DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Morning, Gents! Hope all is well on this second day of the work week. My boss at work is irritating me to no end. We have two weeks until annual inventory, which means I have two weeks to finish my cycle count project, at least it was my understanding that it needed to be done before inventory. Anyways, I head in an hour early yesterday so that I can get moving on the project, only to be pulled off by boss to work on this other project of his that has to get done before inventory (assigning floor stock items an actual location in the system so it's easier to find). If the Dir. of Operations yells at me for not getting this project of his done, I'm throwing my boss under the bus. I know that's a crappy thing to do, but it's not my fault I wasn't able to get this project done, I was only following orders. I'm not taking a hit because he wanted his pet project done before the Dir. of Operations' project. Nope, not happening. Actually, what I'm planning on telling the Dir. of Operations, if it I am confronted as to why I didn't finish the project, is "I was doing what my supervisor told me to do." I use to help soften the blow to other people because I was a nice guy and didn't want to get anyone in trouble, but that changed when people started taking advantage of me. Not any more.

Well, that's it for now, guys. Have a good day, and we'll chat later.


I’m a person. I’m not happy no matter when I wake up.

Are you sure you're a person? You could be a robot, you know. 🤖

Dang it. Thought I’d nailed that shut.

You did, but someone opened it for me.

Mild and rainy here to be followed by cool and snow later today/tonight. Then back to sun then rain and finish the week with temps in the 60s F. Great week of weather.

Sounds like you'll get every season into one day. Nice.

Morning all. First day at new job, maybe. I'll go into the office and do paperwork maybe, assuming they are willing to wait for retirement to make a ruling. So glad my government is here to help.

May the retirement board make a decision soon! And good luck.

A job and the pandemic to be over is not asking for much. Here, the KY hospital association released October numbers that show we are using 16% of our ICU beds across KY for COVID. 16% translates to 233 beds. Statewide population exceeds 4 million. Our Governor is threatening to lock down the state again due to the "spike". They usually measure these events in years, so I guess it ends in February or March 2021.

I haven't heard any numbers for Mass., but I heard out Gov. may tighten things back up again...so that tells me that the the numbers are edging up again.

As for your daughter asking for WDW, yeah, that's a tough one. My two girls still get everything they want, three when you count DW. Are you going to start the planning? With DVC, we book 11 months out. Before that, we did the Disney Visa, booked the vacation on it, and paid it off over 6 months. We re-scheduled a few of them over the years. The 13 hour drive was an option for us though.

Am I going to start planning? I'm always planning. Right now I'm looking at a 2022 trip. I figure I'll have had a permanent job by then and hopefully this COVID thing would be on the serious decline by then.

I demolished any standards years ago. It's good to be a trend setter.

Thanks. :thumbsup2

You're a person? Shut the front door. Who woulda thunk that?

I think he's a robot. 🤖

Good morning! Just one day of work before I get tomorrow off to perform my patriotic duty and vote in what is sure to be a peaceful and orderly election.

You get a whole day off? I have to vote either before or after work.

Halloween was really dead in our neighborhood. I'd say we got easily less than half the usual traffic. We were begging kids to take as much candy as they could.

Halloween isn't really big in our neighborhood, though it was once, but this year it was dead. We only got 1 kid.

Well, we put the gross candy out first. Kept the good stuff back for us.

That's the only way to do it.

Furlough #2 continues...day #6 now. But I did get an email that may get back to work mid-November. But these days, who knows.
I have a bad feeling about this.

I hope you are able to go back to work in November....praying you do.

I spent most of yesterday in an excess Halloween candy coma.
I promised myself I wouldn’t do that today.
I made it to lunch before breaking my promise.
I have a bad feeling about this.

I'm trying real hard not to go crazy with the candy this year. I just need to stop buying the stuff I know I'll eat...that should do it.

Good but different.
We had 56 trick or treaters, we normally have 70-80. I think it was more the weather than anything keeping kids away, cold and windy.
It was also different because DW and I had the house to ourselves with oldest DD out to a house party and youngest out with friends and having a sleepover.
I have a bad feeling about this.

You had way more than us. I had 1.

I’m thinking the same for these parts. The weather turned cold very quickly.
I have a bad feeling about this.

The weather hasn't turned cold quickly, but I just feel that we're in for a harsh winter. The last two were mild.

Well, it's at lest a marginally acceptable Monday Evening.
That I'll grant you.

I'll take that.

Same fools that let me in.
Character assessment doesn't seem to be a strong suite 'round here.

Works for me! :teeth:

Just remember...
No gum chewing on line.
Hedley Lamarr won't tolerate such, ya' know.
And "Nuffin'" won't cut it as an excuse either

(spits out gum)

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I guess this is Indian summer? Highs of 58/59 today/tomorrow. This after not getting above 32 for a couple weeks. I'll take it.
Actually, what I'm planning on telling the Dir. of Operations, if it I am confronted as to why I didn't finish the project, is "I was doing what my supervisor told me to do." I use to help soften the blow to other people because I was a nice guy and didn't want to get anyone in trouble, but that changed when people started taking advantage of me. Not any more.
Good for you and good luck.
You might want to ask for an email confirmation from your supervisor?
Are you sure you're a person? You could be a robot, you know. 🤖
Just because I don't understand how to do this:
Has no bearing on whether I'm a person or not. At all!
You did, but someone opened it for me.
There's no end to the amount of riffraff in here!
I rest my case!
Morning all. I voted, not that it much matters. I predict there will still be people complaining in America, forgetting all the comforts and freedoms we already have.

On the job front, the Retirement Board turned me down again, this time citing that it was a business that contracted with a government agency. Well, back to more applications.

Well, we put the gross candy out first. Kept the good stuff back for us.

Of course. Is there any other option? When my dds trick-or-treated, they gave me the candy they didn't want, and if I didn't like it as well, then I gave it away.

We got a big ole whopping goose egg for halloween. Granted we live in the portion of the neighboorhood where houses are 100 yards or more apart and we live on the corner in the back, but I was expecting at least a few.

Asked the children's director at church yesterday if she'd be able to use the candy, so at least it won't go to waste (or waist).

Waste vs waist. Good one. I didn't eat a bunch of candy this year, even though I wanted to.

Furlough #2 continues...day #6 now. But I did get an email that may get back to work mid-November. But these days, who knows.

Sorry to hear about the continued furlough, but hopefully you will get back to work soon.
Morning all. I voted, not that it much matters. I predict there will still be people complaining in America, forgetting all the comforts and freedoms we already have.
My youngest was kidding around about being able to see the future, so I asked her to predict the election.
She said “Let’s just say that a lot of people are going to be mad”

Probably accurate.
On the job front, the Retirement Board turned me down again, this time citing that it was a business that contracted with a government agency. Well, back to more applications.
Sorry to hear that.
One of my heroes

And I couldn't agree more.

Just because I don't understand how to do this:

Has no bearing on whether I'm a person or not. At all!


On the job front, the Retirement Board turned me down again, this time citing that it was a business that contracted with a government agency. Well, back to more applications.
Well crap.

Sorry to hear that.
I'm trying to figure out what I'll do when they decide I'm no longer useful. I don't envy the process you're going through here.

It’s... 63F/17C out!
Where’s the beach???
About three hours southeast of my current location.

For you, I suspect it's just a smidgen farther.
Unless the shore of Lake Winnipeg has a good accessible beach, then youre' all set.
Sleepy this morning. I stayed up late watching TV. The same show was on almost every channel. I couldn’t make it to the end of the show. Woke up this morning to find out the show had no ending anyway. I should have gone to bed earlier.

On the job front, the Retirement Board turned me down again, this time citing that it was a business that contracted with a government agency. Well, back to more applications.
Well that’s not good. Sorry to hear it.
Morning, Gents! Hope all is well. I suspect some of are going to need extra coffee to get going this morning. I didn't even bother putting on the news. I left work, voted then came home for dinner and travel show watching, Rick Steve's Europe. Made it there several years ago with the wife and hope to go back at some point. Well, that's all I got today. Have a good day, and we'll chat throughout.


Good for you and good luck.
You might want to ask for an email confirmation from your supervisor?

I'll have to email him for some form of email confirmation of this project.

Just because I don't understand how to do this:
View attachment 536417
Has no bearing on whether I'm a person or not. At all!


There's no end to the amount of riffraff in here!

They're all over the place.

I rest my case!

And I appreciate being let it. Thank you Cinderella's Fella.:teeth:

Morning all. I voted, not that it much matters. I predict there will still be people complaining in America, forgetting all the comforts and freedoms we already have.

Yeah, my vote doesn't matter here in Massachusetts, but I vote anyways.

On the job front, the Retirement Board turned me down again, this time citing that it was a business that contracted with a government agency. Well, back to more applications.

Sorry to hear, man, that stinks. I hope something comes you way, soon.

My youngest was kidding around about being able to see the future, so I asked her to predict the election.
She said “Let’s just say that a lot of people are going to be mad”

Probably accurate.

Very accurate.

Saw this on the book of faces

View attachment 536423

I thought about this yesterday and wondered how the U.S. elections were being covered in other countries.


Hmph. Jupiter.... I think not. Did you not see my avatar????????

Marvin the Martian. :thumbsup2

It does, actually. Years ago it made Playboy's list for top beaches in the world.

That's cool.

Sleepy this morning. I stayed up late watching TV. The same show was on almost every channel. I couldn’t make it to the end of the show. Woke up this morning to find out the show had no ending anyway. I should have gone to bed earlier.

That's why I didn't even bother, though the flipside to that was waking up about every 2 hours wanting to know the results. I'm going to need extra coffee today in order to make through the day.
Morning fellas from a bright but cold London. Busy busy busy. Hope all are well.

It does, actually. Years ago it made Playboy's list for top beaches in the world.
So you really were reading it for the articles?
I thought about this yesterday and wondered how the U.S. elections were being covered in other countries.
I guess you are asking the wrong demographic, in that UK/Canada and the US are a bit more intertwined than others.
Generally, Europe will follow it, but only in the same way you guys may or may not follow the Canadian election.
But, even with me as someone who takes an interest we cover it way too much for something that only affects us slightly. Has my life changed due to the T being in charge over there? Not really, or if it has, I certainly haven't realised it. So I'm not sure we need an election night special on 2 UK channels, for an election that has a negligible effect on life over here. There are some of my mates raging on the book of face this morning, which I find strange. People have a vote. People have spoken.
Furlough #2 continues...day #6 now. But I did get an email that may get back to work mid-November. But these days, who knows.
Good luck buddy
Just remember...
No gum chewing on line.
Hedley Lamarr won't tolerate such, ya' know.
And "Nuffin'" won't cut it as an excuse either
And I sincerely hope there's enough gum for everyone.

Have a good day guys,
Morning gents

Worked (and still working) the night shift, so have kept an eye on the election throughout.
Not being overly familiar with your election process, I was at first surprised that they (whoever the "they" might be) did not declare Biden the winner early in the evening.
I think at that point it was something like 210-108 Biden ahead. Then all of a sudden, after no movement it was roughly 225-210.
And even more surprising (to me) that while (at the time of this writing) it shows Biden "winning" 238-213, it also shows Trump ahead, counting the states/electoral votes that are being led by him, but not decided.

And... can someone tell me if a State's electoral votes all go to the same candidate? Like... Georgia has 16 electoral votes. Currently Trump is leading there. If the State is won by Trump, does he automatically get all 16 electoral votes? Or can they be split? Like Biden wins 2 and Trump wins 14?

I also find it odd, as I did in a few of your last elections, that things may not be decided for days or even weeks.

Sleepy this morning. I stayed up late watching TV. The same show was on almost every channel. I couldn’t make it to the end of the show. Woke up this morning to find out the show had no ending anyway. I should have gone to bed earlier.
I think the videotape of the show jammed around 4am EST anyways.
I'll have to email him for some form of email confirmation of this project.
::yes:: Cover your a**.
I thought about this yesterday and wondered how the U.S. elections were being covered in other countries.
There was a whole segment on the net that I saw yesterday devoted to nothing but all the memes about Canada watching the US elections.
This one seems fairly Canadian:


So you really were reading it for the articles?
Well... actually... I heard that from a different source (where, I forget)... I think a tourism article in a much less... interesting magazine or newspaper.
Generally, Europe will follow it, but only in the same way you guys may or may not follow the Canadian election.
So, with great excitement and interest???
And... can someone tell me if a State's electoral votes all go to the same candidate? Like... Georgia has 16 electoral votes. Currently Trump is leading there. If the State is won by Trump, does he automatically get all 16 electoral votes? Or can they be split? Like Biden wins 2 and Trump wins 14?
Yep, it's pretty much winner takes all, apart from Maine and Nebraska, that get spilt by their congressional districts. So, 1 more vote than the other guy out of 10 million votes, and you get all the Electoral college votes. The UK is a bit the same, in the system you could feasibly have only one party in Parliament with every single seat, with a general vote majority of 650 out of 40 million votes, if that party won every single constituency by 1 vote. Fun, eh?
I thought about this yesterday and wondered how the U.S. elections were being covered in other countries.

Our news networks covered it last night, most likely because Canada is tied quite closely to the US. The relationship between the person in the Whitehouse and our prime minister can have a big impact on the how we work together.
Morning all and breaking news. The winner of the US presidential election is an old white guy who is in it to make himself rich and convince 165 million people he really cares about them.

On the job front, I applied for a bunch of stuff yesterday, going back to my old bakery days. I enjoyed it then. I've always been that long term planner, but can't do that with DW. She has 3 or 4 more years until she can retire, so I've accepted that as my window now. So, my goal now is to work for enough $ for Disney vacations.

Saw this on the book of faces

View attachment 536423

::yes:: :lmao:

We can fly to outer space, but can't figure out how to count votes.

Well crap.

Sorry to hear that.
I'm trying to figure out what I'll do when they decide I'm no longer useful. I don't envy the process you're going through here.

I don't even care about being useful anymore. My only skill is that I can pass a drug test.

It does, actually. Years ago it made Playboy's list for top beaches in the world.

I read that as "topless beaches" instead of "top beaches". Then, I thought of it being cold. That was a good start to my morning.

Well that’s not good. Sorry to hear it.


Sorry to hear, man, that stinks. I hope something comes you way, soon.


Morning gents

Worked (and still working) the night shift, so have kept an eye on the election throughout.
Not being overly familiar with your election process, I was at first surprised that they (whoever the "they" might be) did not declare Biden the winner early in the evening.
I think at that point it was something like 210-108 Biden ahead. Then all of a sudden, after no movement it was roughly 225-210.
And even more surprising (to me) that while (at the time of this writing) it shows Biden "winning" 238-213, it also shows Trump ahead, counting the states/electoral votes that are being led by him, but not decided.

And... can someone tell me if a State's electoral votes all go to the same candidate? Like... Georgia has 16 electoral votes. Currently Trump is leading there. If the State is won by Trump, does he automatically get all 16 electoral votes? Or can they be split? Like Biden wins 2 and Trump wins 14?

I also find it odd, as I did in a few of your last elections, that things may not be decided for days or even weeks.

Electoral college is all or nothing, and it is based on the # of US House representatives which is based on the population and the gerrymandering of districts to garnish party votes. It's as good a system as any, trying to have everyone's vote count, instead of just the mob rule option. However, the largest cities (NYC, Los Angeles, Chicago, etc) have increased to be so large that they are deciding elections.

I would like to see us move away from a 2 party system, and have elections for the ? number of candidates simultaneously. But, that would be a complete overhaul and will never happen.


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