2008 - C25K program :) WELCOME!!

I'm sure it was, it's amazing that the program actually works. And then to think back at how you felt to run 60 seconds.
I'm sure it was, it's amazing that the program actually works. And then to think back at how you felt to run 60 seconds.

I felt the same way then. All I kept thinking was that not so long ago I couldn't make it through 6 minutes with rests in between. I can't wait to pick my first 5K.
advice and encouragment needed please!

I am on my second try of week 4, I struggled terribly w/the 5 min runs, so thought I'd repeat it and see if it got any easier before going to week 5. It's not getting easier, and I think I can walk faster than I'm running...I also could not carry on a conversation, I've tried talking to myself and I'm just not there...so, should I keep re-doing this week until it becomes easier, or try to move on, or what? I dont want to give up...
Sorry Pungodingy wish I had some advice for you. All I can offer is encouragement. Look at how far you've come. Keep running. :thumbsup2

I started C25K almost 2 months ago. Started w3 and had to quit because of work. Restarting tomorrow from the beginning, W1D1.
advice and encouragment needed please!

I am on my second try of week 4, I struggled terribly w/the 5 min runs, so thought I'd repeat it and see if it got any easier before going to week 5. It's not getting easier, and I think I can walk faster than I'm running...I also could not carry on a conversation, I've tried talking to myself and I'm just not there...so, should I keep re-doing this week until it becomes easier, or try to move on, or what? I dont want to give up...

Don't worry at all about the speed. I know it's hard, and I know for myself I can practically see people with walkers moving faster than me. You can always work on speed later. When I started doing the 5 and 8 minute runs I started to run even slower. I didn't think it was possible, but I somehow managed to move slower. It helped alot. For me week 5 was actually easier than week 4. I have no idea why, but it was much easier. Maybe just give week 5 a chance. If you can't do it, go back and repeat week 4 again.

I also read somewhere that it's not really a conversation you need to be able to carry on. Just be able to get out some words. What I had read, said that if you could actually carry on a conversation you weren't working hard enough. Being able to get out some brief words for a very choppy conversation is good.

Don't give up though, your body is adjusting and will get there eventually.
Well, I managed to get two runs in this weekend. (Thank you beautiful weather!) One on Friday afternoon and one this morning.

Friday I ran my W6D1 run. It was just awful. Absolutely, totally awful. I would say it was my worst run so far, but I think that the horror show that was my W1D3 still holds the record for that. I can't understand what was making it so difficult and tough, but I wanted to quit in the middle of the first 5 minute segment. My run before I had run for 20 minutes without stopping, and this time I wanted to quit before reaching 5 minutes.

I felt off right from the begining. It wasn't overly hot out, but it was pretty sunny. It was also really humid so either of those things may have been effecting me. I'm used to either running at 5am or 7pm, so lots of sun isn't usually a factor. In the middle of my 8 minute segment I started getting really nauseous. I seriously thought I was going to be sick mid run. Yuck I made it to the walking segment, and by the time I had to start running again the nausea had passed. I made it through the run as prescribed, but I was really happy when it was over.

This morning I did W6D2. It went much better. No nausea, no real issues. The end of the run was a bit tough, but that's because I ended up running uphill at the end of my run. I need to start working a few hills into my routes. I felt that one hill alot.

Over the weekend I ended up chatting about running with a few members, and I think a few of us are going to try to do a longer race together next spring. Should be fun!
Sorry, I just saw your post. I would give week 5 a try, if you can't do it, just keep at it. I am also very slow. Don't worry about speed right now, you can do that later. It took me a couple weeks to get through week 5, so don't give up. Just keep trying. I try to go out every other day also, instead of the 3 days a week. I'm trying to do some kind of cross training on the off days too, but I can't seem to get that into my schedule.
Just checking in with an update. I finished up week 6 yesterday! :woohoo:

I'm really amazed that I was able to run 25 minutes. I'll be honest and say that I was barely able to do it, but I did the full 25 minutes. I went out at about 6:30 pm last night. It wasn't overly hot out, but it was still pretty sunny. I've been finding I do better on my morning runs, then when I run in the evening or afternoon. Plus I think I wasn't adequately hydrated yesterday and that it was affecting me.

I was feeling pretty tired right from the start yesterday, and wanted to stop at about the 8 minute mark. I started asking myself why I wanted to stop, and couldn't come up with a good enough reason so I kept going. Still wanted to quit when I hit 16 minutes, especially since I was feeling like I was barely moving. Still gutted it out and just tried to focus on the movement of my feet. I started to feel a bit a rythm to my footsteps and that helped out a bit.

The last minute was the worst. My run ended up being timed so that the last minute of my run was up a short, but pretty steep hill, and yesterday it was directly into the wind. Ugh! I was panting and gasping for air at the end of the minute, but I did it. There was some satisfaction in that. Next time I'm not running up that hill right at the end of my run, especially on a day I'm not feeling my best.

On the plus side, at the end of my run, Tiger Woods came on my Nike+ and told me Congratulations I had just run my fastest mile yet. (A whopping 14'29" pace!) Speedy Gonzalez I am not. I still have awhile to go before I'm running a 5k distance. Right now my total mileage is usually about 2.65 miles, but that includes my warm-up/cool-down walks.
I'm afraid I've done a little back sliding of late. I felt like I had mastered week 3 and was ready to move on to week 4, but missed a week of running due to the holiday (we had lots of family home). So, I decided to do one more day of week 3. Got 2.5 minutes into the second 3 minute run and had to start walking. It wasn't that my legs were tired, but I was gasping for breath. I just haven't been able to get my breathing into a rhythm. Guess that's what happens when you wait until you're 50+ to start running! Not going to give up though. Will get back to that point soon!
I'm the opposite. Whenever I take extra days off I actually do better.

Hopefully now that your back, you'll be back to the schedule in no time.
Can I join? I just started the c25k program (on week 4 since I had already been doing treadmill work). I finished week 4 today. I feel good about it, I have really been trying to work on my breathing since I think that is the one thing that I struggle with. Today I focused on breathing in through my mouth and nose at the same time for two steps and exhailing through my mouth for two steps. It seemed to work well.

Have a great Saturday!
Can I join? I just started the c25k program (on week 4 since I had already been doing treadmill work). I finished week 4 today. I feel good about it, I have really been trying to work on my breathing since I think that is the one thing that I struggle with. Today I focused on breathing in through my mouth and nose at the same time for two steps and exhailing through my mouth for two steps. It seemed to work well.

Have a great Saturday!

Welcome! Your doing so great already! Very impressive.

Breathing is the hardest part for me too. I have a very mild case of asthma so I need to be careful. Most of the time it's only triggered by allergies, or by having a cold. Sometimes it gets triggered by some kinds of exercise though. Steps in particular are really rough for me. So far running hasn't been too bad, but I have to watch out for it, particularly on humid days.

Let me know how the beathing exercises go. I may have to try it out if it helps.
I ended up with a few extra days off between my runs. I intended on running on Friday morning, but slept through my alarm. By the time I got home at 8pm it was pretty humid out, and I didn't want to chance another breathing problem like I had on Wed. Saturday and Sunday I was busy with some family things so this morning was the first day I was able to get out and run again.

I was tempted to ignore my alarm clock and go back to sleep for another hour, but I dragged myself up and out the door at 5am this morning. I'm so glad I did. My run felt really good this morning. I will admit though that I'm not so happy that my body is obviously a morning running body, and the rest of me is so not a morning person. It's just mean.

I started week 7 today, a week of 25 minute runs. It went much easier than my last run. The first 5-8 mins were probably the toughest, and then I settled into a bit of a rythm. My breathing was a bit rough for the first 5 minutes or so, but I forced myself to really slow down until the gasping sensation left. Then I was able to pick up the pace again a little bit.

About 10 minutes into the run, I started feeling really good and I felt that way for pretty much the rest of the run. Unlike the last run when I barely made it at the end, I was still feeling relatively strong at the end and felt like I could have run further. The sun was still coming up while I was running this morning, and the sun was looking so gorgeous rising over the water today. Just a beautiful way to start the day.

I really want to try to make all my runs morning runs, at least through the summer when it's still hot out. Running in the sun does not agree with me at all. It was beautiful running this morning. It was really cool, bordering on almost cold, making it perfect once I started warming up. No feelings of nausea at all in this weather. Very nice! I'm looking forward to Day 2!
Thanks for the warm welcome :D

You painted the most wonderful image of running outside in the morning. I am in total awe. I run on the treadmill at home and there is no way right now I could peel my large-ish rump out of bed early to run outside where everyone can see me lol. It is one of my goals though, to run outside without worrying about what people think. I do wonder whether it would make the time pass more quickly outside because there is so much to look at or if it goes faster on the treadmill because I am able to watch tv?!

I have 4 little girls so my work out time is limited... I find running way harder when they interrupt me, so I have to do it when the two little ones are napping and the bigger two are playing together.... it seems to work ok and I am a much more relaxed Mommy when I am finished :)

Today I did week 5, D1. I did well and actually added an extra 5 minute run on the end.... I tried running faster since my legs find it more comfortable but by that point my lungs and heart were telling me to slow down lol.
Thanks for the warm welcome :D

You painted the most wonderful image of running outside in the morning. I am in total awe. I run on the treadmill at home and there is no way right now I could peel my large-ish rump out of bed early to run outside where everyone can see me lol. It is one of my goals though, to run outside without worrying about what people think. I do wonder whether it would make the time pass more quickly outside because there is so much to look at or if it goes faster on the treadmill because I am able to watch tv?!.

Actually when I run in the morning, I feel much less self concious. There is really practically no one else out and about. A few other runners, but I don't mind that at all.

I'm pretty much relegated to running outside. I have a gym membership so I have access to treadmills, but I'm petrified of running on them. I'll walk on them, but I hate the loss of control I feel when I try to run on them. Early this year I got flung off of one twice. (Right in the middle of the gym. I felt like a stupid fat cow). Since then I haven't done more than a brisk walk on one.
That must have been so scary (and embarrassing) getting flung off the treadmill!!!! I can understand why you chose the road after that.

I have been pretty lucky with my treadmill. My only issue is that my shins get pretty sore but I think that would be worse on the road. I just ice them and carry on...

Yesterday I did W5D2. It was good, I felt like the second 8 minutes took longer lol but aside from that it was good. I started the 30 day shred yesterday as well... my muscles are pretty sore this morning! Hoping I will be ok for my 20 minute run tomorrow! I can't believe I am supposed to run that long!!!

Hope all is well with you!
That must have been so scary (and embarrassing) getting flung off the treadmill!!!! I can understand why you chose the road after that.

I have been pretty lucky with my treadmill. My only issue is that my shins get pretty sore but I think that would be worse on the road. I just ice them and carry on...

It was awfully embarassing. They guy on the treadmill next to me didn't even ask if I was okay. I wanted to throw something at him. I was okay when it happened, but the next day I felt like a giant sore bruised mess.

I've been trying to get past it, but I really find that I hate the loss of control that I feel on the treadmill. I don't even think it's related to my fall either. I just hate feeling that one wrong step could injure me. I have learned to love the emergency clilp though!

Yesterday I did W5D2. It was good, I felt like the second 8 minutes took longer lol but aside from that it was good. I started the 30 day shred yesterday as well... my muscles are pretty sore this morning! Hoping I will be ok for my 20 minute run tomorrow! I can't believe I am supposed to run that long!!!

Hope all is well with you!

Congrats on getting through the run. Don't stress too much about the 20 minute run. I did, and it was all for naught. It went so much easier than I would have imagined. I kept telling myself I'd let myself stop if I needed to. A few times I was tempted, but I asked myself why I wanted to stop. Were my legs tired? No, not really any more than usual. Was I having problems breathing? Was I gasping for air? No, all breathing functions were working fine. I couldn't give myself one good reason for why I needed to stop, so I kept going. It's why I think the biggest battle for me with running is a mental one. I had no real reason to stop, yet my mind was telling me I should.

When I finished the 20 minutes, and was feeling relatively strong, I was a bit shocked to find myself getting a bit weepy. (And I hardly ever cry over anything). I just never thought I'd be able to do something like that, and I realized how much I've hampered myself over the years by saying what I can't do without really trying.

Just try your best to go into it with an open mind, and listen to what your body is telling you. Be sure to post when your done too!

Now the W6D1 run was just awful for me, and from what I've been reading it's a tough one on lots of people. I don't get why since it's less running than W5D3, but be forewarned that it may not be as easy as it seems.
I meant to do my W7D2 run yesterday, but I overslept a bit, and then later in the day I was too worn out to go out. I had been looking forward to it all day long, and as soon as I was half way home on the train (I have an hour and a half commute), I knew there was no way I could go out.

I got up this morning though and went for my run. Other than the fact that I have to go out at 5 am, I really love going out in the morning. Everything is so peaceful while I'm out. It's really a pretty nice way to start the day. Today wasn't as cool as it has been in the morning, but it was still nice out. A bit humid though, so I can only imagine how bad it's going to feel later. I'm glad I won't have to worry about going for a run later today.

The run went pretty well today. All of week 7 is the same - 25 minute runs. I thought I was going a bit faster, but it turned out I was actually going a bit slower. :confused3 I really want to try to keep my miles under 15 minutes. Today I was at about 15' 32". I made it through the entire run. I probably could have gone a bit longer. I ended the run on the hill that killed me a few runs ago, and it actually didn't bother me today. I wasn't gasping for air or anything. Much as I hate them I want to try to work the occasional hill into my routine.

Worst part of today's run was that I nearly had a run in with a skunk! :scared1: It was at the end of my run, and it was bright and sunny by this point so it took me a bit by surprise. I was running up the hill and I saw him crossing the street up in front of me. Luckily he was far enough away that I could change direction and cross over the other side of the street, and then cross back when I got past him. That would not have been pleasant!


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