Anyone watch "John & Kate plus 8" on TLC?

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there was just a story about a Long Island couple who had id triplets. She only implanted 1 egg to prevent that, seems that someone had other ideas

when you go through infertility the chances of at least 1 taking are only about 50%, when you are spending alot emotionally and financially sometime you take a risk

yeah, whatever, it's only human life, take a risk, it's all about the parents and what they want.
I thought the same thing, wow for a tv show that can be turned on or off, if it bothers someone that much turn off the tv or turn the channel. I happen to like the show, if they can get "help" from outside sources for vacations, clothes etc so be it, it doesn't effect me one way or another. It's a tv reality show for our enjoyment, if I dont enjoy it I don't watch it, that's for every show out there.

AH! but I do enjoy watching it! I enjoy watching Kate be controlling and insane! I enjoy watching how crazy these people must be to pimp their children for bucks. I enjoy what amazing attention hogs they are. I enjoy it all. No intention of not watching. I can watch for entertainment value, be entertained, and still think they are nuts. why not?:confused3
This coming from someone who has an image of Oscar the Grouch........

Ooooh. You got me there.:worship:
Yes I do have kids. And by the way, myself and my wife are both coaches and both work full time jobs.

I do have to say you've helped me with something. You have helped me appreciate what a NORMAL father I have. He doesn't troll message boards all day complaining about a reality show, he's too busy teaching people how to learn to walk again.

I have to be thankful my father doesn't sit at a computer all day, being JEALOUS about what other family's do or do not get. He was actually with us, teaching right from wrong, about working hard, and small stuff like that.

Gotta go call my dad, and thank him for being him and helping me become the person I am today.
yeah, whatever, it's only human life, take a risk, it's all about the parents and what they want.

Wow, do you have a problem with people who seek fertility treatments?!:confused3 Are these parents selfish because they want to have children, and put themselves through so much, physically, emotionally, and financially, to have a child? My DH and I were blessed with having no problems whatsoever getting pregnant, but I see how much hurt infertility causes other couples.
I do have to say you've helped me with something. You have helped me appreciate what a NORMAL father I have. He doesn't troll message boards all day complaining about a reality show, he's too busy teaching people how to learn to walk again.

I have to be thankful my father doesn't sit at a computer all day, being JEALOUS about what other family's do or do not get. He was actually with us, teaching right from wrong, about working hard, and small stuff like that.

Gotta go call my dad, and thank him for being him and helping me become the person I am today.
Glad to see I helped bring you and your father closer together. By the way did he help you learn how to troll message boards?
Glad to see I helped bring you and your father closer together. By the way did he help you learn how to troll message boards?
I find it so funny you keep saying you aren't using an alias but I find it funny that you chose to come to a disney message and there just happend to be a jon and kate thread, anyway it I have had enough of your nonsense iggy time
Wow, do you have a problem with people who seek fertility treatments?!:confused3 Are these parents selfish because they want to have children, and put themselves through so much, physically, emotionally, and financially, to have a child? My DH and I were blessed with having no problems whatsoever getting pregnant, but I see how much hurt infertility causes other couples.

Let me be clear. I have no problem with people seeking help or treatments to become pregnant. Believe me, been there, and I know how strong the desire to have a child can be.

I do have a big problem with people seeking treatments, becoming pregnant with multibles and then having selective abortion "Because it's not what they waannnnt" read in a whining voice. I have bigger problem with people actually having multible embryos implanted assuming they all won't "take" only to have to have selective abortion when they do take. I think society has become increasingly more selfish and goes to ridiculous measures to "get something they want" and many times, the wlfare of the children is an afterthought.

I realize Jon and Kate did not have selective abortion, or even control the abount of embryos due to it not being IVF, and I applaud them taking responsibilty for their actions and actually allowing all six chilren to enter the world. I just really hate how they provide for them by making money off them . I also think Kate is controlling, has to have her way, is degrading to her husband and on and on and on.
:lmao: I love the show and came by to see what people are saying... there are a whole lot of jealous folks on here :rotfl:
:lmao: I love the show and came by to see what people are saying... there are a whole lot of jealous folks on here :rotfl:

Oh come on. There is one jealous folk (wish you Kate lovers would just use the ignore button!) and the rest of us enjoy watching the show but can't stand Kate. Does a thread always have to be all love and hugs and gushing? How boring life and the DIS would be if that were the case? Isn't it fun to debate the different way we percieve scenes in the show without having to be on separate sides? Do we need 2 threads? One titled "Let's all gush about how great Kate is" and one titled "let's discuss the last episode"?
Oh come on. There is one jealous folk (wish you Kate lovers would just use the ignore button!) and the rest of us enjoy watching the show but can't stand Kate. Does a thread always have to be all love and hugs and gushing? How boring life and the DIS would be if that were the case? Isn't it fun to debate the different way we percieve scenes in the show without having to be on separate sides? Do we need 2 threads? One titled "Let's all gush about how great Kate is" and one titled "let's discuss the last episode"?

I just find it funny that people would spend so much time bad mouthing some random person with a TV show :confused3 Say you don't like her and move on... why even waste you time? If you find the kids being on the show so demeaning, why buy into and support it? And really, don't go off on a tangent about using treatments to get pregnant when you haven't been there yourself. Some people aren't lucky enough to get pregnant on their own and it's really none of your business or concern how they go about having children. Judging people for something like that is pretty ridiculous.
Oh come on. There is one jealous folk (wish you Kate lovers would just use the ignore button!) and the rest of us enjoy watching the show but can't stand Kate. Does a thread always have to be all love and hugs and gushing? How boring life and the DIS would be if that were the case? Isn't it fun to debate the different way we percieve scenes in the show without having to be on separate sides? Do we need 2 threads? One titled "Let's all gush about how great Kate is" and one titled "let's discuss the last episode"?
I can total agree with that Kate is controlling lol that one of the reason I like the show so much she seems real and her relationship with Jon seems real as well, they fight the same me and my hubby do.. I don't care if people don't like like them or not but there is a way to debate and then there trying to force a opinion on others
I wish that a show would be available. I would call it "Why does everyone continue to enable Jon And Kate".

Why, oh why do you watch the show if you think people are enabling them? Take the remote and change the channel. If I had 8 kids and people were offering me a free vacation, I'd take it in a heartbeat. People watch and enjoy the show because it's not something you see every day.

I don't think Kate is forcing her friends to help out. I think they love these children and want to be a part of their lives.
Do I think Katie is a little contolling, yes, but having lived about 1/2 of what she does I can see it. Taking care of that many babies , the biggest thing you need is a schedule. Seriously, without that life would be chaotic. Spend one day there and I guarantee you would need to assume control. Every house does, and if it doesnt, then I wouldnt want to live there, Children need structure and rules, children should not be the ones to rule a household. That is one of the biggest problems in todays society.

There is one thing I see in that house and that is a lot of love

Just wondering how you feel about the Roloff family, Little people Big World? arent they virtually doing the same thing.

These opportunities presented themseves why not take it. They are supporting their family
It's alot better than the Kardashians or Real Housewives, those people dont need the money.
yeah, whatever, it's only human life, take a risk, it's all about the parents and what they want.

what about the Dr's responsibility. They are often more knowlegable than the parents. Have you ever gone to an infertility consultation, trust me the really downplay those odds
The day my husband creates a user name on the Dis Boards to complain about a tv family, is the day I know he has way too much time on his hands. Just saying.

Sorry, Brand new.

One of two things...
Either this is an alias or most likely they googled "Jon & Kate discussion board" and lucky us gets a "hater".

Yes..... Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion but it's all in what you say and how you say it. When it comes from a judgmental place people just think your...well....... judgmental. Also sometimes people really seem jealous. Maybe you're not. If you're not then don't be so defensive.
Why, oh why do you watch the show if you think people are enabling them? Take the remote and change the channel. If I had 8 kids and people were offering me a free vacation, I'd take it in a heartbeat. People watch and enjoy the show because it's not something you see every day.

I don't think Kate is forcing her friends to help out. I think they love these children and want to be a part of their lives.

I have 2 kids and I'd take a free vacation...

any takers to pay of my AK ressie for next fall? :rotfl:
Just wondering how you feel about the Roloff family, Little people Big World? arent they virtually doing the same thing.

I like the Roloff family too. There are some message boards where people really get nasty about them too. Zach eats with his mouth open, their house is a mess, the kids are disrespectful. Yet they keep watching.
I like the Roloff family too. There are some message boards where people really get nasty about them too. Zach eats with his mouth open, their house is a mess, the kids are disrespectful. Yet they keep watching.

really wasnt directing that to you ;)

People are ridculous, iif the opportunity presents itself, go ahead.

Except for SUpernanny, I would never put myself on there:lmao:
For everyone that says "I'd take the vacation" - but at what price? How would you feel if some crazy pedophile was watching the show with interest and decided to head to PA to look ya'll up? How hard would it be to find this family? Not very when they have themselves all over the place. Even if a crazy perv didn't come calling, how would you feel looking over your shoulder everyday wondering if one was going to come? I can't believe they don't have this fear.

A much lesser thing, but still a price to do these people feel when they see the episode of their free vacation they are got for publicizing their families life, and all the kids are crying, and one of their children is angry and covers the camera lens and shoves the camera? As a parent, that would have killed me inside to see that....that my child was so sick of these people following her that she shoved the camera exasperated. I would feel sick that I was putting them in that position. Or watching the episode where you forced your kid to potty in front of people (not to mention the rest of America).

If this doesn't bother them, then they are more selfish than I thought.
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