Dreams Unlimited Travel Podcast: Cruise News! Royal Caribbean and Celebrity Announce Sailings

Good news indeed. Happy to see some progress for the cruise industry.

But I'll agree with J&K that I still wouldn't book one of them. Living in central FL I'm OK with just driving to the port for a cruise. But having to fly to Nassau or St Martin right now just turns me off.

Also, I'm not a fan of Nassau and normally don't even get off the ship there. Can't see any reason to fly there just to ge on a ship.
I wouldn't be surprised if Cozumel will become a "new" departure port in the next couple of months. The mayor there is already lining up resources to test the market.

There is a high speed water ferry from Ft. Lauderdale to the Bahamas, but I don't think it stops at Nassau. Otherwise, that would be an option to get there directly.


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