Friday's Riddle

latoberg said:
Grammy the woman is supposed to be working. At the church. I have a day off. At home.

Honestly, what would you REALLY do without me hmmmm?? :teeth:
Loubon said:
Alan, you'd be lost without the great material I set you up for. ;)

Well, someone had to say it since you just put it out on a silver platter and would have been disappointed if no one took it.
Oh go stuff yourself, Scarecrow. I was referring to the "BS" comment ;)

But good point, and now I have "If I only had a brain" going through my own empty head :)
Thanks for today's math lesson everyone! Good thing I'm not in accounting. I am now IN!
I'm in thanks to a number of mints for #1.

I know that phrase, but what the heck does it mean? I mean I know what it stands in for, but I wonder how it came about.
#1 is not minty fresh enough. I think.

I'm all set on 2 and 3.

Not in.

Hey Horsey! Hi everyone!
Yes here I am...

Not too cheerful just now....

But okay... your mints and the Hoffee are starting to work...

Thanks to Tink,
I think 2 & 3 are in the bag...
3 is rather chilly
2 is down right gross

But #1 :badpc:

Help please!

This blonde thing is no fun! I think I'll try another color next time!
Thanks to the mints I think I finally got #1 and #2. I had #3 on my own.

So, I'm IN too.

(being right is completely different)
Backstage_Gal said:
I have a story about #13. My brother is a car dealer, and a customer came in and requested that they make sure there was NO #13 anywhere associated with their new car. They would not even get out of bed n the 13th. So of course, brother did, no tag with 13 anywhere!!!

The tag was some like UN- abcd- 175.

The custormer refused delivery of the car!!! Why, you ask? Because the cross sum of 175 = 13!!!!
1+7+5 = 13!!!

Ever heard of Amityville, New York?

My sister was born there.
On Friday the 13th.

Be afraid.
HaleyB said:
Ever heard of Amityville, New York?

My sister was born there.
On Friday the 13th.

Be afraid.

Is that why you're the GOOD sister? Mostly?
Well gee whitakers, I finally figured out #1 :banana: It only took me all of about 4 hours :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

And I see I made it in time for the Woo Hooty. What the heck have you people been doing all morning?!
Biding my time.....though I fear that there are too many swoopers in the wings today :hourglass
Awww, crud. Stopped by the 40 second rule I bet :rolleyes:


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