August W.I.S.H.Thread: Awesome August

I just had my check last week. I have to go every year and for awhile twice a year because I had pre-cancer cells on my back shortly after having DS. I am glad they were able to take care of yours quickly. Sounds like it was caught in the very early stages. Mine they had to do minor surgery (still just in the office) and dig more out. So I have a small scar on my lower back by my spine. Most people don't realize how important this screening is. I didn't until this happened. I was actually going to get another spot looked at. That spot was fine but she found the one on my back.
It is so important particularly for my age group, as we grew up slathering baby oil on our bodies and baking in the sun followed by many years of tanning booths - glad they caught your as well.
After returning Monday from Florida, I am thankful we are all feeling well. We all have tests scheduled today or tomorrow and then I will be able to breathe.
After 10 days in 90 plus degree heat, very thankful for our cooler weather. We have had windows open since we returned and I will enjoy it while it lasts.
What went well this week: I am back at work and so back on a schedule. I am getting up a o'dark thirty to do yoga and that should greatly help with my sense of well being and flexibility!

Thankful that DS2 was going to visit DS1 so he was able to take all the stuff (lawn games) my parents had given us to give to him. So happy they are gone, gone, gone!
The week went ok. Very busy. The end of the week not so much though. One of the ER visits for DD was rejected by insurance but they approved the one for the day before that has the same diagnosis and was for the same thing. A nonstop cough where she couldn't catch her breath and was having a hard time breathing. I put in an appeal and found out yesterday it was rejected as well. Insurance told me to talk to the hospital and see if they would appeal it. I just called them and they have already denied doing an appeal and they wouldn't give any more information. I have one more appeal. I am just so frustrated.
Eating this week was about the same... I'm hitting my calorie goals but not getting the right balance of nutrition. A bunch of people I follow on IG have homesteads, farms or little garden plots and it is fascinating to me when they go out to pick what is ready and then make a meal out of the bits and bobs. So inspirational, I'd love to think I can do the same at some point, but that is a very aspirational goal for sure. I feel like I need to clean absolutely everything out of the kitchen and start over... but I'd still be a bad cook in the end, so maybe not.

Massage last night was more intense than the previous one. Something shifted in my body early in the week and I was stiff and sore for the first time since the last massage. I had noticed the change getting off the table after my acupuncture appointment Monday and thought maybe she had stirred something up, but when talking with the massage gal I think it might be related to the emotional quagmire I was in last weekend.

We are predicted to have sky moisture today and tomorrow... so badly needed. I'm trying to decide if I will want to stay home and cuddle up tomorrow, or get out and go for a walk in it. Either way, halleluiah!
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The week went ok. Very busy. The end of the week not so much though. One of the ER visits for DD was rejected by insurance but they approved the one for the day before that has the same diagnosis and was for the same thing. A nonstop cough where she couldn't catch her breath and was having a hard time breathing. I put in an appeal and found out yesterday it was rejected as well. Insurance told me to talk to the hospital and see if they would appeal it. I just called them and they have already denied doing an appeal and they wouldn't give any more information. I have one more appeal. I am just so frustrated.
Outrageous. I hope that things change for you and your family. 🙏
I was able to reverse the stupid mistake I made thanks to the kindness and patience of a few strangers. I learned a good lesson, and I've gotten over the jerk that yelled at me over the phone and made me cry. Everyone I dealt with after that was so helpful.

Today and this weekend will be all about preparing for DD's graduation/business launch party. She had a very successful job interview over the phone last night. Hoping she gets it. It's a relatively short commute using backroads, and the pay and benefits is excellent. They are aware of her business goals and are fully supportive of them. We shall see...
I was able to reverse the stupid mistake I made thanks to the kindness and patience of a few strangers. I learned a good lesson, and I've gotten over the jerk that yelled at me over the phone and made me cry. Everyone I dealt with after that was so helpful.

Today and this weekend will be all about preparing for DD's graduation/business launch party. She had a very successful job interview over the phone last night. Hoping she gets it. It's a relatively short commute using backroads, and the pay and benefits is excellent. They are aware of her business goals and are fully supportive of them. We shall see...
Fingers crossed!
It was a good week-back on track and left the vacation mindset behind. Although I am enjoying my Friday night martini!
I set aside a bag of clothes for Goodwill and will donate that tomorrow.

It is one of those beautiful summer days today-sitting on the deck with that martini and a good book.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!
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I was feeling very fat toward the end of the week. Not sure why. Hooray though. Today I feel better because the scale said I'd lost just over a pound! Not sure why I'm letting a number dictate my emotions, but there it is! Knowing I was weighing this morning stopped me from adding ice cream to the delicious peaches I ate. So there's a good thing!

We were supposed to get rain yesterday (I was so excited!) but it was just cloudy, and muggy, and sticky! Today we are back to blistering heat with no end in sight. Triple digits mid-week. pooey

This weekend has just a few plans. Pretty quiet. Hoping I can get a box of peaches at the Saturday market and then can them when they ripen. I'll get some walks in. I learned on vacation that my hips don't hurt at night if I get plenty of steps in during the day. Yesterday I didn't walk enough! :mad: Lesson learned!!! Make sure I put my physical self first!!

Have a super day!!
The past two Saturdays have been do-nothing days, so this morning I started with doing some cleaning in the kitchen, just to make sure something gets done.

I had started to think about not needing to do counseling any longer then yesterday had a really good session, talking about the stuff that happened last week. She said she
thinks I am "dysregulated" and read some stuff about it to me and I totally agree. I've ordered the book she had and also did some online reading, Vitamin D and adrenal function are two things that came up. I've been taking a little less than my usual Vitamin D dosage, thinking I was getting enough sun, and I stopped taking my adrenal support stuff earlier in the year when I was having the bad headaches... so I upped the D and took some ADR last night and I think that might be why I had the energy/motivation to clean the kitchen. Hoping both of these do help.

No rain yet today but it is overcast, cool and breezy. Still trying to think of something to do that will take me off of the peninsula... maybe a drop off at GW as I do have enough to make it worthwhile.
I started the day on the treadmill. I don't feel well if I don't get exercise either, Linda. The treadmill has saved me because I can't always walk on the beach.

We worked outside most of the day getting ready for DD's party, and then went in the pool, so that's more physical activity.
Catching up from the last couple days.

We went to the lake for kayaking/paddleboarding as a family on Thursday. Always thankful for family time!

Friday, I did a food inventory and then a big shopping trip to stock the freezer & pantry. This is my form of back to school shopping, instead of buying more school clothes. Oh, I also stocked up the bathrooms with our usual toiletries.

Yesterday my husband and I went to the rail trail for a run/walk. Then we headed to my sisters to help them out together their new deck furniture. Family time & being helpful always feels good!

Today we’re sticking with the virtual church service. Then my daughter is getting together with some friends at the lake as a belated birthday party. The rest of us are going to a neighbors for pool & bbq.

Have a wonderful day everyone!:grouphug:


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