AKL Concierge


From your lips to God's ears.

Or shall we say, from your keyboard to god's eyes.
When you walk into a restraunt they ask "smoking or non smoking", not perfume or non-perfume.They ask that for a reason. Smoking and second hand smoke IS hazardous to your health

Yes I agree ncligs, in a confined area with poor ventilation, second hand smoke is bad for your health. Its a proven fact. I cant argue that. In fact, I WASNT arguing that.

Im talking about smoking on a blacony, outside, in the open air, with wind.

Living in LA is hazardous to your health too. :)

Sent you a PM (private message).
As a non-smoker, I can't stand the smell of smoke inside or out. And yes, smoke for a neighboring non-smoking balcony room would upset.

Smoking is an addiction -- just like alcohol and drugs. But somehow because it is legal I am suppose to be tolerant. I have a real problem with all the health problems that my tax dollars are paying for to care for smokers and their children that do not have health insurance.

I so look forward to the day when smoking is illegal in all public places.

What amazes me is that a smoker will agree about how terrible a habit it is and how hazardous second hand smoke is. But, in the same breath will blow out a puff of smoke in a non-smokers direction.

Disney must adapt a non-smoking ban in all non-smoking areas. I don't think they'd ever go totally non-smoking.

I used to live in NY and it was such a pleasure not to ever have to say non smoking please. Now I live in NJ and have to get used to the smoke in restaurants and in public places.
You seem to be laboring under a misconception. Smoking IS permitted on the balconys. There is NO rule anywhere against it. There are no signs, there is nothing written, there is no rule against smoking on the balconys.
You might not have seen any signs but I know what I was told and I know what I read and when I stayed at AKL in a Savannah view smoking room I was told no smoking on the balcony and the balcony door had a sign stating this also. The fact that Disney told you to smoke on the balcony does not surprise me because I have heard of this before. It usually happens when people make a fuss over not getting a smoking room, so to appease the people they are told they can smoke on the balcony. Maybe the lack of signs was due to the fact is was a non smoking room.

I agree with those that have stated that non smoking rooms should be just that: non smoking rooms including the balcony and the nonsmoking rooms should be grouped with other non smoking rooms to eliminate the balcony problem. BUT to say there should be no smoking in any WDW resort room or balcony is ridiculous. Smokers have just as much right to smoke in their smoking room, which includes the balcony as any other WDW guest has the right not to and to reserve a non smoking room. I wholeheartedly agree that someone should not be smoking on the balcony of a non smoking room, but to make ALL WDW rooms non smoking, I don't think so!
Just got back from a split visit at AKL & YC two days ago. We stayed concierge at both hotels. I don't smoke, have heart disease, and can't abide the presence of cigarette smoke as it gives me instant angina.

Unfortunately, the OP was quite correct about the rules regarding smoking on the balconies of non-smoking rooms - at least for concierge level. I smelled smoke on my balcony at the AKL but just went inside the room and closed the door. (I can only hold my breath so long... :D ) But at the YC, I didn't feel so easy going and complained about the smoke to the Concierge who told me smoking on the balcony was perfectly ok and approved by disney - just don't do it in the room. Grrrrrr. :mad:

I don't know if the concierge spoke to the Guest in question about it but the next day our balcony had bbq chicken bits and bbq sauce thrown all over it. Probably just a coincidence, and something that housekeeping took care of with lightning speed.

As in other areas, being on concierge brings privileges not granted to guests paying less money. Is this right? Is this fair? I don't know. As a concierge guest I can easily get a reservation for dinner at a restaurant that may be unavailable to someone at a value resort. I have no opinion on the ethical side to this subject, but would like to hear what others think.

I quit smoking six years ago but I think I'll start again, make a ressie at AKL and smoke a carton on the balcony, just to see what happens. Only kidding, of course.
You seem to be laboring under a misconception. Smoking IS permitted on the balconys. There is NO rule anywhere against it. There are no signs, there is nothing written, there is no rule against smoking on the balconys.

QUOTE]The only place that I ever saw anything about not smoking on the balconys is on this board. I am happy to report that those statements were in error, smoking is permitted on the balconys of non-smoking units, at least it certainly was in mine.[/QUOTE]

I just got off the phone with both CRO and AKL and both CM's I spoke with said no smoking on the balconies overlooking a savannah room. I asked the CM at AKL to check with the manager and the CM came back on the phone and repeated the rule. ( thank goodness for free long distance).

This may be the only place you have seen this rule mentioned, but, it is not the only place it appears. For one, Deb's site states it.

The fact that you did not see a sign and were told you could smoke does not mitigate the fact that it is a rule and that anyone here misinformed anyone.

Dee and I both stated what we have experienced, what we saw and what we believe the rules are. The fact that you experienced something different does not negate what Dee and I reported, in fact, it puts you in the minority.

We refused a non smoking king room because it was non smoking and we were told we could not smoke on the balcony.
We were then moved to a dual queen room that allowed smoking IN THE ROOM only. I had requested a smoking optional king room and they fulfilled the king request.

Rich you seem to have very different experiences when you go to WDW. One does wonder why.
PJMPA ;) Be sure and get the conceirge level. And when you puke from all those cigs, do try to clear the balconies below you!!! lol

(all in fun of course)


Did you speak with a concierge at AKL? Perhaps there are different rules for the concierge rooms? Maybe disney thinks if you are concierge you will be responsible while smoking on the balcony. Just a thought. If there _are_ a different set of rules I can see why Disney wouldn't want to advertise this.

I covered all bases for this. I asked about both. I would hate to think that Disney would equate brains with money. :)
For one, Deb's site states it.

There is the final word, I stand corrected.......not

Sorry, but a rule must be written somewhere or expressed to people in some way. Every single person I spoke with said that smoking was permitted on the balconys overlooking the savannah on the concierge level. There are no signs, the CMs freely give out ashtrays specifically for smoking on the balcony.

I think this is another case of Disney telling people what they want to hear. They do this quite often about many different subjects. I think they just told Gail what she wanted to hear.

There is no rule against smoking on the savanah balconys, at least in the concierge section....not only that, they encourage smokers to take the savanah view room instead of the pool view, When I was inquiring about smoking, they actually said to me, "As long as you don't mind smoking on the balcony, I would suggest you take the savanah view room instead of the pool view smoking optional room"

Not only is there no rule against smoking on the balconys, it is actually encouraged by AKL staff.
I think this is another case of Disney telling people what they want to hear. They do this quite often about many different subjects. I think they just told Gail what she wanted to hear.

I think this works both ways Rich.

I asked a question of these people. I said " Is smoking allowed on any balcony, conceirge or not at AKL", CRO said NO, and AKL said NO, when I asked for a backing from the manager, the response was NO. That is exactly how I asked the question.
NO way could it be considered a question to get a "what ever the person wants to hear" answer. Straight questioin, straight answer.
The concierege staff pre planning person is the one that made the suggestion of going with the savannah room with the condition of not minding that we do our smoking on the balcony. THere are no signs, they freely give balcony ashtrays, the maids empty and clean the balcony ashtrays, seemed pretty straightforward to me.

I think the kicker is that we have had reports of there being signs in non-concierge rooms, I know for a fact that there was no sign in my room, there was a sign on the glass door with the red circle and slash, but it was over a picture of someone throwing food to the animals and said not to feed the animals, the same decal was on the balcony.

Seems that maybe there is a different rule for concierge and your phone call illustrated their reluctance to admit there were different rules.


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