different view of things. It's really not very busy on the upper level...less people, and quieter, made for a nice after-dinner stroll. This is Latin Quarter, the groove, a pic of Bubba in front of a closed(?) bar, a really poor shot of Nathan's hotdogs and karaoke. Here's looking down past Pat O'Briens toward Bubba Gumps and Big Kahuna pizza.

A picture of the band from above & behind, and I was curious as to why there was a Twister game there? Here is the BK Whopper Bar at night, along with Moe's & Panda Express food court.

I can't remember why, but we headed to the center of CityWalk toward this place, so Bubba could order himself.....wait for it..... a churro. His very first one. He likes cinnamon and he REALLY liked it.......a good $2.99 (-APH discount) spent. :teeth:

While he was munching on that, I decided to go to the Margaritaville store. I took some cute pix, and got a recipe from one of their cookbooks for my girl Alison. Here are some various pix from the Margaritaville store: Gotta love those parrots! Pic 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and because there's always one. And...Bubba...waiting patiently...

By now it was well after 10pm, and we were all getting tired. We started our stroll through City Walk back toward the hotel. It was such a nice evening, not to mention our last for a year, that we decided to walk and not even try for the boat.

Back at the hotel, we were walking toward the West Wing entrance and I hear someone shout my name. Huh?
You will NEVER guess who I ran into? :rolleyes1 Okay...so, yeah, if you've been following along you might guess...but, it was Robert (rpbert1)! .....and his lovely wife Lily and beautiful daughter Charlotte. They were there looking for us! We hadn't met up the entire time we were there (and remember, I even stopped by the RPR to see if they were in) and our very last night JUST BEFORE turning in, we happen upon each other. What dumb luck!! Even with exchanging emails and leaving messages..... Oh well...How can ya get any luckier? So, we sat and chatted for quite awhile at the Thirsty Fish. It was truly a beautiful night with perfect weather to sit outside and visit.

It wasn't long before Bubba was tired and he went up to our room...with DH not too far behind. It was really great to sit and talk with Robert and his girls...it's interesting to compare countries. I'm sure we'll meet up again this year while we are all there...hopefully this year, a bit better coordinated tho :thumbsup2

After a while, it was time to turn in. I know it was getting late, I think we were chatting over an hour! I think it was around midnight, or just after, before I laid my head on that pillow
....for the last time...or at least until July 13, 2010. :thumbsup2

Tomorrow is our last day ....and we fly home.
Another great report Barb [and we even get a mention :worship::worship:] love the pics and especially the food from Mamas looks delicious.hopefully no trips to the medi center this year, as it caused a bit of a roblem with our plans, and look forward to seeing you guys again. Hope you get the same rooms this year as they where in a great location.
thanx barb:thumbsup2always a joy to read ur trippies

i didn't know u could make a ressie @ Margaritaville on a weekend? duh did u call the restuarant directly (if so, how many days prior) or did u have concierge hook u up?

of particular interest to me was Mama Dellas, u didn't happen to see the steak walk past did u?;) my guys typically only want a 'plain' steak. The reason we've yet to eat @ Lombards. I was hoping to use our credit @ MD's, maybe on the friday night buffet if they still offer:confused3 Even my picky eaters can find something on a buffet

i've never eaten a churro either, may have to check it out next time since bubba gives it the nod:)
Janet....I will check on the steak at MD for you when we go in July ;)

As for the res @ CW, let's just say I "have people" and leave it at that! :rotfl:
Monday, July 13, 2009

Day 15

Well, today is check-out and fly home day. Never a happy day...nor a get up and rush out the door day. We like to linger in bed, and in our room, as long as we possibly can. We checked over our bill while eating the last of our breakfast (& packing) and realized we had a minibar charge. This was impossible, so when we were packed and ready to check-out, when we left our bags at luggage service, I stopped by the desk and have that charge removed.

Around 10am we checked-out at the front desk. Normally we would do this on our television, but since we had to have our luggage held for the day anyway, going to the front desk was the next stop. When I told the girl that the minibar charge was incorrect and needed to be credited she seemed a bit reluctant at first...that is, until I told her at check-in, I did NOT take the minibar key. So, explain to me how we were going to get anything out of the minibar without a key? She took the charge off and said they would check into it and if there was anything missing they would charge that credit card. Whatever...I KNOW there isn't anything missing....

We headed to the parks via our shortcut (through HRH parking lot) and planned our first move. DD at IOA was the winner . The absolute furthest attraction from where we were, but our last day...oh yeah...we HAD to ride DD (since we missed it the other day cuz of the rain!). For some unknown reason, I snapped a pic of NBA City at CityWalk on our way by. I don't know why I did, but I did. I know I already have pix of it because we have eaten there.

We arrive at DD and walk that really looong walk around the Harry Potter construction. Using the EP, we chose Ice first and noticed the front row wait was not long at all...so, we hopped over into the front row line. :thumbsup2 We didn't wait too long...maybe a few cars went before we did? But, of the two, the front on Ice is much more worth the wait than on Fire.

Speaking of, after our front row spin on Ice, we hopped right back in line to ride Fire. We noticed the front row line was much longer for Fire, so we decided to get in line in the second row...That wait wasn't too bad either. Not the same as the front, but still a good ride. I like Fire better, but I like the front of Ice better...weird huh?

When we were finished on DD, we headed in the direction of Suess Landing. We took a spin on Cat in the Hat. Now, in my notes, I have noted it was working this time. Must have been earlier in the day (on our way past to DD) we took a ride and it broke down .....or it was another day? I can't remember and won't, so I'm not even gonna try. But, it broke down when we were on it before...at least 2 or 3 times we stopped. We stopped, but the story kept going...along with the animatronics. I'll say this...it did give us plenty of time to get a good look around. I remember we were stopped right in front of the kitchen (luckily facing it..not spun away from it) and we took a good look. Needs a fresh paint job in there Anyhow...they got us around and let us off and this time we tried, we rode successfully with no problems.

Now, since we are in Suess Landing, I always vote to ride High in the Sky, Suess Trolley Train Ride. I like it the most, but the guys humor me and go along. Bubba did ask if we could ride the track that goes through Circus McGurkus. No problem...I can do that (nevermind that we always ride it twice and ride the opposite track we just rode :teeth: ) So, I snapped a couple pix from inside the restaurant. I also snapped a bunch of pictures from the ride itself. I love the view from the ride, but it just goes by so darn fast, I figure I'll take pictures and get a better look later! This is a picture at the loading area. You can see HRRR at the Studios from atop. Two shots of the Hulk from the ride. Of course you need a pic of green eggs 'n ham!

After the ride, they detour you out through the lovely candy/gift shop. I bought a pair of Cat in the Hat pajama pants for my niece and some jumbo size rice krispy treats for my Mom (part of the "thanks for watching the dog for two weeks while we were on vacation" gift). I didn't get a picture of the rice krispy treats, but they are HUGE and I needed two bags for 3 of them. I plan to get some for my Mom again this year, so I will try to remember to take a picture of it. Oh...and Bubba wanted a cookie, so we got him one of the HUGE cookies...ya know...saucer size! Again, no picture, but I will try to remember to do so this year. (hey..gimmie a break...I take plenty of pix for youse guys ;) )

Our next stop (while toward the front of the park) was Spiderman and Hulk. Grabbed a locker and put our treasures (and valuables) inside and rode each of them a couple times. Bittersweet because we know we are almost finished in this park until next summer's vacation. We don't do much in IOA the last day because we don't get wet. Last thing I need is to be wet with no dry clothes to change into and hop on a plane to fly home!

After Hulk & Spidey...we (reluctantly) headed toward the Studios. We just HAD to do at LEAST MIB one more time before we left! (why are all the cool rides in the furthest back part of the parks?)

While at CW, we decided to cut down the path for BMG and take some pix of the new HRRR on the way into the Studios. Honestly, after 4 straight summer vacations to the parks, I don't really want to take pictures of the same thing each trip. So, with the new coaster there, I was looking for some pictures of it from an angle OTHER THAN the one from inside the Studios. We walked the pathway toward the BMG theater and I snapped some pix of HRRR on the way to the Studios. HRRR 1, HRRR 2, HRRR 3 and HRRR 4. Some queue shots from HRRR: 1, 2, 3 and 4.

I loved this look of HRRR comin' outta a BM's head!
HRRR pic.

After we entered the Studios, we noticed the lines for Jimmy Neutron and Shrek weren't bad, so we did them while we were there... and we had the time! :thumbsup2

After once on each, we headed back to MIB. I know we usually ride this a few times while we are there, and today would be MY day. Today (on one of our rides), I would score my highest EVER on MIB. 586,525. I know some that do much better, but I only ride about a dozen times a year and I'm usually in the 200-400,000 range for my average best. So...this was for me...and, I beat DH (who usually beats me)...which, sweetened my win. :teeth:

So, celebrating my new high score, we check out our picture in the lobby area and head toward the exit to ride again. Uh....it's raining. I mean raining hard. And, I obeyed my own rule and brought rain ponchos. But they were in my bag. In the locker. Out in the rain and around the corner. Are you friggin' kidding me?!? So...we decided it has to be a passing shower and decided to putz around in the store and wait it out for awhile. After about 15 minutes or so, the rain did let up almost 100% and we went to the locker to retrieve our bag and head to Simpson's. Our time was running out.

I believe we only did the Simpson's once because it takes a while to do this ride. Even with the EP, it just takes a long time to get through the preshows and onto the actual ride.

After our spin on the Simpson's, we noticed it was time to head out to get something to eat before the taxi picked us up at the hotel. We headed out and got a seat right away at NASCAR Grille. It was 4pm and our taxi was coming for us at 5:30.

Now, I'm guessing because it was so early was the reason we were seated right away? Our server was prompt and very nice. I didn't take any menu pictures this time, (I don't think I HAD the menu long enough!), but I did take a couple pictures of pictures that were on the wall around our booth. Tony Stewart & Jimmy Johnson. Here's Bubba doin his 'kid thing' on his menu. I believe Bubba & DH had cheeseburgers and I had a grilled chicken BLT. I like the food here and think the selection and price is pretty good for what it is. The server was prompt with the bill and we paid our tab and left....in the direction of the Portofino.

Since the restaurant wasn't busy and our server was so good, we had time to stop by TCBY for some frozen yogurt for dessert. We all got a little something and decided since we had plenty of time, and 'ice cream' to eat on the walk back, we decided to try the Garden route back to the hotel. Ya know...the way they want you to go..not the shortcut through the Hard Rock Hotel's parking lot!! I will say...it was a very nice, looong walk. I'm glad I stick with the shortcut! :goodvibes

Even though it's a long walk that way, probably about 15 minutes or so, we were back in plenty of time to use the restrooms at the hotel. Again, I know I have pix in another trip report since we've stayed at the PBH before.

We gathered our luggage at about 5:15 and waited for our taxi to pick us up. I had asked for it for 5:30, but one appeared at 5:20. We figured it was for us and hopped in.

While on our way to the airport, my phone rang and it was Mears wondering where we were. They wanted to know if we were at the hotel? I told them I was IN one of their taxis....wasn't that the one they sent?
I have no idea what they did, but out of the 2 that showed up, we got in 1 and left. A little early, but that's okay...better early than running late!

We arrived at the airport in plenty of time to check our luggage and print our boarding passes. I had checked us in online on my laptop from our room the night before... after dinner at Mama Della's (forgot to mention that). We were checked in on Southwest Airlines with "A" boarding passes and a pretty good boarding number (although, I can't remember what that was?). Even though the TSA security line at MCO can be a scary, long-looking line, it didn't take long to get through it and to our gate. Matter of fact, we were at our gate SO early, the people on the flight out of that gate ahead of us, were still there waiting to leave! We just found seats somewhere and when those people boarded, we went and scored the 'business seats' in the waiting area...you know the ones.... the bigger, black, comfy seats w/ plugs and USB ports to plug into? Oh yeah...that's whatcha get for being early baby! :woohoo:

I remember we boarded and took off on time...unlike the flight down, the flight home was uneventful. Matter of fact, it always is. Bubba & I watched a movie on my laptop (can't remember what movie tho?) and DH watched his movie on his Zune.

Pulled into PHL on time and it didn't take long for our bags to arrive (which, in PHL is unusual). We hopped on our shuttlebus back to our hotel, loaded our luggage into our car, prayed the car would start (after sitting in the summer heat for 2 weeks, it's always a pot-shot), and it did. Headed home with no problems and fell into bed sometime in the wee early AM hours of the next day.

The next day would consist of going to pick up the mail, the plants, going to the grocery store and going to get the dog. And, boy was he HAPPY to see us!

So.... that finally concludes our 2009 summer vacation trip report. Hopefully 2010's doesn't take nearly as long! I will have to take better notes and less pictures! Well, maybe less of the same ole stuff at Universal, but I'm sure I'll have a boatload of pictures from the new Wizarding World of Harry Potter-land.

Stay tuned...next vacation starts with flying to Tampa on Friday, July 2nd to catch our 5 night western cruise on Carnival leaving on July 3rd. After the cruise, we continue on to FIL's for an extended weekend and wind up with 5 nights at Universal. After all the freakin' snow dumped on us this winter, we are SO gonna deserve (and enjoy) THIS vacation!!

Stay tuned......

Excellent report , as always Barb, and makes great reading.
Can i ask, where on the Gulf coast does your Cruise leave from.
:thumbsup2Great trip report, I love all the details & pics. I can't wait for your next one & don't change a thing about your trip reporting, it's awesome.:flower3:
Thanks Barb, maybe something to consider for next year. Lilys still not sure about a cruise.
Awesome TR! I love your style. I can't wait to read this coming up one as well. I am interested to hear about your cruise too. I bet it will be fun, and interesting to see if you like it better than the Disney one.
I'm all caught up just in time for you to finish. :laughing:

Great trip report as always! I hope the weather cooperates with your trip this year. :cool1:

PS - I love the pics of you in the balloon hat. I won't tell you what I thought when I saw the first shot
. :rolleyes1


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