"But Disney is 4 Lovers, Too!" (with PICS!) - I'm Back, but does anyone care? :)

sorry I don't have time to actually respond to everything but I wanted to say bye to you and say YAY!! YOU LEAVE IN TWO DAYS!!! :banana: I hope we get to run into eachother at the World. If not, I hope you have a MAGICAL and ROMANTIC honeymoon!!!! :goodvibes :thumbsup2 be safe out there.
cherbear...........................Bacon?! Wha? :confused3

sorry I never replied to this...the bacon started with my Grandma...you may have skipped over that story in my report. It's HILARIOUS. I would say I could tell you the post #, but I am not sure where it is. But if I do find it, I will come back and post a link.

And the story behind my name isn't really that interesting. I started gaming online in the late 90s and had to come up with a unique name ...and I happend to be listening to the Beatles at the time ;) The character Mean Mr Mustard in the sone is very strange ...which worked very well for me :thumbsup2 The funny thing is that many people identify a Colonel Mustard reference (from the game Clue) on me. Go figure :confused3 :laughing:

I was thinking Colonel Mustard too! I love Clue!

So perhaps you have been wondering where I've been the last few days.

Well, the answer is, I've been sick.

And at a Pre-Disney Party.

But I couldn't really enjoy the Pre-Disney Party because I was Sick.

And I was so distracted with being sick and trying to make food to bring to said party, that I forgot to bring my camera, and I forgot to take pictures. :sad:

Please forgive me.

But now I am worried. Scared. Petrified. I couldn't sleep last night thinking about it.

Because I am sick.

I have a bladder infection. :scared:

I have had it for almost THREE WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I went to the doctor 3 weeks ago. They gave me an antibiotic. It helped some, but never completely went away. So they gave me another antibiotic (the same one, just an extra 3 days) that didn't help at all, and makes me wonder WHY they did that. So last night I called nearly in tears and said nothing was working.

Mind you, I've been taking Cranberry supplements, garlic supplements, Vitamin C, and daily vitamins.

WHY IS NOTHING WORKING?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?

So guess what they did? They gave me ANOTHER antibiotic! Albeit a different one, for 7 days.


I don't know. I am scared thinking about it. I am about to have an anxiety attack because we only have 5 DAYS LEFT and I am not excited, nor looking forward to this trip if I have to go to the bathroom every 30 minutes, and feel like someone is sitting on my bladder.

I am sitting here at home, this Sunday, watching the moments fly by as we race toward our departure date for our HONEYMOON.

This is not how one should be feeling on their HONEYMOON.

If I am not feeling better, significantly, by the end of the day, I am calling a urologist in the morning. I absolutely MUST take care of this before we leave.


:scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:

goodness me oh my! Why must we all get sick before our trip! I have gotten a lot of UTI/bladder infections. So I know how uncomfortable and painful it can be. I would say I hope you are feeling better, but I'm already caught up and I know that you are...and you have gone to the urologist.

I have to split up this post though....to be cont.
TKDisneylover, mnmrmustard, Leger13, tinkercat, kindakrazy, Tat2ddisneymom, Lifelong Dreamer, and the rest of you nice people............

:grouphug: :hug: :grouphug: :hug:

Thanks for all the great advice and warm words and :pixiedust:. What a great place, the DIS! :disrocks:

Yesterday my mom (my mommy, the helpful mom) talked to a friend of hers who is a nurse and she said she suffered from the same thing, and gave me a bunch of recommendations to help myself. Apparently, what I'm suffering from is more "swelling" of the bladder than an actual bacterial infection (which makes sense, because I've had a urinary tract infection, and I KNOW what those feel like). There could be a little bacteria in there, but my bladder was more irritated than anything else. So.

I went to the health food store and got Something-I-Can't-Remember-How-To-Spell. Sounds like a dinosaur.....Acidopholous or something. Basically it is live bacteria, the good kind, the kind that fights bad bacteria. So I take one tablet of that a day, AND, in addition, I have to grind up another tablet, add water to make it pastey, and apply it to "the area." :crazy2: So the good bacteria will make their merry way to my bladder and battle it out in a quest of good vs. evil.

Also, on a less of a TMI scale, I am drinking my weight in pure, unadulterated cranberry juice. It sort of tastes like drinking pee, or how I would imagine pee would taste. Because cranberry juice prevents bacteria from sticking to the bladder, thus eliminating irritation.

And I bought Dannon Activia yogurt, which has live cultures in it. Surprisingly, this is actually pretty good. Better than regular yogurt, or at least the fat-free kind, IMO.

And guess what?????

Today I'm feeling a little better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe it's a mental thing, I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I'm leaving for my Disney Honeymoon Extravaganza in 4 days. Or maybe it's because Mr. CM called me this morning to talk about the trip and see when and where we could "meet up" at one of the parks. :goodvibes Maybe it's all of those reasons!!!!!!

I'm going to kick this thing. I know I will!

Thanks for being you. :thanks:

glad you are feeling better! Sounds like a lot to go through!

:yay: :yay: i'm sending :goodvibes :goodvibes your way still. You and Cheri both need to feel better for WDW!!

aww she's so sweet...and I get to meet her!
This is my 2-Day Warning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry I haven't given a "fun" update like Disneydad and the rest of viewers like you. But I don't have any cute kids to show off! Except the ones that I try to steal from their parents...like Sydney and Brooklyn!

But I've been really busy getting ready and trying to get myself better. I decided that today I'm going to see the urologist and get his opinion. It seems like I start to get better and then at night I don't feel so great. :sick: And, God forbid, if I need meds or something while I'm at Disney, I'll have to call someone who knows my situation and can help me. So here's hoping he can straighten me up today! My appointment is at 3:30.

Meanwhile, the excitement is building in our home. DH is even excited. Especially last night, when 5 or 6 friends of ours told him how fun it's going to be. I think he is more excited than I am at this point. But that's only because I've got other things on my mind. :scared:


TONIGHT: Stop by Beverly's on my way home. She is Sydney's mom. She is giving me some pins to trade! Isn't she NICE?!!!!!!

It is cleaning night. There is still some laundry to finish, and our whole apartment must be clean before we leave! DH is going to help tackle this feat.

TOMORROW: Last day at work! Must transcribe all tapes!

Thursday is packing day! DH and I have also decided that while we pack, we will also have our own Pre-Disney Party. We might even make some drinks and I insisted that we name them after places and rides and attractions in Disney! For example, I want to make a blue vodka-y drink called "The Magic Kingdom"!!! Hopefully I will remember to take pictures of this party.

FRIDAY, THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4 AM: Wake up. Get ready. FAST!
4:30 AM: Drive to the airport.
5:30ish AM: Arrive at airport.
6:00 AM: Wait for flight. Grab some breakfast at Cinnabon or somewhere!

9:00 AM: Arrive at Orlando International Airport! We're HERE!!
10 - 11 AM: Around this time, we will probably be boarding Magical Express and be on our way to AKL.

Late morning - early afternoon:

We will pass under the glorious, wonderful, perfect arch: "WALT DISNEY WORLD" that says "Where dreams come true" and I just might squeal with delight and cause people to turn around and look at me.

DH will see AKL for the very first time.

I will be home, finally, again, for the 9th time in my lifetime.


:jumping1: party: :jumping1: party: :jumping1: party: :jumping1:

Now come on, infection! Go away! Come on, bladder! Get better!

We've got some wishes to grant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fun? You ARE fun!!! I like your updates! I hope you are 100% by the time you leave! (still need that crossing fingers smilie...but I think this will do pixiedust: )
Well, that's good to hear that you're feeling better.

What's up with people getting sick before their vacations? You, Cherbear, KindaKrazy...my kids brought home colds from school last week and now I'm fighting with it. UGH!!

yeah, that's what I'm sayin....it's crazy! Everyone....get 100% better....in the count of three...ready? 1........2.........3!!!!!!

*hoping this works as I planned*
I couldn't spell "get better" because the smilie police would be after me...but I hope my pixiedusters show up on everyone's screens correctly!
yeah, that's what I'm sayin....it's crazy! Everyone....get 100% better....in the count of three...ready? 1........2.........3!!!!!!

*hoping this works as I planned*

OOOOOOOHHHHHHOOOOOOO!!!!! Nicely done with the white dashes Cheri!

....now why didn't I think of that - lol

And I echo the sentiment - no sickie-ickies at 'The World', just sunshine and goot times!!!!
yeah, that's what I'm sayin....it's crazy! Everyone....get 100% better....in the count of three...ready? 1........2.........3!!!!!!

*hoping this works as I planned*

Nicely done Cheri! I am impressed!
Ok just found you. Hope you feel better by the time you go. Have a great trip.







and all of you...........

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Firstly, I'd like to thank you for the get well wishes and pixiedust because guess what? It WORKED!!!

I went to the urologist yesterday and they said I do not have an infection anymore, my bladder is just swollen and inflammed. And I need to stop taking all those antibiotics because I've been on too many already. I told him I was going on my honeymoon, and he prescribed me a mild antibiotic to take once a day for a month and he said "You won't get anymore UTIs on this!"

WAAAAH - HOOOOOO!!!!!! No worries while I'm at Disney!!!!!!!!!

But THANK YOU ALL for following this first attempt at a pre-trip report, and making it fun and not letting me forget about it and be lazy. You guys are GREAT! All the nice things you said.....well, that just makes me feel good inside.:blush:

ONE DAY DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :dancer:

I am so hyper, I don't even know where to begin!

:hyper: hyper: :hyper:

Last night I didn't get hardly ANYTHING done that I wanted to. This was mainly because when I got to Sydney's mom's house, they sat me down and wanted to talk Disney with me and got out all their scrapbooks of their kids and showed me all their Disney memories. And little Sydney was watching Beauty and the Beast, just mesmerized with it, and for a moment it felt like I was watching MYSELF as a little kid! WEIRD!!! But they were nice and gave me some pins to trade, and also wanted me to trade some pins for them. Even though they're going in January. I didn't quite understand why they wanted me to do this, but whatever!

Then, MR. DISNEY CM GUY called again!!!!!!!!!

And he had an idea............

But I won't tell you what it is..........


Oh my goodness!

ONE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So when I get home today, I need to PACK and finish whatever laundry needs to be finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And maybe try to clean up some!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Less than one day.

I can't wait.

1. Get money from ATM.
2. Put gas in the car.
3. Print out directions to airport.
4. Finish laundry.
5. PACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6. CLEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. SHOWER!!!!!!!!!!!
8. TRY TO SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"I'M TOO EXCITED TO SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

What will happen on this trip?!

What kind of Disney magic will we see and experience?!

What DIS'ers will we get to meet?!

But the biggest question of all is this:


You'll just have to wait for the trip report to find out! :thumbsup2
Colleen, I'm so glad that you received a good report from the urologist! Have a great Disneymoon! We're all looking forward to reading your trip report when you get back. :)
That's great that you now have a clean bill of health! I hope you are able to cram some sleep in before you get to Disney either at home or on the plane. I didn't sleep a wink the day before/day of arrival and I wished I had given myself a sleeping pill. I was at Disney though so I just ignored being tired and had a blast!
Good luck and have a safe trip and cant wait to read about it when you get back.

You guys are going to have a blast.

:cool1: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cool1: :woohoo: :woohoo:
No UTI! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: I am glad to hear your good news. Definitely don't need any of that on your HONEYMOON of all times!


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