CDC Notifies States, Large Cities To Prepare For Vaccine Distribution As Soon As Late October

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My contact at JnJ told me he has worked in the pharmaceutical industry for 34 years and has never once seen this happen.

I think I have to sort out my feelings on that before I can comment.
Better go get my tin foil hat :rotfl:
There are multiple companies working on vaccines. I believe there will be more than more option available to American consumers. These vaccines are different from each other and some will be good, and some will be better. All these other groups are not going to abandon their work because one company goes first especially if the second or third to come to market have much better efficacy.
So, what do you think is their advantage here to- in your words- "posturing for Wall Street"?

If you don't already have a concept of the why's behind corporations making public statements to influence and reassure Wall Street and investors I'm afraid nothing I could possibly say would explain it to you. As I have stated in the thread previously, it is part and parcel of corporate business operations and corporations including TWDC engage in this practice all the time -- as Disney has done during the pandemic to quell questions and anxieties about ongoing lack of theme park and entertainment operations during this time. The very idea that each and every announcement will be received as gospel each and every time may be the fervent wish of every exec in the C-suites and spokespersons everywhere, but those who intend to maintain their employment in financial investing take all public statements with a healthy dose of skepticism for obvious reasons -- something that financial professionals who know their business won't toss aside simply because it's different somehow when it's about this potential vaccine in particular.
If you don't already have a concept of the why's behind corporations making public statements to influence and reassure Wall Street and investors I'm afraid nothing I could possibly say would explain it to you. As I have stated in the thread previously, it is part and parcel of corporate business operations and corporations including TWDC engage in this practice all the time -- as Disney has done during the pandemic to quell questions and anxieties about ongoing lack of theme park and entertainment operations during this time. The very idea that each and every announcement will be received as gospel each and every time may be the fervent wish of every exec in the C-suites and spokespersons everywhere, but those who intend to maintain their employment in financial investing take all public statements with a healthy dose of skepticism for obvious reasons -- something that financial professionals who know their business won't toss aside simply because it's different somehow when it's about this potential vaccine in particular.

I don't want to go around this same track for another lap, but you need to understand one thing about this announcement today: Johnson and Johnson is REQUIRED BY LAW to make it. That's it. They didn't glorify anything, they didn't say "we really think it works!", they didn't leak any secret info hoping it would be picked up on. They simply announced the facts of where they are with this process. Which is, again, mandatory with any number of regulators they fall under both financially and medically.
I don't want to go around this same track for another lap, but you need to understand one thing about this announcement today: Johnson and Johnson is REQUIRED BY LAW to make it. That's it. They didn't glorify anything, they didn't say "we really think it works!", they didn't leak any secret info hoping it would be picked up on. They simply announced the facts of where they are with this process. Which is, again, mandatory with any number of regulators they fall under both financially and medically.

I think you're conflating statements with SEC filings, which is where mandatory releases come into play.
I think you're conflating statements with SEC filings, which is where mandatory releases come into play.

I am most definitely not. ANYTHING the company knows that could be considered "material information" must be released immediately. Has nothing to do with filings.
Why would you think this won't be possible?

The law says this info needs to be recorded, the law also says patients have a right to their records so what earthly reason would prevent a patient from doing what I have always done? Honestly, if I was refused the vial I would walk out, mostly out of concern it wasn't in date or was maybe cloudy, maybe they even confused shots and might be giving me the wrong thing so refusal it would make me completely suspicious. The walking out is the choice part, it's always an option so I can't say that I am following your assertion that this isn't doable.
I'm saying if you want the vaccine, which presumably you're in the office to get that for that reason, right immediately after it's been released for the public, you're unlikely to have your pick of vaccines by means of choosing this vaccine over that. If the U.S. for instance only get access to one vaccine you can wait if you're able to but you may be waiting for an undetermined amount of time before another vaccine is able to be cleared for distribution. That's what I was meaning, down the road you may be able to do what you mentioned. I'm all for it if the U.S. for instance has the ability to have multiple vaccines for people to choose from, I'm realistic in saying I wouldn't bet on it. The poster who brought it up was saying they'll wait and pick one with a better efficacy rate and they want the best one. At least in the U.S. it's whatever has been deemed cleared for usage for the public and that vaccine may not have the most efficacy rate over a vaccine another country is using. That's why I brought up Gardasil and Cervarix.
There are multiple companies working on vaccines. I believe there will be more than more option available to American consumers. These vaccines are different from each other and some will be good, and some will be better. All these other groups are not going to abandon their work because one company goes first especially if the second or third to come to market have much better efficacy.
It is true that there are multiple vaccines being worked on, that does not mean multiple vaccines will be available for a citizen of a given country especially once a vaccine has actually been fully cleared for public usage. The goal may be to have this be available at some point. It may not be in the beginning. At least it's better to have that thought out there.

And FTR I was not saying they would abandon their efforts of course they wouldn't! Scientists are usually looking for ways to improve, it's how you get the more encompassing Gardasil vaccine and the improved Shingles vaccine and so on. I'm sorry you got that impression, not sure how though,not sure how my comment in any way meant there wouldn't be multiple vaccines out there. I was saying because the entire globe is needing this vaccine, the option for choice of several vaccines may not be there for every citizen of every country, the U.S. included.
I'm saying if you want the vaccine, which presumably you're in the office to get that for that reason, right immediately after it's been released for the public, you're unlikely to have your pick of vaccines by means of choosing this vaccine over that. If the U.S. for instance only get access to one vaccine you can wait if you're able to but you may be waiting for an undetermined amount of time before another vaccine is able to be cleared for distribution. That's what I was meaning, down the road you may be able to do what you mentioned. I'm all for it if the U.S. for instance has the ability to have multiple vaccines for people to choose from, I'm realistic in saying I wouldn't bet on it. The poster who brought it up was saying they'll wait and pick one with a better efficacy rate and they want the best one. At least in the U.S. it's whatever has been deemed cleared for usage for the public and that vaccine may not have the most efficacy rate over a vaccine another country is using. That's why I brought up Gardasil and Cervarix.
Ohhhh ok, I totally get what you are saying now. You are correct, not all regions will have the same selection and waiting too long can jeopardize access to care.
Big news: United Airlines just announced a beta test of rapid Covid testing for one of its routes.
I dunno, Sam...I feel like you could have phrased that in a friendlier way. Like "wow- that sounds pretty cool. Do you have any info on it?" Or just "hey, where'd you hear that from?" Instead of implying that I, ya know, make this stuff up.
I wasn't implying anything. You've posted a couple of these at least in the last couple days with no attribution, or the ability for others to read what you're referring to. Your previous post left out a lot of information "... testing for one of it's routes" Are they testing passengers? Crew? Everyone? Who pays? How rapid is it? Who gets the results? Are all follow up questions to a very vague post.
Fair enough. If you feel I haven't provided enough info, just ask.

They kind of did by telling you it would be nice if you posted the links. 🤷‍♀️
It would be nice to be able to just do a quick click on an article link you provide when you post about an announcement. Sure we could google but we are already here reading :-)

My dh's employer has been doing rapid tests for months on the employees returning to work.
It's great to know right then and there and if more airlines do it, and it becomes standard practice I may end up taking a trip much sooner than I had planned.
Well I would hope there is no out of pocket costs since those of us who pay taxes have already paid for it, but I'm not holding my breath on that.

So, the mass production of an unapproved vaccine is unprecedented?

Actually you haven't paid for it, this is being added to the national debt.
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