ABC's of Trip Planning (Oct 10-20), Vol. 2- Z is for: Zippidee Doo Dah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not surprisingly, snacks were a part of every trip. Not a HUGE part, nor an end to themselves, but enough that some of those snacks that have been eaten on many of those trips just have to be done so again simply for nostalgia’s sake alone. Some of my very earliest memories are of eating frozen bananas in the MK while walking around Fantasyland- back when the Skyway was still running. We’d eat them in line and have to snarf at the end and risk brain freeze for a spin on the Storybook Boats. To this day, I absolutely detest bananas if raw. Even cooked is pushing it big time; banana cream pudding or pie is an instant gag and possible barf. But for some reason, I can eat them, no, in fact like them, frozen. Especially with chocolate and nuts. Might be a texture thing.

Ah the Skyway! Gah, do I miss that! Never got to experience at WDW but went on it often at DLR.

And I definitely eat based off nostalgia purposes. It just feels good to the soul knowing you're eating something that you did many years ago and totally enjoyed it.

Rice Cream. There is simply NO better snack in all of WDW. Anywhere. An ode to Rice Cream…

What is this and where do I find it?

A jalapeno cream cheese pretzel. Dear Santa, I’ve been a very good girl this year, mostly. I mean certainly good enough for a jalapeno cream cheese pretzel. So... pretty please. Some mean people are saying that you don’t have those in your big Santa-bag anymore, but if it’s possible, I’ll glue wooden nutcrackers together in your woodshop if you would let me have just one JCCP this trip.

I really, really hope you find them. DH will be so happy if you do!

1 Homecoming Photo Shoot (my first paid photog gig!) this Saturday night


Honestly, i'm shocked it's only your first paid opp. You take beautiful photos!

BOOKED HER FLIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is fantastic news! :hyper:
They are calling it "stationary", so they will just leave it. For now he's out and back to eating crap- figuratively speaking.

Thank goodness for figurative speech.

So, thank God for my aching butt and backbone?

No... I said pain free is better.

Yep. Huzzah!


They'd just pee all over the place.

Nah. You put itty bitty pampers on those suckers.

For...? In case you've forgotten: why do you want a fridge by your coffee table? Sandwiches? Ice cream?

Don't be silly. It's for drinks.
The freezer on the other hand (and on the other side of the lazy boy) is for.... ICE CREAM SANDWICHES!!!!!
Well... you were the one who said sandwiches and ice cream in the same breath.

Can and will are very, very different.

Oh, don't I know it.

I was afraid this has turned into a thing of the magical past. That magic is fading....


The magic is definitely not fading. The magic is there if you let it be there and let yourself accept it.
The magic isn't in getting a night's stay in the castle suite (although it'd certainly be nice! :laughing:) but in the CM who gives you a smile and says "Have a magical day."
I've seen far too many posts from people who basically say "My vacation was ruined because _________" and then post something relatively minor. A lack of towel animals didn't change my enjoyment of my last trips one iota. And it's like so many things. One person gets some pixie dust. They mention it. Now everyone wants that "once in a lifetime" thing and if they don't get it.... why didn't they? "You got an anytime FP? Why didn't I? Trip ruined!" "You were the family of the day and we weren't! Trip ruined!" I think the magic is in the unexpected. When we got towel animals when we first went with the DDs, it was magic because it wasn't really widely known yet. And I appreciated it and the kids loved it. But then... everyone insisted that they get towel animals too! And every day! And they better be elaborate or else! Where's the magic in that? It's no longer magic, it's an expected (demanded!) service.
I much, much prefer to go in with no expectations other than to enjoy myself and if/when something happens... then it's truly magical as opposed to expected.
So when I got a little rolled up towel with my toothbrush stuck in it; I didn't say "That's it? Where's my towel animal?" instead I thought "Cool! They'd never do that anywhere else!"

The magic is alive and well.
You just have to let it find you.

What kind of TReporter do you think I AM?!

I have no idea.
But you're a heck of a PTReporter.

I'm guessing that'll be mine too. New toy and all.

New toy won't enter into it, I bet. That first time you compose a shot on Main street and say "I want the whole castle in the picture!" or "I want all of Main St.!"... a 'normal' lens with your APSC camera ain't gonna do it.

Had to go back to the Toilet Store again today for the tank bolts that busted off when we moved it.

Of course. This is natural and normal.

No sideshows though today.

Too bad... or.... good!

You will be treated to pictures. You are welcome.

Thank you in advance.

Bands made it. Tags still have not.

If you have to collect the bags and bring 'em to DME, it's no biggie.
Done that more often than not, lately.

Well.... honestly?

Ah the Skyway! Gah, do I miss that! Never got to experience at WDW but went on it often at DLR.

I didn't know they had one at WDW. We only ever went to DLR since we lived an hour and a half away. I remember the sad story of the guy falling from it well.

And I definitely eat based off nostalgia purposes. It just feels good to the soul knowing you're eating something that you did many years ago and totally enjoyed it.

I'm glad I'm not the only one in this camp.

What is this and where do I find it?

It is sold in the Norway Pav and is rice cooked in cream then mixed with whipped cream, and then topped with strawberry jam. Soooooo goooooood.

I really, really hope you find them. DH will be so happy if you do!

I will let you all know!


Honestly, i'm shocked it's only your first paid opp. You take beautiful photos!

Aw shucks! Thanks! To be honest, I haven't because I'm scared to death by the thought of doing people. What if they don't turn out!? I like landscapes because, hey, no big deal if you they don't.

This is fantastic news! :hyper:

I'll tell you a little secret; I'm probably most excited about her going than anyone else, as she is FAR more excited herself about getting to go. The others are kinda meh at this point. Maybe they'll pour on the juice when we actually GET there.

That's great news that Michaela can join you for a portion of the trip!

SQUEEEEE! It's been like 11 years or more since she's been! (We need to change that!)

Thank goodness for figurative speech.

Maybe I should be more literal, but then half my sarcasm would be pointless. And where's the fun in that?

No... I said pain free is better.

OH! I thought you were insinuating that being DEAD was the alternative. And pain is better than dead. My dad always said, "If you wake up and nothing hurts, start looking for the Pearly Gates."

Nah. You put itty bitty pampers on those suckers.

Have you ever tried to catch a wild squirrel? They will bite your hand off.

Don't be silly. It's for drinks.
The freezer on the other hand (and on the other side of the lazy boy) is for.... ICE CREAM SANDWICHES!!!!!
Well... you were the one who said sandwiches and ice cream in the same breath.

You are a great planner. Have you pre-ordered your Mickey Bars?


The magic is definitely not fading. The magic is there if you let it be there and let yourself accept it.
The magic isn't in getting a night's stay in the castle suite (although it'd certainly be nice! :laughing:) but in the CM who gives you a smile and says "Have a magical day."
I've seen far too many posts from people who basically say "My vacation was ruined because _________" and then post something relatively minor. A lack of towel animals didn't change my enjoyment of my last trips one iota. And it's like so many things. One person gets some pixie dust. They mention it. Now everyone wants that "once in a lifetime" thing and if they don't get it.... why didn't they? "You got an anytime FP? Why didn't I? Trip ruined!" "You were the family of the day and we weren't! Trip ruined!" I think the magic is in the unexpected. When we got towel animals when we first went with the DDs, it was magic because it wasn't really widely known yet. And I appreciated it and the kids loved it. But then... everyone insisted that they get towel animals too! And every day! And they better be elaborate or else! Where's the magic in that? It's no longer magic, it's an expected (demanded!) service.
I much, much prefer to go in with no expectations other than to enjoy myself and if/when something happens... then it's truly magical as opposed to expected.
So when I got a little rolled up towel with my toothbrush stuck in it; I didn't say "That's it? Where's my towel animal?" instead I thought "Cool! They'd never do that anywhere else!"

The magic is alive and well.
You just have to let it find you.
Well, Ok, I was more referring to things like the onslaught of upcharge hard ticket events, and even more sad (to me at least) the shift in focus to Disney product theming rather than the classic Disney style of NON-character themed stuff like PoTC, HM, COP. I"m truly sad they took out ALL of Future World stuff, the Making of Me, and are now going to desecrate ToT. IMHO. I know there are plenty of people who disagree.

I agree with you 100% about letting the little pieces of magic find you and revel in those. I don't consider myself to have the Spirit of Entitlement and won't be disappointed if I don't get a towel animal. What I do see, in a lot of areas though is the tyranny of the corporation profits overriding some of the special touches that used to be there (lack of dump shops for one). Does that make sense? Can we find common ground here?

I have no idea.
But you're a heck of a PTReporter.

Not really. But I do have fun! I love writing and I love the people who share it all with me!

New toy won't enter into it, I bet. That first time you compose a shot on Main street and say "I want the whole castle in the picture!" or "I want all of Main St.!"... a 'normal' lens with your APSC camera ain't gonna do it.

You know what. I bought this lens SPECIFICALLY with that shot in mind. I walked into our local camera shop and told them THAT shot was what I had in mind and that started my journey of learning about wide angle stuff. THEN I went on the that trip with my neighbor and he let me play with his WAL and I was sold. You know the rest of the story, but yeah, I want my own balloon and Main St. shot.

Of course. This is natural and normal.

Standing DIY Rule #1- Stuff must break that you're trying to fix in at least one way before the project is done.

If you have to collect the bags and bring 'em to DME, it's no biggie.
Done that more often than not, lately.

Yeah, I suppose. ;)

Well.... honestly?


Ice reporting for duty!
Maybe I should be more literal, but then half my sarcasm would be pointless. And where's the fun in that?


OH! I thought you were insinuating that being DEAD was the alternative. And pain is better than dead.

Whoops! I was! I thought you didn't get the insinuation at meant that the alternative was no pain. (but not dead)

My dad always said, "If you wake up and nothing hurts, start looking for the Pearly Gates."

Yep. Gets more true every year.

Have you ever tried to catch a wild squirrel? They will bite your hand off.

Well, yeah. That's why you first put on their itty bitty mouth guards.

You are a great planner. Have you pre-ordered your Mickey Bars?


Well, Ok, I was more referring to things like the onslaught of upcharge hard ticket events, and even more sad (to me at least) the shift in focus to Disney product theming rather than the classic Disney style of NON-character themed stuff like PoTC, HM, COP. I"m truly sad they took out ALL of Future World stuff, the Making of Me, and are now going to desecrate ToT. IMHO. I know there are plenty of people who disagree.

Ugh. Don't get me started on TOT.
I agree with everything you just said.

I agree with you 100% about letting the little pieces of magic find you and revel in those. I don't consider myself to have the Spirit of Entitlement and won't be disappointed if I don't get a towel animal. What I do see, in a lot of areas though is the tyranny of the corporation profits overriding some of the special touches that used to be there (lack of dump shops for one). Does that make sense? Can we find common ground here?

We already did!

Not really.

No. Really.

But I do have fun! I love writing and I love the people who share it all with me!


You know what. I bought this lens SPECIFICALLY with that shot in mind. I walked into our local camera shop and told them THAT shot was what I had in mind and that started my journey of learning about wide angle stuff. THEN I went on the that trip with my neighbor and he let me play with his WAL and I was sold. You know the rest of the story, but yeah, I want my own balloon and Main St. shot.

You bought an expensive lens... with just that shot in mind?!?!? Are you crazy????

(Disregard that it's the exact same reason I got mine.)

Ice reporting for duty!

Unless they have snuck something past me...I thought it was only the California Tower of Terror that was being changed. Not that that's a good thing for the West-coasters, but at least it's a reprieve so far for the East-coast
Liesa maybe you should have your dad join you on the trip too. I've seen an article on Yahoo the last couple days that riding roller coasters helped the passing of kidney stones. :confused3
Why am I suddenly picturing little squirrels trussed up like Hannibal Lecter wearing diapers???? :squirrel:

You've seen them, haven't you.

Unless they have snuck something past me...I thought it was only the California Tower of Terror that was being changed. Not that that's a good thing for the West-coasters, but at least it's a reprieve so far for the East-coast

So far it's just the west coast, I think.
But.... how long until they do it out east?

Never, I hope. But...

Have you ever tried to catch a wild squirrel? They will bite your hand off.

Well, yeah. That's why you first put on their itty bitty mouth guards.

Why am I suddenly picturing little squirrels trussed up like Hannibal Lecter wearing diapers???? :squirrel:

Casey’s nuggets. Wow, sorry about that; that sounded a little iffy.

Hmm seems a bit late to worry about the iffy of sound! Think you already hit that home run some time back.

The stars began to align today when she told me she had asked all of her professors about missing one day, and every single one said, "no problem". We are waiting for her to get time off, but it's a miniscule chance that won't happen; her boss loves her and she's a supervisor. And she makes the best Blizzard on the continent. The chances are so small in fact, that I took a gamble and we....

BOOKED HER FLIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SQUEEEEE! It's been like 11 years or more since she's been! (We need to change that!)


Liesa maybe you should have your dad join you on the trip too. I've seen an article on Yahoo the last couple days that riding roller coasters helped the passing of kidney stones. :confused3

I saw this and thought of him too!
Unless they have snuck something past me...I thought it was only the California Tower of Terror that was being changed. Not that that's a good thing for the West-coasters, but at least it's a reprieve so far for the East-coast

So far it's just the west coast, I think.
But.... how long until they do it out east?

I happen to know someone who knows some people who know things... Rumor has it that they were all set to do the Guardians overlay at DHS as well until someone realized that if they closed that attraction now, they could go ahead and close that whole park. DHS is doing horribly at the moment as people only go in to ride TSMM, RnRC and ToT and leave. Who would come if they only had two attractions left...

The good news is that since WDW's ToT has become a second phase project and Disney has a bad reputation of never following along with the second phase anyway (like the new pavilions for the World Showcase, the second phase of the DCA re-imagination, Beastly Kingdom at AK), it might disappear. Or they will indeed shoehorn it into Epcot at some point...
Unless they have snuck something past me...I thought it was only the California Tower of Terror that was being changed. Not that that's a good thing for the West-coasters, but at least it's a reprieve so far for the East-coast

I don't think they want to keep paying for use of the Twilight Zone franchise. As Magdalene said, right now the park has almost no rides left, but once Star Wars land is open who know what fate it will suffer.

They have already begun to dismantle the one at DCA. It no longer says Hollywood Tower Hotel on the front.
Do you read the News Round up thread? There was a post where someone said they heard cast members saying RoL starts Saturday. Keeping fingers crossed for you!
Do you read the News Round up thread? There was a post where someone said they heard cast members saying RoL starts Saturday. Keeping fingers crossed for you!

Shout outs in progress, but wanted to address this RIGHT NOW, cuz somehow my bladder just leaked a little. Brook just posted on FB too about this, and yes, I audibly squeaked a little.

I believe that the soft preview is the 16th, so the BIG Meet may have to move over to AK instead!!! I'm going to have to call everyone and see what they think.
Yep. Gets more true every year.

I hate getting old.

Well, yeah. That's why you first put on their itty bitty mouth guards.

This is starting to sound more and more like a Lewis Carol novel.

Ugh. Don't get me started on TOT.
I agree with everything you just said.

ToT is definitely one of my faves- certainly in my top 5 attractions. It's just sad, SAD, I say, to see it in jeopardy.

You bought an expensive lens... with just that shot in mind?!?!? Are you crazy????

(Disregard that it's the exact same reason I got mine.)

Well, yes I am a little crazy, but it sounds like I"m in good company.

Why am I suddenly picturing little squirrels trussed up like Hannibal Lecter wearing diapers???? :squirrel:


Unless they have snuck something past me...I thought it was only the California Tower of Terror that was being changed. Not that that's a good thing for the West-coasters, but at least it's a reprieve so far for the East-coast

Oh it is, but I'm guessing that it's on the eventual chopping block as well. I think they are just biding their time until the park is a bit more re-themed. It was such a great idea, especially Sunset Blvd.

Liesa maybe you should have your dad join you on the trip too. I've seen an article on Yahoo the last couple days that riding roller coasters helped the passing of kidney stones. :confused3

I've heard this too!! I"ve heard it's especially true for BRMRR which happens to be closed during out trip. BOooO!!! That is the funniest and probably weirdest thing I've heard in a long time.
So far it's just the west coast, I think.
But.... how long until they do it out east?

Never, I hope. But...

It makes me sad to even think about it. :(

Hmm seems a bit late to worry about the iffy of sound! Think you already hit that home run some time back.

Yeah probably so... I"m afraid.

I saw this and thought of him too!

Isn't that the strangest thing you've heard this week?!

I happen to know someone who knows some people who know things... Rumor has it that they were all set to do the Guardians overlay at DHS as well until someone realized that if they closed that attraction now, they could go ahead and close that whole park. DHS is doing horribly at the moment as people only go in to ride TSMM, RnRC and ToT and leave. Who would come if they only had two attractions left...

The good news is that since WDW's ToT has become a second phase project and Disney has a bad reputation of never following along with the second phase anyway (like the new pavilions for the World Showcase, the second phase of the DCA re-imagination, Beastly Kingdom at AK), it might disappear. Or they will indeed shoehorn it into Epcot at some point...

Hmmm... I wonder who THAT could be? :lmao:

And they are right. I know for our family we'd do exactly that. Or completely skip it. As far as I'm concerned the park was toast when the Animation Academy and One Man's Dream left.

I'd love to see it phased into EPCOT. But even FW is a bit of a joke right now. A mere shell of it's former glory!


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