For all of you worried that Happily Ever After won't be a good replacement for Wishes

So I've seen it in the hub and behind the castle now. I loved wishes behind the castle, far more better than in the hub as the castle wasn't needed and I love the only place in the world I know you can walk up and be inside the fireworks show all around you. I liked this show in the hub better. It didn't disappoint for fireworks but the whole show isn't just fireworks so you are missing something not seeing the castle.

Now with that said, I think if I saw it in reverse I would have been very happy with just the fireworks the first time and then caught the full hub experience a few days later. Keep your schedule and enjoy some fireworks from poly and the full experience second. I think the other way is going to be less exciting for just the fireworks.
If I don't see it inside the park this trip, it will be over a year before I can see it inside the park. I definitely don't want to wait.
I thought you had another day in MK. Yes, I recommend in the park unless you just can't fit it in.
No, only two park days this trip. One day I will be in MK for the morning. The second day was going to be on a party day, but no party ticket. We just moved that day up so we can see HEA up close. It will be more crowded, but I think it will be worth it. We will see it from the Poly or TOTWL sometime next year.
I watched the video, and it looks great as long as you can see the castle, but it also looks like it won't be so great from many places that you don't have a clear view of the castle like Tomorrowland Terrace dessert party, Contemporary California Grill viewing, and other places that charge a premium for fireworks viewing. While we loved watching wishes from anywhere, and would often end the day at MK to see the fireworks no matter what park we spent most of the day at, it looks like Happily Ever After will be a one-and-done show for us.
OMG, I just watched HEA on Youtube. Un-freaking-believable!!!
I was a big naysayer, but I am converted! We WILL make time to see this show in MK when we're there in December!

Three main things:
1. Pirates of the Caribbean part was AMAZING!
2. Yes! Hercules "Go the Distance" is still in there! Loved it in Wishes.
3. Tink flying at the end totally made the waterworks start!

Go, Disney!!
I watched the video, and it looks great as long as you can see the castle, but it also looks like it won't be so great from many places that you don't have a clear view of the castle like Tomorrowland Terrace dessert party, Contemporary California Grill viewing, and other places that charge a premium for fireworks viewing. While we loved watching wishes from anywhere, and would often end the day at MK to see the fireworks no matter what park we spent most of the day at, it looks like Happily Ever After will be a one-and-done show for us.

I was worried about this as well but I did read a few reviews from the Poly and they said it was still a very good show and there are some really high fireworks so can see them well from there

So maybe not "as" good as being in the Hub but sounds like still worth it to see it from outside the park
Wow. What a gorgeous show. I've been waiting for Highway in the Sky Dine Around to come out for my HEA night, but now I think I will do the Fireworks Dessert party instead. I'd really like to see this from the Plaza Garden viewing area.
Its 18 minutes long with 17 difference movies showcased so I think you can count on more than one or two making a vocal appearance. My guess is the vocal part of the song is going to only be around 5 minutes of it.

I watched the new fireworks on YouTube the other day and my eyes were leaking. :sad:
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I have been debating whether I needed to change my park days around in order to HEA in the park. My original plan was to watch it from the Poly. After watching the video, I decided to make the changes and will be viewing it for the first time in the park. Did you find the in-park view better? I feel like it will be a totally different experience from a distance. But I do think I'll be ok viewing it outside the park once I see it up close first.

Having done both now, I think the in-park vs out of park experience is more fundamentally different than the Wishes era - not "better" or "worse" - just different. I thoroughly enjoyed watching from the Poly - it's still a great fireworks show at the end of the day, so there was plenty to see and enjoy. It was far better, more interesting pyro than Wishes, in my opinion. The biggest nit is that the Poly beach has now long suffered from less than ideal show volume, so that does take a bit away from the experience. But I would still say Poly, or any of the standard out-of-park spots, are just as valid locations as ever to watch and get a good fireworks show.

Now sure, the in-park experience was much different. You're in the heart of the action, loud music, lots of stuff to look at all of the time. You get a better sense of the actual story and feeling of the show along with the dazzling array of show elements. It was fantastic.

But I'm not of the opinion that HEA now suddenly makes the hub the ONLY place to get a good show. I would strongly argue against this in fact. I think there is room for all styles/types of viewing and this still be an entertaining.

Just my perspective, hope that helps!
Yikes...I am surprised that there is even a single person that doesn't think this show is amazing. I don't understand it. Wishes was wonderful, but this is truly a nighttime spectacular...a finale to your day at MK. It encompasses everything that is Disney. I'm not looking to criticize anyone at all...I'm not that kind of person. I just don't understand how any human being can not think that this show is nothing short of spectacular. Take Wishes and any emotional attachment that you have to it out of the equation. If you were a first time Disney visitor and you saw could you not be in awe of it, inspired by and wowed by it? How could you not be moved by the story and the music? It is inspirational. Encouraging you to dig deep, follow your heart, reach for the sky, persevere despite obstacles, and go and find your happily ever after. What else could people be looking for?

For me, this isn't that it's a replacement from Wishes. Yes, I loved that firework show however I really wanted to like this one. I simply don't. It's extremely disjointed, there is no flow to the movies they have chosen. I don't feel moved, if it's anything their selections was confusing. I do like that Hunchback, Tarzan and Hercules are being used however overall it was a huge let down. I don't find the fireworks that spectacular, if anything the finale is a disappointment. When it ended, I thought "Surely there is more." It's far too reliant on the projections which means it will have to be watched from the Hub which is already dangerously overcrowded even on a lower crowd evening. I never missed Wishes, even when I've been in MK night after night however I think once is enough for us to see this show. I really wanted to like it and I just don't.
Anybody seen it yet from the Polynesian beach?

On Friday I watched from a Poly TPV room in the Hawaii longhouse, not too far from the main Poly beach crowd. I'm working on re-sizing my photos now. As I mentioned in a post above, I enjoyed watching from here, no issues at all other than low show volume (which was an issue pre-HEA too). I had crowd to accept the low Wishes volume but I knew the words and music anyway, so low volume was fine. I wanted this to be a little louder since it was all new. But still a great fireworks show. Happy to answer any questions.
Hey there, hi there, ho there!!!!!!!
Holy guacamole, watched it 4K on my laptop and it did it absolutely ZERO justice. Cant wait to see this thing IRL. I will miss wishes with out a doubt but this is just a solid replacement. The new one has SO MUCH MORE going on during the show that wishes pretty much put me to sleep LOL. QUESTION TIME: Did they use robin williams voice in the genie parts? I know they didn't in Wishes. I like how much they used genie in the show (really a nice homage to robin williams and the character).
QUESTION 2: What is to become of Hallowishes? That is an awesome show with the 360 fireworks at the end sorry if these have been brought up but 14 pages is alot to scroll through :)
For me, this isn't that it's a replacement from Wishes. Yes, I loved that firework show however I really wanted to like this one. I simply don't. It's extremely disjointed, there is no flow to the movies they have chosen. I don't feel moved, if it's anything their selections was confusing. I do like that Hunchback, Tarzan and Hercules are being used however overall it was a huge let down. I don't find the fireworks that spectacular, if anything the finale is a disappointment. When it ended, I thought "Surely there is more." It's far too reliant on the projections which means it will have to be watched from the Hub which is already dangerously overcrowded even on a lower crowd evening. I never missed Wishes, even when I've been in MK night after night however I think once is enough for us to see this show. I really wanted to like it and I just don't.

Ahhh...but its not about the flow of the movies...its about the message each one is sending. The characters from each movie have overcome battles and obstacles to find there happily ever after. It flows beautifully. It evokes emotions in me that Wishes never did. I guess its all personal perception, but it all works for me. The projections and the fireworks compliment one another beautifully and I think there are more fireworks in this show than there were in Wishes. It's not just a fantastic fireworks show, its an entire production. It is visually stunning. The more I watch it the more I see, and the more I love it.
I'm trying REALLY hard to avoid the videos to be surprised in person when I'm there in November!! Glad to hear it's impressive!
I'm trying REALLY hard to avoid the videos to be surprised in person when I'm there in November!! Glad to hear it's impressive!

I'm not sure the video will spoil the experience to be honest. I think you only would get the full effect of it by seeing it in person. It's definitely worth checking out the original preview video Disney Parks shared a week or two before they premiered the show.
Its worth seeing, especially if star wars is your thing. Not worth going out of your way for if its fireworks you want.

So if I saw the first one (and liked it) it might be good idea to skip this one? Since this version isn't as good as the first one?
So if I saw the first one (and liked it) it might be good idea to skip this one? Since this version isn't as good as the first one?

It's nice, a projection show, some but not many fireworks. now that HEA is out, it's going to be pale in comparison but it's a nice portrayal of star wars that you don't need to be a fan to enjoy the show but it's not a booming fireworks show if that is what you go in looking for it to be.


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