"A Fresh Start" WDW Vacation with a Newbie and the Boyfriend!- Nov TR COMPLETE 2/16!

We got off of the bus and we walked up to MK and saw a huge surprise! Christmas decorations!!!!


Wow! It was so amazing to see this! I had a feeling we would see Christmas decorations but I wasn't sure. It was just such a neat experience to see Halloween and Christmas decorations in one trip. I wish Emily could have seen them though!

It was starting to rain a bit. I knew it was supposed to so I was worried about our half day being a bust.



You can see the raindrops on my lens. It was starting to rain a little bit heavier during our way on Main Street.


Corey and I wore our matching shirts so we had to stop for pictures while the streets were empty!


I am in love with these photos!



We went into the Main Street Bakery to get a cinnamon roll since Corey made me cancel Crystal Palace.



It was incredibly hard and too crusty.

When we got out of MSB it was still lightly raining.



I just love the wreaths on Main Street.


Since POTC was closed our previous day all day we headed there first! This park was sooooo amazing this morning. There was no ONE Here!!



We were making a mad dash to get in line!


There was absolutely no one in line. Both boats were waiting for people to get on. We actually had two other people on our boat though that walked in at the same time.



After POTC I wanted to buy a poncho because I didn't want my backpack to get wet! This thing was expensive! It was like almost 10 dollars.



I threw it away right when I got home!

Sorry to see your fun trip come to a close.

Also - sorry that your CMC meal was a bust. I have only had dinner there once and it was so long ago that i barely remember it. I will say - they do have a great breakfast and the characters are awesome.

I have really enjoyed all your AoA pictures. I know I belong to DVC, but I still hope I get a chance to stay there at some point in my WDW travels - if for no other reason then I have to see that shower curtain in person. :rotfl2:

Glad you had a good experience with your PP share! Ours turned out to be massive and the DISer who coordinated it did a fabulous job.
I would definitely like to have breakfast at Cap May one day!

Haha you can stay there if you are ever short on points, or on a weekend when points are more expensive.

The person who coordinated ours did a great job too!! She was awesome. There was 6 of us and it was so confusing because all of the pictures overlapped..

P.S. this is my 2,000 post!!! YAYA!!!!:woohoo::dance3::cheer2:princess:

After POTC I wanted to buy a poncho because I didn't want my backpack to get wet! This thing was expensive! It was like almost 10 dollars.



I threw it away right when I got home!

That's funny about throwing the poncho away as the last time I was down there I did the same thing The free one I got on the Disney Cruise Line I still have it and keep it in a bag I use when going on trips.
OMG Cape May looks so good (at least to me, lol)!

Can't beat an empty Magic Kingdom, even if it was a little rainy :thumbsup2
Hahaha! I keep my ponchos. I think I have two, but then one got ripped after a few trips, so I threw it out.

A trip report coming to an end is almost as bad as my own trip coming to an end!
I'm glad yall got to see the Christmas decorations! Gah, love them. Your PP pics turned out great!

You never seem to enjoy your food at Disney. :(

Why can't MK always be empty like that?!?! SO AWESOME.
OMG Cape May looks so good (at least to me, lol)!

Can't beat an empty Magic Kingdom, even if it was a little rainy :thumbsup2

Some stuff was good! I think I was just made because I never wanted to eat there in the first place.

Hahaha! I keep my ponchos. I think I have two, but then one got ripped after a few trips, so I threw it out.

A trip report coming to an end is almost as bad as my own trip coming to an end!
Don't worry there are still a lot of updates in this one!
I'm glad yall got to see the Christmas decorations! Gah, love them. Your PP pics turned out great!

You never seem to enjoy your food at Disney. :(

Why can't MK always be empty like that?!?! SO AWESOME.
I think I just didn't like my food this last day. I always get fooded out! Plus I didn't want to eat at Cape May lol!

It was awesome to see MK so empty! I was in heaven.

After I had my dandy poncho on we decided to ride Splash!

Once again we were the only people walking in but our boat was actually full.


We got SOAKED!!! I thought my poncho would help but it didn't. My butt was soaked and Corey's shirt was soaked. It was a fun ride though. The people in front of us were hilarious.

Corey made a serious pondering look and they thought it was soooo funny!!!



We decided to get a snack next.

OMG Look at the masses!!!!



Haha it was seriously the best morning I have ever had at Disney World, besides the fact I had to leave in a few hours.

We went into Adventureland because I wanted to try an orange swirl!


And with that I fell in love with orange swirl. It was soooo delicious. It was icey orange juice with vanilla ice cream and it was heaven. Better than a dole whip to me!

After this we went into Fantasyland to ride Peter Pan before the crowds hit. I ate my orange swirl on the way and was soo incredibly sad that it was gone.


I decided to check into new Fantasyland and see if they were letting people in. They weren't. I asked about eating lunch there and they said to check back.


Corey and I(well I did) get our pictures with Goofy and Donald! Emily and I already met Minnie and Daisy and now it was the boys turn!


When we saw the Barnstormer wait was only 10 minutes we had to ride it! It was Corey's favorite as a child. The wait was really a walk on!



Corey is 6'3 so he definitely had a hard time getting in there.



It was fun and cute. I liked going through that sign.

Agreed the hakuna matata decor is probably the best thing in the whole resort. I still can't get over how wonderful that resort is. Sounds like Rafiki wanted to marry you :rotfl:
Halloween and Christmas decorations, you planned out your trip perfectly!
But seriously where is everyone? I love when parks are like that in the mornings. Your threw out your poncho?! Girl you gotta keep those, I still have my yellow one from when I was 5.
Its the perfect morning on the day you have to leave, you didn't have to fight any crowds.
I'm to in love with the dole whip that I'm afraid I wont like the orange swirl.
Agreed the hakuna matata decor is probably the best thing in the whole resort. I still can't get over how wonderful that resort is. Sounds like Rafiki wanted to marry you :rotfl:
Halloween and Christmas decorations, you planned out your trip perfectly!
But seriously where is everyone? I love when parks are like that in the mornings. Your threw out your poncho?! Girl you gotta keep those, I still have my yellow one from when I was 5.
Its the perfect morning on the day you have to leave, you didn't have to fight any crowds.
I'm to in love with the dole whip that I'm afraid I wont like the orange swirl.

I know I should have kept it but it stunk like rubber lol!

I know it was a perfect morning. I was so tempted to call my flight to move it back. I haven't seen MK like that in a long long time, probably never!

After our exhilarating ride on the Barnstormer I forced Corey to meet Goofy and Donald with me! He isn't a huge character fan but I am and he loves me, so off we went!

The line was only 5 minutes!



And Minnie and Daisy didn't even have any line at all!!

Normally it is the opposite and the boys have a line.



You meet the Great Goofini first! His outfit is really cute. I just love their outfits here. They are so adorable.




Goofy loved Corey. He gave him a man high five. They were buds.




You can see how wet Corey's shirt is from the rain!


Next up we met the Astounding Donaldo. He was very upset that Mickey was on my shirt and not him.



He made us chuckle.



You are dropped off right in the souvenir tent- figures! I saw them make cake pops- one of my favorite disney treats!



The cupcakes in here fit with the theme and look cute but they just look gross and too sweet.



The floor is super cute in here and looks like circus tent!


I really do like this area. At first I was a little underwhelmed about the whole circus theme but they did a nice job.


These cupcakes look so good!

Haha - can't believe Corey even tried to get in the great Goofini at 6'2". That must have been a site.

I love how rain can clear out a park. Wow - talk about having the whole place to yourself.

I HATE getting soaked on Splash. I am such a wimp I always have to put a poncho on!

First thing we saw was Mary Poppins. We were talking to some guy in line about camping at Fort Wilderness. I guess he always comes to Disney every year and camps in Fort Wilderness. I am not sure if I would like that!


I am not sure what we talked about, but we did talk about a spoonful of sugar!

Little known secret… I know this Mary! :goodvibes

I'm all caught up- I got SOOO far behind! Looks like you guys had such a great trip though! And a practically empty MK on your last day?? It was well worth the rain, I'd say!!!
Oh my gosh! I love the Citrus orange swirl! Thank you for posting a picture of it. I forgot to take a picture of it. It was so good and it's definitely at the top of my list for a snack. I don't really like the Dole whip either.
What a great MK morning! I love those low crowds. I love the Great Goofini too, how cute is his costume?
I think all the costumes are precious! I have yet to meet them there yet...
Carmel corn on a cupcake? um that doesn't look to appetizing
No but seriously, even with some rain, I'd take those crowds in a heart beat! Just... awesome. Yall got so lucky!

Mmm, the Orange Swirl LOOKS delicious to me, but I can't stand orange juice (I know... I'm super weird) so I wouldn't like it. :( At least I can admire pictures of it haha!

That new meet and greet just looks ADORABLE. The costumes and sets just look so well done!

So, after our Storybook Circus fun we had a bit of time to spare so we wanted to get some more treats!

But, first on my agenda was to see if we can get into New Fantasyland again.

The answer was nope....and to check back later to see if we could eat lunch there.

At that moment (after my 7th check in) I realized I wouldn't be able to see New Fantasyland this trip.:sad2:


I tried to look like a sad little puppy and take pictures over the gate in hopes they would feel bad for me and let me in.



I must not have looked sad enough because I wasn't given a pity party.

So we headed to the castle.


This view with the castle and carousel is just beautiful! I fee like you used to not be able to get this open view because of Dumbo but I may be hallucinating.

The new Fantasyland walls are beautiful but I feel like they are just structures and not walls to anything.


I love the little creatures! They remind me of Pip in Enchanted! I love that movie!!! Anyone else with me? I do believe it is my all time favorite Disney movie.




We decided our last treat would be ice cream!


We went through adventureland and found ourselves at this famous little stand.


Corey got an orange pineapple swirl.


I managed to maneuver myself to my new favorite stand!


And I got another citrus swirl! Once again as good as the first! Look how beautiful it is!



I found a cute detail in Adventureland ground.


There was diamonds and all kinds of exotic stones in the cement!
These cupcakes look so good!

Haha - can't believe Corey even tried to get in the great Goofini at 6'2". That must have been a site.

I love how rain can clear out a park. Wow - talk about having the whole place to yourself.

I HATE getting soaked on Splash. I am such a wimp I always have to put a poncho on!

It was hilarious! I think we both needed our own car. We were a little squished. It seems like I don't normally get soaked on splash but this time i did! It is always the worst too because MK is the most photogenic park to take pictures in and I always look like crap because my hair is all frizzy from getting wet!

Little known secret… I know this Mary! :goodvibes

I'm all caught up- I got SOOO far behind! Looks like you guys had such a great trip though! And a practically empty MK on your last day?? It was well worth the rain, I'd say!!!

That is so cool that you know that Mary!!! Yes, the rain was well worth it! It was awesome.

Oh my gosh! I love the Citrus orange swirl! Thank you for posting a picture of it. I forgot to take a picture of it. It was so good and it's definitely at the top of my list for a snack. I don't really like the Dole whip either.
Yes, it is sooooo good. I am craving it right now!!!!
What a great MK morning! I love those low crowds. I love the Great Goofini too, how cute is his costume?
So cute!!!! I loved him!
I think all the costumes are precious! I have yet to meet them there yet...
Carmel corn on a cupcake? um that doesn't look to appetizing
Yes you do need to meet them! It is so cool because their costumes are so unique and the sets are so original
No but seriously, even with some rain, I'd take those crowds in a heart beat! Just... awesome. Yall got so lucky!

Mmm, the Orange Swirl LOOKS delicious to me, but I can't stand orange juice (I know... I'm super weird) so I wouldn't like it. :( At least I can admire pictures of it haha!

That new meet and greet just looks ADORABLE. The costumes and sets just look so well done!

Yes I would take that rain any day to have those crowds. It actually got nice later in the day. You definitely wouldn't like the citrus swirl if you don't like orange juice.

After our frozen treats we decided to go into the hub and just chill! We didn't have any more must do's besides eating lunch so off we went to take in the sights and magic of the hub!

If anyone wants any pictures send me a PM and I will send you the JPEG.

For our photo fun I had my fun fast lens, the 50mm lens.

First up was pictures of the little character statues.





It was about 10:30 and there were people coming in now that it wasn't raining.

Now the wonderful partners statue!




This one is my favorite. It is my facebook cover picture.


I believe about this time Corey took my camera. He is a bit taller than me (5'4 vs. 6'2) so he has a different view point. He really got into the photography thing today. He did really well after I set the settings for him.



I was his photography subject :)



We asked a photopass person to take our picture and it was really funny because we had the zoom 50mm lens so she walked very very far back. I told her she didn't have to get our bodies in!






Corey definitely took this one- i like it a lot with the yellow flowers in the background




Next up was the little stage show Dream Along with Mickey!



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