Anyone else guilty of buying something else non essential

I buy whatever I want and never feel guilty. No clue why I should. I'm helping the economy by purchasing things, and the virus is not prevelent in my city regardless. There is no law against shopping here. Some stores are closed, but if they're open, I'll shop. I think this panic response to the virus is a major mistake and very harmful to many, especially children.

It's not a panic response here. Staying home has saved our hospitals from being overwhelmed. We haven't run out of ventilators as predicted. It's working here.
I buy whatever I want and never feel guilty. No clue why I should. I'm helping the economy by purchasing things, and the virus is not prevelent in my city regardless. There is no law against shopping here. Some stores are closed, but if they're open, I'll shop. I think this panic response to the virus is a major mistake and very harmful to many, especially children.
Agreed. We do also.
Maybe the laws/orders/regulations/recommendations/suggestions should define ‘essential’ in order to assist people?

What should the wording be, so that everyone understands the message? ‘Will you die without this item?; Do you value this item more than life itself?; Do you require this item in order not to die?; A bicycle or your life? etc. 🤷‍♀️

How simply should the question be put?

We now have government vehicles driving around‘ with loud speakers, repeating the message, ‘stay at home, stay safe’.....

‘Stay at home
  • Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (but only if you cannot work from home)
  • If you go out, stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other people at all times
  • Wash your hands as soon as you get home
Do not meet others, even friends or family.

You can spread the virus even if you don’t have symptoms.’

Is obeying this for a few weeks really such a sacrifice?

I find, even the title of this thread, incredibly narcissistic and utterly selfish. Isn’t it the people choosing not to self isolating, thus perpetuating the spread of the virus, who are
responsible for killing others and harming the world economy?

‘Guilty’ is a good choice of word!
I miss Target. :( The only store I've been in in the last month is the grocery store and even then, instead of my usual wandering, it's get in, get what's on the list and get out.

I swear when I am let loose it's going to be an epic day of shopping. Target, Costco, Rouses (local chain) all in one day. I'm going to buy croissants and Brie and dark chocolate and make myself sick eating it all at once. :rotfl2:

I did buy a 60 count box of dark chocolate Lindor balls on Amazon. Can't wait until they arrive. :rolleyes1
Maybe the laws/orders/regulations/recommendations/suggestions should define ‘essential’ in order to assist people?

What should the wording be, so that everyone understands the message? ‘Will you die without this item?; Do you value this item more than life itself?; Do you require this item in order not to die?; A bicycle or your life? etc. 🤷‍♀️

How simply should the question be put?

We now have government vehicles driving around‘ with loud speakers, repeating the message, ‘stay at home, stay safe’.....

‘Stay at home
  • Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (but only if you cannot work from home)
  • If you go out, stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other people at all times
  • Wash your hands as soon as you get home
Do not meet others, even friends or family.

You can spread the virus even if you don’t have symptoms.’

Is obeying this for a few weeks really such a sacrifice?

I find, even the title of this thread, incredibly narcissistic and utterly selfish. Isn’t it the people choosing not to self isolating, thus perpetuating the spread of the virus, who are
responsible for killing others and harming the world economy?

‘Guilty’ is a good choice of word!
Okay no I will not die without my tools to pass my test but a lot of work went into preparation for pasing it and given the situation we are in now yes I need more tools to pass no one saw this coming unless they have a crystal ball
Maybe the laws/orders/regulations/recommendations/suggestions should define ‘essential’ in order to assist people?

What should the wording be, so that everyone understands the message? ‘Will you die without this item?; Do you value this item more than life itself?; Do you require this item in order not to die?; A bicycle or your life? etc. 🤷‍♀️

How simply should the question be put?

We now have government vehicles driving around‘ with loud speakers, repeating the message, ‘stay at home, stay safe’.....

‘Stay at home
  • Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (but only if you cannot work from home)
  • If you go out, stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other people at all times
  • Wash your hands as soon as you get home
Do not meet others, even friends or family.

You can spread the virus even if you don’t have symptoms.’

Is obeying this for a few weeks really such a sacrifice?
Stay at home orders already define this. Some are vague enough in parts that questions still arise of course. And stay at home orders vary throughout the country.

My county's stay at home is much more specific than my state's stay at home order.

But TBH your impression of "do you need this in order to not die" is an hyperbole...
Stay at home orders already define this. Some are vague enough in parts that questions still arise of course. And stay at home orders vary throughout the country.

My county's stay at home is much more specific than my state's stay at home order.

But TBH your impression of "do you need this in order to not die" is an hyperbole...

Thank you because just because you wont die without it, it does not make it less importan, like I said no one saw it coming so what was not a esital before this now is, lets take k-12 computers were not necessary before this but today that is how they are receiving their assignments
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If you're shopping at Amazon make sure you use the Amazon Smile link so your designated charity gets a bit of change. You can search for your local food bank rather than just the highlighted charities.

Thank you for the advice
Maybe the laws/orders/regulations/recommendations/suggestions should define ‘essential’ in order to assist people?

What should the wording be, so that everyone understands the message? ‘Will you die without this item?; Do you value this item more than life itself?; Do you require this item in order not to die?; A bicycle or your life? etc. 🤷‍♀️

How simply should the question be put?

We now have government vehicles driving around‘ with loud speakers, repeating the message, ‘stay at home, stay safe’.....

‘Stay at home
  • Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (but only if you cannot work from home)
  • If you go out, stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other people at all times
  • Wash your hands as soon as you get home
Do not meet others, even friends or family.

You can spread the virus even if you don’t have symptoms.’

Is obeying this for a few weeks really such a sacrifice?

I find, even the title of this thread, incredibly narcissistic and utterly selfish. Isn’t it the people choosing not to self isolating, thus perpetuating the spread of the virus, who are
responsible for killing others and harming the world economy?

‘Guilty’ is a good choice of word!
Oh for goodness sake. People’s mental health matters too. Suicide is up. Abuse is up. If doing a craft project or planting a garden keeps someone from finding the nearest bridge or taking out their anxiety/anger on their spouse or child then yeah, those things are essential. Some people are handling this with ease and some are white knuckling their way through. And people need to quit applying their rules to everyone else because they are not the same across the board.
What states are closing off nonessentials? They're going to have to rope off the 'nonessential' parts of stores here soon (Ohio) I fear. We're still getting people in just to browse or socialize. Apparel had to get special meetings and counseling because people were arguing about the no trying things on rule, cussing out workers, and taking photos of them. I've had a toy scalper who buys our stock up and sells on the flea market come in three times during one of my shifts. Three. Times. Looking for wrestling figures. Had an entire family of six come in last week and they only bought a decorative cake plate. People are gonna drive me batty.

To unwind I bought some enamel pins from a small online shop I love, then backed a pin kickstarter. I have a love for pins and Kickstarter is a great way to spend some cash right now. The product won't be made for months anyway.
Maybe the laws/orders/regulations/recommendations/suggestions should define ‘essential’ in order to assist people?

What should the wording be, so that everyone understands the message? ‘Will you die without this item?; Do you value this item more than life itself?; Do you require this item in order not to die?; A bicycle or your life? etc. 🤷‍♀️

How simply should the question be put?

We now have government vehicles driving around‘ with loud speakers, repeating the message, ‘stay at home, stay safe’.....

‘Stay at home
  • Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (but only if you cannot work from home)
  • If you go out, stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other people at all times
  • Wash your hands as soon as you get home
Do not meet others, even friends or family.

You can spread the virus even if you don’t have symptoms.’

Is obeying this for a few weeks really such a sacrifice?

I find, even the title of this thread, incredibly narcissistic and utterly selfish. Isn’t it the people choosing not to self isolating, thus perpetuating the spread of the virus, who are
responsible for killing others and harming the world economy?

‘Guilty’ is a good choice of word!
Sorry, this is BS. NOTHING about this virus should force people to stay in their homes 24/7. Go outside. Go for a walk, sit on your porch, fly a kite, ride a bike, mow the grass, cut down a tree, repair a fence, throw (or kick) a ball with a family member, swim in your pool. There is a LOT you can do outside and maintain social distancing.
Maybe the laws/orders/regulations/recommendations/suggestions should define ‘essential’ in order to assist people?

What should the wording be, so that everyone understands the message? ‘Will you die without this item?; Do you value this item more than life itself?; Do you require this item in order not to die?; A bicycle or your life? etc. 🤷‍♀️

How simply should the question be put?

We now have government vehicles driving around‘ with loud speakers, repeating the message, ‘stay at home, stay safe’.....

‘Stay at home
  • Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (but only if you cannot work from home)
  • If you go out, stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other people at all times
  • Wash your hands as soon as you get home
Do not meet others, even friends or family.

You can spread the virus even if you don’t have symptoms.’

Is obeying this for a few weeks really such a sacrifice?

I find, even the title of this thread, incredibly narcissistic and utterly selfish. Isn’t it the people choosing not to self isolating, thus perpetuating the spread of the virus, who are
responsible for killing others and harming the world economy?

‘Guilty’ is a good choice of word!
You do understand that the majority of people nowadays shop for their “nonessentials” online right? How is buying something that you don’t absolutely need to support life narcissistic? Lol, some people
I bought a pair of jeans and a pair of shorts at Walmart about two weeks ago after non-essential stores like Kohl's and Macy's closed. I was already there to pick up DW's Rx and a few food items. And I bought lawn fertilizer, garden week killer, and a few other things at Home Depot last week. No plants yet, but if I can in late April or early May I will.

I don't feel a bit of guilt about it.


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