Beauty and the Beach ~ Deluxe Edition

Yea for Sarah and her team! :cheer2:

I was reading about how you were looking for books for your girls to bring on the trip. I'm sure it's too late for this trip since you are LESS THAN A WEEK AWAYYY!! :banana::banana::banana:

BUT, there used to be this series called The Disney Girls by Gabrielle Charbonnet and it was about these six girls who had a "connection" with a Disney princess. They're about 3rd to 5th grade age level. I LOVED them when I was a kid. Unfortunately my mom gave them all to a friend after I outgrew them, and I don't think they're published anymore. Amazon has a ton though, and they're just such a fun read. I'm sure your girls would love them! They even have a special book where they all get to go to WDW together. Maybe you can get them for your next trip!

Here's an Amazon link for the first book:

How fun! How come I didn't know about these? They must have been after my time. :rolleyes: I don't think my boys would be too keen on them, but I'll have to get them for my DD...and I might have to read them first since she's not old enough yet! ;)
Woo Hoo for the win!!

That sounds like a perfect Epcot day but I want to make an ADR at Les Chefs now. :rotfl2:
YAY so happy for Sarah's win Sheree!!!!!! That is fantastic!!!

OOOH...your EPCOT day sounds delightful!!!!! I love Les yummy!!

I hope you get to feeling better soon!!! Get a lot of rest like Anita said!
Great news ! Sarah won her game tonight!!

Yay Sarah!!! :cheer2:

I was thinking about buying some candy from each country.

I tried to do that, too, and gave up after Germany! :rotfl2: I hope you do better than I did!

I'd love to have a spot on the bridge between UK and France - is that a good viewing area?

We were just to the UK side and it was a good spot, so I imagine *right on* on the bridge is an excellent spot! :thumbsup2

That sounds like a perfect Epcot day but I want to make an ADR at Les Chefs now. :rotfl2:

Too bad you made those pesky resolutions! :rolleyes1 :rotfl:
I was reading about how you were looking for books for your girls to bring on the trip. I'm sure it's too late for this trip since you are LESS THAN A WEEK AWAYYY!! :banana::banana::banana:

BUT, there used to be this series called The Disney Girls by Gabrielle Charbonnet and it was about these six girls who had a "connection" with a Disney princess. They're about 3rd to 5th grade age level. I LOVED them when I was a kid. Unfortunately my mom gave them all to a friend after I outgrew them, and I don't think they're published anymore. Amazon has a ton though, and they're just such a fun read. I'm sure your girls would love them! They even have a special book where they all get to go to WDW together. Maybe you can get them for your next trip!

Here's an Amazon link for the first book:

I don't know, maybe you could have a couple of the books sent to the Beach Club, then have them for the beach part of the vacation...
Those books sound cool! I'd probably read them too! I'll definitely look for them at some point.
Yea for Sarah and her team! :cheer2:

How fun! How come I didn't know about these? They must have been after my time. :rolleyes: I don't think my boys would be too keen on them, but I'll have to get them for my DD...and I might have to read them first since she's not old enough yet! ;)
Thanks! We have another game in an hour. I actually enjoy reading those young adult or kids books too!

Woo Hoo for the win!!

That sounds like a perfect Epcot day but I want to make an ADR at Les Chefs now. :rotfl2:
Thanks on the win! Just a few more to go today!
I wish I had two days for Epcot so I could spend more time at WS. Don't you have Chets on one of your upcoming trips?? I'm excited to try it. We are eating at all new TS places this trip!

YAY so happy for Sarah's win Sheree!!!!!! That is fantastic!!!

OOOH...your EPCOT day sounds delightful!!!!! I love Les yummy!!

I hope you get to feeling better soon!!! Get a lot of rest like Anita said!

The team was quite excited too. This particular team had beaten them in the mid-season tournament in the championship game (we let them come back!) and once during regular season too. So they were REALLY happy to win! I'll let you all know how today goes!
Epcot is probably my favorite park -mostly for WS! It's just so cool! I feel like I'm getting to travel the world!
I'm doing okay today - throat is a little less sore and my eye is much improved. Plan on just sitting around clapping at the ball games today!
I think we'll have some friends over tonight for a bonfire and then tomorrow we get the suitcases out and actually put the piles of stuff in them and charge all the electronics!

One week coming up...
One week from today will be July 31! Oh my gosh -where has the summer gone?

We will be heading to DHS this morning. No official plans for breakfast - it will be some CS somewhere depending on the time we get going. I think DHS opens at 9, so we'll hop on a boat for a leisurely ride over from BC.
Of course we'll head to TSM! I'm not in a huge rush, so we'll get there when we get there. If the line is less than 40 minutes, we'll probably just get in it. We'll see about FPs.
Last trip we did a lot of the shows at DHS, so I won't be heartbroken if we don't this time. I think we'll probably hit the Great Movie Ride (still haven't had the cowboy side yet!), Voyage of the Little Mermaid and I'd love to try the animation class. We don't ride ToT or RNR so no lines for that. Might have to go visit a special guy named Bo in honor of a certain newly crowned teen princess. (CP - you DO know who I mean I hope!)

We have a lunch ADR at Hollywood Brown Derby!! I'm really excited about this one too! Cobb Salad, here I come!! Plus I heard from a reliable source that there are some good "grown-up" drinks on the menu!
If at some point we need a snack (or maybe for breakfast?) we'd hit up Starring Rolls - YUMMY!
Then after lunch I think we'd head back to BC for a while. Originally if you recall, we were going to have hoppers and race over to AK for a couple hours. Nope, not doing that. It will be too much.
So after a refreshing dip in the pool and a/c, we'll make our way to the Animal Kingdom LODGE. Not sure the best way to do this - probably take a bus to whatever park comes first, and then catch a bus to AKL. . .
Where we have a dinner ADR for Boma!!! Yet another new restaurant that I'm super excited about!! We loved our brief stay at AKL last December, and am happy to go back to that resort for a visit. DH is excited to go to the gift shop for another cool souvenir. He got a cute basket there that we keep our keys in. We'll hopefully have time to see the animals from the viewing area too. I love the idea of a buffet of new foods, so I can keep trying things! And my kids will be able to find something to please their finicky palates (read: chicken nuggets)!:laughing:
This will be our last night at WDW and BC, so we may catch a movie on the beach, or swim more, or watch fireworks from afar, or pack, or shop,...or cry...or book a bounceback (even though I said this is it for a while, you never know...)

We still have plans for Sunday morning and part of the day at WDW, so it's not over yet! (Whew!)
I like your DHS plans, especially the Cobb Salad! I've never had it at Brown Derby, but it always looks so good!
Just a quick update on Sarah's softball tournament:

They played three games today and won one and lost two. If they had won their last game, they would have had to play the same team again (right away) because it was a double elimination tournament and that team had not lost a game yet. So in the end they got 2nd place and were pretty pleased with that. The team that won 1st was the team who had a better record than us by 1/2 a game during the season.
It was pretty hot and sunny - so in a way it was good we didn't have another game.
We're going to take it easy now and later have a bonfire and a few adult beverages (the kids will have smores) with some neighbors/teammates. I don't know who is more exhausted, the players or the parents! :laughing:
Enjoy your evening!
Lunch at Brown Derby is one of my favorites!
That Cobb Salad is awesome!:goodvibes
Girl--how are you feelin? Hopefully some rest and your new Rx has kicked in and you r on the mend!!! I have been gone since I am a little behind. Yes, the bridge between France and the UK can be a great place to watch fireworks, especially since you will be going thru the backdoor when it's time to leave!
I too have NEVER made it to the cowboy side of the GMR and I have ridden it at least once every trip....I think I am just gonna ask them this time to put us in whatever line for it...
Candy trivia...the only place that Werther's Originals is made:Germany. Guess the German pavillion, they are removing the Glass & Porcelain shop and putting in a candy store....where they will make WERTHERS!! This will be the only place you can actually buy where they are made in the states!!! (Now, this is what I read I think, so you may want to ask and make sure when you get there.)...But how cool is that? Only:

3 MORE DAYS!!!!:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:
Enjoy your evening!
Lunch at Brown Derby is one of my favorites!
That Cobb Salad is awesome!:goodvibes

I'm looking forward to it!!

Hurray for the one-week from today posts!!! :thumbsup2

Congrats to Sarah's team for coming in second!

Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying the one week from todays! I am too!! I plan on doing it right up through Tuesday.

Girl--how are you feelin? Hopefully some rest and your new Rx has kicked in and you r on the mend!!! I have been gone since I am a little behind. Yes, the bridge between France and the UK can be a great place to watch fireworks, especially since you will be going thru the backdoor when it's time to leave!
I too have NEVER made it to the cowboy side of the GMR and I have ridden it at least once every trip....I think I am just gonna ask them this time to put us in whatever line for it...
Candy trivia...the only place that Werther's Originals is made:Germany. Guess the German pavillion, they are removing the Glass & Porcelain shop and putting in a candy store....where they will make WERTHERS!! This will be the only place you can actually buy where they are made in the states!!! (Now, this is what I read I think, so you may want to ask and make sure when you get there.)...But how cool is that? Only:
3 MORE DAYS!!!!:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:
Hi Birthday Girl!!! I'm doing much better thanks! The sore throat is pretty much gone, the eye is clearing up. Just have a little cough/crud lingering. But I'm medicating and feeling pretty good.
I'm glad to know that the bridge is a good spot for Illuminations. We'll probably have to get there pretty early!!
I had read about the Germany pavillion and the Werthers shop! I have to see if they are opened yet!

THREE DAYS!!! We are packing! I'm doing :laundy: too.

I'll have my next week update coming up...
One week from today...
We will be waking up on our last morning at WDW - and having breakfast at the Cape May Cafe with Mickey and a few friends!
Since we don't have to check in at the beach condo til late afternoon, we will have a leisurely day.
We have to pick up a rental car over at the Dolphin, so most likely DH will walk over there (we might also go along to explore!) and drive back to the BC to load up our stuff. Then we have to decide whether we want to hit a park for a while or go to SAB some more, or DTD for shopping and lunch...the options are endless! (sort of) We will still have one dining credit left and don't have any official plans for where we will eat. Might just do a CS for lunch wherever we happen to be. Maybe this will be the time for Beaches and Cream!!! I doubt we can get into any really popular places as a walk-in but who knows? I might decide where we'll eat earlier in the day and make a call.

At some point we will hop in the car and drive east to Cocoa Beach. But we will be back...
(Remember how I bought 5 day tickets? We will have a day left and hope to come back one day during the week.)

We are staying at a condo called Cape Caribe (it's somehow linked to Ron Jon's). It is located right near Port Canaveral so we can see the cruise ships (including DISNEY cruise ships) go in and out!! I recently found out that the Wonder heads out to sea on Tuesday, not Sunday (like for our 4 day) so we're not going to rush to see it depart at 4 p.m.
We'll check in and meet up with Dave's sister and family (if we didn't go together in the first place) and also make a grocery run for a few essentials.
After that - who knows? We have no plans for the rest of the day. Probably just get situated and scope out the place.
There you have it- our last but not last Disney day! ;)

I can't believe your trip is so close! :cool1: I am positive you are going to have a wonderful time.

Are you going to KSC while you are staying in Cocoa Beach? It is really a very cool place to visit. Very different from WDW, but still really fun. I really look forward to going back there if I ever get to take more than a 5 day trip! :laughing:

If I don't get a chance to stop back and visit......Have an awesomely GREAT trip!
Today is your last Monday!!!:banana::cool1:
I know you are so excited!! Got that laundry caught up? LOL!!! I am so excited for you!!
I can't believe your trip is so close! :cool1: I am positive you are going to have a wonderful time.

Are you going to KSC while you are staying in Cocoa Beach? It is really a very cool place to visit. Very different from WDW, but still really fun. I really look forward to going back there if I ever get to take more than a 5 day trip! :laughing:

If I don't get a chance to stop back and visit......Have an awesomely GREAT trip!
Yes in fact, we are going to KSC! We haven't been there since 2004 and are excited to go back. Our kids were really too little to remember it.
Thanks - I'm confident we are going to have a blast!
2 days! 2 days!!






Today is your last Monday!!!:banana::cool1:
I know you are so excited!! Got that laundry caught up? LOL!!! I am so excited for you!!

I'm frantically trying to get work done so I can leave with a clean desk. Got lots of laundry done - then I found some more! Hopefully tonight will be it - if it's not washed tonight, it won't be until we get back!

I have to tell you all - I could NOT sleep last night! I woke up around 2:45 and decided I WAS TOO EXCITED TO SLEEP! I think it is because we packed so much yesterday and my brain got going about all the things left to do, and we talked a lot about the trip over the weekend. I kept hearing the girls make noises in their sleep and worrying - is that a cough? Are they going to wake up? OY! I think tonight I'll be so dang tired that I will sleep. Then tomorrow I'll be awake again.
I heard DH rolling around too and thought "if he's awake, I should say I'm too excited to sleep like the kid in the commercial", but I didn't.
I think I was awake for about 3 hours. I'm caffeinating today.
I will probably do my one week from today update later. Have to get my work done!

Have PT in the morning and one more day of work!
Oh Shoot!! I hate that when you can't sleep!! I thought about giving us all a teeny tiny little drop of Benadryl around 5 with supper the night before we leave!! Ha!! We are sooooo wasted on departure day because we are up all night!!!
Two days!!! :woohoo:

Try and get some sleep tonight -- I know the feeling though -- the nights leading up to Disney always find me wide awake in the middle of the night. When we are there, though, I sleep like a log. LOL!


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