Does your username mean anything other than the obvious?


Love Disney World. Love Survivor and Idol shows as
Aug 19, 1999
I am Sillyminny and it really means I am a real goof (not related to goofy) but an admirer of Minnie Mouse. I have found MM is indeed a great character but the feminine side of the team needs more recognition.

I like to make lots of corney jokes and that is my trade mark in our family.
It would have been nice to add a Canadian aspect to my username but I am quite happy being silly. Better than Dopey.
Mine comes from a board I used to visit when I collected Beanie Babies (Bear Only)

Photo----I'm a photographer
Bear------Beanie Bears
Sam-------Short for Samantha

Therefore, PhotobearSam is born....

My husband is StarWarsMan....Which fits him pretty well since he collects star wars figures and books.
He could have used " Fantastic Husband and Friend" but that would be too obvious. He's the nicest guy in the world.
I was the first to get a "Scratch 'n' Sniff" T-shrit!
(believe me that was a big thing 'cause I rarely got anything that was cool!)

The number is just to remind me, well that I'm no spring chicken anymore!LOL

My name has been with me since my hubby and I first got AOL back in 1996 and the meaning is kind of silly but it has stuck.
My name is Dayna and my hubby is Rob and it means "DAYnaLOvesROb"
Ours is just short for DISNEY FAN and it is also our liscence plates on the car DSNY FN We also want another one for thecar but can't tell you guys in case someone goes and gets it hehehe.
Does it have anything to do with Li'l Abner?

As in Ma and Pa, etc, etc, etc.?

MaMadduck I have no idea where you derived your DIS name from....but I think it's so cute!;)

Mine is from my "fur baby" Sammy but since I am a female I changed it to sammi!:)
Must be "mother of angry ducks"\

Told you I was corney.
Favorite character Pooh, and favorite resort BWV.
Mine is obviously taken from the villian from Snow White. She is one of my favourite characters.

However, it is NOT meant to describe my personality in any way.

Scratch42- no, nothing to do with Lil Abner (never though it would be connected with that)I wondered where Scratch came from. (I thought maybe you scratched & dented 42 cars LOL)
Sillymimmy- oh you're so silly!- I love your answer :jester: and your user name.
Sammi- everytime I saw "Cindy" on your posted, I' d always ask, so who's sammi then? Is a "fur baby" the same as a furby?
Dayloro- love it!

"ma"- comes from a teenager's hip slang obviously for mom. (I love being a mom)
"Mudduck"- is a combination of a few things
1) a misspelling of our last name (people have actual called us that, when it's not even close to our name)
2) looks like MAD duck- although Mickey is my fav.-my personality is more like Donald- the Mad Duck (PS1 game "going Quackers") and we are also the same height.:(
3) "Pa" (dh) & dd love offroad 4 wheeling- alas the MUD part
My other nickname is Mario!LOL

Have you seen me driving thru Peterboro?

It's not me, it's the other guys who can't drive!LOL

I don't offroad, but drive like I do!

Oops - sorry to confuse - in most other forums I use Skatie...but here, I use my real name!!!
Mine is my DH's nickname for me and it comes from "Peanuts". Sally calls Linus her "sweet Baboo".
Actually MaMudduck Sammy is my 3 year old orange Tabby cat!

;) :D
Mine is kind of obvious. When I typed in CdnMom it was already taken. So...CdnMom2 as in the second one, or "too". So it's not 2 kids though!
My granny has called me Limmer since I was a baby. She says it means "brat" in Scotland. My entire family calls me that (affectionately) and even some of my baby cousins think that is my real name. They never know who Lynn is!
Nothing very exciting here, Snow is for Snow White, one of my favourite characters, and Wark is my last name. :)

Dayloro, and Baboo, very sweet! :)


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