Enzo won HOH chess game, yo. How about that? Apparently Cody, Xmas and Enzo were up in HOH room late last night drinking wine. Xmas left and then the 2 guys talked game. Enzo wants Nicole gone but Cody says no way. He, of course, wants Xmas gone. If Enzo wants to make that move, yo, now is his chance. Though not really much up to him. Up to veto winner.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I hope Christmas wins veto, she will vote Cody out The only thing, if Cody leaves, Nicole wins this game. I think Christmas has the best chance of winning the 3 part final HoH and she will take Nicole and I feel Nicole wins against Christmas easily, even with Christmas evicting Cody. I don't see Enzo winning Final HoH, if he does he will take Christmas and win, but I see Nicole and Christmas in Final 2 if Cody is gone.
I think Cody and Nicole played the best games of the 4. Memphis was next. If Xmas votes out Cody, she may win this thing. Jury said something about whoever gets Cody out. I hate Xmas but don't really like any left. Cody will win if he's left in the house. But really he hasn't had to do much since he had a big alliance of shields. And nobody would ever even entertain putting him up. So he really didn't have to do much. Won comps but that's about all. Though, if they don;t get him out this week they all deserve to lose to him. And, sorry, but Enzo is least deserving of the W. Maybe he is the perfect goat to take. ANd jury isn't as in love with Enzo as we would have thought. They see him for the goat he is.
Read that Xmas has broken down and is a mess (in bed, under covers with sunglasses on and bawling). No way will she be able to pull off a veto win in her current state. Girl, we need you to pull it together and win this veto. For one last chance at a shake up this season.
Read that Xmas has broken down and is a mess (in bed, under covers with sunglasses on and bawling). No way will she be able to pull off a veto win in her current state. Girl, we need you to pull it together and win this veto. For one last chance at a shake up this season.

Lordy, she is a cry baby. Just stop please.
I can't believe the jury would vote for Nicole, who has already won.
I would pick Enzo over Nicole in a heartbeat.
Lordy, she is a cry baby. Just stop please.
I can't believe the jury would vote for Nicole, who has already won.
I would pick Enzo over Nicole in a heartbeat.
The fact that an [already winner] making it to F2 would be a big resume boost. She made it to the end when they should have taken her out early on like Ian. So she must have been working hard to get to F2. That could be how they look at it. Respect for that when Enzo's riding Cody's coattails style play cannot be respected.
Read that Xmas has broken down and is a mess (in bed, under covers with sunglasses on and bawling). No way will she be able to pull off a veto win in her current state. Girl, we need you to pull it together and win this veto. For one last chance at a shake up this season.

I just read that Christmas is upset about a luxury comp they had yesterday. Each houseguest had to name a jury member that they were playing for. Nicole picked Memphis, hoping for a chance at his jury vote after he was evicted during her HOH. She ended up winning $10,000 for both herself and Memphis. Christmas is upset that she did not play for Memphis, although she didn't win so it really shouldn't matter. The article I read didn't say which jury members they were each playing for, just that Nicole was playing for Memphis. Now Christmas thinks she's lost his jury vote to Nicole. Perhaps someone else has more info on this comp.
I think that is a big reason he deserves to win. He had so many around him protecting him from being a target. That is good play.

I've been thinking about the various strategies. Does winning comps and making moves as HOH really make a player more deserving than one who basically floated along? I don't really think so. Everyone who makes it far in the game has done so for a reason. Cody wins a lot, as did Memphis. They had the difficult job of navigating their HOH weeks. That's a lot of work. On the other hand, Enzo has stayed off the block the entire season without winning an HOH until now. Does that mean he's undeserving of winning? I don't think so. He played a great social game. He didn't tick anyone off to the point of making himself a target. He paired up with Cody and supported him as he did the dirty work. That, in itself, is a strategy. It's obviously effective because it's taking him to the final three.
The fact that an [already winner] making it to F2 would be a big resume boost. She made it to the end when they should have taken her out early on like Ian. So she must have been working hard to get to F2. That could be how they look at it. Respect for that when Enzo's riding Cody's coattails style play cannot be respected.

I guess it see it as my dislike for Nicole, she didn't really win much in way of comps. this year. Her and Enzo won about the same amount of comps. They should have dumped her early on for sure.
I don't think she deserves to win over Enzo.
I've been thinking about the various strategies. Does winning comps and making moves as HOH really make a player more deserving than one who basically floated along? I don't really think so. Everyone who makes it far in the game has done so for a reason. Cody wins a lot, as did Memphis. They had the difficult job of navigating their HOH weeks. That's a lot of work. On the other hand, Enzo has stayed off the block the entire season without winning an HOH until now. Does that mean he's undeserving of winning? I don't think so. He played a great social game. He didn't tick anyone off to the point of making himself a target. He paired up with Cody and supported him as he did the dirty work. That, in itself, is a strategy. It's obviously effective because it's taking him to the final three.

Enzo won HoH before. I believe that was when Kaysar went home.
If Nicole was one of the final 2 and I was on jury, I would not vote for her because she already won once. I wouldn't care how well she did in this game. I would give it to someone that hasn't won before, no matter which one ended up beside her.
If Nicole was one of the final 2 and I was on jury, I would not vote for her because she already won once. I wouldn't care how well she did in this game. I would give it to someone that hasn't won before, no matter which one ended up beside her.

What if she is in the FInal 2 with Christmas? Would you vote for Christmas to win? I have a feeling Nicole definitely wins against Christmas and she has a shot to beat Enzo. The fact she won before and made it to Final 2 is really an achievement, really depends on how the Jury views that.


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