Any podcast guest that makes you groan?

If you don't know any teams south of the border, does that mean they cancelled the Stanley Cup Playoffs this year?
(Sorry, that kinda felt necessary, but it was meant as a general insult to Canadian hockey and nothing personal)
If you don't know any teams south of the border, does that mean they cancelled the Stanley Cup Playoffs this year?
(Sorry, that kinda felt necessary, but it was meant as a general insult to Canadian hockey and nothing personal)
Currently, 50 percent of NHL players are Canadian, and we are the current Olympic champions. Our NHL teams may have tanked, but if you look at the Canadian hockey development system there is nothing wrong with Canadian hockey.
Currently, 50 percent of NHL players are Canadian, and we are the current Olympic champions. Our NHL teams may have tanked, but if you look at the Canadian hockey development system there is nothing wrong with Canadian hockey.

I'm aware of how hockey works. I was making a joke.
You have to admit, it's a little amusing that none of the Canadian hockey teams made it to the playoffs. Two NY teams made it, but no Canadian teams. It's a little funny.
But yes, I do realize that there are many Canadian players currently in the Stanley Cup playoffs, and I'd definitely bet money on there being at least one Canadian player on whatever team wins the Stanley Cup.
And I blame Sidney Crosby for that Olympics thing. In case anyone was wondering why I hate him so much.
And if you look to the left side of the train you will see the rails that it started on. Sorry but I had to.

I think it would be self evident that anyone that reads/posts on here fangirls over the show and hosts. Therefore I am making a hard turn and making this about me.

Kathy scares me because she reminds me of my mom. Nicest women in the world but can scare you with one look.
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You should come to a DIS meet next time we have one in New England. Heck, come to our screening of Finding Dory in June to help GKTW!

Seriously considering this. I think you may be about 2 hours away from me.
No one annoys me on the show and even if they did I'd keep it to myself! :hippie: going in the other direction...I love playing the show while getting ready in the morning...hearing all the familiar voices yapping about Disney..just puts me in a good place instantly. :D

but to answer the OPs core question...Ray Romano..don't know why, just does. :P
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For sure, Steve - me too!!! He (and the late Sam Kinnison) always YELLING about something....and Gilbert closing his eyes while he does so.....just makes me :mad::eek:
I always figure that when someone writes, "I know I'll get flamed for this, but..." the topic must be really important to that person to put it out there on the boards. I'm glad that no one rubs me the wrong way. I may not agree with certain viewpoints, but I like that they make me think. I'm also glad no names were put out there, because although some people have learned to have thick skins, others are out there doing the best they can, and it's hurtful to read threads where people kind of gang up on someone.

I do think if someone bothers listeners enough, an email to the team or the producer is a good way to address it. I know that when we do things on our own little podcast, like someone obviously pouring a soda one time, listeners email us to let us know, and those messages are always appreciated so we know where to fix things, if we can. By the way, I love our listeners, especially the ones who join us in chat and email us. It lets us get to know them a little, too. :goodvibes

The chatteratti love the West Coast DIS team.
Can we take down this thread? To many off topic conversations going on , plus I really don't like the topic to begin with. I've been a listener when all you could do is listen. After listening for awhile I joined the boards. The team, old and new have become a 2nd distant family. One I haven't meet in person however one I would defend / fight to the death. I just don't like someone talking about someone hiding behind a keyboard. I have high anxiety levels , 3 times I felt like I was having a heart attack , 2 of those times by ambulance I was brought to the hospital. Now when I feel an anxiety attack coming on, I turn on my Apple TV, lay on the couch, watch dis unplugged, daily fix whatever. The Dis team has helped my sickness, and anxiety attacks, by bringing me to my happy place. I owe them, for me it's more then just a place to get Disney news. I vote close this thread and take it down .
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Can we take down this thread? To many off topic conversations going on , plus I really don't like the topic to begin with. I've been a listener when all you could do is listen. After listening for awhile I joined the boards. The team, old and new have become a 2nd distant family. One I haven't meet in person however one I would defend / fight to the death. I just don't like someone talking about someone hiding behind a keyboard. I have high anxiety levels , 3 times I felt like I was having a heart attack , 2 of those times by ambulance I was brought to the hospital. Now when I feel an anxiety attack coming on, I turn on my Apple TV, lay on the couch, watch dis unplugged, daily fix whatever. The Dis team has helped my sickness, and anxiety attacks, by bringing me to my happy place. I owe them, for me it's more then just a place to get Disney news. I vote close this thread and take it down .

I can empathize with the panic attacks, and hope you find your way to the end of your journey and battle with this soon, it ain't easy......hang in there!
So it's not okay to name a podcast member who might "make you groan," but it's okay to name Ray Romano, Gilbert Gottfried, and Sam Kinison?
Yes, I seriously doubt that any of them will ever see this board, and potentially get their feelings hurt (especially not Sam Kinnison!), but a podcast Team member might, and I don't want to be a part of potentially hurting somebody's feelings....'nuff said. Time to move along to happier things.
Regardless of whether or not those in question would see/hear it being said or not, the point was that neither should be done.
Okay, you're probably right - so I hereby publicly apologize for any part that I had in potentially hurting the feelings of Ray Romano, Sam Kinnison, and Gilbert Gottfried.


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