Any podcast guest that makes you groan?

The thing is, if we love something, as we all love the DIS and their podcasts, it should be okay to point out issues, concerns, etc. The fact is that if something or someone on a podcast really bothers us we will not download it or stream it or whatever. The numbers might speak for themselves. But sometimes that is throwing out the baby with the bathwater. I'd love to be able to listen all the DIS podcasts without fast forwarding through some parts. Constructive critisism is a good thing, done right, isn't it? So where do we send that feedback? I have a comment that could be construed as hurtful I suppose. (Although I wouldn't be hurt if someone said it to me.) It is best to keep my mouth shut and tolerate it or is it, in fact, best to mention it to those responsible with the hope that maybe a bit of a tweak would improve the listening experience for all. Would that be best done through an email?

(Now I will hide behind my Minnie Mouse pillow)
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I love hearing other view points especially ones that go against what I believe. You learn a lot about things in a way you don't view it. It would be a shame to cover your ears and miss out on why it's a tomato and not a tomato.
Klose. Kevin Klose.

i can not pull of the "hockey jersey with my face on it" look.

I can also not direct films.

But thank you...I think:love2:

OMG! How did I screw that up? I must have been watching clerks or something when I typed that. I do know your name, sorry for the hilarious mix up. Although - a jersey would look good on you. Just be sure to pick a good team.
Quite honestly, I'm very proud of this community of my fellow DIS fans. Here was a thread that could have easily gone very nasty very quick -- and in many online venues, would have. Instead, virtually everyone stepped up to say no, we love the podcast team, we don't want to hurt their feelings, and we're not going there. I think that says something positive about the DIS community.
Quite honestly, I'm very proud of this community of my fellow DIS fans. Here was a thread that could have easily gone very nasty very quick -- and in many online venues, would have. Instead, virtually everyone stepped up to say no, we love the podcast team, we don't want to hurt their feelings, and we're not going there. I think that says something positive about the DIS community.
Ok. This thread is like Thanksgiving dinner when the whole family shows up for one day each year. Drama ensues. But here is the thing. Family is family. Things do not have to be perfect or PC. You take a deep breathe and show up for Christmas. It's all ok here. Perhaps we do not agree, but we should always stay respectful, because we will see each other at the next family get together. Remember. People have feelings even if the Internet gives you a sense of anonymity. Just ask yourself what your Mom would say if she knew you made the comment you just posted. Remember, Christmas dinner is coming
Although - a jersey would look good on you. Just be sure to pick a good team.
Please pick the Sens (Ottawa Senators) and not the Leafs (Toronto Maple Leafs). Plus the colours are more stylish. And in Canada, we don't "know" any teams south of the border :P
Please pick the Sens (Ottawa Senators) and not the Leafs (Toronto Maple Leafs). Plus the colours are more stylish. And in Canada, we don't "know" any teams south of the border :P

If you don't know any teams south of the border, does that mean they cancelled the Stanley Cup Playoffs this year?
(Sorry, that kinda felt necessary, but it was meant as a general insult to Canadian hockey and nothing personal)
does that mean they cancelled the Stanley Cup Playoffs this year?
Pretty much. :(
But there's always next year! Just in case you need an incentive to go out & buy that Jersey, here's to stepping out & looking stylish in the North! :D
This thread proves two things.....

1. People should really think through their posts much more thoroughly before hitting that button.
2. The DIS Unplugged community is good people.
Totally agree with #1, also with #2. And wanted to point out also that YOU are part of #2, and always put a smile on my face!! :)
This thread proves two things.....

1. People should really think through their posts much more thoroughly before hitting that button.
2. The DIS Unplugged community is good people.

#1 I agree with because that's basically the story of my life.
#2 ... eh. Maybe.
For the person who started this thread.....If you wrote that looking for people to jump up and start agreeing with you and start naming members of the team then you are oh so very misguided...its comparable to walking into South Boston and saying Red Sox suck!
Even though I live 45 mins from Boston and I dont like the Red Sox lol... I dont advertise it though!!!


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