Food and Wine? Sounds Divine! An October TR - 12/2 A PTR Link!

I had every intention of updating last night but something so strange happened to DS last night. I fed him dinner, and he broke out in hives/welts all over his body. He did this the night before, but they went away within an hour or two so didn't think anything of it. But tonight, I noticed it was much worse. I immediately gave him some children's benedryl because his lips were turning purple. It seemed to get worse so we gave him a cool bath and it looked like his hives were going away. We put him to bed and I went to check on him an hour later and there was throw up everywhere. I found him sleeping in his throw up, poor kid. Thank goodness I went to check on him otherwise he would have been like that all night! We gave him another bath and put him to bed and seems fine this morning. I called the doctor and mentioned that this happened only at night and that last night was the worst of it. If it happened again tonight, I need to take him in tomorrow. Does anyone know what this could be or why this is happening? No change in laundry detergent, diet, etc...He's doing fine right now, i'm just worried about tonight. And it's so weird that it only happens in the evening..So I want to get my update in right now while I can, in case this happens again. Asking for prayers that this doesn't happen, because I know they'll want to do the allergy test and hear that's not fun.
Yikes, that's scary! Poor Calvin! Was there anything he ate in the last couple of days that he doesn't usually eat? Has he taken any medications? Sorry, I'm not much help, but I'll be praying it doesn't happen again. Otherwise, hopefully the doctor can figure it out.
Saturday, October 5, 2013

My alarm went off at 3:15 and I quickly got dressed and re-packed my suitcase. We called for Bell Services to help us with our bags a few minutes to 4 and they came immediately. We made our way to the lobby and outside to only wait less than 30 seconds for a shuttle. So far so good. There was one other couple on the shuttle with us and they were being dropped at Southwest with us, which was the first stop, so we where on the shuttle a total of 5 minutes. It was great!

We made our way into the airport where there was a long line of people, maybe 20-25, waiting to get in line the actual queue area of check-in. Never been there so early before that they never opened the line before. We stood there for a good 10 minutes before a Southwest worker told everyone we could go through the maze. While waiting, I took a picture of DS patiently waiting. Get it used to it kid. We’re going to Disney World where lines is the number one attraction ::yes::

Then it took another 10 minutes before the workers actually showed up to open their computers! What the heck. I thought airports/airlines were open pretty much 24/7? By the time we were done checking our baggage and getting our boarding documents, we walked over to security, which was a breeze. By the way, for anyone taking babies on formula, I took 4 bottles of water with me. TSA just ‘checked’ them in their scanner and that’s it. No questions asked :thumbsup2 Security done with, we made our way to the gate so we could possibly discuss switching our seats. Let’s back up one minute. When I checked into our flight exactly 24 hours before, I noticed that we were assigned seats and these seats where not together. I called and was told that since our flight was on an AirTran plane, we were assigned seats and they couldn’t do anything about the seat assignment on the phone but would have to deal with it at the airport. I was so frustrated, that I had forgotten to print out our boarding documents, so when I went back several hours later to re-check in, 2 of our seat where next to each other and now the other seat was behind us one row on the other side of the plane. Better than before, but I still wanted to try and get us together if possible. So now I’m at the airport asking if there was anything I could do about our seats and was told no that they couldn’t reassign. I was a little concerned that my DM (remember, not the best flyer!) wouldn’t want to sit by herself but she was actually fine about it. I even suggested that maybe she sit with me and DS for the first half of the flight, and have DH switch the last half, but she didn’t want that. Look at her, becoming an experienced flyer now! We all started boarding and my DM sat on the other side one row behind us and DH asked if she was okay. A nice younger man directly behind us on the aisle asked my DM if she wanted to switch with him so she can be closer to us. It was such a nice gesture since she had a middle seat and no one wants that seat! Now the guy sitting next to DH and me - I hate making judgments and assumptions...but there was something a little off with him. He was commenting outloud how nice that guy was to switch with my mom and that she was closer now…wouldn’t you think, then, it would be cool to offer to switch with her, since she’s directly behind you, same seat? :confused3 No family or other party members were with him. I also wasn’t about to ask him in case he got mad. Like I said, something was a little weird about him. Anywho, the flight was only 3 hours and 15 minutes and it went by pretty quickly. A couple of pictures, on the plane

We had a very short layover in Atlanta, where again, 2 of us had seats together in the back and 1 was in the front, but it was a short flight so we didn’t even question or ask. I felt like we belonged on this flight because half this flight was filled with kids. And actually, well behaved kids. No screaming or crying. Great flight! I took a few pictures and one video of DS



We landed in Orlando at a little after 3, grabbed our luggage, skipped DME (and secretly wept :sad:) and made our way to the Alamo rental car. I rented a smaller car on purpose in hopes to get a free upgrade. Nope didn’t happen. I rented through Undercover Tourist and got a great deal. Looking back, I should have just rented the bigger car when I was looking at home, because we could have saved money. She gave us ‘a deal’ on a small SUV. When we got to the car lot, the guy checking in our cars noted our receipt still said ‘sedan’ even though you could see the price difference we payed. Not sure if he thought the amount was pretty substantial or what, but he gave us a black Chevy Tahoe. Definitely not the smaller SUV that she had mentioned at the desk. Score! Putting the suitcases in the back was easy, it was the stupid car seat that took 20 minutes that was the hard part. After what seemed like eternity, we were finally buckled in and ready to go! So this is what needed to happen:

-CVS for DH’s
-Grocery Store somewhere
-Check into SSR

I put the address in for CVS on my phone and was told it would take us 30 minutes. Okay not too far then. We got on the road and noticed the speed limits are like 50 or less? Seriously? That’s why it will take us 30 minutes, but DH didn’t care. We actually made it to CVS (with the two tolls mind you) in 10 minutes. I told him he couldn’t drive like that on the way home, but because this was a medical emergency, I’d let this one slip.

DH and I went inside CVS and I was DEATHLY afraid that once we got to the pharmacy counter that they’d tell us they’d heard the name wrong and they don’t have that medication or something like that. Holding my breath, they went to look for his medication and they had it. YAY! She also said this was a very expensive drug without insurance. We only had to pay $15 but the regular cost is over $1100 for 30 pills YIKES! :scared1: I picked up some more diapers while we were there and asked about a grocery store. The cashier was very helpful and said that right across the street was a Publix and they had a great bakery, so that’s where we headed to next. We were only getting waters and breakfast items for us since most of our meals would be out at the parks. In between shopping and driving, I had been texting my friend Alison (franandaj) about getting together at the Beach Club where she was hosting a DISmeet. We kept texting about different scenarios of how to get there from where we were and one of them was to walk from SSR to DTD and take a bus. Sounds easy enough. I knew I wanted to get some food for us because we hadn’t eaten breakfast or lunch and had been living off of airline snacks, which we all know, are pretty much nothing.

Getting to SSR was sooooo easy. In fact, getting around the World is so much easier than I thought. I’m always using Google Maps to get us places, but I rarely used my phone for driving around at WDW. DH thought it was easy too...I think? :lmao:

Soon enough, we all saw this

I needed check-in to be fast and without lingering, if that makes sense. You know how Disney CM’s are, they are so enthusiastic and ask so many questions, I just wanted to hurry up and get our room number so we could make our way to DTD and then over to see Alison. Thank goodness this CM didn’t care at all about my vacation:lmao: I probably would have been a little upset if I wasn’t in a rush, since he was almost borderline unpleasant, but I was fine with it. My request went through and we were placed in Congress Park. He showed me a map of how to get there and I was back out in the car giving directions.

We were located on the first floor of the 1500 building, which couldn’t have been more perfect. We could even see our car from outside our door, it was so close. I booked a One Bedroom Villa and here it is

I loved this lamp

A deformed Mickey Head. They tried.

DM couldn’t get over how much the room looked like the Boardwalk and she really liked it. I think because it was more familiar to her as if she’s stayed there before. I repacked DS’s diaper bag with things we would need for DTD and we were soon on our way. Everyone had mentioned the walkway to DTD, which is why I requested staying in Congress Park so we wouldn’t have to deal with busses. Finding the pathway was easy

It was warm out but nice

Then, I heard DH yell out, “The walkway is closed!” Seriously? Why didn't I plan better and actually check ahead of time to make sure the walkway wasn't closed. :furious: I didn’t know if there was bus service from SSR to DTD as it is literally 5 minutes away on foot, so DM and DH suggested we just take the car. Oh my gosh! Terrible idea! Traffic was insane over there. They had a few lanes shut down so traffic was backed up. And then because DH wasn’t paying attention and it was too late to yell at him, he started driving in the bus lane. He couldn’t get out of it because of the cones. So there we were passing up all this traffic using the bus lane. I’m so glad we didn’t get caught, who knows how much that ticket would have been! We finally got into the parking lot and found a spot. Honestly, it took about 15-20 minutes to do all this.
pixiedust: for your little man (and mom and dad) so this might not happen again tonight. pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust:

Thank you so much :goodvibes

Yikes, that's scary! Poor Calvin! Was there anything he ate in the last couple of days that he doesn't usually eat? Has he taken any medications? Sorry, I'm not much help, but I'll be praying it doesn't happen again. Otherwise, hopefully the doctor can figure it out.

That's what I was trying to think. He throws up eggs and on Sunday night there was a little bit of eggs in potato soup that DH's mom made, but I thought he would have gotten sick that night if anything. Then on Monday night (the night that the hives started) he had some pork tenderloin, but he's had pork products before, like pork chops. I wrote everything down for what he ate Monday night and Tuesday night, but these are all things he's had before. We also thought he may have been bitten by something on Monday because some of the welts looked like stings or bites. But last night he made it clear that he was uncomfortable or hurting because he started crying and he didn't do that on Monday. I thought maybe his throat was closing up because he kept scratching and touching his throat. :(
DS broke out in hives? Hope he doesn't break out again.

Great update about all sorts of people on the plane. It's always a roll of the dice to see who will be sitting around you.

SSR rooms look nice.
DS broke out in hives? Hope he doesn't break out again.

Great update about all sorts of people on the plane. It's always a roll of the dice to see who will be sitting around you.

SSR rooms look nice.

Ugh, I hope it doesn't happen again either. I'll be monitoring him closely tonight.

Exactly! I don't think i've ever had a bad experience on a plane with other passengers. I was on a plane once where I was in line to use the bathroom and an older lady in front of me passed out and fell backwards into me and this younger guy and we ended up tending to her.

SSR was very nice!
The only thing I can think would be an allergic reaction. I know you wrote down everything that he ate but could he have touched peanuts/peanut butter or honey? I hope he's ok tonight.

The 1BR is gorgeous! They must have recently upgraded things.

The walkway was closed! How is that even possible? :mad: that's one of the reasons people like SSR.

Bonus on the car upgrade! Glad it wasn't hard to drive, except to DTD. I've been contemplating a car for several trips and have yet to do it.

I'm glad your mom was ok how the plane situation turned out. Very strange about the second guy commenting but not doing anything. Very strange indeed.
Crossing fingers that DS is fine tonight!!!!

So far so good. I fed him the exact same thing that he had for lunch today. Chicken, cheese, banana and peaches. I'm still keeping an eye on him but no red spots yet.

The only thing I can think would be an allergic reaction. I know you wrote down everything that he ate but could he have touched peanuts/peanut butter or honey? I hope he's ok tonight.

The 1BR is gorgeous! They must have recently upgraded things.

The walkway was closed! How is that even possible? :mad: that's one of the reasons people like SSR.

Bonus on the car upgrade! Glad it wasn't hard to drive, except to DTD. I've been contemplating a car for several trips and have yet to do it.

I'm glad your mom was ok how the plane situation turned out. Very strange about the second guy commenting but not doing anything. Very strange indeed.

He's doing good so far! I fed him the exact same thing for dinner that he had for lunch today. No hives or welts. Hopefully it stays that way!

Have the 1BR's not always looked like that?

That's exactly what I was thinking! Why is the main source of transportation to DTD cut off!? It put a damper on things that's for sure.

Pam honestly, renting a car was so worth it, especially when we were switching resorts. I've always been afraid to but it was fantastic and would definitely do it again if we needed to.

I didn't want to appear like we really needed them to switch. After all, he probably went through AirTran and chose his seat so he was fully entitled to it. I'm just glad it all worked out.
I was thinking your SSR room loked just like our BCV room. I think the walkway is closed for the whole springs upgrade. The room looks similar to when we stayed there in 2008. The main upgrades are the TVs to flat screens.
Welcome back! I'm getting caught up and oh my gosh! The pharmacy fiascos - glad things worked out ok. :) What a relief to know that your hubby was able to take the new meds. I hope it worked well for him so that he could enjoy all the Dis dining.

Also, glad to know the airline seating ended up ok. Strange that the guy wouldn't just trade seats as well but probably better to just lay low on that one. Good judgment call on that one.

I love the 1 bedroom villas. I saw those during the DVC tour and thought they were very homey and comfy. Very nice.

Goodness! What a time you are having getting to your Dismeet! ;)

I hope all is well tonight with Calvin. Bless your mama heart for having to deal with that unknown. Hopefully it will resolve without further incident. :goodvibes
I was thinking your SSR room loked just like our BCV room. I think the walkway is closed for the whole springs upgrade. The room looks similar to when we stayed there in 2008. The main upgrades are the TVs to flat screens.

Boo. Wish I would have done more research and noted that, otherwise I would have planned better.

Welcome back! I'm getting caught up and oh my gosh! The pharmacy fiascos - glad things worked out ok. :) What a relief to know that your hubby was able to take the new meds. I hope it worked well for him so that he could enjoy all the Dis dining.

Also, glad to know the airline seating ended up ok. Strange that the guy wouldn't just trade seats as well but probably better to just lay low on that one. Good judgment call on that one.

I love the 1 bedroom villas. I saw those during the DVC tour and thought they were very homey and comfy. Very nice.

Goodness! What a time you are having getting to your Dismeet! ;)

I hope all is well tonight with Calvin. Bless your mama heart for having to deal with that unknown. Hopefully it will resolve without further incident. :goodvibes

Hi Brenda! Yes i'm so glad he was able to enjoy all the food that Disney, but mostly F&W, has to offer!

:rotfl2: That first day was rough with transportation. But we did eventually get there!

So far he's doing good. He had what looked like a few 'bites' on his body and the top lip was swollen, but nothing else and he's very happy so I know he's not uncomfortable like he was last night.

Off to subscribe to your TR!
Glad you had good flights and your mom was okay with sitting alone. Did Calvin stay awake the whole time?

Wow, that is one expensive prescription! I'm so glad they had it for your DH, though!

Your room looks nice. I bet it was great to have the extra space with DS.

Who knew they could close that walkway? Wow, I wouldn't have thought to research that!

Hope you make it to your meet!

Also, back to real time, hope DS is doing okay tonight and the hives don't return. That sounds so scary and makes me think we should have children's benedryl on hand, since we don't. On the list for tomorrow now. Hope things go well for you tonight!
Oh no hope things were ok last with DS. Definitely sounds like an allergic reaction but it is so weird how it happens at night two nights in a row.

Glad your mom did well on the flight and everything worked ok with the prescription. Wow $1100. I can't imagine. MY daughter's vitamins cost $300 (we of course don't pay that) but because it is that much they never have it in stock and order it when people ask. For 30 little pills it is insane.
First of all, I hope DS is all right and he didn't get sick again last night. It does seem like an allergic reaction, but what a mystery if nothing in his environment has changed! That must have been so scary and upsetting. :hug:

I'm so glad your DH was able to get the rx he needed! I'm sure you all must have been so relieved. And for the price of it (even though you didn't pay full price), it better have worked!!!

That's too bad the walkway was closed. It would have been nice if the CM at check-in had told you that. I'm laughing at your DH driving in the bus lane. I'm sure it was one of those things that is scary and stressful at the time, but funny after the fact. At least you got to pass all those cars!
After this trip, i'm so done with pharmacies! :rotfl:
Wow... you just have no luck with them. :rotfl2::lmao:

I had every intention of updating last night but something so strange happened to DS last night. I fed him dinner, and he broke out in hives/welts all over his body.
Sorry to hear. The only thing I could think of is if maybe you've been trying to introduce a new food the past few days? :confused3 DD had something similar when we introduced pears to her, although without the vomiting.

Then it took another 10 minutes before the workers actually showed up to open their computers! What the heck. I thought airports/airlines were open pretty much 24/7?
Apparently you don't fly early in the morning too often.:rotfl:

Like I said, something was a little weird about him.
One of the worst parts about flying. You have little to no personal space and you never know who you'll be sharing it with. :rotfl2::lmao:

I'm glad that things didn't work out too bad in the end for you though, and that your mom was ok with the seating arrangement.

Putting the suitcases in the back was easy, it was the stupid car seat that took 20 minutes that was the hard part.
You guys really need more practice with those things. :rotfl::rotfl2::lmao:

We only had to pay $15 but the regular cost is over $1100 for 30 pills YIKES! :scared1:
Well, I'm glad they did in fact have it in stock. And I'm glad your insurance covered it! :faint:

Getting to SSR was sooooo easy. In fact, getting around the World is so much easier than I thought. I’m always using Google Maps to get us places, but I rarely used my phone for driving around at WDW. DH thought it was easy too...I think? :lmao:
::yes:: It is easy. And it is REALLLLLY easy when you compare it to hauling a baby, a stroller and all the stuff they need for the day around on a bus.

I needed check-in to be fast and without lingering, if that makes sense. You know how Disney CM’s are, they are so enthusiastic and ask so many questions, I just wanted to hurry up and get our room number so we could make our way to DTD and then over to see Alison. Thank goodness this CM didn’t care at all about my vacation:lmao:
You know, I do appreciate them taking an interest, but I'm usually not too talkative when I'm checking in. They probably think I'm some rude ****** or something. Since we drive, by the time I get there I just want to get checked in and relax. :rotfl2::lmao::rotfl: I guess I need this CM next time.

Then, I heard DH yell out, “The walkway is closed!” Seriously? Why didn't I plan better and actually check ahead of time to make sure the walkway wasn't closed. :furious:
I can't blame you here. The last thing I'd even think about worrying about is whether a walkway is open or not.

Oh my gosh! Terrible idea! Traffic was insane over there.
Just another typical visit to DTD. As bad as the bus service is there, I'm not sure driving was a terrible idea, no matter how bad traffic was.

And then because DH wasn’t paying attention and it was too late to yell at him, he started driving in the bus lane.
So it is his fault that he got in the wrong lane and you didn't have time to yell at him??? Poor guy. :sad2: :rotfl2:

He couldn’t get out of it because of the cones.
Yes he could. You were in a Tahoe. It will run right over them! :thumbsup2

So there we were passing up all this traffic using the bus lane. I’m so glad we didn’t get caught, who knows how much that ticket would have been! We finally got into the parking lot and found a spot. Honestly, it took about 15-20 minutes to do all this.
See... no need to yell. He knew what he was doing. :rolleyes1 :lmao:
If you fed him the same things again with no reaction it might have been an insect bite. No different detergents or soaps? So glad he's good and it didn't happen again :hug:

I must have only seen old pictures of SSR 1BRs then. Very nice though.

I'll definitely consider renting a car for a future solo trip. I really hate sitting on the buses alone.
Glad you had good flights and your mom was okay with sitting alone. Did Calvin stay awake the whole time?

Wow, that is one expensive prescription! I'm so glad they had it for your DH, though!

Your room looks nice. I bet it was great to have the extra space with DS.

Who knew they could close that walkway? Wow, I wouldn't have thought to research that!

Hope you make it to your meet!

Also, back to real time, hope DS is doing okay tonight and the hives don't return. That sounds so scary and makes me think we should have children's benedryl on hand, since we don't. On the list for tomorrow now. Hope things go well for you tonight!

For the first flight, He fell asleep for about 1.5 hours, about 30 minutes after take-off and was up for the rest of the flight. The second flight was so short I for sure thought he would stay up and he ended up falling asleep the last 30 minutes of the flight. I thought he was going to get cranky but thank goodness he was fine. I kept a lot of snacks and pouches with me on the plane so he would always have something to do. ARe you buying a seat for Dug Baby?

Oh no hope things were ok last with DS. Definitely sounds like an allergic reaction but it is so weird how it happens at night two nights in a row.

Glad your mom did well on the flight and everything worked ok with the prescription. Wow $1100. I can't imagine. MY daughter's vitamins cost $300 (we of course don't pay that) but because it is that much they never have it in stock and order it when people ask. For 30 little pills it is insane.

Wow! I had never heard of vitamins costing that much! Are they for something specific?

First of all, I hope DS is all right and he didn't get sick again last night. It does seem like an allergic reaction, but what a mystery if nothing in his environment has changed! That must have been so scary and upsetting.

I'm so glad your DH was able to get the rx he needed! I'm sure you all must have been so relieved. And for the price of it (even though you didn't pay full price), it better have worked!!!

That's too bad the walkway was closed. It would have been nice if the CM at check-in had told you that. I'm laughing at your DH driving in the bus lane. I'm sure it was one of those things that is scary and stressful at the time, but funny after the fact. At least you got to pass all those cars!

:rotfl2: I was thinking about that as we were walking back on the walkway. Why didn't he tell me?! Oh yeah, cause he wasn't the chatty type :rotfl2:

Sorry to hear. The only thing I could think of is if maybe you've been trying to introduce a new food the past few days? DD had something similar when we introduced pears to her, although without the vomiting.

I was also thinking that maybe it was because we fully introduced whole milk a few days ago (without being mixed into formula) I thought maybe the full amount of dairy was getting to him, but I don't think that's it. Last night I gave him the same thing for dinner that he had for lunch, and he had a few 'bites' over his body and his lip was swollen:confused3

Apparently you don't fly early in the morning too often.:rotfl:

Oh my gosh! That's the only time we'll fly when we're trying to get somewhere. That being said, I think that was our first flight at exactly 6am with SWA before. Other times have been 6:30am and have never seen that happen before.

One of the worst parts about flying. You have little to no personal space and you never know who you'll be sharing it with. :rotfl2:

Exactly! Almost makes me happy that i'll be having to buy his ticket soon... or maybe not that happy:lmao:

You guys really need more practice with those things. :rotfl2::lmao:

:rotfl: I know! I even told DH that it took you no time and he would be willing to fly you out here to do it for us :lmao: I swear, this car seat is soooo hard without LATCH. LATCH just makes your life easier.

::yes:: It is easy. And it is REALLLLLY easy when you compare it to hauling a baby, a stroller and all the stuff they need for the day around on a bus.

I would always wonder why people would choose to rent a car, when they have free transportation every where. Then I got it :idea:

You know, I do appreciate them taking an interest, but I'm usually not too talkative when I'm checking in. They probably think I'm some rude ****** or something. Since we drive, by the time I get there I just want to get checked in and relax. :rotfl2::lmao::rotfl: I guess I need this CM next time.

I think I maybe really nice to them in hopes for an upgrade!? :rotfl: That never happens, so i'm going to be grumpy from now on :rotfl2:

So it is his fault that he got in the wrong lane and you didn't have time to yell at him??? Poor guy. :sad2: :rotfl2:

Oh man, I wish you could be in the backseat of our car during road trips. DH does NOT pay attention to signs or exits. If i'm not in the car 'helping' him, we would never make it to our destination! And then, he'll get mad at me for not telling him what exit to take :confused3:lmao: We are a couple of coo-coos that's for sure:upsidedow

If you fed him the same things again with no reaction it might have been an insect bite. No different detergents or soaps? So glad he's good and it didn't happen again :hug:

I must have only seen old pictures of SSR 1BRs then. Very nice though.

I'll definitely consider renting a car for a future solo trip. I really hate sitting on the buses alone.

When this happened on Tuesday night, I thought it was for sure earwigs, because we're always getting them at this time of year. So I vacuumed that night and then the next day when it happened again. But it wasn't happening when he was on the floor, it would happen in his highchair and I would always check for spiders but nothing.

You could get a really cheap deal since you wouldn't need that big of a car. I had it returned to the Car Care Center near the Poly and it was the same price as if we returned it back to MCO :confused3 but it was so worth it.
Phew, that's an exhausting travel day!
Shame about the footpath from SSR being closed, we loved that walk when we stayed at SSR
Love the look of the one bedroom villa - so much space :)
Hope you and Calvin are both feeling better now x
Wow! I had never heard of vitamins costing that much! Are they for something specific?

No just the regular vitamins. She used to take the liquid ones but I asked her doctor for chewables because she hated the liquid. We don't pay anything not even a co-pay so I guess our insurance covers it all. I just can't believe how much can be charged for prescriptions. It is crazy.


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