August 2022 W.I.S.H. - Accountable August

Woohoo... day one of our all-day meetings was really pretty good. Hopefully today will be another good day.

Woohoo... the yarn came for the new hat I want to knit and so of course I need to start on it right away. The pattern uses a new-to-me complicated cast-on method and last night despite having tired eyes and a fatigued brain I did manage to learn it, with minimal swearing at the gal on You-tube who was demonstrating how to do it.
WOO HOO! I got a lot accomplished in my classroom today...until my school BFF came in and we didn't stop talking.

WOO HOO! DD got her promotion at work along with a raise and a change from Personal Stylist to Visual Styling and Merchandising which is better hours, weekends off, and a much more artistic and creative outlet for her.

WOO HOO! DD changed her mind about getting married in WDW which would have been A LOT especially now that things are getting out of hand. She still wants to do a bachelorette weekend there, but not having to pay all of that money and try to lug a wedding gown on a airplane makes me very happy. She decided to have a beach wedding which just made me get all sentimental and start crying.

WOO HOO! The credit card company sent me a fraud alert because some yahoo was using my CC number to UBER all over God's green earth. Fortunately they caught it after they spent $175 and quickly cancelled my account.
Today I am thankful for the beautiful skies on my morning drive. I would also be incredibly grateful for a good solid day of rain, but alas there is nothing coming in the foreseeable future.

I am thankful that I found the perfect knitting pattern for a color work hat. The pattern repeat is four stiches which is the perfect amount of engagement for my brain, but the result looks really complex. I see more than one in my future.
Happy Thankful Thursday!!

I am so thankful today that one of my foster puppies got a approved application and he has a meet Saturday afternoon. I will miss him, but the sooner a dog moves on from me to their forever family the better it is for them. Plus him and his brother a fighting a bit more than I like.

A PSA for my friends-littermate syndrome is very very real. Please if your ever considering bringing home 2 puppies from the same litter research littermate syndrome. Even 2 similar aged puppies from different litters is not recommended, they also are likely to develop littermate syndrome!!! *steps off soapbox*

I missed WHOOO HOOO Wednesday so I will WHOO HOOO that DD made a very last minute decision to stay home for cyber school again this year and I was able to get her enrolled and her schedule is set and her laptop is on the way!! She will have it in time for orientation which stays Wednesday!!
I am thankful that I was able to put in 20 hours at school this week. Last year we couldn’t get in the week before and the custodian was kind enough to let me come in on a Saturday.

I’m thankful I got a lot accomplished at school even though I still have so much to do before the kids come.

I am thankful that I chose to take tomorrow for myself since it’s my last day before I have to report to school for the convocation and teacher workshops.

I am thankful that I have a mani pedi scheduled for tomorrow.
When I got up at 6:30am this morning it was still kind of dark and I thought ugh, the days are already getting that short? But then realized it was dark because there was a cloud cover and we were having rain! What!?! It was not in the forecast last night and is just a light showery rain, but halleluiah!

August has been an odd month so far, what with vacation and travel. The meetings this week have been tiring because of a lot of thinking, now followed by thinking about the thinking. One of the exercises we did was to define good and great at the different job levels, but I think it may have backfired because it gave a few of us a clearer picture of how we're expected to perform above our level and we're not being compensated for the actual level of work we're doing... so there are going to be some deep discussions in the coming weeks.

I ended up ripping back what I had knit on my hat and starting over, switching up which color was the main color and which were secondary. But I'm still not happy with it, so I think I'll be going out to the country yarn store tomorrow to pick new yarn, since my local shop doesn't carry that brand.

The temps are supposed to cool off a bit, back down to the low 80's, so hopefully that will help me feel more energetic and able to get more things done.



What is one of your favorite summer time memories from childhood? What is one of your favorite summertime traditions? What was the best thing you and/or your family did this summer? What is something on your summertime bucket-list that you are yet to do?
Ahhhhhh good one @Oneanne!! Love a trip down memory lane!!

When I was a kid my grandparents had a home in ocean city Maryland. It was quirky, too small for the amount of people we jammed in there and it had a “unique” smell (found out it was mildew infested which is why we no longer have the home…) but no matter how many times we went each summer (which was usually 5-8!!!) I was always equally as excited to turn down the street and pull in the driveway! I can still remember the feeling, the first step into the house and a million other things about it that I cherish. They had to tear it down about 8 years ago and I am still heartbroken 💔

Favorite summertime traditions are a family vacation, a trip to knoebels and Hersheypark. I am not a Hersheypark fan but my daughter and nieces/nephews love it so I enjoy it with them! We are actually going next Friday and that is the last thing on our summer bucket list!

Best thing we did this summer was take a 10 day long vacation. The longest vacation in the history of my life!!! We did so much-Disney, Swap meets, so much food, swimming, kayaking, the beach…oh my it was wonderful!!

I hope everyone is having a great weekend!!
Favorite summer time memory as a kid was swimming at my grandparents house whenever I could. And I love that my kids have the same experience with my husband's parents.

Highlight of summer this year has been vaca! Sunrise view of MK from the contemporary observation deck. Had a few moments for a quiet walk before breakfast and check put today.

Summer memories/traditions as a kid -
:sunny: Long, lazy days playing outside, making up games, getting "lost" on our bicycles...
:sunny: Eagerly anticipating the week the fair would come to town, all the fun trips to that, and always bringing home one last candy apple to have the next day.
:sunny: Driving to Pennsylvania to visit family, playing trivia in the car, and always stopping at the same little touristy gift shop half way.

Best thing so far this summer -
:sunny: Two trips out to upstate NY this year!

Still on the "beach bucket list" -
:sunny: Sandwich glass museum
:sunny: The actual beach
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Mid-month check in is good. If I lose about a quarter of a pound I'll be in a new decade! It will be nice since I was in that decade before Christmas when things went sideways! Yes. It's taking forever to get ride of those pounds! Motivation wasn't very strong, but now that I've got some momentum (and that fuels motivation!) I'm back on track!

We'll be out of town next weekend but I'll do my best to make smart decisions with what's available to me--we'll be houseguests so who knows?!

We had two summer vacations and both were great. DH would probably say sitting on the Florida beach was the best part.


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