Anyone watch "John & Kate plus 8" on TLC?

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If you don't care, why are you on this thread debating the fact? And if you had 8 kids and someone offered you the $$ to do a show and help support your family you wouldn't even consider it?? The thought of their grocery bill alone frightens me! NO, the kids did not choose this, their parents sat down and talked about their options and THEY as the PARENTS decided what would work best for their family...... Kids don't get to make those decisions for the same reasons they can't smoke, drink or vote.... because they're KIDS.

Well if nobody ever debated anything then we would all have our own beliefs and would never see the other side to anything. You never had a differing opinion about something and shared it? You don't have to agree but I can give my opinion. And for your second question- no way no how. I would never ever consider filming every single minute of my kid's lives for all the world to see. There is a big difference between kids deciding to smoke and drink and having their toileting filmed even against their will. I would do what I as a parent had to do to support my family but not at the expense of my children. I don't believe for a second that they believed it was best for their family. I think they thought it was be$t for them. YMMV.
Dont have kids if you want alone time!

That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Do you have kids? I do, and even though I am away from them most of the day (working, BTW), there are times when I really enojy having a break from them. There are also things that are tough to do around the house with the kids there - taxes for example. The kids would much rather be at their grandfather's house or playing with a friend than listening to me tell them to be quiet and to leave me alone while I work.

How is she busy with all the help she has?

She has assistance however she is the primary caregiver for her children. As a mother of two, that had assistance with a live-in MIL, I can attest to the fact the mothering children and maintaining a home is work that keeps one busy.
DawnMarie- I totally get that- BUT- if you had someone coming in once a week to fold your laundry and then another person coming in to put it away would that not make your job a tiny bit easier?
That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Do you have kids? I do, and even though I am away from them most of the day (working, BTW), there are times when I really enojy having a break from them. There are also things that are tough to do around the house with the kids there - taxes for example. The kids would much rather be at their grandfather's house or playing with a friend than listening to me tell them to be quiet and to leave me alone while I work.

Yes I do have kids. And by the way, myself and my wife are both coaches and both work full time jobs.
How do you know what I can and cannot afford? Are you willing to put me up @ the beach club? Im sure Disney wouldnt provide my family with a vacation.

Oh I don't know about that, you could probably get a free trip if you had your own reality show. What can you do? You could have a show where you sit and complain about stuff, but as you pointed out that role is already taken by Kate. I'm sure you'll think of something. Then your family too will get a free trip to Disney!

'Nuff said.
Oh I don't know about that, you could probably get a free trip if you had your own reality show. What can you do? You could have a show where you sit and complain about stuff, but as you pointed out that role is already taken by Kate. I'm sure you'll think of something. Then your family too will get a free trip to Disney!
I wish that a show would be available. I would call it "Why does everyone continue to enable Jon And Kate".
And my wife does our taxes while I watch our child. Its really not that hard....
Sounds like you need to start a new thread on "perfect parenting".
I am sure we would all just love to hear your advice.
Do you ever wonder if you are by chance not spending enough time with your kids? You sound pretty busy.
DawnMarie- I totally get that- BUT- if you had someone coming in once a week to fold your laundry and then another person coming in to put it away would that not make your job a tiny bit easier?

It does help no doubt about that. I guess I'm looking more at the number of children she has. It's like running a 24 hour daycare center. :rotfl:
It does help no doubt about that. I guess I'm looking more at the number of children she has. It's like running a 24 hour daycare center. :rotfl:

Yes, but as a poster's child pointed out with the help she has it is a 2/1 ratio. Better than daycare!:rotfl:
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