FINAL UPDTD 8/16 - The "Don't mess with the CMs/take less photos TR" Jun14 @ BWV

Ok people...let's get this show on the road...I MUST finish the TR before we go on our next trip!! Two updates within 3 days?!?! I hope the DISboard doesn't go out like a certain ride did in the update below...

Tuesday – June 3, 2014

Today we are going to AK and then later to La Nouba Cirque Du Soleil in Downtown Disney. I got everyone up early because I wanted to try and catch a glimpse of Ms DeVine. We tried to find her in October but we were too late. We were told she only “appears” in the morning so this time I was prepared.

The day started off great. We arrived at the bus stop at BWV and there were already numerous people waiting. There was also a CM at the bus stop. I have no idea why he was there but as soon as he saw DSiL had a “Happy Birthday Evan” button, he asked everyone to join in in singing him Happy Birthday! DSiL does not like any public display of attention garnered his way at all so it was great!! It happened so quickly that neither DW, DD or myself had time to get a camera or phone out to take any pics. Fortunately for him, the bus arrived almost immediately after the singing ended and we were off to AK!

We arrived very shortly after rope drop and stopped at Safari Coffee for a light breakfast. No pics but it was typical Disney cart vendor food – blueberry muffin, Danish, oatmeal cookie, sticky bun with water and cappuccino. I tried to find Ms Devine but was told she would not be out until after 9:00am.

Our first FP+ wasn’t until 9:40 so we decided to just ride whatever we could find. We headed straight for

It was a straight walk on with no waiting and of course there is a MM pic

I survived and we still had time so why not go again, right?

Not so good on coordinating faces the 2nd time around. I must have gotten my signals mixed up because my expression is exactly the same as the 1st ride! As I mentioned before, DW gets a little crazy when I'm not around. This time it was even when I was there!

It is only 8:42am at this point so what do they want to do? Go for a 3rd time on EE! No mas, no mas for me! That cheese Danish is not sitting very well on my stomach so I told them to go without me this time. DW decided to wait with me and DD & DSiL walked right on again

Three straight EE rides all before 9:00am…WHEW!!! Will there be a fourth? Nope. We head back to the entrance and EE was down. Our fault…we broke it…sighhhhh. :rolleyes1

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(Continued from previous post)

We start heading to our first FP+ at Kilimanjaro Safari but before we get there, it’s time for another MM pic in front of the Tree of Life

A quick side trip to the front of the park to look for Ms. Devine and she still hasn’t appeared so we head off to the safari.

Across the hippo pool we see the Wild Africa Trek tour. DW and I went on this last October and it was fantastic!

Back to the safari

But this guy decided to get a bit closer

And a bit closer

And a BIT closer

And finally, he decided to stop the safari

We sat there for almost 10 minutes until he decided to move on. I kept waiting for him to stick his head into the truck and lick someone! YUCK!

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(Continued from previous post 3)

After we were finally able to move on, next up, nothing like some elephant behind for a nice pic

These guys are better at getting their pics taken

Naturally the cheetahs are back up against the fence in the shade

And of course the big guy is being his normal lazy self

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After the safari, we received a notice from Disney

It’s official, EE is down and although it says temporary, it was down for the rest of the time we were at AK. Sorry to those at the park that day…it’s our fault…we broke it! :sad2:

Next up is something we have not done in a LONG time and that is the hike down the Pangani Forest Exploration Trail. It was kind of crowded so I didn’t get a chance to take too many pics but here are a few

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It is now time for our EE FP+ but like I said before, it is still down so we decide to try Kali River Rapids. It is only a 20 minute wait but before we get 5 minutes into the wait, the ride is down! It’s not our fault this time…we’re still in line! When it finally started back, they let the FP+ riders go first so we ended up waiting about 40 minutes. I wore a poncho and stayed dry but here are a few pics from the ride

We made it out dry but you could see from the previous pics that some of the others in our raft did not. I gave my poncho to someone in line as we left. The wait time for KRR was now at 70 minutes!

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By now it is close to noon. We have a FP+ for KRR later but it is time to eat. Normally we like to try something new but at AK, this is one of the times we eat at the same place almost every time…Flame Tree BBQ! Okay, I’ve had better barbeque numerous times but there is something about this place that never fails to be a decent meal. No pics again but we had ribs, chicken and more ribs. For us, this has a solid rating of


We will continue to come back here for a QS meal at AK. After cleaning up…and you do have to use MANY towelettes after eating here…we decide to use our FP+ for KRR again. With EE still down, everything else is backing up. The wait time for KRR is now 105 minutes! Since we had FP+, we were on the raft within 10 minutes. A couple more pics during the ride

I had given my poncho away and the others decided since we didn’t get wet the first time, there was no reason to wear one this time…right?


Everyone got to-the-bone soaked!!

We checked on EE again and it was down indefinitely. Since we are so wet and we have to get ready for La Nouba tonight, we decide to head back to the room. And once again, I did not see Ms Devine. :sad:

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(Continued from previous post 7)

After getting cleaned up, we are back on the bus heading to DTD. This was the longest bus ride for us the entire trip. I don’t know if this is the usual route but our bus stopped at the Swan, the Dolphin and the Yacht/Beach Club before we finally made it to DTD. The bus to AK this morning was a straight shot without all those other stops. Just an observation.

We have tickets to La Nouba-Cirque du Soleil for the 6:00pm show. DD and DSiL are not ready so DW and I go ahead and get to DTD about 4:30pm. We decide to grab a bite before the show and here again, we try something new for us – Earl of Sandwich. DD & DSiL ate here 2 years ago and raved about it. I did not even think about taking a picture but there’s not much to see different with a sub sandwich. DW and I ordered the Italian hot sandwich, the Full Montagu hot sandwich, a Mediterranean pasta salad along with chips and drinks. It was good…it was very good. It was much better than Subway and slightly better than Jimmy John’s. I would give this a solid


We will no doubt eat here again when looking for something quick while at DTD. While we were eating, DD and DSiL caught up with us. We are at one end of DTD and La Nouba is all the way at the other end. La Nouba requires you to be in your seats 30 minutes before the show time and suggest you arrive 60 minutes before so off we go!

Here is a pic of the seating chart at La Nouba

For those that have never been to La Nouba, there are two nightly shows Tuesday thru Saturday at 6 & 9. There are sporadic dates throughout the year when there is not a show so check availability. You can purchase your tickets up to 6 months in advance but if you have the TIW card or are an AP/DVC member, wait until 30-45 days before you go because they usually offer a good discount on Category 2 & 3 seats. The tickets are non-refundable so you might as well wait in case something comes up and you have to cancel your trip. Our tickets were Category 2 (blue seats). You can request specific seats. Ours were section 203, row GG, seats 18-21. Before I made the purchase, it appeared from the seating chart that the voided area in the front of section 204 was for lighting/computer/technical gear so we opted for section 203. The first two rows of section 203 were being reserved for a group (that never showed up) so we picked row GG. The show at times covers the entire stage and sections 101-105 would have you looking almost straight up during those acts. At other times there is so much happening on stage that you might miss something by being so close. I didn’t know this going in but to me, sections 203, 204 & 205 are the best seats for this show.

La Nouba is a combination of acrobatic circus acts, Vaudeville and a bit of opera. I’m sure for the artsy/fartsy people there is some kind of subconscious deeper meaning to the show but for me it was just pure entertainment with the same oohs and aahs you get from Wishes or Illuminations except this is live and funny as well as amazing. There are NO cameras allowed during the show so I have no pics but here are a few stock photos of a handful of the entertainers

This show was fantastic!! They offer a DVD of the show for purchase and I wish now I had bought it. The two clowns are hilarious before and during the show. The acrobats are truly death-defying and I am still in awe of some of the stunts they perform. I would recommend this to anyone. Since AK is not normally an all day park, it works out well to go here on the same day you are at AK while at WDW.

After the show, you ladies know what had to happen at DTD. Yup…DW and DD had to shop! Sighhh. DSiL and I knew this was coming. We tagged along and paid for the purchases as needed like the good husbands we are. By the time they are shopping sated, we finally get back to the Boardwalk area around 10pm. DW and I stop at BW Bakery for a roast beef sandwich, a turkey sandwich and some cucumber salad. DD and DSiL go to the BW Pizza window for a pepperoni pizza and we take it all back to the room for a late snack to end our day.

Overall it was a really nice day without any major melt downs, humongous problems or annoying park guests. Time for bed and get ready for MK and BOG tomorrow!
Hi Bill, I followed you over here from my TR. I'm subscribing and then I'll go back and catch up! :goodvibes
lol! Water rides they will get you everytime! (Just when you think its safe to go back in the water...ride :goodvibes )

Boo to EE going down but atleast you got some rides in with hilarious ride pics! You guys always get good ones! Sorry to hear about Miss Devine though! She's so elusive!!

Oh! I was looking at some decals on etsy and I saw this and thought of you!
Well, it's certainly a good thing you got in a few rides on EE before your FP+ reservation! Bummer that it was down the rest of the day, though.

Great safari pics! I would love to see one of the giraffes up that close, but it hasn't happened yet.

I love Cirque shows but for some reason we haven't seen La Nouba yet. Actually, here I am saying "for some reason" when it's almost definitely DH. :rotfl: He is not nearly as big a fan, although he does humor me sometimes. Just not in Disney yet.
Hopefully you'll get to see DeVine on your next trip. Maybe you did see her but just didn't notice, she blends in very well! :lmao:
Bill, you are an updating mad man! :lmao::lmao::lmao:

I was :rotfl: on the pictures on EE. But how could you break it for all those other poor people?

Sorry you didn't get to see Miss Divine.

Great photos on the safari. I wish a giraffe would get that up close and personal when I'm on.

Wow...the ladies were certainly wet after Kali River Rapids. :eek:

Love Flame Tree and Earl of Sandwich.

So nice of you husbands to pay for the girls purchases. :)
Again you prove to be an updating king!

Starring Rolls is a must for me on each trip. I really love the sandwiches there! The desserts there are not too shabby either.

I have never been on RnRC... probably never will. Your wife sure does look like she had a good time on it :thumbsup2

Elsa looks like she would be a bit more complicated to draw. Yours turned out great though! I dont know that I could get anything to look even remotely like Elsa.


I did not realize that he was in WDW as well as DLR. I have only been on TSM in DCA once and saw him... and thought he was not at WDW. :rolleyes: Shows you how observant I can be.

Sci Fi can be a fun meal to experience. For that alone, I give it a good grade. :thumbsup2

Looks like you had some fun at Star Tours. :goodvibes

I agree with you on the dolphin. Not sure how that is suppose to look like one.

The cronut... :sad2: I tried in January. I really did not like it. Of course, mine looked no where near like your picture. It was dark and dripping with oil.

Shulas sounds like a place to go if you really really like your red meat. That is LARGE cuts!! Sounds like it was a great meal though... despite the other loud guests.

Your poor DSil. I have a couple in my family who are more introverted. That would have made them uneasy as well.

I love all the poses you all do for the ride photos! EE were great!!! Too funny that EE broke down after your DD and DSil had their third ride.

Oh my goodness that giraffe got close to the ride vehicle. That is actually pretty cool... except for making you stop for 10 minutes. That probably wan't the most fun.

Isn't the "extra" fp+ kinda nice? I mean.. it was not great that EE went down (and was down for so long) but you rode it already and then you got an open ended pass for the day. We had that happen in january. It was pretty cool.

Kali... I am going to need to do this on my next trip. It has been forever since I have. I am just not a huge fan of getting soaked.

I am sorry you missed Devine. She is definitely hard to catch. :sad2:

La Nuba sounds amazing! How awesome you got such good seats.
"Now honestly, does anyone think that looks like a dolphin?"

My family and I have always just called it the Carp. I would be concerned to meet this "dolphin" in person.

Really enjoying your tr.
Wow, eventful arrival and first day.

Seriously, you guys ought to pre-program the Centra-Care into your GPS!


Glad it was something easily cleared up.

I told my husband that I have read lots of experiences about people not receiving texts about their rooms being ready. He didn't believe me, and we were indeed notified when our room at the GC in DL was ready a couple of weeks ago.

The Star Wars events look like a lot of fun.

I love that FP+ allows you to get on some decent rides even if you don't arrive at the parks first thing.

I am SO glad to hear you enjoyed your meal at Kouzzina. I think I have already told you the story of my disappointment that I have never dined there, then I decided to do a drive-by trip in August for the BC/YC FAQ meet so that is the one and only dining reservation I made, for a solo dinner. I already have my eyes set on the Kouzzina trio, since I couldn't decide between the Pastitsio and the Cinnamon Stewed Chicken. I may show up for breakfast one of my mornings, too.

Hi Bill, I followed you over here from my TR. I'm subscribing and then I'll go back and catch up! :goodvibes
Great to have you along for the ride!

lol! Water rides they will get you everytime! (Just when you think its safe to go back in the water...ride :goodvibes )
Is that a Sharknado reference? :lmao:

Boo to EE going down but at least you got some rides in with hilarious ride pics! You guys always get good ones!
I don't know if I would call them good but definitely interesting! :scared1:

Sorry to hear about Miss Devine though! She's so elusive!!
I'm on a mission now to find her!

Oh! I was looking at some decals on etsy and I saw this and thought of you!
I LOVE IT!! I've got to find something to put that on! For those interested in what we're talking about (and why wouldn't you be?!?!), here it is
Well, it's certainly a good thing you got in a few rides on EE before your FP+ reservation! Bummer that it was down the rest of the day, though.
If the truth were know, I'm kinda glad EE went down so I didn't have to wimp out any more times when DD/DSiL wanted to ride again! :sad1:

Great safari pics! I would love to see one of the giraffes up that close, but it hasn't happened yet.
It is safe to say the animals are not afraid of the vehicles. The problem though is that puts the whole thing off schedule and then EVERY vehicle behind you is late and they try and rush the trek to make up for lost time. It's great for your ride if it happens to you but not for all those behind you until they get caught up again.

I love Cirque shows but for some reason we haven't seen La Nouba yet. Actually, here I am saying "for some reason" when it's almost definitely DH. :rotfl: He is not nearly as big a fan, although he does humor me sometimes. Just not in Disney yet.
I was leery about going but DSiL requested it and I'm glad he did. It was very entertaining!

Hopefully you'll get to see DeVine on your next trip. Maybe you did see her but just didn't notice, she blends in very well! :lmao:
That is true but I kept asking the CMs just in case I was missing her. Next time!!!
Bill, you are an updating mad man! :lmao::lmao::lmao:
At least you have the mad man part right! :rotfl2:

I was :rotfl: on the pictures on EE. But how could you break it for all those other poor people? I said was my evil plan so I wouldn't have to wimp out and tell my DD/DSiL I couldn't ride again. This way I was saying, "DARN!! My back's feeling better now and I was soooo looking forward to riding EE again!" That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!

Sorry you didn't get to see Miss Divine.
I'm beginning to think she's poison ivy to me instead of a more pleasant type of botanical life form!

Great photos on the safari. I wish a giraffe would get that up close and personal when I'm on.
Great for our vehicle....terrible for those waiting back at the station! :rolleyes1

Wow...the ladies were certainly wet after Kali River Rapids. :eek:
I didn't say anything earlier but what made it worse was some jerk with a LSU shirt on that was in our raft. He made two comments about her wet white shirt and a veiled reference about being able to see through wet t-shirts and he had his two kids sitting right there! The first one I ignored. The second one DW put her hand on my arm because she knew what was about to happen! I guess he got the message because he didn't say anything the rest of the ride. He was the first one off the raft and rushed his 8-12 year old kids off before I was able to say anything. Some people just make you go :sad2: or :mad:

Love Flame Tree and Earl of Sandwich.

So nice of you husbands to pay for the girls purchases. :)
I've been trained well after 32 years!

Again you prove to be an updating king!
Do I get to wear a crown with that? :lmao:

Starring Rolls is a must for me on each trip. I really love the sandwiches there! The desserts there are not too shabby either.
If we are going to eat breakfast at DHS, we usually make sure that we eat there but it wouldn't be a bad choice at any time.

I have never been on RnRC... probably never will. Your wife sure does look like she had a good time on it :thumbsup2
Either that or that's how she gets when I'm not around! I'm hoping it is the former! :rotfl2:

Elsa looks like she would be a bit more complicated to draw. Yours turned out great though! I dont know that I could get anything to look even remotely like Elsa.
Thanks. I usually do okay drawing things but I felt too rushed.


I did not realize that he was in WDW as well as DLR. I have only been on TSM in DCA once and saw him... and thought he was not at WDW. :rolleyes: Shows you how observant I can be.
You probably were trying to get on the ride because so many people stop there to take pics

Sci Fi can be a fun meal to experience. For that alone, I give it a good grade. :thumbsup2
It was a first for us and will not be the last time.

Looks like you had some fun at Star Tours. :goodvibes
I think I could have fun at a funeral...wait...that didn't come out right. I can find something to do and entertain myself most anywhere. Better? :bitelip:

I agree with you on the dolphin. Not sure how that is suppose to look like one.
C'mon much did you spend to put that thing up there and that is the best you can do? Flipper would be embarrassed!

The cronut... :sad2: I tried in January. I really did not like it. Of course, mine looked no where near like your picture. It was dark and dripping with oil.
I bet you got one that was sitting out a while. We lucked up and got one right out of the fryer. Now if they want to make it over the top, add some powdered sugar and a big ole scoop of ice cream!

Shulas sounds like a place to go if you really really like your red meat. That is LARGE cuts!! Sounds like it was a great meal though... despite the other loud guests.
You really need to be hungry or it's a waste of $'s.

Your poor DSil. I have a couple in my family who are more introverted. That would have made them uneasy as well.
His father has told us that he doesn't know what we've done to him but it has been a positive influence because he has come out of his shell so much. was either sink or swim with our family! :cool1:

I love all the poses you all do for the ride photos! EE were great!!! Too funny that EE broke down after your DD and DSil had their third ride.
Read previous posts...I was sorta glad it did! Shhhhh!

Oh my goodness that giraffe got close to the ride vehicle. That is actually pretty cool... except for making you stop for 10 minutes. That probably wan't the most fun.
For a minute I really thought it was going to stick it's head in the vehicle and I was not looking forward to a wet, sloppy kiss from a giraffe!! Now if anyone can talk DW into something like that, well that's a different story! :thumbsup2

Isn't the "extra" fp+ kinda nice? I mean.. it was not great that EE went down (and was down for so long) but you rode it already and then you got an open ended pass for the day. We had that happen in january. It was pretty cool.
I'm still debating, in my own fragile mind, whether it is better to bunch your 3 online FP+ reservations in the morning and then use the extra one later or bunch them in the afternoon/early evening, show up for rope drop and walk on rides for as long as you can until the crowds arrive.

Kali... I am going to need to do this on my next trip. It has been forever since I have. I am just not a huge fan of getting soaked.
Get a cheap poncho from the dollar store and you'll stay dry except for maybe your feet.

I am sorry you missed Devine. She is definitely hard to catch. :sad2:
She might have been talking to the other CM's from my previous trips and is avoiding me!

La Nuba sounds amazing! How awesome you got such good seats.
It was a real treat and with the discounts available, it's not as bad on the wallet either!
"Now honestly, does anyone think that looks like a dolphin?"

My family and I have always just called it the Carp. I would be concerned to meet this "dolphin" in person.

Really enjoying your tr.
Thanks and a Carp spelled slightly different (switch the two middle letters!) would better explain their attempt at a dolphin! :rotfl:

Wow, eventful arrival and first day.

Seriously, you guys ought to pre-program the Centra-Care into your GPS!


Glad it was something easily cleared up.
Actually, I already had it in my phone from a couple of years ago and forgot it was there! :rolleyes1

I told my husband that I have read lots of experiences about people not receiving texts about their rooms being ready.
It hasn't worked out for us but we will see again in a few short weeks at BCV!!

He didn't believe me, and we were indeed notified when our room at the GC in DL was ready a couple of weeks ago.
I've been away from the DISboards for a week but I'm looking forward to your TR and that fantastic trip to DL and Hawaii!!:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

The Star Wars events look like a lot of fun.
It was fun watching those kids even though none were mine.

I love that FP+ allows you to get on some decent rides even if you don't arrive at the parks first thing.
That's true. Before you HAD to be there early or fuggedaboutit!

I am SO glad to hear you enjoyed your meal at Kouzzina. I think I have already told you the story of my disappointment that I have never dined there, then I decided to do a drive-by trip in August for the BC/YC FAQ meet so that is the one and only dining reservation I made, for a solo dinner. I already have my eyes set on the Kouzzina trio, since I couldn't decide between the Pastitsio and the Cinnamon Stewed Chicken. I may show up for breakfast one of my mornings, too.

That's why we booked a breakfast later in the week. If we didn't like it, we could always cancel the breakfast but it was really, really good!


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