Cases rising or dropping by you?

I just don't think Orange is enough. We're up significantly in Orange, but they're not contributing that to Universal opening in June, and nobody will answer my question about if they're actually asking about the parks when they do (if they do) contact tracing. If they don't ask, how do we know Universal, Sea World, Legoland (BTW, they just started to require masks - originally they did not) and Fun Spot aren't a problem?
Right, and I agree with you on the contact tracing. I don't know who you're asking about contact tracing, but I suspect a lot of people we might ask simply don't know.

That said, I don't know how you would do contact tracing without knowing where the person has been!
Right, and I agree with you on the contact tracing. I don't know who you're asking about contact tracing, but I suspect a lot of people we might ask simply don't know.

That said, I don't know how you would do contact tracing without knowing where the person has been!

I have sent e-mails to the governor, the health department, the Orange County mayor, the state health dept here in Orange and I think somewhere else. The boilerplate answer is they're doing as much tracing as they can. No specific response about asking about the parks.
I have sent e-mails to the governor, the health department, the Orange County mayor, the state health dept here in Orange and I think somewhere else. The boilerplate answer is they're doing as much tracing as they can. No specific response about asking about the parks.
I can understand the non-responses.

First of all, as I said above, a lot of those folks don't know the current, accurate answer to your questions. Contact tracing is being done at the local/county level, so state officials might be aware of some of the reported results, but not the fine detail of how it's being conducted.

Also, I'm sure none of us are surprised that they don't identify any specific businesses as targets for contact tracing.

And finally, in situations like this it's important for officials to present one public statement and to give the same information to everyone. If they do otherwise, they will be accused of favoritism. They give a press release or a press conference...and that's it.
Here in Mass we are doing ok. We had 1 death yesterday & 174 positives but across the board averages are down anywhere from -86% to -93%. But we are a mandatory mask state & the majority adhered. In my town you cannot enter any building or store without one.

You guys in Massachusetts are doing so well. Mom tells me daily, since she lives in Central Mass. She was so proud of that one death in the whole state yesterday. That's so terrific! Can you send your Governor Baker down to help us out? We had 15 deaths yesterday in our county alone yesterday here in Texas.
Right, and I agree with you on the contact tracing. I don't know who you're asking about contact tracing, but I suspect a lot of people we might ask simply don't know.

That said, I don't know how you would do contact tracing without knowing where the person has been!
One thing I have not seen discussed here on the DIS is digital contact tracing - maybe it’s not a thing in the State? Here there have been several contact tracing apps rolled out. Once downloaded onto one’s phone the apps apparently not only track movement but also interact with other phones that also have the app to connect the dots between people. They automatically register you and notify you if you have had contact with a confirmed case. (ETA One is then compelled to go for testing but I’m not sure what the enforcement is or if there are potential penalties for non-compliance.)

Local and provincial authorities are imploring people to download the app. Me and mine are in the HELL NO camp and will never willing submit to such scrutiny. Others believe it’s the only way to save humanity from extinction. I’ve noted to myself with grim humour that it is as hot an issue here as mask use is on the DIS.
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One thing I have not seen discussed here on the DIS is digital contact tracing - maybe it’s not a thing in the State? Here there have been several contact tracing apps rolled out. Once downloaded onto one’s phone the apps apparently not only track movement but also interact with other phones that also have the app to connect the dots between people. They automatically register you and notify you if you have had contact with a confirmed case.

Local and provincial authorities are imploring people to download the app. Me and mine are in the HELL NO camp and will never willing submit to such scrutiny. Others believe it’s the only way to save humanity from extinction. I’ve noted to myself with grim humour that it is as hot an issue here as mask use is on the DIS.
Unfortunately, that would make too much sense. Too many would think it is a violation of their privacy and never go along with it.
Unfortunately, that would make too much sense. Too many would think it is a violation of their privacy and never go along with it.
I think it is a huge over-reach and as much as I am generally a rule-follower, there is no way I will ever voluntarily comply. There was initial talk about operating systems including contact tracing in automatic updates but I’ve not heard any more about it lately. It is something that could very easily happen clandestinely as it apparently already does in China.
One thing I have not seen discussed here on the DIS is digital contact tracing - maybe it’s not a thing in the State? Here there have been several contact tracing apps rolled out. Once downloaded onto one’s phone the apps apparently not only track movement but also interact with other phones that also have the app to connect the dots between people. They automatically register you and notify you if you have had contact with a confirmed case. (ETA One is then compelled to go for testing but I’m not sure what the enforcement is or if there are potential penalties for non-compliance.)

Local and provincial authorities are imploring people to download the app. Me and mine are in the HELL NO camp and will never willing submit to such scrutiny. Others believe it’s the only way to save humanity from extinction. I’ve noted to myself with grim humour that it is as hot an issue here as mask use is on the DIS.

We have an app in Australia, although it hasn’t successfully identified any cases beyond the human tracing. Ours doesn’t track location. It works by your phone connecting with other phones in range and doing a digital ‘handshake’ every minute. If there are 15 consecutive handshakes with another phone then it records the other phone’s details in the app in encrypted form. Those details can then be accessed by contact tracers. After 21 days the details are automatically deleted. It’s meant to be beneficial for scenarios where you are around strangers for extended times, such as on public transport, but so far doesn’t seem very effective.
I think it is a huge over-reach and as much as I am generally a rule-follower, there is no way I will ever voluntarily comply. There was initial talk about operating systems including contact tracing in automatic updates but I’ve not heard any more about it lately. It is something that could very easily happen clandestinely as it apparently already does in China.

It's probably less of a privacy intrusion than the Tim Horton's app....

We have an app in Australia, although it hasn’t successfully identified any cases beyond the human tracing. Ours doesn’t track location. It works by your phone connecting with other phones in range and doing a digital ‘handshake’ every minute. If there are 15 consecutive handshakes with another phone then it records the other phone’s details in the app in encrypted form. Those details can then be accessed by contact tracers. After 21 days the details are automatically deleted. It’s meant to be beneficial for scenarios where you are around strangers for extended times, such as on public transport, but so far doesn’t seem very effective.
:thumbsup2 You probably described it more precisely than I did but I do know that at least one of the apps here does track location. One of my staff member's spouse was notified he had been exposed to a positive case based on having been in a certain store between certain dates. She reported for testing and my staff member went as well, which necessitated her to stay away from our workplace until receiving a negative result, as per our policies. That instance is the most direct experience I have had with the contact-tracing apps.
One of my staff member's spouse was notified he had been exposed to a positive case based on having been in a certain store between certain dates. She reported for testing and my staff member went as well, which necessitated her to stay away from our workplace until receiving a negative result, as per our policies. That instance is the most direct experience I have had with the contact-tracing apps.
But are you certain it was due to the app? For instance if they go to Pharmaprix, and scan their rewards card, then there is a way to contact customers who where in store on a certain date. So many grocery and 'drug' stores and even fast food do that in North America ie have customers join the rewards program . That has been giving the added benefit now of enabling contact tracing via rewards programs.

The downside to rewards programs has always been the privacy violations, but it does appear that they are being used for contact tracing. I agree with elphaba that the contact tracing apps rolled out in many places are using a 'handshake', not location tracing. Certainly in Europe that violates GDPR. Balancing privacy rights vs contact tracing has been an issue in many countries.
One thing I have not seen discussed here on the DIS is digital contact tracing - maybe it’s not a thing in the State? Here there have been several contact tracing apps rolled out. Once downloaded onto one’s phone the apps apparently not only track movement but also interact with other phones that also have the app to connect the dots between people. They automatically register you and notify you if you have had contact with a confirmed case. (ETA One is then compelled to go for testing but I’m not sure what the enforcement is or if there are potential penalties for non-compliance.)

Local and provincial authorities are imploring people to download the app. Me and mine are in the HELL NO camp and will never willing submit to such scrutiny. Others believe it’s the only way to save humanity from extinction. I’ve noted to myself with grim humour that it is as hot an issue here as mask use is on the DIS.

When I talk about "contact tracing" I mean - you've tested positive, so now tell us where you've been.

I'm absolutely against anyone following people around on an app. I do keep a calendar now and jot down where I've been when I do go into a store or to pick up food.

But if you do catch Covid-19, you should be telling us where you've been (theme parks, grocery stores, etc.) and, if you're socializing, who you've been in close contact with.
Today's Florida tally is 9300+ new cases and 139 people were killed, 41 were in Orange County.

There are 689 new cases in Orange County for a total of 24,700.
Today's Florida tally is 9300+ new cases and 139 people were killed, 41 were in Orange County.

There are 689 new cases in Orange County for a total of 24,700.
Yeah, it's pretty much the same story as my post yesterday. The number I saw posted was 9,785 --

New case numbers are declining very modestly, but not enough to really call it a trend. Positivity is down slightly, but again nothing to get excited about.

+/- 700 cases is about normal for Orange County, but their case numbers bounce all over the place because the numbers are smallish. Still no trend; still no obvious WDW surge...but it's still early.
One thing I have not seen discussed here on the DIS is digital contact tracing - maybe it’s not a thing in the State? Here there have been several contact tracing apps rolled out. Once downloaded onto one’s phone the apps apparently not only track movement but also interact with other phones that also have the app to connect the dots between people. They automatically register you and notify you if you have had contact with a confirmed case. (ETA One is then compelled to go for testing but I’m not sure what the enforcement is or if there are potential penalties for non-compliance.)

Local and provincial authorities are imploring people to download the app. Me and mine are in the HELL NO camp and will never willing submit to such scrutiny. Others believe it’s the only way to save humanity from extinction. I’ve noted to myself with grim humour that it is as hot an issue here as mask use is on the DIS.
I think it is a huge over-reach and as much as I am generally a rule-follower, there is no way I will ever voluntarily comply. There was initial talk about operating systems including contact tracing in automatic updates but I’ve not heard any more about it lately. It is something that could very easily happen clandestinely as it apparently already does in China.
In my state is considered illegal as of mid-June.

The exact wording is: "law prohibits state and local governments from using contact tracing apps and similar means of electronic tracking citizens' movements and associations. Thus, no contact tracing app currently available for download to cellphones is lawfully affiliated with any government health authority".

The information can be given voluntarily. In fact leaders (and I'm quoting the news story as it says it better): "Visitors and customers are not required, but are definitely strongly urged, to leave their contact information when they shop, eat and transact business. And businesses are implored to take it down so that cases of COVID-19 can be traced and those who are exposed contacted."

Any contact information being used by the government has to be with consent of the individual. (Again from the article): " {information must be kept} confidential, made available to the government only through agreement of all parties or through a judicial warrant, and destroyed when no longer needed. The program expires a year from now, to ensure it’s reviewed next legislative session. (this means your information isn't stored forever)".

In truth there's a lot of apps that may be used in not so good ways and people aren't always aware of the information being shared. You may be distributing your information to an app but it may not be doing anything for your local leaders. That's not to say that in the digital age digital contact tracing can't have it's pros, I believe they were weighing that with the cons and found the cons to carry more weight.
One thing I have not seen discussed here on the DIS is digital contact tracing - maybe it’s not a thing in the State? Here there have been several contact tracing apps rolled out. Once downloaded onto one’s phone the apps apparently not only track movement but also interact with other phones that also have the app to connect the dots between people. They automatically register you and notify you if you have had contact with a confirmed case. (ETA One is then compelled to go for testing but I’m not sure what the enforcement is or if there are potential penalties for non-compliance.)

Local and provincial authorities are imploring people to download the app. Me and mine are in the HELL NO camp and will never willing submit to such scrutiny. Others believe it’s the only way to save humanity from extinction. I’ve noted to myself with grim humour that it is as hot an issue here as mask use is on the DIS.

I know many people who are anti tracker app.
Personally I don’t care as I have nothing to hide and I’m willing to help my fellow citizens.
I don’t get the outrage of the government knowing I went to the grocery store on Tuesday evening.
They can find that out other ways too.
But are you certain it was due to the app? For instance if they go to Pharmaprix, and scan their rewards card, then there is a way to contact customers who where in store on a certain date. So many grocery and 'drug' stores and even fast food do that in North America ie have customers join the rewards program . That has been giving the added benefit now of enabling contact tracing via rewards programs.

The downside to rewards programs has always been the privacy violations, but it does appear that they are being used for contact tracing. I agree with elphaba that the contact tracing apps rolled out in many places are using a 'handshake', not location tracing. Certainly in Europe that violates GDPR. Balancing privacy rights vs contact tracing has been an issue in many countries.
They told me it was the app - why would I doubt it?
I just saw this --- I didn't even need to look at the names of the ships to know which side was the USA side - Niagara Falls tour boats:

Here's the story:
Yeah, it's pretty much the same story as my post yesterday. The number I saw posted was 9,785 --

New case numbers are declining very modestly, but not enough to really call it a trend. Positivity is down slightly, but again nothing to get excited about.

+/- 700 cases is about normal for Orange County, but their case numbers bounce all over the place because the numbers are smallish. Still no trend; still no obvious WDW surge...but it's still early.
I don't think a surge related to visitors at the park will ever be tracked or reported. This,to me is what represents the greatest problem,tourists coming and going.


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