Funny childhood misconceptions


<font color=#FF0066>Future Belle on Broadway<br><f
Aug 30, 1999
Did you ever have a really funny misconception when you were little?

I remember when I was little, and there were all those commercials and tv shows that said don't drink and drive. Well, I didn't know anything about alcohol and took the phrase literally! I got a little worried one time when I saw my dad take a milkshake into the car while behind the wheel....
LOL :teeth: Some of these are so funny!!! You had me and my DH laughing very hard!
I remember asking my Grandpa why the road was so bumpy (it had kind of "regular" dips every few feet) and he said it was because the road used to be a corn field and the bumps were where the rows had been planted!! :eek:
My DS is in first grade & he's just learning to read. He saw a sign on the road the other day that said "DO NOT PASS" he got all upset & said "Mommy, I see all of these signs that say DO NOT PASS but you keep passing them!!" He thought you weren't supposed to pass the sign!:p :p LOL

I must have watched too much TV because I remember looking in our sink when Mom cleaned & being disappointed that we didn't have those scrubbing bubble guys doing the job.:D
LOL, AB!! My daughter did the same thing with her dad when she was about 5. He was drinking a soda while he was driving and all of a sudden we heard from back seat, "Dad, you're not supposed to drink and drive!"

She's almost 20 now. I make sure to bring that episode up now and again. I'm so mean!! :p
I was probably 8 or 9 and it must have been July when you max out on Unemployment and Disability deductions in your paycheck, but you don't know anything about that when you're a kid and my dad came home from work and told my mom that he was
going to "drop me as a dependent". I remember going to my room and crying because I thought my parents weren't going to feed me or clothe me anymore!!! It's just so funny that you can
say harmless things as parents that have such an effect on your kids.
When I was learning to write in cursive, our teacher continually emphasized "Do not take your pencil up, do NOT take your pencil up." I had the hardest time trying to write those tall letters:o
It took my parents explaining - not to take it off the paper until I was finished the word:o
Before DS went through the DARE program and was in KG or 1st grade, they were talking about the general fact that drugs are bad. Unfortunately, they did not stress the different in "good drugs" (medicine prescribed by a doctor) and others.

He went for quite a while not wanting my parents to take their blood pressire medicine or anything else prescribed. He also did not want to take his medicine.
I have quite a few..but this one comes to mind first...

When Morgan was about 3 (she's 9 now) and Madison was just an infant, she said "Mom, when I get married, I don't want my last name to be Madison"....for the life of me I couldn't understand what she was talking about. I actually was getting a little mad. But then she said "Well your last name is your younger sister's name"....And in fact, it sister's first name is the same as my married last name. So, poor Morgan thought that her last name would have to be Madison. Wouldn't that be funny if she married a guy with the last name of Madison??
It took me years to figure out the when you eat string beans you can eat the whole thing not just the seeds inside the bean. After that it became much easier to eat sting beans :D
My kindergarten teacher told my parents that she didn't know if I could go on to first grade. When she showed me a drawing, I couldn't tell her the story that obviously went with it.

When my parents questioned me, I explained what was happening. She had shown me a picture of a zoo. The bars were bent and a lion had escaped. People were running and screaming. My teacher said, "What happened in this picture? I need you tell me about it." I thought she couldn't tell what had happened and I was embarrassed for her, so I said I didn't know. She thought I was clueless and I thought she was clueless. :rolleyes:

My parents explained that she knew the answers, it just sounded like she didn't. From then on I did better. LOL! By the way, I did fine in first grade after all.
When Travis was about 2 1/2 and during that fun time after a child is out of diapers but not a pro at waiting for a bathroom yet, we were driving from Lansing to Metro airport and in the middle of nowhere, just pigs and cornfields as far as you could see. All of a sudden he had to "go" and there were no facilities. He was a little upset about no facilities. I calmed him down and told him we would find a bathroom soon but until then he was just going to have to "hold it". So, he did. His definition of "hold it" was a little more literal than what I had intended :) We made it to a bathroom in time, though.
Funny with the drinking and driving...My 7 Yr old DD just said that to me the other day as I was drinking a soda in the car. She said it with such emotion as if I was in real trouble. LOL

My thing as a kid was... I came home from school one day and wouldn't move my arms from my side, held them straight down at my side. When asked what was wrong was, I told my mother that I didn't want to hit God, the teacher had just taught us that God was everywhere and always around us and at our side.
Mine is a bit odd....can't for the life of me figure out how I came up with this idea.:confused: When I was about 5, I thought that George Washington died by getting sucked into the escalator (you know when you reach the floor and the steps flatten and go under.....) :o I really wish I could figure that one out!!

OK, now stop laughing at me!!!! :bounce:
When I was little my mom used to have me wear leotards, like under my dresses and such (like tights, but they were called leotards...) Anyway, I thought she always called them Leah Tards. My name, being Leah.... I then asked if they also made "Mommy Tards" and "Daddy Tards"..... LOL!
Originally posted by leahannpen
When I was little my mom used to have me wear leotards, like under my dresses and such (like tights, but they were called leotards...) Anyway, I thought she always called them Leah Tards. My name, being Leah.... I then asked if they also made "Mommy Tards" and "Daddy Tards"..... LOL!

This is an adorable story; and very understandable, too!
When I was a little girl we lived in a very, very small town in Southwest Washington state where there was absolutely no ethnic diversity. We went to Aberdeen (the big city to me) one day for my mom's doctor's appt, she was about 8 months pregnant. I saw a black woman on the bus who had the most gorgeous little baby I'd ever seen. I told my mom, very loudly, that I wanted a baby like that lady's. I even cried, "but, Mommy, why can't you have a black baby?" My mother was mortified, but thank goodness the lady just laughed. I had no idea that you couldn't choose skin color, hair color, etc. That was the first time I saw one of those blue postal boxes too. Very fascinating day for me.....what a hayseed I was!
My family had a friend name Jerry. He had kids. Jerry died in a car accident. Therefore, when I saw jars collecting money for Jerry's Kids, I always thought they were for *that* Jerry's kids.

I'm sure lots of kids thought this, but when I heard that people stopped smoking "cold turkey", I thought they actually ate cold turkey to quit.


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